How to cite this article
Melese, T., Goshu, D., & Tilahun, A. (2018). Determinants of outlet choices by smallholder onion farmers in Fogera district Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 10(3), 27-35.
Chicago /
Taye Melese, Degye Goshu and Assefa Tilahun. "Determinants of outlet choices by smallholder onion farmers in Fogera district Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia." Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 10, no. 3 (2018): 27-35.
Taye Melese, Degye Goshu and Assefa Tilahun. "Determinants of outlet choices by smallholder onion farmers in Fogera district Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia." Journal of Horticulture and Forestry 10.3 (2018): 27-35.