Full Length Research Paper
This study was aimed to develop a valid and reliable perception scale in order to determine the perceptions of pre-service teachers towards the use of WebQuest in mathematics teaching. The study was conducted with 115 junior and senior pre-service teachers at Balıkesir University’s Faculty of Education, Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department in the spring semester of the academic year 2013 to 2014. The data analysis was carried out with statisitical package for social sciences (SPSS) 17. The construct validity of the scale was tested with factor analysis, while the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was employed to determine the reliability of the scale. The distinguishability of the items was determined by adjusted item-total correlation and the calculation of t values between groups lower and higher than 27%. These analyses generated a scale of 38 items aggregated under 5 factors. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability (internal consistency) coefficient was found to be 0.91, and the t test revealed a significant difference for all items in the groups lower and higher than 27%.
Key words: Perception on the use of WebQuests, reliability and validity, scale development, computer education and instructional technologies, mathematics education.
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