May 2013
Progress and regression group performance in data envelopment analysis (DEA): An application of productivity Malmquist index
In this paper, we extend the work of Camanho and Dyson (2006, 26:35-49) into a group of Malmquist productivity index for two time periods of measurement, based on the Malmquist index to enable the decision making units’ internal efficiencies from those associated with their group characteristics. We construct an index reflecting the relative performance groups in two time periods, which can be decomposed into two...
May 2013
Head of household characteristics and family economic status (FES) among Kerman households, Iran
Families are economically successful when they can meet their needs, provide a stronger and more protected financial future, and can move stably towards attaining the family vision. Economic status represents the economic capacity of families to meet their material and non-material needs. The aim of this article is to determine the effect of demography variables that is, age, gender, level of education, and occupation,...
May 2013
Factors influencing brand association
The purpose of this study is to investigate brand management alternatives (includes the susceptibility to global consumer culture, perceived brand globalness and brand investment) influence on brand cognition (includes brand association through brand credibility) and brand association in the personal computer industry. This is one of the first studies to provide evidence of the relationship between brand marketing...
May 2013
The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the internationalization of SMEs in developing countries
The increasing globalization of markets and businesses is playing a major role on the pace at which small and medium enterprises (SMEs) internationalize. Within this context, the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the internationalization of SMEs in developing countries is an important area of academic research. This paper reviews the literature in an effort to provide an understanding of this...
May 2013
The relationship of ethical climate with intention and socially responsible investment behaviour: A structural equation model analysis
This study examines the impact of organizational ethical climate on perceived socially responsible investment (SRI) behavior with intention to engage in SRI as a mediating variable. This study uses questionnaire to collect opinion from respondents. Questionnaires were distributed to 320 fund managers of unit trust fund companies but only 84 of them positively responded by returning the filled questionnaires. This led to...