African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

AJAR Articles

Assessment of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) landrace varieties for resistance to anthracnose disease

March 2022

Yam anthracnose disease (YAD), caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz, is the most damaging fungal disease of Dioscorea alata yam worldwide. Local yam varieties, which sustain Côte d'Ivoire’s farmers and other end-users livelihoods, are highly susceptible to this pathogen. Thus, there is a need for developing new yam cultivars to sustain yam production in Côte d'Ivoire. To...

Author(s): Lassana BAKAYOKO, Désiré N’Da POKOU, Brice Sidoine ESSIS, Amani Michel KOUAKOU, Konan Evrard Brice DIBI, Abou Bakari KOUASSI, Boni N’ZUE, Tchimon Timothée KOUTOUAN, Goli Pierre ZOHOURI, Assanvo Simon Pierre N’GUETTA, Paterne AGRE, Jean Mubalama MONDO, and Patrick ADEBOLA  

Effects of crops residues management systems on crops yields and chemical characteristics of tropical ferruginous soil in Western Burkina Faso

March 2022

Crop residues' inappropriate management is the main constraint causing the decline in soil fertility and crop yields in Burkina Faso. This study was conducted at the Farako-Bâ Research Station from 2014 to 2019 to assess the effects of crop residue management to improve the sustainability of the cotton-cereal based production systems. The experimental design was complete randomized blocks of Fischer with four...

Author(s): Adama OUATTARA, Bazoumana KOULIBALY, Dehou DAKUO, Pascal BAZONGO, Kalifa COULIBALY, Jake MOWRER and Hassan Bismarck NACRO  

Prospects and constraints faced by smallholder farmers in the cultivation of GM crops: A case study from Northern Ghana

March 2022

As Ghana prepares to commence commercialization of Genetically Modified (GM) crops, this paper reports findings of a survey that sought the views of smallholder farmers in northern Ghana on the likely prospects and constraints of GM crops cultivation. Multi-stage sampling techniques were employed to sample 360 smallholder farmers across ten districts in northern Ghana with interviews, guided by semi-structured...

Author(s): Zakaria H., Obeng F. K., Quainoo A. K. and Abujaja A. M.  

Multiple solutions for rice farmers’ production constraints in Ethiopia: Cost efficient methods of sheath rot disease management

March 2022

Rice sheath rot disease is one of the obstacles in Fogera plain of rain-fed rice production system. A cultivar called X-Jigna has been used by small scale farmers based on mono-cropping system for over two decades. This production system contributed to the disease occurrence and adversely impacted the production and productivity. So far, there were no any effective measures taken as research remedies in the rain-fed...

Author(s): Misganaw Anteneh Tegegne, Endayen Melaku Baye, Ayele Tesfahun Gashu, Adane Melak, Desalegn Yalew and Derese Teshome Mekonen  

An assessment of tomato production practices among rural farmers in major tomato growing districts in Malawi

March 2022

Tomato is one of the most commonly grown vegetables in Malawi. However, considerable attention has not been given for its production and marketing aspects among smallholder farmers. Therefore, this study was conducted in six major tomato growing districts in Malawi with the objective of identifying production and marketing practices and constraints affecting tomato productivity. Semi structured questionnaires were...

Author(s): Eviness Pemphero Nyalugwe, Charles Malidadi and Hilda Kabuli  

Shading effects on the yield, quality, and sucrose-metabolizing enzyme activity of sweet corn during filling stage

March 2022

Two low-light sensitive varieties of sweet corn (Zea mays L.), cultivars Xiantian 5, and Huazhen, were subjected to different shading-intensity treatments during the grain-filling stage in a field experiment in order to clarify physiological mechanisms of lowlight effects on the yield, quality, and sucrose-metabolizing enzyme activity of sweet corn. The results showed that under weak light stress (50% light...

Author(s): Fu-cheng Zhao, He-ping Tan, Li-quan Jing, Hai-liang Han, Fei Bao, Wei-ping Lu and Gui-yue Wang  

Estimation of genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for protein content on durum wheat (Triticum turgidium Var Durum)

March 2022

Genotype x environment interaction (GEI) and stability of protein content across locations could be helpful in identifying wheat lines with premium quality. The protein contents of 25 selected durum wheat genotypes tested over six environments in 2017 to evaluate genotype by environment interactions and identify stable genotypes for protein content. Protein content was determined based on Mini-infra Smart T Grain...

Author(s): Alemayehu Zemede Lemma, Firew Mekbib, Kebebew Assefa and Zewdie Bishaw

Role of aromatic plants in the integrated pest management (IPM) of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

March 2022

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous insect pest. Onion thrips cause direct and indirect damage to onion by feeding and ovipositing on leaves of several horticultural crops. Besides causing direct damage to its host plants, T. tabaci has been known as an asymptomatic transmitter of plant pathogens such as tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) and tomato yellow...

Author(s): Wondimagegn Atilaw Woldemelak  

Tree performance and peach fruits yield and quality under compounds sprays to induce sprouting

February 2022

The sprouting induction is a fundamental cultural practice in peach orchards grown in subtropical regions around the world. The evaluation of alternatives compounds to induce sprouting is necessary mainly considering its effects on fruit quality. Two alternative compounds such as 2.5% nitrogen fertilizer (NF) + 4% calcium nitrate (CN) and 4% calcium nitrate (CN), besides the control were compared with 0.6% hydrogen...

Author(s): Rafael Bibiano Ferreira, Sarita Leonel, Jackson Mirellys Azevedo Souza, Magali Leonel, Marcelo Souza Silva, Rafaelly Calsavara Martins and Vitor Hugo Artigiani Filho  

Analysis of climate change vulnerability and adaptation towards increase resilience among farmers in Borno State, Nigeria

February 2022

This study analyzed climate change vulnerability and adaptation among smallholder farmers in Borno State, Nigeria. The study was conducted in Sudan and Guinea savannah Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) of the state. Survey research design was employed for the study. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used in selecting 360 farmers for the study. Descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies, means and livelihood...

Author(s): Mohammed D., Timothy E., Abaka S. S and Arubi A. A  

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.) Grown in Bangui (Central African Republic) under controlled conditions

February 2022

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth and development of maize (Zea mays) in a greenhouse at the University of Bangui  for three months under controlled conditions. Data collection was done at 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) for growth parameters (plant height, crown diameter, number of leaves) and above-ground, root and total biomass were...

Author(s): Elian Hubert Dieu-Béni, Touckia Gorgon Igor, Djamndo Djasbé Mathurin, Ngalambo Emmanuel, Ngonda Cesar, Gueret Egisthe and Goudidenango Eric Borgio  

Variability of soil chemical properties in lower Wabishebele Sub-Basin in Somali Region South-eastern Ethiopia, as influenced by land use and land cover

February 2022

This study was performed at lower Wabishebele sub-basin in Somali region south eastern Ethiopia to analyse the land use and cover and spatial variability of soil chemical properties of the sub-basin and develop soil map. A total of 41 soil samples were collected from 0-30 cm depth and analyzed for; pH total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), and exchangeable potassium (EK). The data was analyzed through...

Author(s): Dahir Yosuf Abdi, Derege Tsegaye Meshesha    and Tadeos Shiferaw Woldegiorgis

Response of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to seed treatment in Central Kenya

February 2022

Seed treatment presents an opportunity to boost bean productivity; however, the technology has not been widely tested in Kenya and the sub Saharan Africa region. An experiment was carried out at Kandara, Central Kenya to compare the effects of seed treatment applications on bean performance. The split-plot design experiment with three replicates included four seed treatment products: Apron Star, Seed Plus, Gro Plus and...

Author(s): Boaz S. Waswa, Eliezah Kamau, David Karanja and Franklin Mairura  

In vitro efficiency of crude extract of Ricinus communis, Abroma augusta, and Bombax ceiba seed on brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee

February 2022

Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee is a major pest. The frequent use of toxic chemical insecticides ultimately poses a problem due to pollution of the environment, health hazards, and adverse effects on beneficial organisms. Hence, the current researches looked into the efficacy of various botanicals against brinjal pests. This experiment was carried out to see how ethyl acetate and methanol...

Author(s): Rina Khatun,#, Khasrul Alam,#, Shahin Rana, Abdullah Al Mashud, Abdullah Al Masud, Sabbir Ahmed, Rezuanul Islam and Mohammad Abu Hena Mostofa Jamal  

Potential of aqueous neem extract for Thaumastocoris peregrinus control

February 2022

Eucalyptus cultivation has undergone great expansion in recent years due to the increase in commercial production of this wood for the paper, cellulose and steel industries. One of the main factors responsible for production losses is insect attack. The main insect that acts as a pest, devastating eucalyptus plantations is Thaumastocoris peregrinus, being controlled through the application of synthetic insecticides. The...

Author(s): Andressa Layane Ferreira Linhares, Mauricélia Ferreira Almeida, Edmar de Souza Tuelher, Michela Costa Batista, Roldão Carlos Andrade Lima, Adriana de Sousa Freitas,Bianca Pinheiro da Costa Neiva, Brunna Tavares da Silva Brito Sousa, Kaio Lucena Vidal, Jeferson Pereira da Silva, Raylson Marcelo Fernandes de Lima, Yago Luan Santos Vila Nova and Nayane Ketley Ferreira Linhares

Measuring technical efficiency and its determinants among sweet potatoes farmers in Western Uganda

February 2022

Sweet potato is one of the important staple food for majority of Ugandans. As such, it is depended on by many households. Reportedly, sweet potatoes production is low especially in Western Uganda. This may have been attributed to resource misallocation leading to some levels of efficiency or inefficiency. However, the current level of efficiency or inefficiency and its determinants in sweet potatoes production is...

Author(s): Midamba Dick Chune, Alela Beatrice, Atukunda Bwesigye Obrine, Mary Kwesiga and Ogei Kizito  

Redefining conservation agriculture through appropriate use of herbicides and fertilisers to improve crop production in Mozambique

February 2022

The effects and applicability of conservation agriculture in different farming contexts are highly contested. Yet, there has been limited attempt to adapt the conservation agriculture system to the conditions of resource-poor farmers, focusing primarily on the existing farmers’ capacity and objective to practice conservation agriculture. The study assessed the factors that influence adoption and dis-adoption of...

Author(s): Inacio M. Cipriano, Didy O. Onautsu, Titki D. Tarassoum, Idris I. Adejumobi, and Bily A. Bolakonga

Modeling the water balance of a ruminant production system in the semi-arid region

February 2022

In the Brazilian semi-arid region, most cattle properties that use small dams as a source of water are unaware of the water balance of this system, which makes it difficult to plan and use this resource rationally. In this context, the objective was to demonstrate the impact of water consumption from a ruminant production system in a small reservoir. The water use model was developed using the Vensim PLE™ software...

Author(s): Samuel Rocha Maranhão, Rodrigo Gregório da Silva, Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo and Magno José Duarte Cândido

Elite local rice varieties resistant to bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola under field conditions in Burkina Faso

February 2022

This study aims to evaluate the phenotype of nine genotypes of rice, during two consecutive seasons, in plots of rice farmers in irrigated plains Kou valley and Di. A Fisher block was implanted with three replicates at both sites on plots that had previously been shown to have a high incidence of bacterial leaf streak (BLS). The incidence, severity, growth rate of the disease, and the average yield of the different...

Author(s): Sylvain Zougrana, Issa Wonni, Kadidia Koïta and Boris Szurek

Protein digestibility status of locally available feed ingredients fed to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the hatchery, Sebeta, Ethiopia

January 2022

The nutritional value of a feedstuff isn’t only on its chemical composition, however, the content of the nutrients absorb by the aid of the fish. Thus, this study was developed to determine crude protein digestibility status of the five feeds (noug cake (NK), wheat bran (WB), soybean meal (SM), brewery waste (BW), and fish meal (FM) in Oreochromis niloticus. The experiment was conducted using 180 Oreochromis...

Author(s): Abelneh Yimer and Zenebe Tadesse  

Assessing the effects of Lecanicillium lecanii in the biological control of early and late leaf spot of peanut in vitro (Burkina Faso, West Africa)

January 2022

Early and late leaf spots caused by Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis personata respectively, are the most widespread peanut fungal diseases in West Africa. These diseases lead to notable crop losses in the rural area. In the recent decades, chemical fungicides are used to fight against crop losses, but these chemical substances cause big damages to the environment including the animals and human beings....

Author(s): Tounwendsida Abel NANA, Adama ZONGO, Bawomon Fidèle NEYA and Philippe SANKARA

Dry matter intake, dry matter digestibility and growth performance in goats fed grass-based diet (Brachiaria or Cenchrus) compared with a concentrate-based diet

January 2022

Dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter intake (DMI) and growth performance of concentrate- and forage-based diets were investigated using 24 growing Blended goats (12 males, 12 females) weighing 16.5±1.2 kg (mean±sd). Goats were blocked by sex and assigned randomly to three dietary treatments that were fed for 10 weeks, after two weeks of adaptation. Dietary treatments were MRG (40% maize bran, 40%...

Author(s): Peter Rogers Ruvuga, Ewa Wredle, George Ferdinand Fupi, Christopher Augustino Mtwange, Boniface Richard Kasiba, Ismail Saidi Selemani and Cecilia Kronqvist  

Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa

January 2022

Water is one of the very important inputs necessary for the production of food crops hence, food security and rural livelihoods are essentially linked to the accessibility of water. Eighty percent of the world’s global agricultural land area is under rain-fed; this contributes to 58% of the world’s staple foods. In Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), reliance on rain-fed agriculture is high with 97% of the moisture...

Author(s): S. Lamptey  

A comparative evaluation of nutrient content of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) larvae to other chicken feeds

January 2022

Fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda is a devastating pest of over 350 plant species especially the cereal crops such as, maize, sorghum and rice. The pest is currently posing threats to food security in Africa. FAW could be potential animal feed that can supplement chicken feed. However, there is little information on its nutritional profile as poultry feed. The aim of the study was to compare the nutrient content...

Author(s): Emilly Awuor Okello, Arnold Watako, Calleb Olweny Ochia and Ben Muok  

Initial performance of Barbados gooseberry plants grown on different soil covers

January 2022

Barbados gooseberry is an unconventional food plant with great protein production potential for human consumption. A field experiment was conducted with four types of soil covers and six replications to optimize the cultivation of this plant. Treatments were composed of four soil covers, forage peanut, straw from sun hemp and millet, white plastic cover, and a treatment without soil cover and with hoeing. After...

Author(s): Roberto Gomes Vital, Marcos Lopes Rodovalho, Juliana Nascimento Silva, Edmundo Gêda Fernandes Lemos and Abadia dos Reis Nascimento  

Identifying available resources and agricultural practices useful in soil fertility management to support orange-fleshed sweet potato cultivation on smallholder farms in Mozambique

January 2022

Orange-fleshed sweet potato is an important source of macro-and micronutrients for humans, particularly in resource-poor rural communities. However, sweet potato cultivation removes large amounts of nutrients from the soil. Hence, soil fertility replenishment is vital to secure long-term food production. The lack of access to fertilizers hinders the ability of farmers to supply and replenish soil nutrients, intensifying...

Author(s): Rafaela Feola Conz, Engil Isadora Pujol Pereira, Abdul Naico, Maria Isabel Andrade and Johan Six  

Presence of metals in farmland edible termites in Mazabuka District, Zambia

January 2022

Edible termites have played an important role in the history of human nutrition due to their nutritional value. Despite their nutritional body content, it is known that during their termitarium construction, termites accumulate metals in their bodies. This study examined the heavy metal content in selected edible termites for food safety. The household survey was carried out in 8 camps of Magoye and Stateland farming...

Author(s): Meekness Kapaale, Darius Otiato Andika and Philip Obed Yobe Nkunika  

Growth of Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kük. (Capim Cheiroso) in a greenhouse

January 2022

The growth of Cyperus sesquiflorus was characterized in an experiment with 4 replications and 15 treatments (0, 6, 17, 22, 28, 34, 40, 45, 49, 55, 61, 69, 76, 83 and 90 days after transplanting - DAT). Greater leaf length, diameter of the culm, dry matter, and biomass partitioning measurements were made. Alive leaves, inflorescences, alive and dead tillers were counted. The Tukey test at 5% was used for analysis....

Author(s): Andressa Cristina Ribeiro Assunção, Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata, Hugo Henrique Costa do Nascimento,  Sâmia Andrícia Souza da Silva and Ticiano Gomes do Nascimento  

Suitability analysis for scaling chickpea varieties in Ethiopia using multi-criteria evaluation and geographic information system (GIS)

December 2021

The land suitability analysis and mapping were carried out using a geographic information system and multi-criteria approach for scaling chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties in Ethiopia. Therefore, the biophysical variables of climate, topography, and soil were considered for suitability analysis. The environmental factors’ layers of chickpea varieties pixel values were classified and given a rate and ranked....

Author(s): Wondafrash Mulugeta, Demeke Nigussie, Adamu Molla, Zewdie Bishaw and Chandrashekhar Biradar  

Determinants of rural households’ livelihood diversification decision: The case of Didessa and Bedelle District, Bunno Bedelle Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

December 2021

Beside its greatest contribution to Ethiopian economy, agricultural sector has been highly affected by climate change. Consequently, masses of people have been left food insecure every year. As an option, rural households have been participating in diversifying their livelihood sources. The present study aims to identify the major factors affecting rural household’s participation in livelihood diversification...

Author(s): Jemal Aman Washo, Shibeshi Fikadu Tolosa and Jiregna Kenea Debsu  

Inter row spacing and Np fertilizer application rates effect on economics, growth, yield and yield component of mung bean (Vigna radiata L) cultivation at Mirab Abaya, Southern Ethiopia

December 2021

Mung bean, the most important and short duration pulse crop, grown for grain from tropical to sub-tropical climates is low in productivity and lacks recommended inter-row spacing and NP fertilizer rate for various agro-ecologies. A study was conducted to determine inter-row spacing and NP fertilizer rates for yield and yield components of mung bean at Mirab Abaya. The experiment consisted of three inter-row spacing (15...

Author(s): Sisay Samuel Gella and Zenebe Mekonnen Adare  

Yield variations of six common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties under salt-affected soils in the Lower Shire Valley, Southern Malawi

December 2021

Performance of six released bean varieties was assessed under salt-affected soils at Nkhate and Masenjere irrigation schemes in Chikwawa and Nsanje districts, respectively in Malawi. The six varieties, Chimbamba, Napilira, Kalima, BCMV-B1, BCMV-B3 and Maluwa, were grown during the 2014/2015 growing season, employing a randomized complete block design. There were five replicates at each site, arranged in the upper,...

Author(s): C. J. L. Tembo, H. R. Mloza-Banda, C. N. Makwiza and M. Lowole  

Effect of green manures and mining waste composts on the growth and yield of Abelmoschus esculentus L., Corchorius olitorius L. and Glycine max from Togo

December 2021

In West Africa, agriculture faces many problems including soil degradation. In this study, the effects of four composts on okra and soybean have been evaluated. The plants were sown using a Fisher block design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates/treatments. The green manure of three selected fertilizer species was also evaluated on the growth and yield of okra and of jute mallow in order to identify the best organic...

Author(s): Outende Toundou, Videdji Naesse Adjahossou, Gbenonchi Mawussi, Oudjaniyobi Simalou and Koffi Tozo  

Knowledge of vegetable insect pests, diseases and control measures in Morogoro and Iringa regions in Tanzania: A call for integrated pest management

December 2021

This study investigates vegetable growers’ knowledge about insect pests, diseases and control methods. The study adopted cross-sectional research design, employing survey method and involving 400 randomly selected vegetable growers. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to summarize raw data. Colored cards of important pests coupled with field visits were used for pest identification. The...

Author(s): Kabote S. J., Mamiro D. P., Maerere A. P., Sibuga K. P., Mtui H. D., Mgembe E. R., Erbaugh M. and Cardina J.  

Robustness of food security and policy trust on smallholder participation in Ghana’s planting for food and jobs programme

December 2021

The Planting for Food and Jobs programme was initiated in 2017 as a strategy to create jobs, promote food production and enhance food security in Ghana, especially among smallholder farmers. This research applies mixed research approach to explore the robustness of policy trust and food security risk on smallholder participation in the programme. Using multistage sampling, a total of 164 respondents were selected for...

Author(s): Nakuja Tekuni, Godwin H. Kyere, Samuel A. Anang and Nicholas O. Mensah

Utilisation of Zai pits and soil fertility management options for improved crop production in the dry ecosystem of Kitui, Eastern Kenya

December 2021

This study sought to address challenges faced by smallholder farmers in the drylands of Eastern Kenya including soil fertility decline and low profitability resulting from poor soil and water conservation measures. An experiment was set up at Kabati, Kitui County, Kenya in the year 2018/2019 seasons to evaluate the effects of the interaction of zai pits, cattle manure and fertilizer inputs on soil nutrients, sorghum...

Author(s): Ednah Kerubo Getare, Monicah Mucheru-Muna, Felista Muriu-Ng’ang’a and Charles Kimani Ndung’u  

Traditional processing and quality attributes of Dambou, a steamed coarse semolina

December 2021

Dambou is a traditional cereal-based food consumed in northern Benin. The traditional production method, marketing and consumption of Dambou were evaluated through a field investigation. A semi-structured questionnaire composed of socio-cultural profile of the stakeholders, nature of raw materials and processing methods used in Dambou production, quality attributes and consumption forms of Dambou was administrated to...

Author(s): Janvier M. Kindossi, Carole N. A. Vihotogbe-Sossa, Ogouyôm H. Iko Afé, Véronique B. Codé and Paulin Azokpota  

Effects of fertilizer application on yield and yield related parameters of low yielding potato varieties in Uganda

December 2021

The study was carried out in the first and second seasons of 2015 and the first season of 2016 at Kachwekano and Kalengyere stations of Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute in Rubanda county, Kabale district. A Completely Randomised Block Design was adopted with three replications and 4 treatments. The treatments composed of T1: Control, T2: 100 kg/ha N:P:K, T: 150 kg/ha N:P:K, and T4: 200...

Author(s): Uzatunga Innocent, Alex Balekye, Namugga Prossy, Rose Mwesige, Kimoone George and Mateeka Benon   

Water and nutrient balances under selected soil and water conservation practices in semi-arid Ruzizi plain, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

November 2021

Soil water deficit is a major production-limiting factor in the predominantly rainfed agriculture of the Ruzizi plain, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Appropriate soil and water conservation (SWC) practices would be a valuable option for maximizing water uptake by plants in the context of water demand and supply unbalance. This study assessed the efficiency of selected SWC practices in improving water and...

Author(s): Espoir M. Bagula, Jackson G. M. Majaliwa, Gustave N. Mushagalusa, Twaha A. Basamba, John Baptist Tumuhairwe, Sarah Akello, Jean-Gomez M. Mondo, Geofrey Gabiri, Patrick Musinguzi, Cephas B. Mwimangire and Moses M. Tenywa  

Contribution of mechanization in rice production in Niger: Case of River Niger Area

November 2021

The study was carried out in three villages in the Niger River region where thirty producing farmers per village were surveyed. These surveys concerned the field’s methods of acquisition, the tools used, the labor productivity and the cultivated area extent. The results obtained show that the most dominant mode of acquisition of the rice fields is through contract. In all the three villages, the areas cultivated...

Author(s): Warouma Arifa and Issa Bounou Oumarou Aboubacar Sidikou  

Impact of small-scale irrigation schemes on household food security in the context of persisting droughts: Comparative quasi-experimental analysis of irrigation water users and non-users in Southwest Ethiopia

November 2021

A comparative quasi-experimental analysis was made on the impact of small-scale irrigation interventions on household food security, taking irrigation water and farm extension users and non-users in persisting drought contexts in South West Ethiopia. A cross-sectional survey was employed to collect data from randomly selected respondents from both groups. The daily calorie intake was significantly different for the two...

Author(s): Filmon Hadaro Hando

A case study analysis of extension service provision in Malawi

November 2021

Evidence suggests that a lack of extension agents impedes the effective delivery of agricultural extension services in Malawi and many other developing nations. The purpose of this study was to examine the initiatives taken by the Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services Delivery (MaFAAS) to address the extension shortage. The research questions were addressed using a qualitative case study approach. MaFAAS and...

Author(s): Kevan W. Lamm, Fallys Masambuka-Kanchewa, Alexa J. Lamm, Kristin Davis, Silim Nahdy and Millicent A. Oyugi  

Food-fodder performance of food and malt barley cultivars in Ethiopian highlands

November 2021

In Ethiopia, barley selection has focused on grain yield traits. Limited information is available on straw yield and its nutritive value. The aim of this study was to screen cultivars for grain and straw yield and nutritive value using forty cultivars of food and malt barley types at two locations in Ethiopia (Bekoji and Kofele) in 2018. Food-fodder quality traits investigated were crude protein (CP), neutral detergent...

Author(s): Mulugeta Keno, Taye Tolemariam, Solomon Demeke, Ashraf Alkhtib, Jane Wamatu and Geert P. J. Janssens  

Characterization of Alternaria brassicicola isolated from tomato in Burkina Faso, and use of two essential oils for its control in vitro

November 2021

Alternaria brassicicola is considered a weak pathogen of tomato in the field, but with a high potential for mycotoxin production in fruit. However, this species belongs to a diverse and closely related group of species (Alternaria with small spores), which often makes their morphological identification and control difficult. In the present research, a molecular identification of tomato Alternaria isolates was made using...

Author(s): Adama SIRIMA, Abdoulaye SEREME, Kadidia KOÏTA, Elisabeth ZIDA, Abel T. NANA, Drissa SEREME, Théodore NANA and Mahamadou SAWADOGO  

Evaluation of the effect of the use of anti-insect nets on vegetable production in southern Benin

November 2021

The objective of this research is to assess the effects of the use of insect nets in vegetable production. To achieve this goal, data were collected in four departments of southern Benin (Mono, Couffo, Ouémé and Plateau) using an interview guide and a structured questionnaire. A total of 223 producers chosen at random from these areas where the CRSP Horticulture Project is located were surveyed. The...

Author(s): F. Assogba-Komlan, C. Ahouangninou, P. Adégbola, S. Simon, M. Ngouajio and T. Martin  

Determination of proximate composition, amino acids, and some phytochemical properties of sesame seed capsule (Sesamum indicum L.) in semi-arid Zone of North-Eastern Nigeria

November 2021

The study was conducted to determine sesame seed capsules' proximate composition, amino acid, and phytochemical properties as a potential feed resource. Homogeneous triplicate representative samples were analyzed following scientific protocols. The results indicated that the sesame seed capsule contained 75.41% carbohydrate, 3.59% ether extract, 4.32% protein, 93.57% dry matter, 12.01% crude fiber, and 4.77% ash....

Author(s): Iliya Amaza Bagudu  

Soil fertility status, fertilizer application and nutrient balance in SNNPR, southern Ethiopia in contrasting agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia

November 2021

Soil fertility status evolution is a decision making tool for the sustainable soil nutrient management. To evaluate its status, about 29 research data were collected and meta data analysis were made using SPSS for the selected soil chemical parameters. The soil was moderately acidic and salt free, 93.2% of Zinc (Zn), 100% of Manganese (Mn), 100% of Iron (Fe) and 79.3% of Copper (Cu) status were in sufficient range...

Author(s): Francis Abuye, Mitiku Haile, Wassie Haile and Befekadu G/Hanna  

Economic efficiency of cricket production reared under improvised cage system for improved food production

November 2021

In the recent past, cricket production has attracted a myriad of interests in the Global Food Sector. However, low production, limited input resources and rearing systems constrain the utilization of crickets. Scanty information exists on sundry input resources for upscaling of cricket production and how such inputs can be efficiently managed. This study sought to determine economic efficiency of improvised cricket...

Author(s): Charles Adino Ngóngá, Christopher Obel Gor, Erick Otieno Arieda Okuto and Kevin Okoth Ouko  

Field performance of some potato varieties under different saline conditions of Bangladesh

November 2021

In the rabi season of 2019-2020, an experiment in three distributed replicas at three different locations: Satkhira (AEZ-11), Koyra (AEZ-13) and Bagerhat (AEZ-11) were conducted in the farmer’s field of Khulna division to select suitable soil salinity resistant varieties. Fourteen exotic potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum) have been characterized under saline stress conditions of the coastal areas of Bangladesh....

Author(s): Mashfiqur Rahman, Harunor Rashid, Mustafa Kamal Shahadat, Al-Arafat Topu, Arafat Hossain and Sheikh Arafat Islam Nihad  

Soil fertility status for potato production in the central highlands of Malawi

November 2021

The potato is one of the most important food and cash crops in Malawi, but current yields are low and the fertilizer recommendations rely on outdated soil fertility information. To understand the influence of soil factors in limiting current potato production, the mineralogical and physicochemical soil characteristics of 26 farms in the central highlands of Malawi were evaluated. Cluster analysis with clay, crystalline...

Author(s): Chandiona Munthali, Rintaro Kinoshita, Daigo Aiuchi, Jiwan Palta and Masayuki Tani  

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