How to cite this article
RAZAFINDRATOVO, V. L. A., RANIVOARIMALALA, M. R., & TELESPHORE, A. F. (2022). Nutritional and physicochemical characterization of two products (jams and syrup) made from Antananarivo raketa fruits (Opuntia ficus-indica). African Journal of Food Science, 16(5), 116-124.
Chicago /
RAZAFINDRATOVO Valerie Lalao ANDRIAMANAMISATA, RANIVOARIMALALA Mirana Ramarojaona and TELESPHORE Antonio Fidinirina . "Nutritional and physicochemical characterization of two products (jams and syrup) made from Antananarivo raketa fruits (Opuntia ficus-indica)." African Journal of Food Science 16, no. 5 (2022): 116-124.
RAZAFINDRATOVO Valerie Lalao , et al. "Nutritional and physicochemical characterization of two products (jams and syrup) made from Antananarivo raketa fruits (Opuntia ficus-indica)." African Journal of Food Science 16.5 (2022): 116-124.