African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

AJAR Articles

Effect of climate variation on the yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

March 2021

This research was conducted to study the effects of climate variables such as rainfall, temperature, and relative humidity on cowpea yield, and evaluated in Gombe State, Nigeria, during the period of 2009 to 2018 (one decade). The ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study, utilizing secondary data obtained from meteorological and agronomic data collected from the Metrological Office and agronomic data from...

Author(s): Ibrahim Mohammed, David A. Alawa, Mshelia J. S. , John Adie Betiang, Sunday B. Azu, and Stephanie S. Bishie-Unung  

Growth performance, carcass characteristics and cost benefit of feeding broilers with diets containing high quality cassava peel (HQCP)

March 2021

A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing varying levels of high-quality cassava peel (HQCP) fine mash on broilers’ performance, carcass characteristics, and cost benefit. A feeding trial was carried out using four hundred (400) 21-day old Arbor Acres broiler chicks weighing 570 – 630 g (live weight). The chicks were randomly allocated to five...

Author(s): A. B. Adekeye, T. A. Amole, S. O. Oladimeji, A. A. Raji, T. E. Odekunle, O. Olasusi, O. Bamidele and A. A. Adebayo  

Metribuzin and 2,4-D as potential herbicides for weed management in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]

March 2021

Grain sorghum demand for industrial and domestic uses has triggered increased production of sorghum. Field experiment was conducted at Egerton University Njoro, Kenya to determine the most effective herbicide(s) for weed management in sorghum. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with nine treatments replicated three times. The treatments consisted of four pre-emergence herbicides...

Author(s): Emily T. Chepkoech, Erick K. Cheruiyot and Joshua O. Ogendo  

Evaluation of soils fertility, growth, nutrient uptake and yield traits of peanut under indigenous and effective microorganism fertilizers in sandy ferralitic soils in Douala, Cameroon

March 2021

Soil fertility, growth, nutrient uptake and yield traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. var. JL24) were investigated under two organic fertilizers (indigenous microorganisms (IMO) or effective microorganisms (EM) with three replications. Application of IMO or EM fertilizers had significant effects on soils fertility compared to untreated soils. Total nitrogen, organic carbon, total phosphorus, calcium and magnesium led...

Author(s): Ngueuleu Deuheula Armand, Muyang Rosaline Fosah, Wamba Fotsop Oscar, Ngotta Biyon Bruno, Tefouet Vaugelas Duthie, Nyemene Kitio Paul Jacques.,  Asseng Charles Carnot  and Taffouo Victor Désiré  

Studies on Cleistopholis patens (benth.) [Magnoliales: Annonaceae] powders as fumigant and contact insecticides to Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae]

March 2021

Post-harvest losses of agricultural produce caused by store grain pest most especially cereals and grains to store pest require developing cheap, ecofriendly and readily available insecticide to combat this threat and achieve the goal of food security in developing countries. This study investigated the effects of Cleistopholis patens (leaf and stem bark) on Plodia interpunctella infestation in stored maize grains....

Author(s): Adeyera O. J., Akinneye J. O. and Odeyemi O. O.  

Water resources and food security in Algeria: Diagnosis and new strategy proposition

March 2021

Algeria as an important North African and Mediterranean country with remarkable bioclimatic, edaphic, and political characteristics is under many sorts of negative stress affecting considerably alimentary dependence. Today, Algerian agriculture presents a worrying record. Several warning signs show that the sector is only surviving thanks to massive imports of milk, grains, seeds and chemical fertilizers. The current...

Author(s): BOUCHENTOUF Salim and BENABDELI Khéloufi  

Small scale farmers’ perception of institutions and information channels on climate change and adaptation, Embu County, Kenya

March 2021

This study assessed the small scale farmers’ perception of institutions and information channels on climate change and adaptation in Embu County, Kenya. A survey was conducted on 411 households and 25 key informants on their perception of institutions and information channels towards climate change and adaptation where stratified random and purposive sampling was done respectively. The data were subjected to...

Author(s): Ruth Kangai, Wemali Evelyn Chitechi, James Koske, Boaz Waswa and Innocent Ngare  

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) pod and haulm production in the tropical legume project States, Nigeria

March 2021

The production of groundnut pod and haulm is one way of addressing the challenge of scarcity of livestock feed as well as improving the incomes of small-scale farmers. This study examines the revenue associated with groundnut pod and haulm production, using data obtained from 253 participating farmers. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that average haulm yield ranged from...

Author(s): Benjamin Ahmed, Henry Egwuma and Mohammed Kabir Idris  

Effects of agrochemical application on the diversity and abundance of soil macro-fauna in cocoa-based (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry systems in Cameroon

March 2021

Cocoa farmers’ excessive use of agrochemicals in cocoa agroforests has major repercussions on soil organisms, which play a great role in soil fertility enhancement. This study was carried out to examine the relationship between agrochemical use and soil macro-fauna diversity and abundance in cocoa agroforests in Cameroon. A mixed research approach was used, and data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential...

Author(s): Azembouh Roshinus Tsufac, Bernard Palmer Kfuban Yerima, Roger Kogge Enang and Nyong Princely Awazi  

Feed intake, digestibility and growth performance of Begait sheep kept under different feeding options

March 2021

Thirty intact growing lambs were used to evaluate feed intake, digestibility and growth performance of Begait sheep breed kept under different feeding options. Animals were used in randomized completely block design with three dietary treatments in ten replicates. Treatments were grass hay fed ad libitum to all treatments plus a mixed diet of 48% wheat bran, 15% molasses, 35% cotton seed cake, 1% salt and 1% limestone...

Author(s): Kahsu Atsbha, Tikabo Gebremariam and Teferi Aregawi  

Assessment of Organic Fertilizer usage by vegetable farmers in Ondo State South West, Nigeria

March 2021

The study analysed the assessment of organic fertilizer usage by vegetable farmers in Ondo State South West, Nigeria. Primary data were collected from one hundred randomly selected vegetable farmers through a multistage sampling procedure in the study area. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis and probit regression analysis. Findings of the study revealed that larger percentage (77.0%) of...

Author(s): Oladapo A. and Afolami C. A.  

Effect of seed priming on seedling emergence and growth of bitter kola (Garcinia kola) in Owerri, Nigeria

March 2021

The potted experiment was conducted in the early planting season of 2018, at the Teaching and Research Farm of Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria to ascertain the effects of seed priming using water, coconut water and moringa leaf extract on the seedling emergence and growth of bitter kola. Completely Randomized Design was used with four treatments and three replicates. The treatments were thus; soaking of bitter...

Author(s): Nwonuala A. I. and Christo I. E.  

Variation in genetic variability and heritability of agronomic traits in Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes under soil acidity stress evaluated with and without lime in Ethiopia

February 2021

Fifty faba bean is a multipurpose crop used as human food, animal feed, soil fertility restoration and income source for farmers and the country at large. However, the productivity of this crop is low as constrained by biotic and abiotic factors in which soil acidity takes the lions share in the highlands of Ethiopia. In order to estimate genetic variability on grain yield and related traits under soil acidity stress,...

Author(s): Mesfin Tadele, Wassu Mohammed and Mussa Jarso  

Organic amendments effects on soil dry aggregate stability in Chipata, Zambia

February 2021

Organic amendments have been known to improve soil physical and chemical properties in sub-Saharan Africa. However, research information on how organic amendments affect aggregate stability and the degree of their effects in comparison to others is inadequate in Zambia. The study was carried out to assess the effect of organic amendments on soil dry aggregate stability and organic matter on soils from Chipata, Zambia....

Author(s): K. Muzyamba, E. Phiri, D. Kalala and B. H. Chishala  

Contribution of soil macro-fauna diversity and abundance to soil fertility enhancement in cocoa-based (Theobroma cacao) agroforestry systems in the Littoral Region of Cameroon: An appraisal of cocoa farmers’ local knowledge

February 2021

Soil macro-fauna diversity and abundance greatly influence soil fertility. However, little has been done to confirm this hypothesis in cocoa-based agroforestry systems. It was in this light that this research work was undertaken in order to fill the knowledge gap. Through the use of a mixed research method for data collection and appropriate data analysis procedures, findings showed that diverse soil macro-fauna were...

Author(s): Azembouh Roshinus Tsufac, Bernard Palmer Kfuban Yerima, Roger Kogge Enang and Nyong Princely Awazi    

Effect of phosphorus fortified compost on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and Lablab (Lablab purpureus L.) intercropped maize in acidic soils of Western Kenya

February 2021

Phosphorus deficiency majorly constrains maize (Zea mays L.) production in acidic soils of western Kenya. This requires high doses of expensive inorganic P fertilizers to correct. Recommended rock phosphates and manures are lowly adopted because of low solubility and P content respectively. A Randomized Complete Block Design experiment was conducted for two seasons to assess effect of a cheaper alternative P source,...

Author(s): Orandi Jairus, Mwonga Samuel, Ojiem John and Lauren Julie  

Estimation of general and specific combining ability effect for yield and quality characters in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. L.)

February 2021

A study was conducted in a 8 × 8 half diallel cross set of tomato excluding reciprocals to estimate the general combining ability and specific combining ability for marketable fruit yield per plant (kg) and yield components, namely number of fruits per plant, individual fruit weight (g) fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm) and fruit thickness (cm) including some quality traits as TSS, pH and pericarp thickness....

Author(s): Desalegn Negasa Soresa, Gomathi Nayagam, Netsanet Bacha and Zerihun Jaleta  

Effect of phosphorus application rates on the quality of potato propagated from rooted apical cuttings

February 2021

This study determined the effect of phosphorus application rates on quality of potato tubers. Field experiments were set up at Egerton University, Njoro and Kenya Agricultural Livestock and Research Organization (KARLO), Molo. A randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement and three replicates were used. Main plot factors were varieties (Shangi, Dutch Robyjn, Unica and Wanjiku). Sub plot factors were...

Author(s): Pauline Aarakit, Josephine P. Ouma and Joyce J. Lelei  

Perception and adoption of new agricultural technologies in a Northern Inland Mozambique

February 2021

The debate on the factors constraining the adoption of agricultural technologies in Southern African countries is still open. This paper assesses the perception and the level of adoption of a set of agricultural technologies by the key actors in a Northern Inland Mozambique. These key actors formed two groups: (1) Technicians, who are the local government officials and are responsible for the adoption of agricultural...

Author(s): Matías Hargreaves, Antonio Hargreaves and José Luis Riveros

Traditional solar salt production in Lower Casamance (Senegal): Environmental and socio-economic benefits and disadvantages

February 2021

To produce salt, women in Lower Casamance (southern Senegal) traditionally practice artisanal fire salt-farming (AFS) by heating a brine with a biofuel (mangrove wood). The thermal energy produced favors the evaporation of water, the saline concentration and the precipitation of crystallized salts. In recent years, artisanal solar salt-farming (ASS) has been introduced in the region using the thermal energy provided by...

Author(s): FALL Aïdara C. A. Lamine, MONTOROI Jean-Pierre, MANE Abdou and NIOKANE Mamadou  

Response of seven African eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon L.) cultivars produced in Benin to salinity stress at seedling stage

February 2021

Salt stress is one of the abiotic factors that cause a depressive effect on plants. This work aims to evaluate the effect of salt stress on growth of young plants of 7 cultivars (Adja-ouere, Côte d’Ivoire, Dangbo, Kpinman, Kombara F1, Lanman and Togan) of African eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon) produced in Benin, locally called Gboma, in order to determine their relative salt-resistance levels. Five NaCl...

Author(s): Elisée Gildas Yénoukounmè Sounou, Armel Clément Goudjo Mensah, Koffi David Hambada Montcho, Mahougnon Baudouin Geoffroy Gouveitcha, Françoise Assogba Komlan and Christophe Bernard Gandonou  

Effects of land fragmentation on farm efficiency in three agro-ecological zones of Embu County in Kenya

February 2021

This paper is based on a study that was carried out to evaluate the effect of land fragmentation on farm efficiency in three agro-ecological zones of Embu County in Kenya from July 2017 to March 2018. The study used data collected from 384 farm-households that were randomly selected from three agro-ecological zones (AEZs) in the Embu County, using the multistage stratified sampling method. The AEZs were the...

Author(s): Samuel Njiri Ndirangu  

Characterization of sugarcane germplasm collection and its potential utilization for evaluation of quantitative traits

February 2021

This study was designed to determine the accession series with the most outstanding characteristics and the interrelationships among the variables. It also evaluated variability among the principal components and determined sugarcane accessions studied with similar characteristics from forty sugarcane accessions. Twelve quantitative traits were selected for data analysis. Series C accessions exhibited the most desirable...

Author(s): Sally Alloh Sumbele, Eltson Eteckji FONKENG, Peter Akongte, Clarence Nkumbe Ndille and Andukwa Henry  

Effect of sodium hydroxide treatment in ginger lily forage (Hedychium gardnerianum, Sheppard ex Ker-Gawl) as forage for animal feeding

February 2021

This study evaluated the effect of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) on the chemical composition (fibrous structure) and nutritive value of Hedychium gardnerianum (ginger lily), a fibre source traditionally used in ruminant feeding in the Azores. Ginger lily samples were manually harvested and dried in a forced-air oven at 65ºC until constant weight. Treatments were applied by spraying the ginger lily with a NaOH solution at...

Author(s): C. S. A. M. Maduro Dias, J. S. Madruga, C. F. M. Vouzela and A. E. S. Borba  

Managing various Musa varieties cultivated in Pissa district in the Central African Republic

February 2021

The diversity of cultivated crops, kernel element of food security, seems today to be threatened by contemporary worldwide, regional and local agricultural mutations. This study shows that there are thirty seven (37) accessions among which one can find Musa paradisiaca (33), Musa sapientum (03) and Musa nana (01). This sharing does not depends on the ethnic diversity because many ethnic groups share among themselves a...

Author(s): Kosh-Komba E.,  Gougodo De Mon-Zoni L. J., Touckia G. I., Bombo-Yongo O. D., Mololi A., Semballa S., Zinga I., Batawila K. and Akpagana K.  

Impact of water deficit on correlations and changes of some physiological traits of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum

February 2021

Changes in nutrients elements uptake, physiological characteristics, as well as, correlations analysis for these traits to each other are good factors to study the effects of drought on sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv., commercial hybrid) and disclose physiological reaction to several specific levels of stress from water deficit. Water scarcity processing was carried out by irrigating the sweet pepper plants with...

Author(s): Mohammed AbdulRahman Almuwayhi  

Effect of linear view approach of weed management in agro-ecosystem: A review

February 2021

Weeds are considered a pest that is detrimental to human interest. Weeds compete with cultivated and desirable plants for space, soil nutrient, and sunlight and soil moisture thereby reducing crop productivity. Weeds also serve as a host for pests and pathogens that cause plant diseases. Weeds typically produce large numbers of seeds, assisting their spread, and rapidly invade disturbed sites. Seeds spread into natural...

Author(s): Gideon K. Muli, Samuel O. Apori, Joseph Ssekandi, Marius Murongo, and Emmanuel Hanyabui  

Efficiency of rhizobia selection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil using biological nitrogen fixation in Phaseolus lunatus

February 2021

The aim of this research was to evaluate the capacity of symbiotic efficiency of native rhizobia from soils of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil in Phaseolus lunatus L. plants. Soil and nodule samples from predominant legume plants such as Desmodium species were collected in seven locations of the state of RS. For the isolation of the rhizobia from the soil samples, lima bean “olho de cabra preto”...

Author(s): Juan Guillermo Cubillos-Hinojosa, Enilson Luiz Saccol De Sá, and Fernanda Araujo Da Silva

Yield response and economic benefits of groundnut to phosphorus fertilization and inoculant rates in Northern Ghana

February 2021

Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) is a major source of dietary protein, cultivated for both human and animal consumption. However, in West Africa, the yields are low, renewing the interest to evaluate groundnut response to P fertilizer (P) and rhizobium inoculant (IR) application. A study was conducted on the experimental field of the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala in the Northern region of Ghana to evaluate...

Author(s): Richard Yaro Naabe, Albert Berdjour, Daniel Asomaning Odoom and Haruna Alhassan Yemyoliya  

Maize intercropped between Eucalyptus urophylla in agroforestry systems in Brazil

February 2021

The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of maize intercropping with Eucalyptus urophylla at agroforestry system in two triple row distance (alleys) at different sampling distances and positions in relation to the eucalyptus external row (transect), and three positions in relation to the cardinal points: east side, west side and middle. Eucalyptus (E. urophylla) seedlings were planted...

Author(s): Wander Luis Barbosa Borges, Maria Fernanda Guerreiro, Luiz Fernando Braz da Silva Biga, Maria Luiza Franceschi Nicodemo and Carlos Eduardo Silva Santos  

Evaluation of different methods of multiplying sweet potato planting material in coastal lowland Kenya

February 2021

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is a staple food that contributes to food security for communities in sub-Saharan Africa. The production of sweet potato in coastal Kenya is low and this has been associated with shortage of planting material during the rainy season. A study was therefore conducted at the Pwani University farm to assess the production of sweet potato planting material using cuttings planted under...

Author(s): Bahati Abdallah, Stephen Mwangi Githiri, Wariara Kariuki and Hemedi Mkuzi Saha  

Detection and quantification of cow milk adulteration using portable near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics

February 2021

Milk adulteration is a common phenomenon in many countries, which draws extensive attention from humans due to health hazards that might result in some fatal diseases. In this study, a portable near-infrared (NIR) spectrometer combined with multivariate analysis was used to detect and quantify milk adulteration. Fresh cow milk samples were collected from eight dairy farms in Beijing and Hebei province of China. Water,...

Author(s): Mohammed Abdallah Musa, and Shuming Yang  

Growth, phenology, yield and yield attributes of rice as influenced by tillage, residue and nitrogen management practice in Chitwan, Nepal

January 2021

A field experiment was conducted in three factorial strip-split-plot design to evaluate the effect of two establishment methods (EM) [transplanted in puddled soil (PuTPR) and direct seeded in zero tillage (ZT-DSR)], two residue levels [residue kept at 3 t ha-1 (RK) and residue removed (RR)] with two nitrogen doses [recommended dose (100 kg N ha-1) (RD) and farmers' dose (50 kg N ha-1) (FD)] with six replications on...

Author(s): Arjun Bastola, Tika Karki, Santosh Marahatta and Lal Prasad Amgain  

Status of parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) and its control options in Ethiopia

January 2021

Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is an invasive herbaceous weed which belongs to the family Compositae. It is believed to have originated in tropical America and now occurs widely in Asia, Australia, Southern and east Africa. Parthenium has been observed to grow on road sides, gardens, waterways, in grasslands and crop fields both during the crop season and after harvest, as long as enough moisture is available....

Author(s): Zelalem Bekeko  

Makafaci and Wachangu improved doubled haploid rice (Oryza sativa) varieties recommended for lowland cultivation in Malawi

January 2021

The study was conducted in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 rainy seasons at Nanzolo, Domasi and Mkondezi in three replications using the RCBD following the Mother-Baby Trial Approach. The objective of the study was to evaluate grain yield of twelve high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa) varieties that were selected and shared from elite Doubled Haploid germplasms of a Collaborative Project of KAFACI (RDA) and AGRA at Suwon in Korea...

Author(s): Elias Jeke, Tennyson Mzengeza, Kyung-Ho Kang, Lazarus Chapo, Mwai Malipa, Brian Boyce, Memory Kachingwe and Innocent Machira  

Factors affecting the adoption of mobile applications by farmers: An empirical investigation

January 2021

In developing countries such as Nigeria, agriculture is the main source of livelihood with over 70% of the population engaged in farming. They are mostly smallholders and subsistence farmers with minimal use of technology and low productivity. The use of mobile applications in agriculture can potentially help smallholders access agricultural information and financial services, improve access to markets and enhance...

Author(s): Victor Okoroji, Nic J Lees and Xiaomeng Lucock  

Supplemental value of exo-enzyme in the utilization of cassava fibre meal by broiler-chickens

January 2021

This study assessed the supplemental value of Roxazyme® G2 in the utilization of cassava fibre meal (CFM) by broiler-chickens in a 56 day feeding trial. A batch of three hundred and sixty day-old Arbor acre broiler-chicks was allotted to twelve treatments replicated five times of six birds in a 4 × 3 factorial in complete randomization. Cassava fibre meal was substituted for maize at 0, 20, 40 and 60% levels...

Author(s): Simeon Ajibade Akinyele, Muyiwa Hilarious Ogunsipe and Oyewumi Nather Oyewole  

Effects of cyanotoxins in germination, growth and DNA damages of Lettuce sativa (Lettuce) and Coriandrum sativum (Coriander)

January 2021

The use of irrigation water containing cyanobacterial toxins can cause significant impacts in agricultural and consequently environmental health. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of cyanotoxins (microcystin-LR and saxitoxin) on germination, growth and micronuclei formation in lettuce (Lettuce sativa) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Seeds of lettuce and coriander were exposed during 7-9 days to...

Author(s): Janiele França Nery, Gleydson Kleyton Moura Nery, Adriana Guedes Magalhaes, Walclécio Lira and Salomão de Sousa Medeiros  

The preventive impact of vermicompost on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) salinity resistance: An evaluation

January 2021

This work aims to identify the impacts of vermicompost leachate (VCL) toward its salt resistance stress in plants. Young Capsicum annuum L seedlings were subjected to salinity (160 mM NaCl added to a nutrient solution) over a course of seven days during or following the adding of 7 mL L−1 VCL. The exposure to salt stress resulted in a notable decrease of dry and fresh leaf weights, K+ concentrations, and leaf...

Author(s): Naser Ahmadi and Elnaz Akbari,  

Indigenous knowledge of Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke, in Burkina Faso

January 2021

Striga gesnerioides is one of the major constraints to cowpea production in West Africa. In Burkina Faso, Striga is a national phenomenon despite the control measures proposed by research. This study aims to collect farmers' perceptions of S. gesnerioides. Thus, a survey was conducted among cowpea producers in 15 localities across the four agroclimatic zones of Burkina Faso. Data collected were related to...

Author(s): Pingawindé SAWADOGO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Tinga Jeremy OUEDRAOGO, Zakaria DIENI, Teyioué Benoit Joseph BATIENO, Hamadou ZONGO, Léandre PODA, Jean Baptiste De La Salle TIGNEGRE and Mahamadou SAWADOGO  

Assessment of sixteen varieties of groundnut in two agro ecological zones in Burkina Faso for yield and tolerance to aflatoxin

January 2021

In Burkina Faso, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is produced in almost the entire country except the north. Its multiple uses make it a highly appreciated oil seeds and leguminous crop. However, the presence of aflatoxins in grains constitutes a public health risk and thus limits its marketing to international markets. The present study evaluated sixteen (16) short duration (90 days) groundnut varieties (15 varieties...

Author(s): Amos MININGOU, Sy Appolinaire TRAORE, Blaise KABRE and Sondé Ardjouma Lassina Moulaye KONATE  

Effect of different vermicomposts and bioslurry on growth, yield and postharvest quality of statice

January 2021

An experiment at Egerton University in Kenya studied effects of vermicomposts and bioslurry on growth, yield and postharvest quality in statice. Three vermicomposts prepared from Kitchen waste (V1), mowed lawn grass (V2) and Weed biomass (V3) were mixed at a rate of 40% by volume with garden soil and tested against the untreated control (V0). Bioslurry from a digester at Tatton Agricultural Park in the university was...

Author(s): Amos Nyakeyo, Mariam Mwangi and Jane Nyaanga  

Climate-Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and its implications to food security in Siyadebrina Wayu District, Ethiopia

January 2021

Climate change poses a major threat to agricultural production and food security in Ethiopia. Temperature rise and variability in rainfall patterns have had serious consequences on crop and livestock production. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is one of the solutions that simultaneously address the issues of food security, climate change and agricultural productivity. The objective of this study was to examine trends...

Author(s): Tekeste Kifle  

The effect of multi-component fertilizer and lime application on yield of common bean in Western Kenya

January 2021

Soil acidity and micronutrient deficiency is a major constraint affecting common bean production in Western Kenya. Farmers in the region have access to the two fertilizers Mavuno and Sympal fortified with different micronutrients and recommended for legumes; however, the performance of beans in the region remains low. A field experiment was, therefore, conducted in two sites in Nandi county, western Kenya, to determine...

Author(s): Shadrack C. Kipngetich, Samuel M. Mwonga and John O. Ojiem  

A comparative economic analysis of aquaculture production systems in Southern Agricultural Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria

January 2021

This study was undertaken to determine the factors that influence the output of aquaculture production and the profitability of three production systems (concrete tank, earthen pond, and mobile tank) in Southern Agricultural Zone of Cross River State. A multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select 140 farmers from three LGAs in the study area. Structured questionnaire was used for data...

Author(s): Etuk, Ekanem Abasiekong, Ogban, Gloria Onette and Idiong, Christopher Idiong  

Relative time of planting of legumes (cowpea, soybean and groundnut) on weed suppression and yield in cassava cropping system

January 2021

Weeds are a serious problem farmer’s face in tropical Africa, which significantly reduces yield. Field trials were conducted from September 2013 to September 2014 to determine the appropriate relative time of planting of legumes in cassava cropping system for optimum weed suppression. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Treatments consisted of combinations...

Author(s): Kingsley Joseph Taah and Emmanuel Ogyiri Adu  

Screening of okra (Abelmoschus species) genotype for resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species)

January 2021

Okra has significant area under cultivation in Africa and Asia, despite it has been considered as a minor crop and not much attention has been given to okra improvement in international research program. Niger produced during 2008, 2794 t of okra in 5288 ha with mean productivity of 0.39 t.ha-1. This poor average productivity is far below than the mean productivity of East Africa (6.2 t.ha-1) and North (8.8 t.ha-1)....

Author(s): IDI SAIDOU Sani,, HAOUGUI Adamou, ISSAKA Salia Ousseini, KUMAR Sanjeet, ALI Mahamane, and BAKASSO Yacoubou,  

Impact of tank geometry on production of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

January 2021

Geometry of fish tanks tends to affect the growth and yield of fish. The impact of tank geometry on the production of Clarias gariepinus was evaluated. Circular, rectangular and ellipsoid tanks were used to test the variation of water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and total suspended solids on African catfish growth performance. Results on water temperature, pH, DO, were within the acceptable ranges of...

Author(s): Shadrack Kwadwo Amponsah, Sampson Agodzo, Etornyo Agbeko and Enock Asante Osei  

Effect of crop canopy manipulation on light interception, growth, and development of wild proso millet and giant foxtail in row-cropping systems

January 2021

Crop canopy architecture is known to affect weed performance. Field experiments were conducted to examine the effect of altered crop canopy architecture and light interception on growth and development of wild proso millet and giant foxtail, two problematic weed species. Crop canopy architecture was manipulated by planting two sweet corn varieties contrasting in canopy architecture (Bonus-has a dense leaf canopy and...

Author(s): Jenipher Bisikwa, Roger L. Becker, Vince A. Fritz, Kevin Natukunda and Martha I. Natukunda,

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