Full Length Research Paper
The literature and artifacts associated with Haiti’s history have puzzled its people for a long time. One historical symbol left open to interpretation is the Haitian flag, although its aesthetic appeal is apparent to many. Ascertaining precise meanings from the flag's design is difficult due to the lack of available information and alteration of the original design by successive political administrations. This study is an attempt to decipher the hidden significance embedded in the Haitian flag and explore various themes represented in its colorful elements. The themes that are displayed in the Haitian flag are an exemplification of symbols that carry several important messages pertaining to order, discipline, unity, self-control, strength, opportunities for commerce, economic development, stability, wisdom, and health. It embodies a bond in which the native takes pride in self-identifying with a culture rich in beauty and content. The artifact is a resourceful guide that elicits substantive lessons aiming at progress, nationalism, and governance. It is also a spatial-temporal ensign with positive connotations and an ongoing inspiration for the homeland.
Key words: Haitian flag, flag symbolism, national symbolism.
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