Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 490

JAERD Articles

Participatory varietal selection of upland rice (Oryza sativa) varieties in the groundnut basin, Senegal

May 2016

In Senegal, rice plays a critical role for smallholder farmers by providing food security. However, rice production is very low compared to the high needs of the population. This might be explained to some extent by the use of not adapted and low yielding varieties. This study aimed at identifying the best upland rice varieties that meet farmers’ criteria using participatory varietal selection method in order to...

Author(s): Ghislain KANFANY, Moustapha GUEYE, Amadou FOFANA, Ibrahima SARR, Saliou NDIAYE, Cyril DIATTA, and Bathe Diop

Participatory evaluation of hybrid sorghum technologies: In mid and low land areas of Wag Himra zone, Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia

May 2016

Participatory evaluation of two improved hybrid sorghum varieties and one respective local sorghum variety with improved and farmers’ management was carried out on six farmers plot in sorghum growing areas of Sekota and Abergele districts of Wag Himra zone in Eastern Amhara. This evaluation was undertaken through farmers’ participation approach by organizing two farmers’ research and Extension Groups...

Author(s): Asmiro Abeje, Ademe Mihretu, Lijalem Abebaw, Tsega Desalegn, Mulugeta Awoke and Kindye Ayen

Price competitiveness of smallholder rice farmers under cooperative irrigation schemes in Coast and Morogoro regions, Tanzania

April 2016

Tanzanian produced rice is not competitive because of high production costs. To increase competitiveness will require improvements in production efficiency. This study was conducted  to analyse production cost efficiency using  cross sectional data (2013/2014 agricultural season) from 200 farmers that belong to four cooperative irrigation schemes in Coast and Morogoro regions. Two stage sampling and translog...

Author(s): Kangile, R. J. and Mpenda, Z. T.

Adaptive capacity of evicted agro-pastoralists from Ihefu Basin in Tanzania

April 2016

This paper looks at the adaptive capacity of evicted agro-pastoralists who were evicted from Ihefu Basin in Mbarali District and forced to settle in new resettlement areas. Household questionnaires, life stories, and focused group discussions with a sample of 110 resettled agro-pastoralists was used to capture the data. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed. The adaptive capacity index was used to determine...

Author(s): Given Msigwa Msomba, Zebedayo K. Mvena and Kizito Mwajombe

Prioritizing needs assessment techniques for agricultural programs implementation: The case of Northern Region, Ghana

April 2016

The Northern region is among the poorest in Ghana. The Southern regions possess a lot of natural resources, and at the same time viable for the production of cash crops. The Northern regions however, have agriculture as their most dependable source of livelihood. The proportion of people working as farmers in the region is 73%, making it the highest in the country. In the light of this, most developmental programs in...

Author(s): Abdul-Basit Tampuli ABUKARI, Burak ÖZTORNACI and Dilek Bostan BUDAK

Identification of Field crop structure and production constrains with special consideration of gender aspect of resource poor farmers in north Kordofan state of Sudan

March 2016

Sudan is one of the largest countries in Africa ranks third after Algeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo. Agriculture in the country is divided into high rainfall and dry land agriculture. Dry land agriculture production and productivity described as low input agriculture comparing to high rainfall agriculture but no or little information discussing field crop structure, yield of food crops, production constrains...

Author(s): Yasir A. Gamar, Omer A. Bakhit, Hatim G. Murdi, Tarig E. Ahmed, Abdelatif A. Suliman, Adil Y. Yagoub and Elgailani A. Abdalla

Analysis of honey production systems in three agro-ecologies of Benishangul-Gumuz, Western Ethiopia

March 2016

The study was conducted in three districts of Benishangulgumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia, to characterize honey production systems, identify major constraints limiting honey production and suggest the required development intervention options for future development. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the districts that represent the three agro-ecologies of the region. A total of 120 beekeeping...

Author(s): Alemayehu Abebe, Yilma Tadesse, Yohannes Equar, Mulisa Faji and Habtamu Alebachew

Farmers’ perceptions of rodents as crop pests: Knowledge, attitude and practices of farmers about rodent pest management in Southwest Ethiopia

March 2016

A community based cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of farmers about rodent pest control in two districts: Sekoru (Jimma Zone) and Gechi (Illubabor Zone) of Oromia National Regional State, southwest Ethiopia. Structured questionnaire was used to collect information and 480 randomly selected farmers (240 farmers from each district) were involved in the study. Farmers in the...

Author(s): Tsegaye Gadisa and Asfawosen Birhane

Determinants of farm household food security in Hawi Gudina district, West Hararghe zone, Oromia Regional National State, Ethiopia

February 2016

The study was designed to assess the food security status and determine factors influencing food security in Hawi Guddina district. Multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select sample households randomly from six Kebeles by using probability proportional to size. Both primary and secondary data were used. Data were collected primarily through interview schedule from 140 households. Descriptive statistics...

Author(s): Fekede Gemechu, Lemma Zemedu and Jemal Yousuf

40 years’ rural environmental protection in China: Problem evolution, policy response and institutional change

January 2016

Since 1973, China's rural environmental problems have changed a lot, and many new environmental protection policies were issued in the same time. However, rural environmental protection has not been paid enough attention in a long run. Herein, the evolution of the rural environmental problems and the corresponding environmental policies in the past 40 years in China were firstly discussed based on four stages, that...

Author(s): Dongmei Han and Shuqin Jin

Farmer field school and banana xanthomonas wilt management: A study of banana farmers in four villages in Siaya County, Kenya

December 2015

Banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is a primary constraint to smallholder banana production in East and Central Africa. Experiential learning through farmer field schools (FFS) can accelerate the diffusion of integrated pest management (IPM) technologies at community level, consequently rendering production systems more productive, profitable, and sustainable. This paper explores the importance of FFS in successful transfer...

Author(s): Dennis Ochola, Wellington Jogo, William Tinzaara, Michael Odongo, Margaret Onyango and Eldad Karamura

Pattern of adoption and constraints to adoption of improved cowpea varieties in the Sudan Savanna zone of Northern Nigeria

December 2015

A survey was carried out in 10 communities in Musawa Local Government Area of Katsina State to identify the pattern and constraints to adoption of improved cowpea varieties introduced by the Sudan Savanna Taskforce project. The survey was undertaken after three years of project intervention. Results revealed that 35.7% of farmers adopted the improved cowpea varieties, significantly higher than the number of farmers...

Author(s): J. J. Mbavai, M. B. Shitu, T. Abdoulaye, A. Y. Kamara and S. M. Kamara

Prioritizing needs assessment techniques for agricultural programs implementation: The case of Northern Region, Ghana

December 2015

The Northern region is among the poorest in Ghana. The Southern regions possess a lot of natural resources, and at the same time viable for the production of cash crops. The Northern regions however, have agriculture as their most dependable source of livelihood. The proportion of people working as farmers in the region is 73%, making it the highest in the country. In the light of this, most developmental programs in...

Author(s): Abdul-Basit Tampuli ABUKARI, Burak ÖZTORNACI and Dilek Bostan BUDAK

Smallholder farmers’ perceptions on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-based cropping systems: A case study of Chisamba District, Zambia

November 2015

The inclusion of legume crops in cropping systems has been shown to improve soil fertility and productivity, but the adoption rate is low among many smallholder farmers. A study to determine the perceptions of the smallholder farmers on groundnut production, use of inputs and cropping systems was conducted in Chisamba District, Zambia. Using a multi-stage sampling technique, 164 farmers from 20 villages within 11...

Author(s): Meki CHIRWA, Jerome P. MREMA, Peter W. MTAKWA, Abel K. KAAYA and Obed I. LUNGU

Factors determining extension education as a career

November 2015

This paper is based on a research study at Banaras Hindu University in India. The title of the research was Career Dynamics in Extension Education. Method of survey research was applied to conduct the study. It was conducted by taking the responses from hundred respondents of Agricultural scientists, academicians and research scholars from different agricultural institutions selected through random sampling method....

Author(s): Pankaj Kumar Ojha and Kalyan Ghadei

Is taking gender into account for development and diffusion of agricultural innovations justified? The case of drought tolerant maize in Northern Benin

October 2015

This study was initiated to contribute to the debate on the relationship between gender and adoption of innovations. It aims, under a participatory varietal selection, to identify the preferences of men and women farmers on maize varieties tolerant to drought in northern Benin. The methodology used is a comparison of two approaches to identify the best varieties according to gender. The first combines criteria weighting...

Author(s): Baco M. N., Affoukouk T., Moumouni I. and Abdoulaye T.

The role of women in rural development: A cooperative development approach, a case study on Iran

September 2015

This study aims at investigating the cooperative role of women in running the international program of Carbon Sequestration Project performed by United Nation Development Program (UNDP) in droughty and dessert region of Sarbisheh County – South Xorasan – Iran. Interviews and questionnaires taken from rural women of the related region make the methodology of the study in a descriptive-analytical fashion. The...

Author(s): Hojat Sadeghi, Raziyeh Arezoumandan and Behnaz Nejati

On-farm adoption of under-utilized indigenous vegetable production among small holder farmers in Nigeria: Implication for economic empowerment and genetic conservation

September 2015

Adoption of some indigenous vegetables that are grown and consumed by local farmers along with arable crops, to serve as means of nutrient sufficiency, especially small holder farmers in Nigeria was carried out using extension approaches with the aim of increasing food security, farm income and conserving vegetables. Multi-stage participatory extension approach was used first to purposefully select five states in the...

Author(s): B. J. Amujoyegbe, D. J. Oyedele, M. K. Idowu, J. O. Ayinde and O. C. Adebooye

Smallholder farmers’ access to improved groundnut production and value addition technologies in Eastern Uganda

August 2015

Groundnuts are a key crop in Uganda, both as a source of nutrition and income. However, lack of knowledge and information on progressive practices along the groundnut value chain is a key contributor to the poor performance of the sub-sector. This study envisages establishing baseline knowledge on key aspects of groundnut production, processing and marketing with a view to identifying areas and gaps for capacity...

Author(s): Jackline Bonabana-Wabbi, Julian Kirinya, Valentine Kasenge, Onesmus Semalulu, and Basil Mugonola

Evaluation of biomass yield of selected fodder species in relation to frequency of harvest alongside defoliation heights in Western Kenya

August 2015

Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), the most preferred fodder species for dairy production in East and Central Africa, is under threat from stunt disease caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma oryzae (Ns-phytoplasma). The disease reduces forage yield by 40 to 90%. Two alternative fodder grasses, Guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq) and Guatemala grass (Tripsacum laxum Scrib and Merr) and a new stunt disease tolerant...

Author(s): Munyasi J. W., Auma E. O., Ngode L. and Muyekho F. N.

Identifying the gap between the views of extension officers and members of farmers’ groups towards promoting sustained agricultural success in Trinidad, West Indies

August 2015

Successful farmers’ groups can play a major role in the rural development and food security needs of Caribbean communities. The lack of permanency of these groups, however, has provided the basis for numerous challenges with respect to their effectiveness in promoting sustainable agriculture in the Caribbean. This study attempts to identify what may be one barrier to farmers’ group stability in Trinidad,...

Author(s): Marcus N. A. Ramdwar and Valerie A. Stoute

An ‘innovation-cycle framework’ of integrated agricultural knowledge system and innovation for improving farmers’ climate change adaptation and risk mitigation capacities: A case of Bangladesh

July 2015

The main objective of this paper is to present a new ‘innovation-cycle’ integrated conceptual framework of ‘TVET-adaptive AKSI’ (TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training; AKSI: Agricultural Knowledge System and Innovation). Thus the aim here is to discuss from existing body of literature of how ‘TVET-adaptive AKSI’ can be the ‘Next Frontier of Green...

Author(s): Md Zillur Rahman

Farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of occupational health and safety hazards in Trinidad, West Indies and implications for the Agriculture sector

July 2015

Studies have shown that Trinidad has an aged farming population. Young persons are not entering the sector. As such, older farmers will continue to be the backbone of Trinidad’s agricultural sector. There is urgent need for focus to be placed on improving the state of occupational health and safety within this sector. This study sought to determine farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards...

Author(s): Kurina Baksh, Wayne Ganpat and Lendel Narine

Adoption of innovations and best management practices by goat farmers in eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey

July 2015

Goat farming has traditionally been a major livelihood for many rural families in the mountainous and uphill areas of the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. In recent years, the increased demand for goat products raised the issue of developing a sustainable goat sector in the region. The primary purpose of this study was to determine best management practices and innovations in goat farming and their adoption...

Author(s): Ismet Boz

New trends in rural community development practice in Africa: The case of Cameroon’s grassfield rural development project

July 2015

This paper examines a new trend in rural community development in Cameroon using the Grassfield Rural Development Project, to highlight the challenges of the participatory approach in an African context. There is an on-going debate about the future of the rural sector in developing countries, centred on implementation of participatory projects to alleviate poverty and deteriorating rural living conditions. Using data...

Author(s): Fonteh Athanasius Amungwa

Exploring the need and suitability of “The green revolution” in South Africa

June 2015

South Africa has for years, been a self-sufficient country in terms of its food resources. However, its food security has been noted to be only at national and not household level. In fact, poverty has remained the major characteristic of most rural communities of South Africa. Rural development and poverty alleviation have therefore been the main focus of the nation’s democratic government since it first came...

Author(s): Tshuma M. C.

Sustainable development in the Arab Region: Achievements, constraints and opportunities

June 2015

The process of rural development is considered an important priority for any society that seeks economic, social and cultural development, especially in the developing countries. Rural development aims to make a planned change evolutionary for the advancement of local communities in the countryside economically, socially, culturally and environmentally with democratic approach ensure broad participation in planning,...

Author(s): Radwan Mostafa and Yin Changbin

Evaluating the effects of fertilizer subsidy programmes on vulnerable farmers in Kenya

June 2015

The National Accelerated Agricultural Inputs Access Programme (NAAIAP) established in 2006 was envisioned as a safety net programme that would address the problem of food insecurity and poverty among poor farmers. This study using cross-sectional data obtained from 200 farmers employs Multinomial Logistic analysis and data from the 2009/2010 agricultural season to estimate the subsidy effects of the NAAIAP program on...

Author(s): ROBERT Odhiambo Ochola, and NIE Fengying

Determinants of job performance of field level workers on social safety net programmes in Bangladesh

June 2015

The study aims to clarify determinants of performance of field level workers in Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). Data were collected from a sample of 70 field level workers from five upazilas (Sub-district) namely Itna, Mithaiman, Karimgonj, Tarail and Nikli under Kishoregonj district in Bangladesh. A pre-tested and structured interview schedule was used to collect data from 06 October to 06 November, 2013. Three...

Author(s): Mohammad Jiaul Hoque and Koichi Usami

Assessment of an outsourced agricultural extension service in the Mutasa district of Zimbabwe

May 2015

Zimbabwe has a pluralistic agricultural extension system. In addition to the public extension service, donors contract private service providers to deliver extension services in specific project areas. This study assesses the impact of an outsourced extension service on rural households in the Mutasa district of Zimbabwe’s Manicaland Province, and examines the financial cost and benefit of this service. The...

Author(s): Machila M., Lyne M., and Nuthall P.

Extension programme participation and smallholder’s livelihood: Evidence from Awassa Zuria District, SNNPR, Ethiopia

May 2015

In this paper the extension organization that promotes packages of technologies and practices was closely examined in line with its impact to mediate the use of household resources which determine the type of livelihood strategies perused at household level and their ultimate outcomes either in more secured or vulnerable livelihoods. For this study, a survey data were collected in 2006 from a randomly selected 65...

Author(s): Tewodros Tefera

Revisiting uncertainty and price forecast indicators in corn and wheat markets

May 2015

The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, we look at the fundamentals of spot prices of corn and wheat and analyse several measures of dispersion, arguing that the use of the standard deviation of prices is more instructive for regulators and world food organisations than volatility, that is, standard deviation of returns. Second, we look at alternative predictors of corn and wheat spot prices and exhibit that the...

Author(s): Hélyette Geman, and Pedro Vergel Eleuterio

Role of local innovation in mechanisation of maize shelling: Evidence from Igabi, Chikun and Kajuru Local Government Areas, Kaduna State Nigeria

May 2015

The study assessed the benefits of a mechanical maize sheller made by a local artisan based on data from 90 farmers selected randomly and equally from Igabi, Chikun and Kajuru Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Results of the study showed that 76.7% of the respondents adopted  the maize sheller made by the local artisan as compared to 23.3% still engaged in hand-shelling of maize.  Regarding...

Author(s): Adeleye O, Bako S, Afiemo OG, Alli-Balogun K and Agbo R

Potential check-off benefits to farmers in the presence of wind-borne diseases

May 2015

In the event of wind-borne disease outbreaks, farmers have traditionally purchased insurance plans that issue indemnity payments upon infection. This paper highlights a possible alternative to standard programs by assessing potential benefits to infected area farmers through a check-off program. A simulation is conducted assuming three outbreak scenarios using Asian soybean rust (ASR) as a case and data collected by a...

Author(s): Kenrett Y. Jefferson-Moore, Anton Bekkerman, Nicholas E. Piggott, Barry K. Goodwin, Sethu Palat and Canisha C. Turner

Characterization of crop production and marketing to improve food security in Arsi Zone, Ethiopia

April 2015

Crop production provides food and feed; the community generates income from it to cover household expenses and savings. To improve the productivity of the sector, identification of crop production and marketing constraints in Arsi Zone is important to enhance crop production as intended in the Growth and Transformation Plan. This article aims to characterize the crop production, marketing systems and constraints so as...

Author(s): Bedada Begna, Messay Yami and Eshetu Lemma, Tesfaye Solomom and Tarekegn Etana

Managing of risks in agriculture: Benefits of conservation of forest resources in Anambra State, Nigeria

April 2015

Forest management offers a promising alternative to depletion of forest resources. Continuous degradation of the forest reserve base has major effects on other segments of the economy. This includes reduction of forest cover leading to erosion and soil degradation. This study assessed the roles of farmers in conservation of forest resources; benefits of conservation of forest resources in the area and reasons for loss...

Author(s): E. A. Onwubuya, O. I. Ogbonna, O. C. Ezeobiora and E. N. Ajani

Preparing agricultural product marketing for the new AEC market: A case study for improving the marketing organization for farmers in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand

April 2015

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will be established in 2015 providing challenges both advantageous and otherwise to the agricultural economy of Thailand. The Marketing Organization for Farmers (MOF) intends to develop an integrative business model based on contract farming of native rice turned into a unique product. This study explored the unique agricultural product especially native rice Kiaw Ngu native glutinous...

Author(s): Kanokon Seemanon, Vijitsri Sanguanwongse, Boonjit Titapiwatanakun, Prapinwadee Sirisupluxana, Pornprapa Kikuchi and Masahiro Yamao

Influence of demographic characteristics on adoption of improved potato varieties by smallholder farmers in Mumberes Division, Baringo County, Kenya

April 2015

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is widely consumed as a staple world over with direct consumption by humans as food being 31.3 kg per capita. Ministry of Agriculture through collaborative efforts with other stakeholders has developed improved potato varieties and released them for farmers to plant in Kenya. The main aim of this study was to investigate the influence of selected factors on adoption of improved potato...

Author(s): Isaac Mwaura Njuguna, Catherine Ng’endo Munyua and Susan Kamuru Makal

Agricultural extension reforms and development in Uganda

April 2015

This study was done with the objective of contributing to the policy debate on the changing landscape of agricultural rural services in Uganda. The study examines the perception of Agricultural Extension providers on the new changes in provision of agricultural extension services. Data was collected from twenty two key informants. Result show that political interference is negatively affecting the image of the National...

Author(s): Nana AfranaaKwapong and Ephraim Nkonya

Assessment of farm families’ acceptability of small ruminants’ milk for consumption in selected rural communities in Ogun State, Nigeria

April 2015

A total of 150 rural families were selected to ascertain acceptability of small ruminants’ milk for consumption by rural dwellers in selected rural communities of Ogun State. The result of the study showed that majority of the respondent (38%) consumed milk products such as local cheese commonly referred to as ‘wara’, and this was largely consumed either fresh (38%) or fried (32%). Other milk products...

Author(s): Adewumi, O. O., Lawal-Adebowale, O. A. and Adegbemile, D. A.

Determinants of adoption of improved maize varieties in Osun State, Nigeria

March 2015

The paper examines the level of awareness and identified the various improved maize varieties (IMVs) cultivated in Osun state, Nigeria. It also analyzed the socioeconomic factors influencing the adoption and intensity of use of improved maize varieties. A multistage sampling design was used to select 360 farming households that were interviewed using structured questionnaire. Data collected included demographic and...

Author(s): Wasiu Olalekan Akinbode and Adebayo Simeon Bamire

Assessment of youth participation in indigenous farm practices of vegetable production in Oyo State, Nigeria

March 2015

The study investigated the youth participation in indigenous farm practices of vegetable production in Oyo State. The study specifically identified various indigenous farm practices that youth engage in and their level of participation. The study was conducted in four agricultural zones in the State namely Ibadan/Ibarapa, Oyo, Ogbomoso and Saki zones. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select respondents from the...

Author(s): Agboola A. F. , Adekunle I. A. and Ogunjimi S. I.

Enhancing sustainable environmental management through indigenous pest and diseases control practices by Ofada rice growers in Ogun State, Nigeria

March 2015

Sustainable indigenous agricultural development for smallholder farmers entails the values placed on the use of indigenous knowledge and methods that depend on such to maintain productivity and better output for the Nigerian teeming population. The study analyzed the different indigenous pests and diseases control methods used by ‘ofada’ rice growers. Multi stage sampling technique was used in sampling 120...

Author(s): Abdulsalam-Saghir P. B. and Banmeke T. O. A.

A survey on preservation methods of leftover vegetables among retailers of Bungudu Local Government Area Zamfara State-Nigeria

February 2015

This study aimed at investigating the different methods of preserving vegetable left over after market hours among retailers of Bungudu local government area of Zamfara state-Nigeria. Out of the total number of markets in the local Government ten villages were randomly selected and in each of the village market, six vegetables sellers were choose at random and administered with the questionnaire making the total of...

Author(s): Garba, J., T. Rabiu, A. Yusuf, M. Aliyu, N. Musa and H. Muhammad

Adaptation of farming practices by the smallholder farmers in response to climate change

February 2015

The study was conducted to determine the extent of adaptation of farming practices by smallholder farmers in response to climate change in coastal regions of Bangladesh. The data were collected from 80 randomly selected smallholder farmers with the objectives to identify the adaptation of farming practices, to determine the factors those influence adaptation of farming practices and to find out the constraints faced by...

Author(s): Billah, M. M., Sarker, M. A., Miah, M. A. M. and Kabir, K. H.

Roles of youths groups in rural community development in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

February 2015

Youths are dynamic force for social transformation and rural community development. This study identified types of youth groups and their roles in rural community development; constraints to effective participation of youth in rural community development and strategies to improve effective participation of youths in rural community development. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 60 respondents for the...

Author(s): Iwuchukwu J. C., Ogbonna O. I. and Agboti I. O.

Adoption of innovative teaching strategies in active learning and experiential learning by Egyptian agricultural technical schools instructors

February 2015

Agricultural Technical School (ATS) instructors in Upper Egypt have been engaged in professional development workshops intended to improve classroom and laboratory teaching by implementing active learning strategies and workshops designed to enhance student learning through real-life experiences via internships. The adoption of these new innovations has been successful; however, through assessments of concerns the ATS...

Author(s): R. Kirby Barrick, Brian E. Myers and Mohamed M. Samy

Determinants of loan repayment performance: Case study of Harari microfinance institutions

February 2015

The study was conducted in Eastern Hararghe Zone of the Harari Regional State, Ethiopia. This study is intended to assess factors affecting loan repayment performance of Harari Microfinance Institution. The survey was conducted in three Kebele Associations having the maximum number of borrowers, by selecting 120 sample households through systematic random sampling between defaulters and non-defaulters of the MFI. Out of...

Author(s): Firafis Haile

Agricultural knowledge management: The case of cattle feed quality improvement in Bure district west Gojjam, Ethiopia

January 2015

The government of Ethiopia gives great attention to livestock development for the country’s economy development. Having quality of animal feed is one of the pertinent components of livestock development. To improve the quality and quantity of animal feed in certain locality, farmers should be able to access and use appropriate knowledge for the particular problem at the right time and place. This research was...

Author(s): Habtemariam Assefa, Tegegni G. Egziabher and Azage Tegegne

Constraints to the linkage between maize and livestock sub-systems in Ethiopian agriculture

January 2015

The study was conducted with the objective of assessing constraints to the linkage between maize and livestock subsystems in the Ethiopian agriculture system or practices. The linkage between the maize and livestock subsystems towards an integrated maize-livestock production system has been constrained by several factors. These factors affect resource flows between the two subsystems. These included socio economic,...

Author(s): Ashenafi Mengistu, Belay Kassa, Eyassu Seifu and Ananadajayasekeram Ponniah

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