Full Length Research Paper
Hot flashes and night sweats commonly occur during menopausal transition period due to estrogen deficiency, but these conditions can also occur during postpartum period in which there are marked hormonal fluctuations. This study determined the prevalence and examined factors related to hot flashes and night sweats among the Japanese women in the postpartum period. The design of this study was a longitudinal investigation and the population of the postpartum women recruited was 229. A self-administered questionnaire that adapted Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) of measurement was used to collect data at 3 days postpartum, 2 weeks postpartum and one month postpartum. There was a significant association between transient night sweats and anxiety regarding family finances. Women who complained of hot flashes was 22.8% at 3 days postpartum and it decreased thereafter, while women who complained of night sweats were 58.6% at 3 days postpartum, 33.1% at 2 weeks postpartum and 15.2% at one month postpartum. In conclusion, hot flashes and night sweats among Japanese women in the postpartum period was associated with psychological and social factors.
Key words: Hot flashes, night sweats, postpartum women.
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