Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2014

Table of Content: June 2008; 3(6)

June 2008

Comparative analysis of the project management curricula offered by academic institutions in Pakistan

  The developed nations have pioneered the innovative concepts and techniques in the field of education such as project management. Academic institutions in the developing world could benefit a lot from the methods and concepts employed by the developed world institutions. A paradigm shift is needed so that the developing world starts realizing the importance of rapidly emerging business concepts which could be...

Author(s): Faisal Manzoor Arain and Awais Ahmad Tipu

June 2008

Transforming teacher practice: a look at the experiences of two first-year teacher-learners in the NPDE programme

  The recent educational transformation in South Africa has created much uncertainty and disquiet among teachers who were required to introduce the educational changes in their classrooms. As “foot soldiers” in education, teachers are the implementers of educational innovations. The advent of outcomes-based education (OBE), like any other change, has made many teachers doubt their professional...

Author(s): Vuyisile Msila

June 2008

Teachers’ teaching experience and students’ learning outcomes in secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria

  This article examined teachers’ teaching experience and students’ learning outcomes in the secondary schools in Ondo State Nigeria. As a correlational survey, the study population comprised all the 257 secondary schools in the State. This population was made up of 147 rural schools and 110 urban schools. It was also made up of 12 single sex schools and 245 mixed schools. Out of the population, a...

Author(s): T. O. Adeyemi

June 2008

A quest for sustainable quality assurance measurement for universities: Case study of the University of Botswana

  This paper offers a fresh look at measurement- based assessment of learning at university level. The paper draws on a rich literature that informs what quality entails for our universities. The quality assessment measurement (QAM) scale used has been designed centering on six set of competency parameters: resources, teaching and learning, research, leadership, discipline and open conceptions of education...

Author(s): Awino, J. O. and Agolla, J. E.

June 2008

Education and violence: The schools’ micro-politics and the macro-politics in Zimbabwe

  This study examined forms of violence in Zimbabwean schools and sought to draw an analogy with the country’s macro-politics. Key interrelationships emerged which painted an endemic culture of violence. Over three hundred (300) students and eighty, (80) teachers submitted 2 - 3 page-written accounts on their schools’ micro-politics. Thirty, (30) trainee teachers and seven (7) lecturers also...

Author(s): Icarbord Tshabangu