African Journal of
Marketing Management

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2421
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMM
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 160

Table of Content: August 2011; 3(8)

August 2011

The role of the emotion felt towards a brand in the development of the behaviour of loyalty: An application in the sector of mobile phones in Tunisia

  This work aims at highlighting the contribution of the role of emotions in the formation and preservation of the relationship between the consumer and the brand. In fact, now, a firm that wants to conquer and keep its customers’ base is expected to invest at the level of the emotional value that it has to give to its brand. Thus, the fact of eliciting the emotions of consumers has become a challenge to...

Author(s): Ghali  Zohra

August 2011

Organizational marketing planning by management educated managers

  This paper proposes a relation of Organizational Marketing Planning (OMP) by Management Educated Managers (MEM) and reviews the Marketing Strategies and Plans (MSP) and performance measurement literature to develop a conceptual model and research propositions. In fact, Business and Industrial Organizations (BIO) influence whether or not those organizations engage in MSP. In this field, the focus is on the...

Author(s): Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand

August 2011

The influence of privacy and security of internet technology on quality information exchange between businesses to business (B2B) in Malaysian Industry

  The growing importance of using internet technology has led companies to make their applications highly commercial and widely accepted for all sorts of customers and suppliers relations such as advertising, brand building and information sharing. Unfortunately, empirical studies on information quality delivery over the internet application particularly in the Malaysian manufacturing companies have been less...

Author(s): Samsudin Wahab and Abdullah Yahia Moqbile Ahmad

August 2011

Unorganised manufacturing industries in India: A regional perspective

  Notwithstanding various policies to address regional disparities in industrial development, the issue of balanced regional industrial development still remains in India. Studies dealing with the issue mainly focused on the organised industries. In spite of the fact that the unorganised manufacturing sector occupies a dominant position compared to the organised sector and recognized as the most potential...

Author(s): Dilip Saikia

August 2011

A conceptual framework proposition for customer loyalty in the short-term insurance industry - A South African perspective

  The purpose of the study was to investigate CRM and its influence on customer loyalty at selected short-term insurance providers in Gauteng. The target population included all South Africans who currently have a policy with at least one of the selected short-term insurance providers, namely: Outsurance, Santam, Telesure and Hollard. The convenience sampling method was applied and samples of 500...

Author(s): Lauren Strachan and Mornay Roberts-Lombard