Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: October 2023; 18(10)

October 2023

The influence of physical education teachers' perceived organization support on innovation behavior: The mediating role of learning goal orientation

Physical education teachers are the practitioners of physical education curriculum reform who work at the front line of teaching, and their innovation behavior play a crucial role in promoting the smooth implementation of physical education curriculum reform. This study uses goal orientation theory as a theoretical basis to explore the mediation effect of learning goal orientation in the influence of...

Author(s): Jia Liu,  and Yuan-Cheng Chang

October 2023

Perceived school support and online learning outcomes among Chinese college students: The serial mediating role of academic self-efficacy and online learning engagement

The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the online learning outcomes of Chinese college students. The study was guided by Bandura's social cognitive theory. This study collected 959 valid questionnaires from college students in Hainan Province of China and used 4 scales to evaluate perceived school support, ASE online learning engagement, and online learning outcomes. The results of...

Author(s): Lili Chen, and Jian-Hao Huang

October 2023

Influence of perceived organizational support on work engagement of university physical education teachers in Hubei Province, China

Physical education teachers in colleges and universities have the crucial responsibility of acting as mentors and guides for the healthy growth of students. The work engagement of these teachers affects the quality of higher education personnel training and health education. Based on the job demand-resource model, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on 500 physical education teachers in 20 colleges and...

Author(s): Ying Zhang, and Yuan-Cheng Chang

October 2023

Chemistry of petroleum products: Assessment of fuel attendants’ knowledge around Sapele metropolis

Petroleum products are very flammable and can ignite at extremely low temperatures if exposed to an open flame source or not handled appropriately. Individuals who handle petroleum products in the petroleum industry and fuelling stations are known as "petrol station attendants". The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out among petrol station attendants working in a filling station owned by...

Author(s): Odor Kingsley NDUBUISI and Jocelyn Okeroghene EMERHO

October 2023

Philosophy of education: Aims, theory, common sense and research (Richard Pring, 2004. London: Continuum, 289 pages; $20.85)

This paper evaluated a Richard Pring’s book titiled “Philosophy of Education: Aims, Theory, Common Sense and Research”, specifically part three of the book. In this review, we found that the book is valuable for anybody interested in education, especially professionals, practitioners, and researchers. Throught out the book, the author advocates his ideas consistently regarding educational theory,...

Author(s): Kindu Ayechew Ayenalem and Samuel Zinabu Desta