Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 October, 2013; 8(20)

October 2013

Interactive Whiteboard factor in Education: Students’ points of view and their problems

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the students’ viewpoints and the problems they face during the use of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). This research has been applied on 202 students in primary school and high school in Ankara. In this study, the quantitative data were collected through “IWB Survey Questions” (Student Views). To identify any significant differences in terms of gender and...

Author(s): Tufan Aytaç    

October 2013

Kinesiology and Learning: Implications for Turkish School Curriculum

Learning is a complex phenomenon and multi-faceted in nature. There are a number of parameters which influence learning cycle and the process in general. Physical exercise is thought to be one of the variants that affect the learning phenomenon. Accumulated scientific evidence can be found in the literature showing high correlations between physical activity and academic performance and cognitive functioning. The main...

Author(s): Miraç Özar    

October 2013

School-based learning for individual diversity in education: The SLIDE project

Whole-School Professional Development (PD) days held regularly in schools are designed to promote and up-skill teaching and administrative staff on relevant areas of educational policy and practice. An aim of PD days is to empower participants with new knowledges and skills, and to confirm that current practices and interpretations of education policy and procedure are correct. In determining the nature of the...

Author(s): Ingrid Harrington    

October 2013

Linguistic effects of globalization: A case study of French for specific purposes (FSP) in Kenyan vocational schools

The study of French for Specific Purposes (FSP) is a topical subject in this era of globalization. Kenya requires people who can communicate in French in the various specialized areas. It has become crucial in Kenya to respond to the French language needs of students learning tourism and hospitality among other domains which have already shown an increasingly important role in the economy of the country. A functional...

Author(s): Mubalama Mulenda    

October 2013

Multilingual education in Morocco and the question of cultural identity: Toward implementing a critical thinking approach in high school English textbooks

Intercultural pedagogies theorists and cultural studies scholars have no controversies over the fact that language is the appropriate realm for the formation, contestation and negotiation of identities. As a matter of fact, language teaching and learning are not only involved with linguistic structures and lexical components. They are more engaged with cultural processes which are arguably conducive to the making and...

Author(s): Abdellah Elboubekri    

October 2013

Matching of learning styles and teaching styles: Advantage and disadvantage on ninth-grade students’ academic achievements

The purposes of this study were to identify learning styles of ninth-grade students, to identify teaching styles of four subject teachers, and to compare four academic achievements between different matching conditions of students’ learning styles and teachers’ teaching styles. The research participants comprised of 3,382 ninth-grade students and, related with, 440 teachers obtained from multistage random...

Author(s): Suntonrapot Damrongpanit and Auyporn Reungtragul    

October 2013

Examination of High School Students’ Metaphoric School Perceptions in Terms of Various Variables: Some Evidence from Turkey

In this study, the metaphoric school perceptions of high school students were examined in terms of gender and grade. For this purpose, 892 students from seventeen different high schools in central districts of Ankara province participated in the study. The participants filled in the ‘Scale for School Perception (SSP)’. The validity and reliability studies of the scale were performed on the collected data....

Author(s): Nuray TaÅŸtan