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The fundamental purpose of this study was to check the impact of excessive use of social media on academic performance by introducing technostress as a mediator and tie strength as a moderator between excessive use of social media and academic performance. Cross-sectional study was conducted through questionnaire from 294 university students in Pakistan about their usage of social media. Findings showed that social media negatively impacts the performance of the students. Usage of social media impacted positively to technostress, which cause technological stress among students, while technostress also negatively affected academic performance of students. There was no evidence found that tie strength moderates between excessive use of social media and academic performance. This research would be helpful for parents to understand advertising effects of social media usage on their children. It would also help organizations- public, private and non-profit to understand the adverse effects of excessive use of social media. This study has extended the amount of literature in the field of social media and academic performance.
Key words: Excessive use of social media, academic performance, technostress, tie strength, CGPA
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