Full Length Research Paper
The purpose of this study is to investigate brand management alternatives (includes the susceptibility to global consumer culture, perceived brand globalness and brand investment) influence on brand cognition (includes brand association through brand credibility) and brand association in the personal computer industry. This is one of the first studies to provide evidence of the relationship between brand marketing alternatives and brand association in an executive population. We discuss paths influencing customer brand cognition and brand association more specific than other related researches. We conduct the survey method and collect 439 valid questionnaires on consumers who buy personal computer in four areas in Taipei city in Taiwan using the quota sampling method. Susceptibility to global consumer culture significantly influence brand association through brand credibility. Additionally, perceived brand globalness also influences brand association through brand awareness. Marketing managers can understand the degree of sensitivity to global consumer culture of consumers all over the world and realize the reasons why they greatly prefer global brands. Marketing can provide appropriate brand strategies to consumers according to the different segments in order to strengthen positive brand association.
Key words: Brand association, brand credibility, brand awareness, susceptibility to global consumer culture, perceived brand globalness, brand investment.
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