African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6907

Table of Content: 5 December 2013; 8(47)

December 2013

Infection of Hysterothylacium aduncum (Namatoda: Anisakidae) in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

Farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were examined for anisakid nematodes at fish farms in Elazıg city, Turkey. A total of 439 fish (246 from fish farm ponds and 193 from net-cages) were monthly investigated in the period from February 2000 to May 2003. Only the endoparasite, hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda: Anisakidae) was recorded in the digestive tract of the 91 cultured rainbow trout, O. mykiss fed with...

Author(s): Naim Saglam

December 2013

Study of chlorophyll and macromutations induced by gamma rays and sodium azide in urd bean (Vigna mungo L. Hepper).

The mutagenic effect of gamma rays (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kR) and sodium azide (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 mM) alone or in combination (10 kR + 2 mM, 20 kR + 2 mM, 30 kR + 2 mM and 40 kR + 2 mM) on frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll and micromutations in cultivar, T9 of urd bean have been observed. The spectrum of chlorophyll mutations consisted of albina, chlorina, viresence, viridis and xentha. Out of these...

Author(s): Kousar Makeen, Suresh B. G., Lavanya G. R. and Archana Kumari

December 2013

Tractor hiring schemes in Nigeria: A case study of Federal Capital Territory (FCT)

Tractor hiring schemes (THS) have approaches adopted by the different levels of Government in Nigeria in addition to some individuals and corporate bodies as a means of helping farmers to increase their farm holdings and food production. This laudable project is hereby appraised using the Federal Capital Territory Tractor hiring schemes (FCT THS) as a case study. Questionnaires were administered to the managers of the...

Author(s): ALABADAN B. A. and YUSUF Y.

December 2013

Assessment of rural and experimental dairy products under dryland farming in Sudan

Rural dairy processing situation in western Sudan (North Kordofan) was first assessed through a structured questionnaire. Some rural dairy products were sampled and assayed for bacteriological and chemical composition. The objectives were to investigate traditional dairy products and evaluate their nutrients composition and hygienic situation. Laboratory cheese making trials were then conducted to study the effects of...

Author(s): F. M. El-Hag, M. M. M. Ahamed, K. E. Hag Mahmoud, M. A. M. Khair, O. E. Elbushra and T. K. Ahamed

December 2013

Evaluation of fuel wood marketing in Adamawa State, Nigeria

The falling of trees for fuel wood (energy) consumption cuts across most rural and urban communities in sub-Saharan Africa. However, this activity denies the existence of forest trees and wood is burnt to produce carbon dioxide which is linked to climate change. In this paper, fuel wood marketing in Adamawa State, Nigeria is evaluated. Both descriptive statistics and gross margin (GM) analysis were used to evaluate...

Author(s): Taru, V. B. and Ndaghu, A. A.

December 2013

Short-term effects of sustainable agricultural practices for spring maize (Zea mays L.) production on soil organic carbon characteristics

The effects of the integrated adoption of several recommended sustainable agricultural practices (SAP) on maize grain yield and the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC) were studied in 2 years, spring maize monoculture field plot experiment. The recommended agricultural practices included conservation tillage, combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers, and crop...

Author(s): Zhang Jinjing, Gao Qiang, Wang Qinghe, Dong Peibo, Feng Guozhong, Li Cuilan and Wang Lichun

December 2013

Least cost diet plan of cows for small dairy farmers of Central India

Small dairy farmers of Central India (Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha region of Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh) “are constrained by inadequate supply of protein source during the dry season” is extracted from Chakeredza et al. (2007). Poor economic conditions of the dairy farmers do not allow them to purchase commercial protein concentrates. Locally available non-conventional protein sources can be used as...

Author(s): S. N. Goswami, A. Chaturvedi, S. Chatterji, N. G. Patil, T. K. Sen, T. N. Hajare and R. S. Gawande

December 2013

Molecular weights and tanning properties of tannin fractions from the Acacia mangium bark

The bark of Acacia mangium was smashed and extracted by acetone solution, and the extract was then degreased by petroleum ether. The degreased solution was extracted by diethyl ether and ethyl acetate successively. In this way, the tannin of A. mangium was divided as diethyl ether fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and water fraction, respectively. The molecular weight of these tannins was measured by gel permeation...

Author(s): Bo Teng, Tao Zhang, Ying Gong and Wuyong Chen

December 2013

Photosynthesis, ion accumulation, antioxidants activities and yield responses of different cotton genotypes to mixed salt stress

This study analyzes the effects of soil salinity on photosynthetic character, osmoregulation, content of pigment, K+/Na+ ratio, lipoxygenase and antioxidants activities in functional leaves during the flowering and boll-forming stages of two cotton cultivars, namely, CCRI-44 (salt-tolerant) and Sumian12 (salt-sensitive), grown under different soil salinity conditions. In the control plants, non-significant differences...

Author(s): Guowei Zhang, Lei Zhang, Binglin Chen and Zhiguo Zhou

December 2013

Effects of sodium selenite and chromium sulphate as metabolic modifiers on stress alleviation, performance and liver mineral contents of feedlot Bonsmara cross steers

The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of supplemental selenium and chromium on blood cortisol and glucose levels on stress alleviation and the carry-over effects on performance and liver mineral contents of local beef cattle under feedlot conditions. Seventy-two Bonsmara cross weaned calves weighing on average 185 ± 20.729 kg were allocated to 12 pens of six animals each, three replicates per...

Author(s): Luseba D.

December 2013

The study of implementation and evaluation of an alternative agricultural extension presentation system

In Taiwan, to deal with the global competitive pressure, agricultural extension improvement will play an important role. The agricultural extension workers not only need to have professional agricultural knowledge but also have good presentation skills for extension activities, especially for training courses. However, a good presentation for extension activities depended on a well-designed material. This study intends...

Author(s): Yuh-Tyng Chen and Lin-Fan Chen

December 2013

Response of Marantaceae and Pteridophytes potted plants for purification of formaldehyde polluted air

Ten plants from Marantaceae families and ten plants from Pteridophytes were tested for their abilities of removing formaldehyde (FDH) in the air. Each of the plants was placed in a 1.0 ×1.0 × 0.8 m glass box filled with FDH for seven days with the initial concentration as 15 mg m-3. These plants such as Neottopteris nidus cv. Volulum, Calathea lubbersiana showed the most resistant ability to FDH damage;...

Author(s): Junhui Zhou, Baochao Yue, Shuijian Chen and Hui-lian Xu

December 2013

An econometric approach to ascertain sorghum supply response in Zimbabwe

Despite failures of government policy to stimulate sustained growth in sorghum production in the face of increased climatic shocks on maize, there have been very little efforts to understand sorghum response to policy incentives. The main purpose of the paper was to determine how sorghum farmers responded to changes in price and non-pricing policies. The major sources of the data were the ZIMSTAT, FAOSTAT,...

Author(s): Munyati Vincent, Mugabe Douglas, Chipunza Nyasha, Mafuse Never, Chagwiza Godfrey and Musara Joseph

December 2013

Different expression of S-locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR) alleles in self-incompatible and self-compatible Brassica napus breeding lines and cultivars: Can be SCR/SP11 used as a selectable marker in breeding?

There are several approaches available for hybrid breeding in oil seed rape, Brassica napus, as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), genic male sterility (GMS), self-incompatibility (SI), and chemical hybridizing agens (CHA). In comparison with others, SI is regarded as one of the most valuable strategies in hybrid breeding. Unlike self-incompatible (SI) B. rapa and B. oleracea, two ancestor species, B. napus is naturally...

Author(s): Jana Žaludová, Božena Kukolíková, Lenka Havlíčková and Vladislav ÄŒurn

December 2013

Biochemical and nutritional properties of baobab pulp from endemic species of Madagascar and the African mainland

The fruit of baobab (Adansonia sp.) is well known in Africa both for its medicinal properties and social uses. It is a very promising tropical fruit although it has been little investigated and exploited in Madagascar. One of the major challenges, in Africa, in the last years has been to establish the baobab as a commercial crop with an economic value. In order to know if Malagasy baobab fruits have the same potential,...

Author(s): Cissé Ibrahima, Montet Didier, Reynes Max, Danthu Pascal, Yao Benjamin and Boulanger Renaud

December 2013

Sorghum production for food security: A socio-economic analysis of sorghum production in Nakuru County, Kenya

Kenya’s Vision 2030 identifies agriculture as one of the key sectors to deliver sustainable economic growth and improved livelihoods for the poor in the rural areas. However, the sector continues to face several endemic and emerging constraints that require special attention. During the first two decades after independence, Kenya’s economy grew at an average rate of 6 percent per year and this was...

Author(s): Robert M. Ogeto, Erick Cheruiyot, Patience Mshenga and Charles N. Onyari

December 2013

Growth and yield potentials of wheat as affected by management practices

The experiment was conducted to study growth and yield potentials of wheat as affected by agronomic practices. The experiment consisted of three factors such as (1) two methods of planting viz. conventional and bed planting (2) four wheat varieties namely Protiva, Sourav, Shatabdi and Prodip and (3) four levels of nitrogen viz. 0, 60, 110 and 160 kg N ha-1. A split- split plot design was used for the experiment with...

Author(s): M. S. Alam

December 2013

Productivity enhancement of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) through improved production technologies

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is most important oil seed crop in Madhya Pradesh. One of the major constraints of its low productivity is non-adoption of improved technologies. Front line demonstration were conducted at 65 farmers field, to demonstrate production potential and economic benefit of improved technologies comprising short duration, phillody (mycoplasma) resistant varieties, line sowing, integrated nutrient...

Author(s): R. S. Raikwar and P. Srivastva

December 2013

Effects of chilling stress on membrane lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system of Nicotiana tabacum L. Seedling

Chilling stress is one of main constraint factors for tobacco production in many regions of the world.  In order to study the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system of flue-cured tobacco seedling after chilling stress, the experiment was conducted with different stressful period which was 2, 4 and 6 days under 5 to 7°C by the material named Yunyan87, Msk326 and Yunyan85, respectively. The results indicated...

Author(s): C. Cui, Q. Y. Zhou, C. B. Zhang, L. J. Wang and Z. F. Tan