The aims of these studies were to evaluate nutritive values of dried seablite (Suaeda maritima) and investigate its biological characteristics on health promotion, such as, antioxidant activities. Edible parts were collected, dried with solar stove, determined nutritive values, including proximal analysis of water content, crude protein, crude fat, dietary fiber, total ash content, carbohydrate, total calories, β-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, iron and sodium. The main of nutritive values and antioxidant activities of dried seablite were still remained, however, all of vitamin contents in dried seablite were vanished. In storage condition (sealed in plastic bag), nutritive value and antioxidant activities of dried seablite were remained after kept in 25°C for three months and not different when compared to former. In conclusion, dried seablite was still contained preferable nutritive values with antioxidant activities and non-toxic effect on Vero cell.
Key words: Suaeda maritima, seablite, food processing, shelf-life.