Effects of positive and negative rural tourism (case study: Rural Semnan Province)
February 2011
The most important purpose of tourism development is economic and social development of the tourism areas. Although a minor part of tourism includes rural tourism and plays an important role in economics of rural areas of developed countries, but other advantages and even received harms through these activities in rural areas should not be neglected. As some benefits may be obtained from tourist development,...
Mapping locations of nesting sites of the Indian house crow in Mombasa
February 2011
The location of nesting sites of Indian house crows is related with the food availability within an area. Nesting sites are located close to food sources especially areas with poor sanitation. A Google image of the area was zoomed in to visually identify tree clusters and planning of residential areas. Ground observations of the tree clusters identified from the image for nesting and the conditions around...
Assessing land use changes in Ardakan area using remote sensing
February 2011
More than one-third of the land worldwide is located in areas with arid and semiarid climates. Desertification has been increased in these areas during the recent decades. About 80% of that of Iran is located in the arid and semiarid areas. Sand dunes, as an indicator of desert land, cover an area of about 32 million hectares, out of which 12 million hectares have not been stabilized yet. Advancing sand dunes...
Factors influencing the quality of rail transport services in metropolitan Lagos
February 2011
This paper presents user’s opinion on the factors influencing the quality of rail transport service passengers’ operation and also evaluates the relationships between the adopted factors (variables of the quality of rail passengers’ services in metropolitan Lagos). Data collection was through the administration of structured questionnaires on the quality of rail service in Lagos....
An assessment of the response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Taraba State, Nigeria
February 2011
Taraba state has one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in north eastern Nigeria. It has many high risk settings and increasing behavioural attitudes that enhance the spread of the virus. This study evaluates the response of the State Government to the HIV/AIDS pandemic and how the conceptualization of the problem impacts on the government’s response in the State. The finding shows that the high risk settings...
Some of the major environmental problems relating to land use changes in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: A review
January 2011
The present paper is a review to describe the causes of major changes in land use pattern of the coastal zone of Bangladesh and identify the effects on the environmental degradation obviously considered as a man-made disaster in the area. The paper shows that the way of using the lands in the coastal areas are gradually changing, that is, diverse, competitive and alarming. The land use of coastal areas is...
Urban agriculture in metropolitan Lagos: An inventory of potential land and water resources
January 2011
The research examines how urban agriculture as an individual household micro level strategy can directly influence the financial empowerment of urban poor within the Lagos metropolis, positively. Using secondary data collected from government agencies (satellite image, hydrology map, statistical data etc) and primary data collected from field observation and reconnaissance survey; the paper takes inventory of...
Spatial distribution of women informal economic activities in the rural areas of Imo State, Nigeria
January 2011
Utilizing a feminist perspective, the paper examines the spatial distribution of informal economic activities engaged in by women in the rural areas of Imo state and ascertains if there is spatial variation in the type of informal economic activities executed by these rural women. For the study, data were collected at household and institutional levels. Field observation and the focus group discussion method...
Managing landuse to control soil erosion problems in a part of Kwara State of Nigeria
January 2011
This paper is an assessment of the roles of different land use types in controlling erosion rates in some parts of Kwara State. To accomplish this philosophy, data were therefore collected on individual rainfall characteristics, depth of erosion on each land use type and percentage plant covers on land use basis too. These data were then processed using both descriptive and regression techniques of...
Changing rainfall and anthropogenic-induced flooding: Impacts and adaptation strategies in Benin City, Nigeria
January 2011
Monthly air temperature and rainfall data of Benin City for 69 years (1941-2009) were collected from the archives of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Lagos. Mean annual temperatures, rainfall and standardized anomalies were computed and graphically depicted. A total of 200 structured questionnaires and field observation were designed to collect data on the causal factors and impacts of flooding as well as...
Flood risk and context of land-uses: Chennai city case
December 2010
India witnessed increased flooding incidences during recent past especially in urban areas reportedly since Mumbai (2005) as a mega disaster. Other South Asian cities like Dhaka, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, besides many other cities in India, are also reportedly been affected by frequent floods. Flood risk in urban areas are attributed to hazards accelerated by growth in terms of population, housing, paved-up...
The evolving rural and urban interdependence: Opportunities and challenges for community economic development
December 2010
Regional science researchers and scholars continue to distinguish between “urban or metro” and “rural or nonmetro” counties and erroneously portray metro counties to be synonymous to urbanized areas and nonmetro as rural. But the U.S. Census Bureau in 2005 indicated that 51% of nonmetro counties are actually urban places and about 41% of all metro counties in the U.S. can also be...
Coupling law and technology for water allocations among riparian states
December 2010
The problem of sharing the waters of trans-boundary watercourses has traditionally been viewed as one lying exclusively within the domain of legal doctrines. However, lack of information about the sustainable futuristic scenarios of possible water allocations acts as a deterrent in resolving the conflicts pertaining to trans-boundary watercourses. It is increasingly being felt that technology, in the form of...
Periodic market, a common marketing feature in Akoko Southwest
December 2010
Periodic marketing and periodic market places are most corporately viewed as traditional activities and practices. It was and is still regarded in some societies as being traditional. This study attempt is to examine the characteristics of some major markets in Akoko Southwest Local Governmen00t, with a view to assessing how both the buyer and sellers patronize those markets and identifying the interval...
Reforestation land use and social development in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
November 2010
The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of land use due to forestation, through social indicators that influence regional development. Specifically, it seeks to identify key social indicators that are influenced by the change of land use and to check the relation of land use with social indicators. Methodologically, the research was classified as exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative analysis....
The fast growing megacity Karachi as a frontier of environmental challenges: Urbanization and contemporary urbanism issues
November 2010
The megacity Karachi, as a globalized complex, is the business capital of Pakistan and had been the federal capital until 1958. It is one of the most important cities of the world in terms of population, economic potential and geo-strategic location. A growing body of infrastructural development during this decade has thoroughly changed the landscape of the city. The recent development pattern proclaims it as...
What do place-based crime prevention strategies mean for the Turkish planning system and urban transformation?
November 2010
According to place-based crime theories, the distribution of crime incidents in a city is related to how different areas of a city are developed; and consequently, by developing an understanding of the relationship between the distribution of crime and the urban structure, the potential for crime prevention through urban planning and design may be increased. This paper aims to explore this relationship in a...
Land use cover and environmental changes in a semi-arid rangeland, Southern Kenya
November 2010
To understand the environmental changes within the Amboseli ecosystem, satellite image based analysis of land use cover changes and interviews with landowners were conducted. Satellite imageries for 1976 - 2007 were analyzed for change in land use cover. Interviews focused on the changes and trends in range condition, their causes and consequences. Wetlands used for dry season grazing by for both wildlife and...
Upper basin systems: Issues and implications for sustainable development planning in Malaysia
November 2010
The continuing demand for environmental resources in Malaysia in the next few decades of this century suggests the need for formulating, planning and the implementation of river basin development plans or programmes which is going to be even more complex in the future than it has been in the past. Complex socio-economic-ecological systems interact within the river basins and are affected by social, political...
Urban sustainability in the context of Lagos mega-city
October 2010
This paper contributes to the pertinent discourse on mega-cities and urban sustainability, using Lagos mega-city as case-study. It is derived from the growing need to appreciate the wider implications of the mega-city phenomenon as a unique feature of contemporary urban change in the developing countries. This need is imperative in the context of Lagos, which has come into fresh limelight through recent...
Problems and prospects of primary education in Mathura district: A geographical analysis
October 2010
Distribution and availability of primary education act as a vital factor in regional as well as human resource development. The present paper aims at assessing spatial problems of primary education among the blocks of Mathura district. This study was based on secondary sources of data. A total of eighteen selected variables were grouped into the three categories of primary educational attainment, primary...
Investigation of heavy metals in crystalline aquifer groundwater from different valleys of Bangalore, Karnataka
October 2010
Fifty-one groundwater samples were collected during South-west monsoon 2009 from Challaghatta, Vrishabhavathi, Kormangala and Hebbal valleys, Bangalore, which is an unconfined/crystalline aquifer to investigate Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni concentrations and other parameters like temperature, pH, electric conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solid (TDS). The TDS and EC variation confirmed light-salty...
Challenges facing land tenure system in relation to pastoral livelihood security in Gedarif State, Eastern Sudan
September 2010
Land in rural communities is not just a means of livelihood but also a source of wealth, tribal identity, social peace, and also source of conflicts. This paper addresses the issue of pastoral land tenure in relation to their livelihood security in Sudan. The overall objective is to trace the changes in land tenure system and its implications on pastoral communities in Gedarif state, eastern Sudan. In...
A spatial decision support system approach to sustainable physical development planning
September 2010
To make MDGs a reality, especially as it affects the built environment, and to conform with the UN Agenda 21 and Habitat Agenda summed up in the concept of urban physical sustainability, there is a need to rapidly improve the quality of decisions on land use, conversion and urban renewal in developing countries, especially with regards to physical developments. The potential of SDSS in determining optimum...
Options for adapting to climate change in livestock-dominated farming systems in the greater horn of Africa
September 2010
The greater horn of Africa is one of the least developed regions in Africa. Livestock are an important economic resource and an essential asset for poor farmers in this region. Climate variability, population growth, low economic development, limited market integration, and low fertilizer use, amongst others put serious pressure on livestock production. The sustainability of the livestock production in the...
Ethnic/caste diversification in Kathmandu metropolitan: Changing social landscape of a capital city
August 2010
Kathmandu metropolitan, the capital city of Nepal is a socio-geographic microcosm of the nation as a whole and demonstrates caste/ethnic mosaic. Known historically as a Newar settlement, Kathmandu accommodates at least 67 caste/ethnic groups. It has witnessed nearly six-fold increase in population within the last 40 years. Utilizing the population census 2001, this paper examines the population dynamics from...
Geotechnical investigation of land in the municipality of Descalvado (SP, Brazil) for selection of suitable areas for residuary water treatment lagoons
August 2010
Selecting suitable areas for the location of effluent treatment lagoons requires detailed analysis procedures of various attributes of the physical environment, in order to avoid environmental degradation, hence protecting it against the possible impacts that may result from the implementation of such lagoons. To indicate potentially suitable areas for the location of residuary water stabilization lagoons, a...
Spatial analysis of municipal water supply in Abeokuta metropolis, South western Nigeria
July 2010
The study examined the spatial dimension of public water supply in Abeokuta metropolis with the aim of providing effective planning, development and operation of water supply and distribution networks which is one of the most essential components of urban infrastructure. A number of factors ranging from population expansion to inadequate existing facilities are thought to be responsible for the frequent...
Variability of soil properties related to vegetation cover in a tropical rainforest landscape
July 2010
The variability of soil properties related to vegetation cover in Nnewi, a fast growing urban-industrial town, was studied to underscore the factors that predispose the soil to erosion menace. Twelve soil samples were purposively collected and analyzed to determine the soil properties. The results of soil properties analysis showed marked coefficient of variability ranging from low, moderate, high and very...
Geomorphic and hazard vulnerability assessment of recent residential developments on landslide-prone terrain: The case of the Traverse Mountains, Utah, USA
June 2010
Homeowners who live near or on steep slopes of the Traverse Mountains along the Wasatch front in southern Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) are at risk where development of “master-planned communities” has been permitted on known landslide deposits since 2001. Some of the largest landslides in the state of Utah are being modified as road construction and residential development progresses. This paper...
Regional evidence of climate change in Nigeria
June 2010
Most available data on climate change are mainly global whereas the effects are more at regional levels. It is on this premise that this study investigated the regional evidences of climate change using Nigeria as a case study. Mean annual air temperature from 30 synoptic stations between 1901 and 2005 were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Lagos and Meteorological Department in some...
Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in Ain Azel Plain, Algeria
June 2010
Hydrochemistry of groundwater in Ain Azel plain, Algeria was used to assess the quality of groundwater for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. Interpretation of analytical data shows that Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 are the dominant hydrochemical facies in the study area. Factor analysis generated three significant factors. Factor 1 includes EC, Ca++, Mg++, Na+ and Cl-, factor 2 has...
Transforming large villages into small towns and studying their role in rural development through Network Analysis Methodology: Rural district of Southern Behnam Arab (Javad Abad zone from the region of Varamin)
June 2010
Within our developing world, urban concentration has caused so many problems in large cities of which dense population, immigration, lack of accommodation, unemployment and environmental destruction could be brought up as examples. Through using network analysis methodology in this research, the most efficient functions within this rural district as well as the interactions and links between the town of Javad...
Urban sprawl and water stress with respect to changing landscape: Study from Lucknow, India
May 2010
Lucknow is the capital city of India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. Urban growth currently is largely on par with other cities of similar size, and is anticipated to be slightly faster in the immediate future. The better economic prospect has lead to an increase in the urban population of the city during last few years. It has lead to large-scale urban sprawl and the inherent distinctiveness of...
Understanding urban sprawl in the Federal Capital City, Abuja: Towards sustainable urbanization in Nigeria
May 2010
In response to the rapid urban sprawling due to the fast rate of urbanization, there is an increasing need for focused research with a view to develop remediation strategies and methodologies for the effective and sustainable environmental planning in Federal Capital City (FCC), Abuja. This paper specifically focuses on an integrated approach of Remote Sensing (RS) data, Geographical Information Systems (GIS)...
Understanding urban sprawl in the Federal Capital City, Abuja: Towards sustainable urbanization in Nigeria
May 2010
In response to the rapid urban sprawling due to the fast rate of urbanization, there is an increasing need for focused research with a view to develop remediation strategies and methodologies for the effective and sustainable environmental planning in Federal Capital City (FCC), Abuja. This paper specifically focuses on an integrated approach of Remote Sensing (RS) data, Geographical Information Systems (GIS)...
Accessibility of water services in Kisumu municipality, Kenya
May 2010
One of the key challenges to the developing countries is increasing access to safe water supply to the rapidly growing urban population, consequently, billions of dollars have been invested in pursuit of the goal of “universal service” and yet the realization of that goal is still elusive. Based on cross sectional survey and purposive sampling of 367 households, this paper examines the level of...
Drought severity and their effects on rural livelihoods in Laikipia district, Kenya
March 2010
Over 80% of Kenya land mass fall under arid and semi arid lands (ASAL), which are prone to frequent droughts. About one third of Kenya’s population lives in the ASAL and largely depends on rain-fed agriculture as their source of livelihoods. However, most of the agricultural activities are constrained by recurrent droughts. To analyse the effects of droughts on rural livelihoods, this study was carried out in the...
Spatial and temporal analysis of recent climatological data in Tanzania
March 2010
Recent climate variability over Tanzania is evaluated through the analysis of spatial and temporal distributions of meteorological variables including rainfall, relative humidity (RH), maximum temperature (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Tmin) in an annual and seasonal time scale for 30 years (1971 - 2000) at 45 meteorological stations for rainfall and 27 stations for Tmax, Tmin and RH. Statistical parameters...
The correlates of public housing satisfaction in Lagos, Nigeria
February 2010
This study examined the correlates of public housing satisfaction in Lagos, Nigeria, specifically to identify relevant factors which are external to the dwelling but combine with those of the dwelling to provide satisfactory housing in Nigeria. For this purpose, the study employed a conceptual model which identified three housing components consisting of the environment, dwelling and management subsystems....
Impact of freight flows on city logistics in a mega-city of a developing economy
February 2010
The demand for freight transport is an inevitable issue within the context of socio-economic and political relationship of the society. For instance, it enhances city logistics relatively to land use, traffic and delivery characteristics. Of all these salient issues, traffic is considered the most important because it subsumes congestions, especially along major corridors of the city. Similarly,...
Galveston Futures: Developing a disaster resilient community
January 2010
Galveston Futures is a cooperative venture, involving residents, architectural experts, urban planners and elected leaders, that strives to envision a resilient, sustainable and unified community on Galveston Island by encouraging civic participation in municipal planning. For Galveston's survival, it is essential to tie livability and resilience, especially to coastal disasters, into the concept of...
Evaluation of eco-environmental vulnerability in Efon- Alaye using remote sensing and GIS techniques
January 2010
This study evaluates the environmental vulnerability of Efon-Alaye located in Ekiti State, Nigeria, which is a typical mountainous region with steep slope and an upland ecosystem. An Integrated Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System approach was used to analyse the environmental vulnerability of the region. Satellite data of the study area for two periods 1986 and 2002 were used for the...
Beach width analyses in beach erosion hazard assessment and management at Bamburi beach, Mombasa, Kenya
December 2009
Beach erosion was identified as one of the major coastal problems at Bamburi beach shoreline causing destruction on expensive shoreline developments which threatened the economic and social welfare of the beach-dependent coastal communities. Beach erosion was manifested in beach morphology changes and this study adopted beach profile width change rate as a tool in assessing beach erosion vulnerability and...
Studying the effects of urban sprawl of metropolis on tourism - climate index oscillation: A case study of Tehran city
December 2009
The present research intends to identify the effects of urban sprawl of metropolis on tourism-climate index oscillation. To do this research, two types of data have been used. The first type includes climate data such as minimum monthly temperature average, monthly temperature average, minimum relative humidity rate and monthly relative humidity average, average of wind speed, duration of sunshine and monthly...
Land use changes and forest reserve management in a changing environment: South-western Nigeria experience
November 2009
This paper investigates how human activities have influenced and altered land cover. It also indicates that the nature of cultural substitution of the indigenous forest species have significance for the functioning of the earth system. It therefore attempts to quantify the ecological implication of land cover change consequent upon land use. The paper integrated a topographical map of 1969 and satellite...
Studying the effective factors which affect on economical growth
November 2009
Investigating the effective factors which affect economic growth is important for most economists. Although lots of studies have been done on economic growth in the world, it gets little attentions in Iran. In this article, by estimating growth regression, we try to investigate the supply side economic growth of Iran. This study identifies the rate of enjoyment of each province concerning possibilities, facilities, and...
Cities, theories and reality
October 2009
How can productive cities be created in the face of economic, social, political and environmental mishaps in planning, management and development process? How can cities become more enjoyable, functional and innovative using city management and development theories? Theoretically the paper examines the importance of cities and impact of urbanization and globalization towards competitiveness of cities. The...
The acidifying gases emission in CaraÅŸ - Severin county, Romania, in the period of 1997-2006
October 2009
The harmful effects of air pollutants on human, animal and vegetation are the major reason for efforts to control their sources. During the last decades, research on acidic deposition and analysis of observational data were followed by scientific understanding of the relationships between emissions of precursor gases and deposition of acids or acid-forming substances. CaraÅŸ-Severin County holds many non-renewable...
Integrated method to extract information from high and very high resolution RS images for urban planning
October 2009
The aim of this research is to propose an integrated methodology for the extraction of information from high and very high resolution satellite images and also to demonstrate how the extracted information can be used for urban area studies. For the information extraction, three different approaches such as interpretation, automatic and artificial intelligence methods are used. As the...
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