Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 October, 2016; 11(20)

October 2016

The opinions of prospective teachers on peer assessment

This research was conducted to determine the opinions of prospective teachers on peer assessment. The study was carried out at a university in the West Black sea with forty-one prospective Turkish teachers. The prospective teachers presented a lesson on a subject they had decided on formerly, and were evaluated by their peers. The groups consisted of five members, and all the members of the class participated in peer...

Author(s): Serpil Özdemir

October 2016

The effect of visuals on non-routine problem solving success and kinds of errors made when using visuals

This study aims at determining to what extent visuals contribute to success in non-routine problem solving process and what types of errors are made when solving with visuals. Comparative model was utilized for identifying the effect of visuals on student achievement, and clinical interview technique was used to determine the types of errors. In the study, 370 primary fourth-grade students were applied with the four...

Author(s): Mustafa Ulu and Cüneyt Akar

October 2016

A role model in light of values: Mahatma Gandhi

The non-violent, tolerant, pacifistic and humanistic manner of Mahatma Gandhi is a globally recognized fact. UNESCO’s foundation of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development is one of the best examples that support this fact. In this study, it is aimed to present “Mahatma Gandhi”, who is globally accepted as a role model with his personal characteristics, meaning and...

Author(s): Hakan Dündar, Erdi ErdoÄŸan and Erdem Hareket

October 2016

Effectiveness of active learning strategy in improving the acoustic awareness skills and understanding what is heard by the basic stage students in Jordan

This research aims to get acquainted with the effectiveness of the active learning strategy in improving the acoustic awareness skills and understanding what is heard by the basic stage students in Jordan by answering the two following questions: This research has been applied to a sample of 60 students from the basic third grade in Al-Ahnaf Ben Qais school in Amman, this school is purposefully selected because of the...

Author(s): Yaser Al-Odwan

October 2016

Effect of Jigsaw II, reading-writing-presentation, and computer animations on the teaching of “Light” Unit

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Jigsaw II technique, reading-writing-presentation method, and computer animation on students’ academic achievements, epistemological beliefs, attitudes towards science lesson, and the retention of knowledge in the “Light” unit covered in the 7th grade. The sample of the study consists of 71 seventh-grade students from two different middle schools...

Author(s): Yasemin Koç, Emre Yildiz, Åžeyma Çaliklar and Ümit ÅžimÅŸek

October 2016

Opinions and perceptions of physical education students about value education

Values make people live together and have common grounds. Value education, which starts in the family are, shaped by the environment that children live in. After children start school, they being to learn value education. School inculcates the values adopted by the community to the children. The most important executor of value is the teacher. If teachers have good values and are well informed about values, they can...

Author(s): Eyüp Bozkurt and Mikail Tel

October 2016

Teaching rhetoric today: Ancient exercises for contemporary citizens

Since July 2013, our research team has been working on a project that aims at re-introducing rhetorical exercises in Belgian secondary (high) schools and at studying their effects on the pupils. Our hypothesis is that the regular practice of rhetorical exercises, inspired by those practised in Antiquity, could stimulate skills like open-mindedness, flexibility, creativity, empathy, tolerance, and proudness, in a...

Author(s): Julie Dainville and Benoît Sans

October 2016

Validity and Reliability of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in Turkish Adolescents

The aim of this study was to adapt the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ), developed to measure two dimensions of aggression which are reactive and proactive, to Turkish and test the validity and reliability of the Turkish form. The study group consisted of 278 students in four junior high schools in Adana, Turkey, and 485 students in four high schools in Hatay, Turkey. One-factor and two-factor models...

Author(s): Fulya Cenkseven-Önder, RaÅŸit Avcı and OÄŸuzhan ÇolakkadıoÄŸlu

October 2016

Pre-service teachers’ personal value orientations and attitudes toward the teaching profession in Turkey

This study examined the relationship between pre-service teachers’ personal value orientations and their attitudes toward the teaching profession. The study was conducted with the participation of 612 students at DEU’s Buca Faculty of Education during the 2014/2015 academic year. Data were collected using the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) and the Attitudes toward the Teaching Profession Questionnaire...

Author(s): Şahin-Fırat Necla

October 2016

The cognitive coaching-supported reflective teaching approach in English language teaching: Academic and permanence success

This study aimed at investigating the effect of the cognitive coaching-supported reflective teaching approach in English language teaching on the academic success of students and on the permanence of success. It was conducted during the spring semester of 2013/2014 academic year at the School of Foreign Languages, Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey. The study was conducted using pre-test/post-test control group design,...

Author(s): Seçil Tümen Akyıldız and Çetin Semerci

October 2016

An investigation of the class management profiles of students of physical education and sports teaching departments

The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the class management profiles of 3rd and 4th grade students of Physical Education and SportsTeaching Departments of universities in Turkey based on gender, grade level and university. The research population comprised 375 students (170 females and 205 males) of Physical Education and Sports Teaching departments in Gazi University, Abant Izzet Baysal University,...

Author(s): Hacer Özge Baydar, Muhsin Hazar, Ozer Yildiz, Mehtap Yildiz, Emre Ozan Tingaz and Belgin Gökyürek