Journal of
African Studies and Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Afr. Stud. Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2189
  • DOI: 10.5897/JASD
  • Start Year: 2009

JASD Articles in press

Epistemic Creativity and Africa's Development: An Examination of Agbakoba's Suggestions for African Development

Article in Press

Africa's over-reliance on external frameworks, marginalizes indigenous knowledge, stifling authentic development and cultural identity is the foundational problem that needs to be tackled. This paper explores the transformative potential of epistemic creativity as a catalyst for Africa’s growth in the 21st century. Emphasizing the importance of transcoloniality, Afro-constructivism, interculturality, and heterosis, it...

Author(s):Nmesoma Michael Okeke


Article in Press

Rural women face diverse impediments to joining and being active participants in typically male-dominated cooperative like multipurpose cooperative. Due to unequal gender roles and relations, women’s have a lower socio-economic status, compared to their male counterparts, which restricts their access and participation in formal groups like cooperatives. This study aspires to assess the type and status of rural women’s...

Author(s):Teferi Taye Aduna and Zenebe Worku Woldyes

Estimating the contribution of producers' cooperatives to the sustainable management of agrochemical pesticides (APs): A case of a rural zone in the Western region of Cameroon

Article in Press

This article assesses the contribution of 6 main agricultural cooperatives as an institutional organizations in rural zones that can contribute to reduce the overuse of agrochemical pesticides (APs). Using a multistage sampling technique, 560 producers of 6 main cooperatives were selected, based on a survey conducted from May 2020 to July 2021 in seven subdivisions of the Western Region of Cameroon. Several methods, likes...

Author(s):Mbeh Christian Bernard Kaldjob, Douya Emmanuel, Tata Ngome Ijang Precillia, Bamou Tankoua Lydie, Nso Ngang Andre and Edjenguele Adolphe

Resilience of Rural Households to Food Insecurity in Ahferom Wereda, Central Zone of Tigray National Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study focuses on the resilience of rural households to food insecurity. Resilience of households to food insecurity, in this study, refers to the ability of households to maintain certain levels of food security in shock-prone places. Food security analysis has been concentrated in and limited to estimation of vulnerability of households to food insecurity and to calculations of food deficits. This has led to aid...

Author(s):Gebrerufael Girmay Gebrekidan, Abrham Seyoum and John Cameron

Behaviorism in African Indigenous Learning and Teachings: A Case of Pre-Colonial Education in Tanzania Mainland

Article in Press

Africa is one of the world continents with a deep history of education equally to other world continents. This has offered a room for the provision of diverse educational teachings that was based on individual society’s needs and perspectives. Despite the reality that there are plenty of surviving writings describing about pre-colonial African educational issues, there is still a quest of information to understand the...

Author(s):Mhando M. Mikidady, Fadhili A. Mtani, Abdurahman M Juma, Mnyero A. Gunda, Zioulhack K. Ismail, Kasimu B. Hasani

Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the livelihood and food security of street food vendors and consumers in Nigeria

Article in Press

Nigeria's local food economy was affected by state-imposed restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 in communities. Street food vendors and consumers are among local food system actors impacted by such restrictions because their livelihood and food security are contingent on daily operations on the street. Informed by a descriptive qualitative approach, we interviewed 31 street food vendors and consumers who shared...

Author(s):Majing Oloko and Regina Ekpo


Article in Press

This study investigates the potential for internationalisation of the naira in the quest for a common West African currency, despite some weak institutional challenges attributed to Nigeria. We employ a two-stage currency internationalisation modelling approach, where the first stage estimates the model, and the second stage employs ‘counterfactual simulations’ to predict the trend in the currency ratio of the proposed...

Author(s):Michael A. Akume, Abdurrahman Isik, Moses O. Oduh

Management Effectiveness and Efficiency of Small Construction Companies in Masvingo: Lessons for Entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe’s Higher Education sector

Article in Press

This qualitative case study explored the managerial practices for small construction companies in Masvingo city with a view to relating findings to the newly introduced education 5.0 in Tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe. The study was motivated by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development’s thrust to introduce innovation and industrialisation hubs in universities in the country...

Author(s):Silas Sithole, Gamuchirai Tsitsi Ndamba and Martison Nhamo

The Capacity Conundrum and Local Revenue Collection in Ghana: The Issues and Way Forward in a Developing Country Context

Article in Press

Revenue mobilization for urban development has gained significant global attention in recent years. Particularly, attempts to maximize the efforts for improved revenue collection in the face of increasing demand for service delivery are weakened due partly to the caliber of human resources available and also the kind and extent of innovative practices adopted by these Assemblies for local revenue mobilization (LRM). Extant...

Author(s):Patrick Yin Mahama

Towards a Harmonious View of Money: The Nigerian Experience

Article in Press

This paper approaches the topic of money from a Nigerian perspective. A proper understanding of money and its role in an economy and society as a whole would require a more rounded view of money and its meaning than what has been provided by the field of Economics. This harmonious view will analyze money through the lenses of different disciplines in social science. The aim is to show that money is a social construct that...

Author(s):Olawoye-Mann Salewa


Article in Press

Although, the soft skills theme has been covered from many angles, there remains a scarcity of research on the linkage between indigenous knowledge and advances of business in developing countries. In addition, there is a gap between the theoretical approaches to the soft skills theme and the practical realities that ask not only which capabilities job seekers need to have but also where to acquire them. While it has...

Author(s):Helen Akologo-Azupogo, Arthur Rubens and Roland Bardy

Assessment of Sorghum Production Systems in Western Oromia: The Case of Constraints and Opportunities of Production

Article in Press

Sorghum is the most important cereal crop in Sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. The productivity and production of the crop are not increased as expected due to many limitations in the generation of demand-driven technologies and innovation upscaling in integrated and impact-oriented approaches. The study was focused on sorghum production systems, factors affecting sorghum productivity, constraints, and opportunities...

Author(s):Kifle Degefa, Galmessa Abebe, Getachew Biru and Tamirat Tsegaye

Economic Laws and Environmental Accommodation: Analysis of Environmental Accommodation and its Adequacy in Oromia Economic Laws

Article in Press

Environmental protection has been evolving since 1960s. These days it seems integrated in any development endeavor all over the world. International community has agreed to sustainable development as the only viable development nowadays. To that end, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were designed in 2015. These development goals revolve around three pillars of development [economic, environmental and social] and...



Article in Press

The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is a wealthy area. It is rich in natural resources, especially crude oil. The region is equally good for international trade because of its harbours which encourage the berthing of foreign trading vessels. Ironically, the Niger Delta has become a good illustration of the Shakespearean saying that “foul is fair and fair is foul.”With its abundant wealth, the Niger Delta region has...

Author(s):Francis C. Odeke

The Gender inequalities in the Process of Decentralization in Togo

Article in Press

This paper examines gender inequalities in the process of decentralization in Togo. Although women represent 51.4% of the Togolese population (GCPH, 2010), they are poorly represented in decision-making. The goal of this research is to analyze the impact of decentralization on women’s involvement and inclusion as development actors in the national and local spheres. Through a documentary review and interviews, we were...

Author(s):Kossi AYENAGBO

Positioning Post-conflict Youth for Entrepreneurship and Empowerment in Northern Uganda: Reflections from Youth Interest Groups

Article in Press

This paper tackles positioning youth for entrepreneurship in Uganda. Uganda is endowed with one of the youngest population in the world which can be harnessed for productivity and development. However, youth continue to face misery, unemployment, poverty hence susceptible to shocks and extreme difficulties like COVID-19. Entrepreneurship is sought as best approach towards drawing inspiration, and enhancing youth...

Author(s):Enos Kitambo, Julius Omona and Firminus Mugumya

Insecurity, conflict and socioeconomic development in Nigeria

Article in Press

Despite the Buhari government had previously promised to defeat Boko Haram, insecurity and conflict seems to have persisted in Nigeria and they are unprecedented common enemies in the world. Insecurity and conflict are serious problems in Nigeria and West Africa that require urgent attention in research. The dynamism of crime and its sophistication has overwhelmed the government; the general conditions of living in Nigeria...

Author(s):Agri Godwin Eneji and Eneji Mathias Agri

Osuala, Uzoma Samuel

Article in Press

Road and motor transportation developments in colonial Nigeria gave rise to the business of auto-parts. Poor nature of roads constructed, reckless driving plus the wear and tear associated with automobiles were the early challenges road transporters encountered. For motorists, these problems were further compounded by where and how to procure scarce auto-parts for their vehicles. Hence, a few auto-parts dealers and...

Author(s):Osuala, Uzoma Samuel

Leadership training for Igbos

Article in Press

Many Africans have observed that poor leadership is one of the key issues in the present misgoverning of Africa. Chinua Achebe, in his pamphlet, The Trouble with Nigeria, noted that the lack of economic and political development we see in a country with tremendous human resources, such as Nigeria is largely due to poor leadership. In that light, many scholars have written learned books and articles on leadership. However,...

Author(s):Ozodi Thomas Osuji, PhD

Rural land rights and limitations in Ethiopia: The study of Amhara Region

Article in Press

According to Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia/ FDRE constitution, land is a common property of the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia and shall not be subject, to sale or to other means of exchange. Thus, the peasants have the right to obtain land without payment and the protection against eviction from their possession. The peasants are permitted by the holding right, which include the lifetime use of...

Author(s):Sibuh Gebeyaw Tareke

The South Sudan avoidable civil conflict: towards the renaissance of a nascent nation devastated by self-imposed war

Article in Press

Sudan future may have already been written long before its independence. Sudan gained independence in 1956 from the Egyptian and British colonial administration. Ever since that period, Sudan has been characterized by internal conflict and tensions. There has been unending ethnic, cultural, religious, political and economic divisions between the North and the South of Sudan. As a result of these divisions and imbalances,...

Author(s):Prince Pius Imiera

The marginalization and discrimination of women in the political and developmental trajectory of Ghana under the Fourth Republic

Article in Press

Women’s political and developmental involvement is not making a desirous increment globally. A mediocre score of 21.8% has been recorded in attribution to women representation encompassing all national parliaments. A figure which undisputedly gives the indication that, women have being discriminated upon worldwide. The sidelining of women before, during and after the birth of the fourth republic of Ghana in 1992 has...


Border Shutting and Shrivel of Human and Merchandise on the Nigeria-Cameroon Passage of Banki and Limani

Article in Press

The frontiers of Cameroon and Nigeria reflected eventful spaces of openness, offering to both peoples great opportunities in terms of human and commodity cross fluidity. This disposition of consistent flow of persons and trade-currents and their multipliers effects were of great dividend. But due to the insecurity that reigned in Nigeria (caused in the main by activities of Boko Haram) the Nigerian government closed down...

Author(s):Mark Bolak Funteh

The impact of World Bank intervention on the growth of Nigeria’s agricultural sector: An evaluation of Fadama 111 project in Anambra State

Article in Press

This study investigates World Bank intervention programme known as Fadama 111 in the growth of the agricultural sector in Anambra state – Nigeria. Specifically, it seeks to examine the scope and nature agricultural production before and after Fadama 111, and the factors that militated against the programme and its effects. A survey method of data gathering with the aid of questionnaire was adopted. From a population of...

Author(s):Josephine Nneka Obioji and Fidelia Obuteaku Nwobi

The effectiveness of contemporary regional security complexes (RSCs) for sponsoring peace and security in the Horn of Africa: Reviewing Ethiopia’s role

Article in Press

This paper is a review of peace and security in the Horn of Africa and the role of Ethiopia in peace operation in the region. The analysis presented in the article is based on the qualitative data provided by international organizations, governments, research institutions and other concerned bodies. The paper is developed with the use of a historical method, as well as discourse analysis of the literature on the subject,...

Author(s):Mulugeta Tesfaye Teshome

Financial inclusion in Ethiopia: Using core set of financial inclusion indicators

Article in Press

Financial inclusion is the access to get financial services such as saving, loan, insurance and others easily at an affordable cost, this study aims at evaluating the level of financial inclusion in Ethiopia in comparison with Sub Saharan Africa and low income countries. World Bank group 2017data on financial inclusion is used. The result shows access to have a bank account and account at other financial institution has...

Author(s):Tirngo Dinku

The Dynamics of African/Asian Interactions on the East Coast of Africa in Historical Perspectives

Article in Press

Scientific as well as historic explanations to the origin of man agreed that Africa is the cradle and possibly the source of dispersal of all mankind. Since the gradual dispersal of the original specie to other parts of the globe, economic imperative have made human interaction inevitable. Consequently, African and Asian have been interacting at economic and social level from ancient time resulting in mutual benefits to...

Author(s):E.O. Ibiloye


Article in Press

The problems that persons with disabilities face are majorly as a result of the constructs in the mind of the society which reduces their opportunities, through cultural beliefs and attitudes built by the society. This is further compounded by the immediate environment of PWDs, i.e., the family. The study investigated the influence of the family on the empowerment of persons with disabilities in Rachuonyo South-Homa Bay...


Harmonizing Parking: A Spatial Analysis of Parking System in Ikorodu Metropolis, Lagos, Nigeria

Article in Press

This study examines the parking situation in Lagos megacity, Nigeria with the aim of suggesting possible solutions and provide pertinent information for non-governmental organizations’, government department, ministries and agencies. The study adopts mixed approached in the collections of data. The study found that although parking lots and spaces were adequately provided in most activities areas and center in Lagos mega...

Author(s):Ibrahim-Adedeji, Kamaldeen Babatunde


Article in Press

The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges faced by and opportunities open to women entrepreneurs in Botswana. In the current study 400, women entrepreneurs were selected using stratified random sampling procedure to participate in the study. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. One-Way ANOVA and regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results showed that women entrepreneurs face a...

Author(s):Norman Rudhumbu and Cosmas Maphosa


Article in Press

People have influenced their societies and nations in different ways through different means.In some cases, because of the radical nature of these apostles of change and better society, they are often neglected, persecuted or called names. Among classical figures of these people in the world histories are: Socrates, Jesus, Martin Luther, GaniFawehinmi, and FelaAnikulapoKuti. This paper exploits the socio-political impacts...

Author(s):Ogoma Daniel Ebun

Ghosts in Chinese and Igbo religions

Article in Press

This is a comparative study on Chinese and Igbo beliefs about ghosts and life after death. One understands that with the interaction between the Western and Chinese cultures on one side, Igbo and Western cultures on the other, the modern Chinese and Igbo peoples tend to misunderstand their ancestors’ understanding of life after death, hence, the disrepect for the dead in recent times from the duo cultures. This paper...

Author(s):Anedo Alexander Alfred Onukwube and Anedo Edith Ngozi

Return migration intentions of Zimbabwean mathematics and science teachers before South Africa’s 2014 immigration reforms

Article in Press

The paper explained factors influencing some Zimbabwean teachers ‘pushed’ by the crisis (2000-08) into migration to South Africa (SA) to harbour return migration intentions and others not. Quantitative data was collected from 100 Zimbabwean teachers identified through snowball sampling in 2012 in SA since it was difficult to locate schools with Zimbabwean teachers. Three-fifth (59%), most of who were males or few...

Author(s):Ranga Dick

Illegality and livelihood consequences of indiscriminate logging: A case study of logging in the West Gonja District of Northern Ghana

Article in Press

The Ghanaian government has taken a number of steps to reduce illegal logging and related trade, most notably with the signing of the Ghana-European Union (EU) voluntary partnership agreement in 2009 because of its increasing rate. Some illegal timber dealers have occupied the West Gonja District and have engaged the youth in felling large volumes of timber, despite the Districts’ dry and poor vegetation cover. The...

Author(s):Isaac Agyemang and Gifty Debero Dery


Article in Press

The research empirically examined the impact of empowerments of traditional rulers on rural development in Cross River State, Nigeria. In order to guide the study, two research hypotheses were formulated. A survey design was adopted for the study and a questionnaire was the main research instrument used to collect data from the respondents. A sample of five hundred and twenty government certificated traditional rulers...


Desk Study of Minamata Mercury Disaster and Policy Lessons in Ghana

Article in Press

Minamata disaster is a typical pollution-related problem caused by the environmental exposure of mercury from a point source chemical plant to a final destination in the 1950s in Japan. It was unprecedented in human history in terms of health damage it caused and the extent of spread and severity in degrading the natural environment, leaving behind adverse effects across the local communities where the incident occurred....


Igbo traditional security system: A panacea to Nigeria security ¬¬¬–quagmire

Article in Press

This is a study on Igbo traditional security system believed to be of help in solving Nigerian and global security challenges if adopted by Governments. Among the Igbo people, there are devices and ways of securing life and property. These devices and ways used by the Igbo in checkmating stealing, witchcraft, terror, accident, fraud, war, embezzlement, internet crime and others are Ngige, Ọgwụ amosu, Nkwụ ọgwụ,...

Author(s):Anedo Alex Alfred Onukwube

In Search of Lasting Calmness: How Sustainable is the Federal Government’ Amnesty Programme as a Peace Strategy in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria?

Article in Press

The exploitation of natural resources and the associated marginalization of indigenous occupants of areas with such endowments continue to act as a major driving force for conflicts around the world especially in Africa. In Nigeria’s Niger Delta region, the major triggers of resource-based violent conflicts have been the subject matter of many academics and policy analysts. The introduction of several peace strategies...

Author(s):Lasisi Raimi

African philosophy of development as expressed in Shona proverbs

Article in Press

The paper examines the African philosophy of development as it is expressed in Shona proverbs. It seeks to analyse the African people’s perspectives with regards to the question of development as expressed in their arts and beliefs. The proverbs analysed in this article candidly express perspectives on development among the Shona people of Zimbabwe. There has always been an intricate relationship between art and life and...

Author(s):Masowa Angeline

Ghana’s “Meso Model” of Partial Liberalisation of the Cocoa Industry: A challenge to the Washington Consensus

Article in Press

Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of the ‘meso model’ on Ghana’s cocoa sector in general and the practices and opportunities for smallholder cocoa farmers in particular. Additionally, Ghana’s efforts to embrace globalisation are examined. The theoretical framework of this study is the neo-structuralism paradigm out of which an analytical framework was distilled to assess the impact of the 1993...

Author(s):Ofosu-Asare Kwaku

A Review of Challenges and Prospects for the Nigerian Youth in the Current Economic Situation

Article in Press

Due to numerous challenges and harsh socio-economic environment, many Nigerian youth are now depending on themselves and driving their own future by creating opportunities for themselves and others, by undertaking different entrepreneurial ventures towards self-reliance. The strength of any nation depends on the policy framework and initiatives put in place by the public sector and NGOs to develop and empower the youth in...

Author(s):Hajara Shuaibu

Chieftaincy; An Anachronistic institution

Article in Press

Prior to the contacts with the European merchants and the establishment of colonial rule, the art of governance in Africa in general and Ghana, in particular, rested on chiefs and their council of elders. The advent of colonialism and the impact of other currents of social change reduced the powers and functions of chiefs. Critics tagged the chieftaincy institution as anachronistic and even predicted its demise during the...

Author(s):Kwabena Boateng

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