Pre-scaling up of improved maize variety in Highlands and Midhighlands of West Guji Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
September 2019
This study was conducted at Bule Hora district of West Guji zone, Southern Oromia with the objective of further disseminating the already evaluated and selected variety maize, Jibat (AMH-851) to the farming community. The district was selected purposively based on potentiality and accessibility for maize production; and two potential peasant associations (PAs), Hera Liphitu and MetiTokuma were selected. A total of 20...
Rural communities access to community and social development projects in North Central Nigeria
September 2019
This study on rural communities’ access to community and social development projects in North Central Nigeria was carried out in North Central Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique and a sample size of 418 respondents was selected for the study. Data for the study were collected from primary sources. Primary data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire. 58.7% of the respondents were males whereas...
Role of farmers’ organizations to agricultural development in Mezam Division, Cameroon
August 2019
This study was carried out from January 2018 to March 2019 in Mezam Division of the North West Region of Cameroon on the role of farmers’ organizations to agricultural development, particularly the case of the Program for the Improvement of Competiveness of Family Agro-pastoral Farms and the North West Farmers’ Organization (NOWEFOR). The objective of the study was to analyze the role of farmers...
Effectiveness of learning and experimentation approaches for farmers as a community based strategy for banana xanthomonas wilt management
July 2019
Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is a devastating disease for banana and enset in east, central and Horn of Africa since 1968. The disease has spread to all banana growing countries in the region in the last decade, causing yield losses of up to 80 to 100%. Several efforts have been undertaken to develop and implement technologies for BXW management and their effective deployment with varying successes. This paper presents...
Revisiting the status of pastoral women’s access to and control over livelihood assets; evidences from Fafan zone, Somali region, Ethiopia
June 2019
This paper focuses on assessing the status of pastoral women’s access to and control over livelihood assets in Fafan zone of Somali region, Ethiopia. In this study, the emphasis was given to the study populations’ level of access to and control over livelihood assets, factors affecting pastoral women’s asset ownership and the effects of pastoral women’s access to and control over livelihood...
Climate change, food insecurity and household adaptation mechanisms in Amaro Ward, Southern Region of Ethiopia
May 2019
Climate change poses an increasing risk to the agricultural sector and the dynamics that underpin food security. It is one of the main driving forces of the current food insecurity problem in Ethiopia and in Amaro ward in particular. The objectives of this study were to: Examine the current household food security situation in Amaro ward of Ethiopia; identify the adaptation mechanisms deployed by residents of the ward...
Challenges and contributions of informal finance to the livelihoods of rural households in Gamo Gofa Zone, Ethiopia
May 2019
This study was to identify challenges and contribution of informal financial services on rural households’ livelihood in selected Woredas of Gamo Gofa Zone. A multistage sampling technique was employed. Primary data on households’ motives, challenges and contribution of informal financial services were collected from household heads and focus group discussants. The collected data were analysed using...
Effect of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) Measures on Soil Nutrient and Moisture Status, a Case of Two Selected Watersheds
April 2019
The study was conducted in Guba-Lafto Woreda of North Wollo to find out the effect of stone faced soil bund on soil macronutrients (N, P, and K), organic carbon content, soil pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and soil moisture status. From two case study kebeles, two watersheds were purposively selected representing Dega (highland) and Woina dega (midland) agro ecological zones. Sixteen composite surface soil samples...
Analysis of social media mainstreaming in E-extension by agricultural development programmes in North Central Zone, Nigeria
April 2019
Social media is a new trend in communication and a new platform for sharing, engagement and networking in all spheres of life including agriculture. This study analysed social media mainstreaming in e-extension services delivery by the Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) in North Central Zone of Nigeria. Four ADPs of Kogi, Federal Capital Territory, Nasarawa and Niger states that participated in the Research...
An overview of agricultural extension in Botswana and needed reforms
March 2019
Crops and livestock sectors constitute agriculture in Botswana. The sectors are dominated by small-scale farmers engaged in traditional production systems. National Agriculture Policy calls for an effective extension service to ensure continued farmer capacity building, increased efficiency and production by the sectors. Several extension approaches adopted over 79 years have been replaced one after the other since 1926...
Determinants of agriculture participation among tertiary institution youths in Ghana
March 2019
The study was conducted to examine the determinants of agriculture participation among tertiary institutions youth in Ghana. The study first, examined what factors influences youth decision to participate in agriculture activities and second, the intensity of participation of those youths who are participating in agriculture. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. Data collected...
Famers perceptions on effectiveness of extension delivery approaches to Mbororo female livestock farmers in North-West Region Cameroon
March 2019
The purpose of the study is to determine farmers’ perception on agricultural extension delivery approaches on Mbororo female livestock farmers in North-West Cameroon. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires established to Mbororo women. Interviews guides were used to get more information on the perception of Bororo female livestock farmer on effectiveness extension services delivery. Secondary...
Assessment of forest management practices and livelihood income around Arero dry Afromontane forest of Southern Oromia Region in Borana Zone, South Ethiopia
February 2019
Forest resources are often well managed by local communities either through their own initiatives using traditional institutions or being organized with assistances from development actors such as non-governmental organization (NGOs) and governmental organizations (GOs). The study was aimed to assess forest management practices, and the contribution of forest resource for communities’ livelihoods of Arero forest...
Adoption determinants of row planting for wheat production in Munesa District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
February 2019
Agriculture takes the lion’s share in the economic development of many developing countries, including Ethiopia. Agricultural policy of the years has focused on supporting the introduction of improved technologies to boost production and reduce food insecurity. However, outcomes of such agricultural policies have been influenced by different factors of which low adoption of improved agricultural technology is a...
Determinants and challenges of rural livelihood diversification in Ethiopia: Qualitative review
February 2019
The review was made on determinants and challenges of livelihood diversification in Ethiopia. Different published and unpublished documents were collected through different search engines from different databases, Google scholar and Google. After thorough reading, 42 papers were used to review out of 182 papers. There are a lot of pushes and pull factors that affect rural livelihood diversification. Some determinants,...
Enhancing sorghum yield through demonstration of improved sorghum varieties in Tanqua-Abergelle Wereda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia
January 2019
With the aim of improving food security through enhanced production and productivity of sorghum a demonstration of two improved sorghum varieties (Chare and Melkam) was conducted in two selected Kebelle (Shekha-Tekhli and Agbe) of Tanqua-Abergelle Wereda. A total of 100 farming households (88 male and 12 female) who are beneficiaries of the Productive Safety Net Program were purposively selected. Each farmer planted the...
Review on gendered perspective of household’s participation in agricultural activities in Ethiopia
January 2019
Gender is a crosscutting issue that attracts the attention of development professionals, policy makers and politicians. It is due to the fact that in any development, interventions involvement of women has become compulsory. To this end, considering the roles of men and women is very important, and gender roles vary across culture. In Ethiopia where agriculture is the backbone of the economy, the participation of women...
Beekeeping management practices and gap analysis of beekeepers at different agro-ecological zones of Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia
December 2018
The study was conducted to assess beekeeping practices, seasonal colony management gaps in eastern, south-east and central zones of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. About 384 beekeepers were interviewed. The trend of honeybee colonies indicated an increase in the last five years but with variables (72%) in honey production. Majority (77.3%) of beekeepers inspected their apiary and honeybee colonies externally and...
Determinants of commercialization of teff crop in Abay Chomen District, Horo Guduru wallaga zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
December 2018
This paper aims to identify factors affecting teff commercialization in Abay Chomen District using primary data collected during February and January 2017 from teff sampled household producers. Semi structured interview schedule and Focus Group Discussion were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and heckman two stage models were used to analyze the data collected. The paper showed that among sixteen...
Gender roles in fisheries post-harvesting activities in catch-locations within Coastal Areas of Lagos State Nigeria
December 2018
This study examined the gender roles in Fisheries Post-harvesting Activities (FPhA), which stems from a significant knowledge gap regarding gender roles in the subsistence fishery industry. The research was conducted in five catch-locations within the coastal areas of Lagos State, Nigeria, namely: Ikorodu, Badagry, Epe, Lekki and Makoko. The respondents were selected using purposive and snowballing sampling techniques....
Pastoralist’s perceptions on the impact of Vachellia karrooencroachment in communal rangelands of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
November 2018
The study was conducted in Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate farmers’ perceptions on the impact of Vachellia karroo encroachment on livestock production and vegetation. Forty farmers (62% females and 38% males) were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. The results showed that goats and cattle were mainly kept for cash sales and sheep for wool...
Factors affecting smallholder farmers’ participation in degraded forest rehabilitation practices. The case of Gemachis District, West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
November 2018
The global forest coverage has declined from year to year due to human and natural factors. To address the problems, different rehabilitation strategies have been implemented through government and community in a coordinated manner. This study investigated factors affecting smallholder farmers’ participation in degraded forest rehabilitation at participatory forest management in Ethiopia. We used two-stage...
Livelihood diversification strategies among the Borana pastoral households of Yabello District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
October 2018
This study is aimed at identifying and describing the existing livelihood options and the determinants of the choice of the households’ livelihood strategies in the pastoral areas of Yabello District. The data for this study were obtained from a survey of 180 household heads selected using simple random sampling technique in the year 2016. The key...
Review of challenges and opportunities for dairy cattle farming under mixed system of Homa Bay County, Western Kenya
October 2018
The objective of this review was to determine challenges and opportunities facing dairy cattle production in Homa Bay County, which lies within the Lake Victoria basin. Three cattle production systems were included: farms keeping indigenous breeds; farms keeping crosses of indigenous and exotic breeds and farms keeping exotic breeds. Both primary and secondary data were collected using questionnaires, key informant...
Public discourse on Khat (Catha edulis) production in Ethiopia: Review
October 2018
Agriculture is the most important economic activity and employment opportunity in Ethiopia. Globally, the country is the largest producer of Khat. The producers and consumers of Khat are increasing combined with earning for the national exports. Despite several controversies have continued on Khat practice, the legal stance of the Ethiopian government and studies on environmental impact are minimal. The review results...
On-Farm Demonstration of Improved Varieties of Faba bean (Vicia fabaL.) in Gemechis, Chiro and Tullo Districts of West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia
September 2018
The experiment was carried out in Gemechis, Chiro and Tulo districts of West Hararghe Zone with the objectives of enhancing production and productivity of faba bean on farmers’ fields and to improve linkage among stakeholders and create awareness on improved faba bean varieties. Three kebeles were selected purposively based on faba bean production potential. Accordingly, Walenso Defo kebele from Gemechis,...
Success story of implementing the self-sustaining agricultural extension system in Rwanda
September 2018
Rwanda is implementing the self-sustaining extension system through Farmer Field Schools (FFS) and Farmer Promoters (FP) approaches. The objective of this paper was to find out the impact of self-sustaining extension system in order to help stakeholders to improve its current implementation. The methodology includes a desk review of reports, face to face interview with 60 participants and 5 focus group discussions...
Choices and implications of livelihood diversification strategies on smallholder farmers’ income in Saesietsaeda Emba District, Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia
August 2018
Farmers’ life without livelihood diversification into off-farm and non-farm income activities becomes difficult due to unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area. Farm income alone cannot feed the ever increasing population. Hence, livelihood diversification is a matter of life or death for majority of the households in the study district. The objectives of the study were to identify household...
Participatory on farm evaluation of improved mungbean technologies in the low land areas of North Shewa Zone Amhara Region, Ethiopia
August 2018
The study was conducted in four selected potential areas of North Shewa zone namely; Kewot, Efratana gidim, Ensaro and Merhabete district. The main objective of the study was to evaluate, select the best performing mungbean varieties and to assess farmer’s technology preference. The experiment was done using three improved varieties namely; Rasa (N-26), NLV-1, and Arkebe improved varieties and local variety as a...
Factors affecting paddy farmers' perception of utilizing agricultural machines in Indonesia
August 2018
This paper aims to identify factors affecting farmers’ negative perception on utilizing rice transplanters and combine harvesters. To this end, data obtained from interview survey in the westernmost part of Java Island, Banten Province was analyzed, where agricultural labor wages increase at a faster pace as compared to other regions and a rapid diffusion of agricultural mechanization is anticipated. The...
Technological gaps of agricultural extension: Mismatch between demand and supply in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
August 2018
This paper examines technological challenges of the agricultural extension in North Gondar Zone of Ethiopia. Understanding technological gaps in public agricultural extension helps to devise demand driven and compatible technologies to existing contexts of farmers. The study used cross sectional survey using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Data were generated from primary and secondary sources using household...
Technology tracking: Understanding decisions to adopt, not to adopt, and dis-adopt household greywater filtration systems
July 2018
Jordan is one of the world’s water-poorest countries. The demand for potable and productive water is ever increasing due to population growth, climate change, increasing numbers of refugees hosted by the country, as well as heightened demand from a growing economy and its different sectors. Household greywater filtration systems (HGWFS) are ideal for repurposing greywater, from wastewater into productive use for...
Prospects and challenges of management of smallholders' Wovwe Rice Irrigation Scheme in Malawi through participatory approach
July 2018
The concept of participatory approach in irrigation management was adopted in Malawi in the mid 1990s, but fully implemented in early 2000. This research was designed to analyze the challenges and benefits which Water User Associations (WUAs) encountered during implementation of irrigation projects using Wovwe Water User Association (WWUA) as a case study. The study thus examined the legal framework of WUAs in Malawi,...
Participatory evaluation of the adaptability of released maize varieties to moisture stress areas of Dugda Dawa, southern Oromia
June 2018
Maize is an essential food crop in Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted to establish and select adaptable maize variety/ies with better agronomic performance and to familiarize farmers with improved agronomic practices for moisture stress within the study area. The experiment was conducted on agro-pastoralists’ land by the researcher together with some selected members of agro-pastoralists. Three maize varieties...
Gender and youth challenges and opportunities in rural community: The case of Goregora, West Dembia district of North West Ethiopia
June 2018
The study was conducted in Goregora, North West Ethiopia. The main objective of the study was to analyze gender role, gender and youth challenges and opportunities in the study area. Two stage sampling technique was employed. Male (32) and female (28), in total 60 sample respondents were interviewed. The sample size for this study was a function of the variability of the population characteristics, time and resource...
Farmers’ knowledge and practice of organic vegetable cultivation: A field level study of two villages from Bangladesh
May 2018
The study aimed to determine farmers’ knowledge and practice regarding organic vegetable cultivation as well as to ascertain farmers’ awareness concerning health and environmental aspects. The study was conducted at two villages of Kishoregonj District. The selected villages were Shadullar Char and Borobag Char. The total number of household was 800 in two villages. Among them 400 households were randomly...
Impact of productive safety net program in rural community of Ethiopia: A review study
May 2018
Ethiopia lunched Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) as social protection program since 2005 to tackle the causes of food insecurity. Even though, the country lunched the PSNP there are different challenges that hinder proper implementation of program for attaining intended impact on rural community. This paper seeks to review the impact of Ethiopia’s PSNP and its implementation challenges through qualitative...
Pollinator habitat: A cooperative project between the landfill industry and blueberry growers
May 2018
Bee decline is a threat worldwide. An extension project was initiated to make the general public, industry, and municipalities aware of this problem. This study demonstrated pollinator habitat suitable for Maine farms by developing cooperation between the Maine wild blueberry industry and a regional commercial waste landfill. The reason for involving the landfill industry was to demonstrate and encourage non-farm...
Determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in seed producing cooperatives in Southern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia
April 2018
This research attempted to examine smallholder farmers’ participation in seed producing cooperatives with the objectives of assessing factors affecting farmers’ participation and identify the determinants of participation in seed producing cooperatives in southern zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were employed to select 192 sample households. Interview...
The implications of smallholdings of water and land for the sustainability of a community based water management system in Oman
April 2018
This paper investigates the implications of smallholder farming, that is, characteristic of a community based water management system in Oman known as a falaj (pl aflaj). The aflaj are naturally sustainable, and for centuries have provided water in an arid region, supporting agriculture and livelihoods. With over three thousand active aflaj in Oman, the typical falaj is small; conveying enough water to irrigate a...
Influence of social networks and social support on credit utilization in the Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Soroti District, Uganda
March 2018
Microfinance models and programs tend to mimic local people’s support systems, especially their social networks, to ensure high repayment rate, efficient administration, and effective economic decisions. However, there is limited empirical evidence of their influence on credit use decisions. This paper examines the influence of social networks and social support on credit use decisions among SACCO members in...
Knowledge and perception of farmers on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in Ife-Central Local Government Area of Osun State: Implications for rural development
March 2018
This study focused on knowledge and perception of farmers on information and communication technology (ICT) use in Ife Central Local Government Area of Osun State. A pretested and validated interview schedule was used to source information from 150 farmers selected through a multi-stage sampling procedure. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used to analyze the data collected. The result revealed among...
Agricultural knowledge, source and information system in central highland of Ethiopia
February 2018
The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the current agricultural information management system and communication, and the gap between required and available information to extension personnel at central highland of Ethiopia. Consulting with head of districts agricultural office, 5 to 6 farmers training center (FTC) from Welmera and Ejera districts were selected randomly. 92 development agents and eleven subject...
Smallholder farmers’ experiences of climate variability and change on pineapple production in Ghana: Examining adaptation strategies for improved production
February 2018
Climate variability and change presents enormous risk to agricultural production globally due to the impacts on yields. While global scholarship on climate change impacts and adaptation measures on agriculture has been well-documented, little is known about climate and pineapple production. This study examined smallholder pineapple farmers experiences of climate variability and change on production, as well as ranked...
Evaluation of frontline demonstration of herbicide (Pyroxsulam) for weed control in bread wheat in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
January 2018
Frontline demonstration of herbicide was conducted in four districts of Tigray Region with objective of improving productivity of unit area and enhancing the income of farming community. Technology demonstration followed by perception assessment survey was conducted on the direct beneficiaries of the technology. A total of 40 farmers were selected purposively. The herbicide and improved bread wheat was offered. Yield,...
Perceptions and choices of adaptation measures for climate change among teff (Eragrostis tef) farmers of Southeast Tigray, Ethiopia
January 2018
This study was conducted in Southeast Tigray of Ethiopia using teff (Eragrostis tef) producing farmers. Teff production with regards to climate change has significant implications on food security and poverty in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to analyze factors influencing choice of adaptation strategies among teff farmers in Ethiopia. A stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to select 210 farm...
Assessment of on-farm storage of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) and roselle grains (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in Niger
January 2018
The objective of this study was an assessment of on-farm storage practices for Bambara groundnut and roselle grains in Niger. It is based on a random sample of 164 farmers producing both crops in the Dosso and Maradi regions using a semi-structured questionnaire. Analysis of the data used Probit regression and budgeting. Fifty four percent of respondents use some type of potentially hermetic container for storage of...
Assessing the performance of an irrigation scheme in Okyereko, Ghana
December 2017
Assessing the performance of an irrigation scheme is an important management function which will indicate the state of the scheme and suggest possible remedial measures to improve the effectiveness of the scheme. This study was conducted to assess the technical and agricultural performances of the Okyereko irrigation scheme in the Central Region of Ghana. Secondary data were collected from the scheme with respect to...
Rural agricultural development and extension in Mexico: Analysis of public and private extension agents
December 2017
Agricultural extension in Mexico significantly favors rural development and considers agriculture as a means of promoting economic development by solving problems associated with poverty and food security. The Mexican extension system, as in other Latin American countries, has been transformed into services provided by extensionists (also known as extension agents, or professional service providers). Due to the social,...
Effect of contract tobacco farming on the welfare of smallholder farmers in Angonia District, Mozambique
December 2017
The use of contract farming, which constitutes a subject of current debates, especially on the issue of whether or not participating farmers improve their welfare and thus contribute to the local economy as an agricultural intervention is being adopted by many African countries including Mozambique. The Mozambique government adopted contract farming which is being implemented in the central region, mainly involving...
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