Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 134

Table of Content: December 2012; 3(6)

December 2012

‘Can I get an amen?’ The Black gospel church as discourse community and pedagogical model

  Too often times, educators assume that Standard English is static, that it is prone to infection from non-school discursive practices, and subsequently take on the role of "language police" by banning non-standard English from the classroom. This narrow view of 'what counts' as academic discourse ignores the organic nature of language, alienates increasing numbers of linguistically diverse...

Author(s): John W. White

December 2012

The use of first language in developing ideas in second language writing according to Siti Hamin Stapa and Abdul Hameed Abdul Majid

  The role of the student’s native language (L1) in second language (L2) instruction has changed over time in significance and scope. It has also been a matter of contention among teachers. While some teachers believe that L1 plays a facilitative role in L2 learning and confidently translate their belief into classroom action, others stand contrary to this view and practice. And, a third group of teachers...

Author(s): Tekle Ferede Metaferia

December 2012

Phonology of Yem: Phonological processes

  This study attempted to analyze phonological processes in Yem, the language under Western Proto-Omotic. It was a descriptive analysis which focused on the specific points of the phonological processes including some descriptions of the segmental phonemes. Hence, the central theme of the study was to provide a descriptive explanation of properties of the phonemes in the target language. The data used in the...

Author(s): Eba Teresa Garoma