The genome of a landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar characterized through high-throughput sequencing
October 2016
A wide range of life-history tactics can be found within salmonid fish. The genetic basis for these adaptations remains largely unknown, but we have sought to investigate any large scale genetic changes associated with a non-anadromous life cycle. After the most recent ice age (approximately 9,500 years ago), some populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., were trapped in fresh water and developed into isolated...
Improvement in cocoon yield induced by phytojuvenoid on the multivoltine mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori Linn.)
January 2015
Impact of phytojuvenoid on commercial parameters in Bombyx mori, a monophagous insect, was studied. The variation in the phytojuvenoid concentration significantly influenced the length of cocoon and the number of larval treatment did not cause significant influence on the length of cocoon of B. mori. The length of cocoon increased from 2.88 cm (control) to the maximum level of 3.65 cm in 30% phytojuvenoid concentration...
Somatic embryogenesis in two Nigerian cassava cultivars (Sandpaper and TMS 60444)
October 2014
The embryogenic ability of two cassava cultivars (Sandpaper and TMS 60444) was investigated by culturing their young leaf lobes on an induction medium (DKW2 50P). The explants formed organized embryogenic structures regardless of the concentration of picloram in the medium. Organized embryogenic structures induction was enhanced by increasing the concentration of picloram in the induction medium for both cultivars. The...
Insect visitation of peduncular and petiolar extrafloral nectar glands on castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) plants in Southern California
June 2014
Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is a myrmecophytic plant species with specialized extrafloral nectar (EFN) glands that serve to attract predatory insects, which in return defend plant-tissues against herbivores. The EFN glands on castor bean plants are located along the leaf petioles as well as on the peduncles of its imperfect (unisexual) flowers. This field-project evaluates the richness, diversity, and species...
Taxonomic survey of crustacean zooplankton in Wular Lake of Kashmir Himalaya
February 2014
Taxonomic survey of the crustacean community was conducted at five study sites in Wular Lake. Plankton samples were collected on monthly basis from September 2010 to August 2011 and identified in the laboratory under different magnifications using the Olympus microscope. Of the 42 taxa identified, 23 were Cladocera, 16 were Copepoda and only three were Ostracoda. Among the Copepoda, one taxa namely Cyclops latipes seems...
Biosystematic relationships of three sect plants in Elymus (Poaceae) based on the anatomical characteristics of leaf blades
February 2013
The anatomical characteristics of leaf blades of the major species of sect. Elymus, sect. Turczaninoviaand sect. Macrolepis in Elymus were examined. The results showed that: (1) The leaf epidermis usually consists of long and short cells, stomatal apparatus and prickle -hairs. It belongs to the typical festucoid type. Its long-cells are usually rectangle and its cell-walls are thin and straight...
Protective effects of vitamin C against biochemical toxicity induced by malathion pesticides in male albino rat
February 2013
Malathion is a chemical pesticide, commonly used by Egyptian farmers; however, its contamination of water sources has become an important issue. It is suggested that the role of vitamin C in alteration of enzymes responsible for energy metabolism was induced by administration of Malathion. The effect of malathion and malathion with vitamin C on some enzymes in the rat were recorded in the present study. Significant...
Gene expression and phenotypic characterization of flooding tolerance in tomato
December 2012
The effect of flooding on gene expression of four tomato genotypes was studied under a controlled environment. Four different flooding treatments (0, 2, 4, and 8 days) were used for flooding tolerance in four tomato genotypes. The experiment was laid out in a randomized split plot design with flooding treatment as main plot and the genotypes subplot. Treatments were replicated five times. The results show that with each...
The allele frequencies of growth hormone gene on the parental and progeny of Ongole-crossbreed cattle population in the North Sulawesi of Indonesia using PCR-RFLP
December 2012
The objectives of this research were to identify the allelic frequency of growth hormone MspI enzyme-restriction, to define the genetic inequilibrium in selected superior and inferior body weight groups of the cows (G0) and to upgrade genetically the genetic equilibrium of their Ongole-crossbred progenies (G1) population. A total of 74 blood samples were collected from G0 and G1 at the artificial insemination...
Presence of Walker B-like signature sequences on ABC-transporter proteins in the genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lytic phage and Enterococcus faecalis V583
November 2012
In this study, the lytic phage for multidrug-resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated; this phage belongs to the Myoviridae and Siphoviridae. Analysis of its genome sequences highlighted by different antibiotic resistance gene primers offered the most direct and sensitive method of determining the therapeutic status of this lytic phage. Interestingly, this approach reveals...
Biological and biochemical responses of infected Biomphalaria alexandrina snails with Schistosoma mansoni post exposure to the pesticides Basudin and Selecron and the phytoalkaloid Colchicine
November 2012
This study aims to detect the molluscicidal properties of the pesticides Basudin and Selecron and the phytoalkaloid Colchicine against Biomphalaria alexandrina snails including their infection withSchistosoma mansoni, production of cercariae, the levels of total protein, globulin and albumin and the activities of alanine and aspartate transaminases (AlT and AsT) and acid and alkaline phosphatases...
Effect of chocolate brown HT with olive oil on some neurotransmitters in different brain regions, physiological and histological structure of liver and kidney of male albino rats
March 2012
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of chronic administration of chocolate brown HT or chocolate brown HT with oil on norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and gamm-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents in different brain areas (cerebellum, striatum, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, brain steam and hippocampus) and liver and kidney functions of male albino rats. In addition, histopathological examinations of the...
Laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination and ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis in Arabi ewes
March 2012
Laparoscopic intrauterine artificial insemination (LAI) refers to a special technique by which the operation is done through several small holes in the abdomen with the aid of telescope. These incisions are much smaller than wound required in traditional surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic artificial insemination. To increase the pregnancy and twins rate by using...
Impact of water-ph values on the consumption capacity of certain aquatic insects preying on different medical snails
December 2011
The main aim of this work was to determine the consumption capacity of five aquatic insects (as predators) on four species of medical snails (as preys) tested under four values of pH at a constant and controlling temperature in the laboratory. The predators were represented by adults of two hemipterous species (Limnogeton fieberi Mayr, Sphaerodema urinator Duf.) and three nymph odonatous species...
Effect of ethanolic extract of Dalbergia sissoo plant parts on Biomphalaria alexandrina snail, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni
November 2011
This study evaluated, using replicated laboratory bioassays, the toxicities of the ethanolic extracts ofDalbergia sissoo (family Leguminosae) fruits, leaves, roots and stem bark against adult Biomphalaria alexandrina, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in Egypt and their egg masses. Adult snails (6 to 8 mm in diameter) and viable 24 h-old embryonated egg masses were separately exposed...
Impact of Euphorbia milii latex on infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni larval stages to their hosts
November 2011
The effect of sublethal concentrations of Euphorbia milii latex on the infectivity of the larval stages ofSchistosoma mansoni to Biomphalaria alexandrina and to albino mice as well on these larval stages ofS. mansoni (miracidia and cercariae) were studied. The results showed that B. alexandrina infection with S. mansoni miracidia was greatly reduced by...
Impact of methanol extract of Adenium obesum plant on some biochemical and biological parameters of Bulinus truncatus snails
September 2011
The effect of methanol extract of Adenium obesum on reproduction, hatchability of eggs of Bulinus truncatussnails was studied. In addition, total protein contents and the activities of the transaminases (AST and ALT) and phosphatases (ACP and AKP) enzymes in hemolymph and tissues of snails treated with tested plant were determined. The present results showed that the molluscicidal activity of methanol...
Sex-specific effect of bacterial infection on components of adult fitness in Drosophila melanogaster
September 2011
We investigated the sex specific effect of Serratia marcescens infection through septic injury on two components of fitness, survivorship and adult competitive reproductive fitness in male and femaleDrosophila melanogaster. Under competitive conditions, infected females showed significantly lower reproductive output compared to control females. However, male reproductive fitness was not affected by...
Biochemical and histopathological effect of crude extracts on Spodoptera littoralis larvae
July 2011
The present investigation aims to throw light on the effect of methylene chloride and normal hexane extracts of Azadirachta indica, Citrullus colocynthis, Ammi majus and Mentha microphylla on the 4thlarval instar of the cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis under laboratory conditions. The results showed that the methylene chloride extract of A. indica, C....
Record of aquatic carbonaceous metaphytic remains from the Proterozoic Singhora group of Chhattisgarh Supergroup, India and their significance
July 2011
For the first time, a rich fossil assemblage of tapic carbonaceous metaphytes referable to eukaryotic algae, preserved on the bedding surface of grey carbonaceous shales belonging to Saraipali Formation of Singhora Group, Chhattisgarh Supergroup, is being recorded in and around Tushgaon village, Mahasamund District, Chhattisgarh state. The present enigmatic bona-fide fossil assemblage includes 12 taxa: Tuanshanzia...
Ecobehaviour study and status of striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758) in South Western Rajasthan, India
April 2011
The South-western Region of Rajasthan, (India) is known for its rich biodiversity including many endemic species. This study focuses on ecobehaviour and the status of the striped hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus) in two wild life sanctuaries (Kumbalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary viz. KWS and Mount Abu Sanctuary) which are located in south western Rajasthan. In our survey of winter 2009 to 2010 (November to...
Biparental care, tactile stimulation and evolution of sociality in rodents
April 2011
Sociality in rodents means a family-group mode of life. Factors promoting pair-bonding and biparental care appear to be of crucial importance for evolution towards sociality. Social species differ from solitary ones because of a higher rate and lasting duration of tactile contact between mates (brooding and grooming) and direct care of young exhibited by both parents (especially brooding, huddling over and...
Decreasing values, from the North of West Europe to North Africa, of 374F allele frequencies in the skin pigmentation gene SLC45A2: An analysis
March 2011
The 374F mutation in the SLC45A2 gene encoding the membrane associated transporter protein (MATP) has been suggested to be associated with skin color in Caucasians. In this synthesis, we collected the distribution of the 374F allele in 2910 unrelated subjects from 28 European and 4 North African populations. The highest allele frequency was observed in Denmark (0.98) and the lowest frequencies were observed in Tunisia...
Comparative study of the karyotypes and electrophoretic patterns of Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus and the ova of their corresponding trematode hosts
March 2011
The karyotypes of Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus were analyzed comparatively and classified on the basis of centromere position and the electrophoretic analysis of tissue protein has been used to determine the relationships between the ova of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium and their respective snail hosts. The two species have the same diploid...
Genetics of TGF-β3 gene polymorphism in inbred synthetic white leghorn breed of poultry
February 2011
The experiment was conducted on inbred progeny to confirm the inheritance ofTGF-β3 gene polymorphism. A total of 124 inbred synthetic white leghorn chicks were generated and reared in deep litter system under standard feeding, management and health care practices. At 16th week of age, 40 females and 40 males were housed in individual California cage system. Genomic DNA was extracted...
Use of natural plant antioxidant and probiotic in the production of novel yogurt
February 2011
Low fat fermented milk (1% fat) was supplemented with green bell pepper juice as a source of antioxidant compounds, and also carotenoids was produced and the impact of this ingredient on LAB was investigated. Pepper juice, in a ratio of 1:2 and 3%, was added to the low heat reconstituted milk powder. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (2%) was used only or with yoghurt starter (2%), and the growth rate of all...
Possible protective effect of propolis against lead-induced neurotoxicity in animal model
January 2011
Lead (Pb) is widespread toxic metals found in the environment and potential danger to human health. This study investigated the possible protective roles of propolis against Pb-induced neurotoxicity. Forty male adult (Swiss albino rats) rats were divided into four groups: Group-I {Control: 1 ml distilled water intraperitoneal (i.p.)}; group-II, received propolis at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day daily orally (p.o.); group-III,...
Study of Man-monkey conflict and its management in Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)
January 2011
Human population growth and activities like deforestation, agriculture and urbanization lead to an ever-increasing encroachment of wildlife habitats. Reduction of wild animals’ natural habitats altered into small marginal patches. Observations were scored who initiated the interaction (human or Hanuman langurs), the noted age classes and sex of the human and the langur, the density of people around the interacting...
The effect of magnetic field on the physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the lake water in Saudi Arabia
December 2010
The present study aims at solving the problem of stagnant water due to receiving of sewage water in a lake at Eastern Jeddah, using state of the art safe techniques. Samples were collected from the lake, then treated using magnetic fields with different intensities in two states, static and shaking, for 30 days. Hence, the physical and chemical properties for samples were measured, in addition to their...
Evolution: Is there a problem here for the believing person?
December 2010
Creationists are completely opposed to the scientific concept of biological evolution, and have made concerted efforts to ban the teaching of evolution in public schools. We examine the basis for their opposition, showing that it is not due to the text of Genesis. Rather, the creationist opposition to evolution is based on theological grounds. In their view, there is a close connection between the spiritual...
Discovery of carbonaceous remains from the Neoproterozoic shales of Vindhyan Supergroup, India
December 2009
Neoproterozoic gray to dark gray carbonaceous shales belonging to the Bhander Group exposed in and around Maihar and Nagod areas, Satna district, Madhya Pradesh, contains an exceptionally well preserved, diversified fossils represented by both planktic and benthic meso-megascopic (millimeter to centimeter in dimension) and multicellular metaphytes. The fossils are of varied shape viz., leaf like thalloid...
The closeness of the Finnish Ugric, Slav and Germanic populations according to anthropological and genetical data
December 2009
The computation of genetic distances of 55 human populations belonging to four great human races, based on proteic, enzymatic and blood group loci, and the construction of a dendrogram for these populations, distinguished some relationship among German, Slavic and Finnish-Ugric populations. According to the results, Russians cluster together with Poles, Iranians, Komi, Chuvashes, Udmurtians, Nentses and...
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