Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: April 2022; 17(4)

April 2022

Contributions of cognitive theory to the problem of automatization of grammatical structures in teaching foreign language

Unlike traditional methods, the communicative approaches draw on implicit and incidental ways of learning and contextualised exercises of grammar which improve language performance in terms of fluency and communicative competence. However, the discursive plan implies the use of high-level units of knowledge and the automatization of low-level knowledge is not ensured. Although learners’ production achieves success...

Author(s): Canan Aydinbek

April 2022

Entrepreneurial skills for business education graduates’ employability in Cross River State, Nigeria

This study examined the differences between the responses of federal and state universities on entrepreneurial skills required for business education graduates’ employability in Cross River State. Specifically, the study examined the difference between the responses of federal universities and state universities on planning skills, marketing skills and management skills on the business education graduates’...

Author(s): Akeke M. N. G., Oche P. E., Akuegwu B. A., and Ushie, P. U.

April 2022

Students’ perceptions of the impact of guidance and counselling programs on academic needs satisfaction in secondary schools within the Rift Valley Region, Kenya

Guidance and counselling is increasingly becoming an important service in secondary schools in Kenya and the world at large. The needs of learners in secondary schools are constantly changing as the society is changing paving way for counselling services to be up scaled to address both academic and other issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of students on the impact of guidance and counselling...

Author(s): Godfrey Ngeno