Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 132

Full Length Research Paper

Phonology of Yem: Phonological processes

Eba Teresa Garoma
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 12 November 2012
  •  Published: 30 December 2012



This study attempted to analyze phonological processes in Yem, the language under Western Proto-Omotic. It was a descriptive analysis which focused on the specific points of the phonological processes including some descriptions of the segmental phonemes. Hence, the central theme of the study was to provide a descriptive explanation of properties of the phonemes in the target language. The data used in the study were gathered both in library work and informant selection for elicitation. Using elicitation, phonemic inventory was done both for consonant and vowel sounds of the language. The linguistic items used to identify the phonological processes were obtained through elicitation. Here, there have been some phonological processes undergone either in a word or across words: assimilation, labialization, spirantization, voicing or devoicing, palatalization, epenthesis, deletion and dissimilation. Generally, the study identified some very peculiar phonological features in the language, which could be unique to it.


Key words: Phonological processes, phonology of Yem, assimilation, labialization, spirantization, palatalization, epenthesis, deletion and dissimilation.