Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of different feeding rates and frequencies on angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) and severum (Heros severus) larvae. For this purpose, two similar experiments were conducted in parallel. For each experiment, a total of 360 larvae were distributed in 36-1 L aquariums. The experiments were done using a factorial 3x3 completely randomized design, with four replicates. The feeding rates of 50, 100 and 150 artemia nauplii larvae-1 and the feeding frequencies of one, two and four meals day-1 were tested. Parameters of growth performance, uniformity of the batch and survival rate were determined at the end of both experimental periods. No interaction was observed between feed rates and frequencies in angelfish for all parameters evaluated; growth performance was higher in fish fed with 150 nauplii larvae-1, which were divided in two and four meals day-1. The severum larvae presented interaction between feeding rates and feeding frequencies; growth performance was higher in fish fed with two and four meals day-1. Thus, in order to facilitate feed management and reduce manpower costs during ornamental angelfish and severum larvae production, it is recommended to supply 150 artemia nauplii larvae-1 divided in two meals day-1 to fish.
Key words: Angelfish, feeding practices, ornamental fish farming, severum.
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