Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Full Length Research Paper

The relationship between self-confidence and learning Turkish as a foreign language

Hayrettin TUNÇEL
  • Hayrettin TUNÇEL
  • Turkish Language Department, Canakkale, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 16 August 2015
  •  Accepted: 18 September 2015
  •  Published: 23 September 2015


The purpose of this study is to identify whether there is a relationship between learning Turkish as a foreign language, and to what extent, if there is such a relationship. A screening model was used in this qualitative research study. Finding out the existence of a relationship between the subjects’ self-confidence, and their success in learning Turkish as a foreign language was aimed without modifying or influencing them. Participants of the study included 53 students attending A1 level Turkish as a foreign language program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Two different tools including a survey and a final exam were used to collect data. The final exam results and the survey data were transferred into SPSS. All percentages, statistical comparisons, and ratings were figured out using the SPSS software. At the end of the study, it was concluded that subjects with higher self-confidence were more successful than the subjects with lower self-confidence, and self-confidence led to a more positive outcome in learning Turkish. It was also concluded that speaking more than one language had a positive effect on learning Turkish.

Key words: Self-confidence, foreign language achievement, Turkish as a foreign language.


According to the dictionary of modern Turkish by Turkish Language Association, self-confidence is a feeling of self-assurance. On the other hand, according to Rubio (2007), the most recognized definition is a feeling of self-competence required to handle basic problems in life, and be happy. Self-confidence means an individual’s self-assessment and self-esteem (Timirli, 2013; Annissa and Hacene, 2011).  Self-confidence is a sense that has been present in every individual since their childhood, and that has two main components such as lovability and competence (Mutluer, 2006, p. 8). Based on these definitions, self-confidence can be considered as a cognitive human perception that plays important roles in fulfilling basic human requirements such as happiness and success. Self-confidence can play an important role not only in school life but in personal and social lives as well, and therefore, at every stage of life towards success. It is evident that self-confident students are enthusiastic, study harder, have higher motivations, and do not quit when difficulties confront them (Bong, 2002; Pajares and Miller, 1994; Zimmerman and Kitsantas, 2005). This can be seen as a positive effect of self-confidence on students’ achievements. Bandura (2006) explains this in association with being purposefulness.

Bandura suggests that purposefulness has an effect on individuals with certain purpose to make future plans and have strategies. High motivation in self-confident foreign language students who can stand firm against any hardship can be associated with the purposefulness linked to their self-confidence in foreign language learning.

Rubio (2007) in the volume of the book about the correlation between the self-confidence and foreign language learning, named Self-Esteem and Foreign Language Learning, edited by him mentions that generally two topics are discussed in self-confidence studies. These are (1) self-confidence; a result of or cause of academic achievement, and (2) the relation between academic achievement and self-confidence. Rubio suggests that these studies have different outcomes. It can be claimed that there is a correlation between competence and self-confidence. According to Rubio (2007), these two concepts are discussed under two titles such as activity and achievement. Some researchers suggest that there is a correlation between the sense of self-competence and the cultural background of individuals (Dessi and Zhao, 2011; Heine et al. 2001; Kobayashi and Brown, 2003). The expectations of the society and the individual’s competency to meet those expectations can influence the development of competency. Various factors can lower self-confidence; for instance, an individual seeing himself competent for a job may hesitate to start the job because of his or her low self-confidence.

An individual who sees himself competent with language learning might think that he will not be successful in the classroom can be considered as lacking in self-confidence. Rubio (2007) states that cognition is the center of self-confidence, that success or failure is felt cognitively. This brings us to the conclusion that self-confidence is a sense (cognitive) just like anxiety and fear in humans. Many different factors may lead to anxiety and fear just like many different factors may increase or decrease self-confidence. Clark’s (1994) study conducted about low self-confidence provided one of the most remarkable findings. According to Clark’s study, students who live away from their parents for short or long terms, or who have parents who do not show much interest in them lack in self-confidence. Therefore, the family factor can be effective on the development of self-confidence in young students. Other researchers state that emotional bonds between students and their parents have effects on the development of self-confidence in them and hinder their success (Elliot and Church, 1997; Elliot and McGregor, 2001; Grant and Dweck, 2003). Over-protective parents may hinder the development of self-confidence in little children. Parents who do not want their children to struggle alone against difficulties may cause their children to lack in self-confidence, and deprive them of the feeling of success, if they solve all problems before their children. Criticizing children’s personalities, comparing their achievements with other children’s achievements, and saying to children “you cannot do it” can be considered one of the factors that hinder the development of self-confidence in children.

Self-confidence and foreign language learning

In a number of research conducted by different researchers, both positive (Klein and Keller, 1990; Lawrence, 1996) and negative (Roy et al., 2003) correlation between self-confidence and foreign language learning were found out. Rubio (2007) explains this situation by claiming that concept of self-confidence is hard to understand semantically or it can be understood differently. Rubio states that self-confidence has both psychological and social aspects. Low self-confidence may have a negative effect on foreign language learning alongside with many other possible themes. According to Rubio (2007), low self-confidence may lead to some psychological conditions such as sense of insecurity, fear, anxiety, and antisocial behaviors. This may be the case in foreign language learning too. At least, due to low self-confidence, the student will not be able to make a good start in foreign language learning, because low self-confidence affects students’ learning motivation (Bong, 2008; Pajares and Miller, 1994). An individual who lacks in self-confidence will most probably have a negative bias towards the course and the classroom. A student will have constant negative feelings like fear of failure, being inadequate, fear of humiliation, and anxiety towards the teacher and course during the class, and refrain from speaking and participating in classroom activities. Low self-confidence can lead to foreign language anxiety (Bağış, 2007; Gardner and MacIntyre, 1989; Horwitz et al. 1986). The foreign language learning abilities of students lacking self-confidence cannot be revealed. Such students cannot socialize properly and refrain from speaking in the classroom.

According to Rubio (2007), there is a correlation between foreign language learning and classroom atmosphere. Foreign language learning classrooms must promote self-confidence. Therefore, creating an environment in which each student will feel self-confident can be considered important. The classroom environments in which students can answer questions without hesitation express themselves without any fear or anxiety of making a mistake or being humiliated by their teacher even if they make a mistake will promote their self-confidence. Therefore, teachers’ behavior, feedbacks, and questions they ask to students, and the language teaching activities they are required to take part in are directly correlated with their self-confidence.

Encouraging students to act and speak correctly, giving them feedbacks -especially positive feedbacks- instantly, and  offering  them  in-class  activities  they will enjoy can improve their self-confidence. Looking at the correlation between classroom and self-confidence from Bandura’s perspective (2006), there is a strong correlation between an individual’s sense of self-confidence (and self-competence) and the social group he is in. People are inclined to think like the social group they are in. Therefore, a student’s sense of self-confidence can be promoted by other students’ sense of self-competence and self-confidence in a foreign language learning classroom with students high in self-confidence.

When mentioning the key points of achieving success in foreign language learning, Arnold (2007) emphasizes that communication among individuals in classroom brings success faster than any material and technique. Ensuring a good communication with students is an achievement of success for foreign language teachers. Only self-confident teachers and students can achieve this success. Self-confident teachers feel comfortable in classroom, and can convey their messages to students without disturbing them. Their calm and confident nature and actions can promote students’ self-confidence (Krashen, 1982; MacIntyre and Clement 1977; Öner, 2008).Self-confidence may help foreign language teachers communicate with their students, and promote their students’ self-confidence. Studies researching self-confidence (and self-competence) demonstrated that self-confident teachers could have an effect on their students’ achievements and motivations (Gibson and Dembo, 1984; Chacon 2005; Eryaman et al. 2013). Self-confident teachers are not complex in nature, can create a relaxed classroom atmosphere for their students, entertain their students while teaching a lesson, teach a foreign language without boring them, act carefully not to lower their students’ self-confidence when they need to correct their mistakes, and keep students away from anxieties in classroom, because they do not demand any performance beyond their students’ capacities. Therefore, self-confident foreign language teachers can contribute to their students’ achievements. Achievement of success plays a role in increasing self-confidence. Teachers should be able to explain clearly what they demand from their students in foreign language classes; in other words, they should be able to explain the purpose of language programs clearly. This will help students to relax, and increase their self-confidence in foreign language learning. Some examples of teacher behaviors and classroom atmosphere that may increase or decrease students’ self-confidence in foreign language learning are as follows (Figure 1).



It seems that former studies researching the correlation between the achievement of learning Turkish as a foreign language and self-confidence were insufficient. This study aims to fill this gap. The study was on the students who are learning Turkish outside Turkey (in Greece), and this can be seen as an added value, because practicing the learned   language outside  the  classroom was not possible, and the opportunity of testing the effect of this handicap on the students’ self-confidence for foreign language learning was available.

In this study, participants’ general self-satisfactory level, their own idea about competence of overcoming a work, and whether they think that their individual abilities tend to increase with hard work were researched. At the end of the study, these results were compared with participants’ Turkish class achievements. To exemplify, Turkish class achievements of students who are always self-confident were compared with those who are not satisfied with their achievement in the same class. Students’ self-confidence about foreign languages was also researched in this study. The state of considering themselves as sufficient towards foreign languages, number of foreign languages, and the case of thinking that there might be some topics that cannot be learnt despite hard work were researched. Those results also were compared with students’ Turkish class achievements. For example, what is the correlation between Turkish class achievements of students who consider themselves competent about foreign languages and the achievements of students who do not consider themselves competent about foreign languages? Those cases were researched in this study.

The purpose of this study is to identify whether there is a correlation between learning Turkish as a foreign language and self-confidence, and in what extent, if there is a correlation.

The research questions to be answered according to the purpose of the study:

a. How are the subjects’ senses of competency about their self-confidence?

b. How is the subjects’ self-confidence in learning a foreign language?

c. What correlation exists between self-confidence and achieving success in foreign language learning?




Information about the model, population, sampling, data collection, and data analysis used in the study are given.

Research design

A screening model was used in this qualitative research study. Screening models are the research models aiming to describe a past or present situation as it is/was without attempting to modify, or influence them (Karasar, 2012, p. 77). The subjects’ self-confidence was revealed without modifying or influencing them. The research was carried out using a relational screening model. Relational screening models are the research models used to find the existence and/or the degree of covariance between two or more number of variables (Karasar, 2012, p. 81).  In this study, it was aimed to identify the correlation between the subjects’ achievements of learning Turkish as  a foreign language and their self-confidence, and the extent of the correlation.


The target population of the study included 53 students attending the A1 (beginner level) Turkish as a foreign language program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. The researcher was a teacher teaching Turkish as a foreign language at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The study included all students attending the A1 level program. All of the students were Greek, and they were attending various programs at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Table 1 shows the distribution of the subjects according to sex and age.  9,4% of the subjects were men (5 men), and 90,6% of them were women (48 women). Majority of the subjects (79,2%) were in 21-23 age group.



Table 2 shows the distribution of the subjects according to the number of foreign languages they were able to speak. 5,7% of the subjects (3 subjects) were able to speak only one foreign language, 28,3%  (15 subjects)  two  foreign  languages,  39,6%  (21 subjects) three foreign languages and 26,4% (14 subjects) four or more foreign languages.



Data collection tools

Two different tools, including a survey and a final exam were used to collect data for this qualitative research study. The survey was prepared referring to the article Correlation Study between Self-Concept and Foreign Language Achievement by Anissa and Hacene (2011). The questionnaire prepared by the researcher for the survey was edited by a Turkish Language instructor. For this reason, an extra pilot data collection was not needed. The questionnaire was assessed by two instructors from TÖMER (Canakkale University Turkish Language Center). Finally, the questionnaire was translated into Greek language by a native Turkish speaker, PhD student studying Greek at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The subjects were surveyed using the questionnaire in Greek language.

Survey questions were asked to participants to find out the level regarding their own (a) and their foreign language learning self-confidence. While first seven items of survey are related to individual self-confidence (Are you satisfied with yourself in general, to what extent do you think you have good traits, and etc.), other five items are about participants’ language learning experiences (I think I have ability of learning a foreign language, I am confident that I will be successful in foreign languages, and etc. See Annex 1).

Spelling and dictation of survey questions prepared by researcher were evaluated and reviewed by Turkish Education assistant professor at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Context evaluation of survey questions was realized by two different instructors of Çanakkale University Turkish Language Center. Upon feedback from instructors, a change has been made in the seventh question of questionnaire and “towards foreign languages” statement was added to the beginning of survey item. With its last revised version, questionnaire was translated into Greek by an expert who is studying doctorate at Thessaloniki Aristo University in Greek and whose mother tongue is Turkish. Finally, questionnaire in Greek was translated into Turkish by a bilingual undergraduate student studying at Thessaloniki Aristo University and it was assessed by Turkish Language Center instructors both linguistically and contextually. Survey in Greek was distributed to participants.

The survey included twelve closed-ended questions. Seven questions were designed to find out the subjects’ self-confidence towards their competencies. The other five questions were about the subjects’ self-confidence in foreign language learning (see Annex 1). In the first seven questions, the subjects’ were asked (1) if they were pleased with themselves in general, (2) about the good traits they thought they had, (3) if they were helpful to others, (4) if they thought they were competent in general, (5) if they were competent to succeed in anything when they want to, (6) if they thought their individual skills could be improved, and (7) if they sometimes thought themselves incompetent. In the remaining five questions which were designed to find out their self-confidence, the subjects were asked (1) if they liked foreign languages, (2) the number of foreign languages they learned, (3) if they thought they had competence with foreign language learning, (4) if they were self-confident, and believed that they would succeed in foreign language learning (2 questions).

The second data collection tool used in this study was a 25-question final exam. A test designed to evaluate the subjects’ achievements in learning Turkish was prepared by the researcher who was also the course teacher, and the test included the topics studied in the course. Upon preparing exam questions, it was evaluated by Çanakkale University Turkish Language Center instructor. Four marks were awarded for each question, and the highest mark a subject could get was 100.

The test included 22 multiple choice; two matching, and one true/false questions (see Annex 2).

Data Analysis

The survey data were transferred into the SPSS 15.0. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Data analysis was realized using percentages, statistical comparisons, ratings and crosstabs. Statistics related to the first and second questionnaire survey items (participants’ general self-satisfactory level, considering themselves supportive to others, their behaviors towards foreign languages) was shown as depicting frequency and percentage.

The third research question of the research is to research the correlation between self-confidence and foreign language achievements of the participants. At this stage, participants’ exam averages, minimum and maximum value of exams were provided.

Exam averages were compared with the participants' questionnaire items intended for self-confidence with the help of the cross tables. The final exam results were transferred into the SPSS, just like the survey data. The survey data and the final exam results were matched to obtain the statistical data and thus all data necessary for statistical results were achieved.




This section includes the study outcome and findings associated with the sub-purpose groups.

Findings associated with first research question

First research question of the study includes the findings based on the answers to the question asked to the subjects to detect if they think they are self-confident enough.

Table 3 shows the distribution according to the answers to the question “Are you pleased with yourself in general?” asked to the subjects. 37.7% of the subjects (20 subjects) answered that they were always pleased with themselves, and 62,3% of the subjects (33 subjects) answered that they were sometimes pleased with themselves. None of the subjects answered that they were never pleased with themselves.



Table 4 shows that 45,3% of the subjects (24 subjects) thought that they had many good qualities, and 57,7% (29 subjects) thought that they had some good qualities.



Table 5 shows that all of the subjects thought they were helpful to others.



Table 6 shows that 22,6% of the subjects (12 subjects) stated that they were incompetent, 62,2% competent, and 15,1% (8 subjects) very competent.



Table 7 shows that 94.3% of the subjects (50 subjects) thought that they would absolutely succeed in anything, if they wanted to, while 5,7% (3 subjects) thought that they would not succeed.



Table 8 shows that 86.8% of the subjects (46 subjects) stated that they believed their individual skills can be improved by working hard and practicing, and seven subjects stated that they did not think so.



Table 9 shows the responses of the subjects asked if they thought themselves completely incompetent. 84.9% of the subjects (45 subjects) stated that they sometimes thought themselves incompetent, 11.3% (6 subjects) stated they never thought themselves incompetent, and 3.8% (2 subjects) stated they always thought themselves incompetent.



Findings associated with second research question

Second research question of the study includes the findings based on the answers to the question asked to the subjects “How is subjects’ self-confidence in learning a foreign language?”

Table 10 shows the responses of the Subjects asked if they liked foreign languages. 96.2% (51 subjects) stated that they liked foreign languages. Two subjects (3.8%) stated that they did not like foreign languages.



Table 11 shows the distribution according to the number of foreign languages the subjects were able to speak. 5.7% (3 subjects) were able to speak one foreign language, 28.3% (15 subjects) two foreign languages, 39,6% (21 subjects) three foreign languages, and 26.4% (14 subjects) spoke 4 or more foreign languages.



Table 12 shows that 79.2% (42 subjects) thought they had competence with foreign language learning. 20.8% (11 subjects) thought they had no competence with foreign language learning.



Table 13 shows that 75.5% (40 subjects) did not accept that there were subjects they could never learn, no matter how hard they tried. 24.5% (13 subjects) accepted that there  were  subjects  they  could  never  learn,  no matter how hard they tried.



Table 14 shows the distribution according to the answers of the subjects when they were asked “if they hoped that they would succeed in learning a foreign language”. 88,7% (47 subjects) stated that they were very hopeful that they would succeed in learning a foreign language. 11,3% (6 subjects) stated that they had a little hope.



Findings associated with the third research question

Research question of the study includes the findings based on the answers to the question asked to the subjects “What correlation exists between self-confidence and achieving success in foreign language learning?

Table 15 shows the subjects’ state of being pleased with themselves and the Turkish marks averages. The subjects who stated that they were pleased with themselves had higher Turkish marks average (X=93,00) than the subjects who stated that they were sometimes pleased with themselves (X=83,06). At  the  Turkish  test, the subjects that have high self-confidence were more successful than the subjects that have low self-confidence.



Table 16 shows the competency and the success rates in learning Turkish for both groups. The group with the members who thought they were very competent achieved the highest success in learning Turkish (X=89,00).



Table 17 shows that the Turkish marks averages of the subjects who believed that they were competent to succeed in anything they wanted to, and the subjects who believed that they would not achieve any success are very close. No correlation between those two variables is observed in terms of causality.



Table 18 shows the number of foreign languages spoken by the subjects and their success rate in learning Turkish language. As it is seen in the table the subjects who were able to speak four or more foreign languages achieved the highest success rate (X=91,00). The subjects who were able to speak three foreign languages achieved a success rate higher than the subjects who were able to speak two foreign languages. The subjects who were able to speak only one foreign language achieved a success rate of 90 but there were only three subjects in that category. Therefore, the number of foreign languages learned has positive effects on achieving success in learning new foreign languages.



As it is seen in Table 19 the averages of the subjects who believed that they had competence with foreign language learning, and the subjects who believed that they did not have the competence are very close. No correlation between those two variables is observed in terms of causality.



As seen in Table 20, the Turkish marks average of the subjects who have the self-confidence to achieve success in foreign language learning are higher than the average of the subjects who have less self-confidence. It is observed that there is a positive correlation between self-confidence and achieving success in foreign language learning.







Studies on learning Turkish language and self-confidence are very inadequate in Turkey, and according to Rubio (2007), there are not many studies carried out about foreign language and classroom atmosphere in the western countries. Having done many studies particularly on foreign language anxiety, Horwitz (2007) mentions that although foreign language teachers know the importance of promoting students’ self-confidence, they are not sure about how to do it. In order to show teachers how to promote self-confidence, different approaches can be used to find out why foreign language teachers experience this issue. For instance, Eryaman et al. (2013) states that the recent studies carried out about self-competence were all based on teachers’ personal opinions on the sense of self-competence that could motivate students to learn. Therefore, focusing on self-confidence which promotes some factors for students like classroom atmosphere and teachers’ attitudes towards students, and carrying out further studies about teacher’s self-confidence and self-competencies that may influence students’ sense of self-confidence in parallel with their sense of self-competence can be suggested. Bandura (1997) states that self-competence is a sense that is inclusive of individuals’ beliefs in their abilities to accomplish any mission they are assigned to. Therefore, it is not easy to suggest that the sense of self-competence can develop before the development self-confidence has been completed. Chachon (2005) suggests that teachers’ senses of self-competence and self-confidence are quite important in education. Therefore, it can be claimed that teachers can have difficulties in creating a classroom atmosphere to motivate students to learn foreign languages, and it will be difficult for them to enable the development of a sense, which they do not have, in others, if they lack in the self-confidence to achieve success in, and consequently think that they do not have competence with language teaching, the mission they are assigned to. Students who have difficulties in learning and even the most problematic ones can achieve success with self-confident teachers and the efforts they spend (Gibson and Dembo, 1984). Therefore, the significance of teachers’ inadequacies and low self-confidence should not be underestimated in the studies carried out about the reasons of low self-confidence in foreign language learners.

Hortwiz (2007) states that setting realistic language targets for students can promote their self-confidence. Horwitz emphasizes that in foreign language classes, teaching lessons in students’ level of competency will increase their self-confidence as they see their achievements. When teaching Turkish, assessing students using a proper method to find out their levels of competence can contribute to and promote their self-confidence, because students may lose their self-confidence when foreign language programs  above  their level of competence hinder their success. According to Reasoner, the definition of healthy or unhealthy low self-confidence should be discussed (Rubio, 2007, cited in Reasoner, 1982). Low self-confidence, which occurs due to teachers’ actions that lower students’ self-confidence, can be considered an unhealthy low self-confidence as defined by Reasoner, because in such cases there is lack of self-confidence that hinders the expected action. Mutluer (2006) states that self-confidence is congenital and present in every individual but constantly trimmed and reduced. Therefore, teachers’ behavior in classrooms can be seen as a part of this trimming process. Psychologically healthy individuals can be raised in healthy societies (cultures) (ÖzdoÄŸan, 2005, p. 5). Self-confidence is a condition seen in healthy individuals. Preston (2007) states that there are steps to follow towards self-confidence, and at the twelfth step an individual is required to be physically healthy to have self-confidence. Therefore, the individuals who are self-confident in learning foreign languages can only be raised in healthy classroom environments. Teachers’ role in the creation of such environments is important. As mentioned above, in order to create such classroom environments, teachers need to have high self-confidence.

Bandura (2006) states that there is a correlation between the society the individual is in and the individual’s self-confidence. Individuals can have high self-confidence like the society they are in, if the society is self-confident. In this study, it was observed that the marks averages of the learners that had high sense of self-competence, and the learners who had high self-confidence were very close. It can be suggested that the learners who have high self-confidence had a positive effect on other learners. This had an effect on their success rates in Turkish language learning too. On the other hand, it contradicts the thesis of individuals who lack self-confidence cannot achieve success in anything they do (Bandura; 2006; Gardner and MacIntyre 1989; Bağış 2007). It was observed that the individuals who lacked in self-confidence at the beginning of any process could become self-confident individuals later on; could achieve success under the influence of the society they were part of; it was possible for the individuals who have low self-confidence to achieve success in certain tasks due to various factors.

The results  of  this  study  show  that there is a positive correlation between self-confidence and the number foreign languages learned. This supports Rubio’s (2007) thesis that claims self-confidence is a cognitive condition just like anxiety, and has a role in foreign language learning. Tunçel’s study (2014) on Greek students studying Turkish language showed that a certain level of anxiety can have positive effects on achieving success in foreign language learning. Ä°ÅŸcan (2011) reported that low anxiety promoted success. Self-confidence and anxiety are two cognitive conditions that have effects on foreign language learning. In their work named “Biases in self-rating of second language proficiency: The role of language anxiety”, published in 1997, MacIntyre, Noels and Clement state that the individuals who tend to see themselves competent, in other words, the individuals who have high self-confidence achieve more success in foreign language learning. Also, the results of this study show that the individuals who have high self-confidence are more successful than those who lack self-confidence in foreign language learning.


The subjects who stated that they were always pleased with themselves achieved higher success rates in learning Turkish language than the subjects stated that they were sometimes happy with themselves. In terms of the Turkish language test, the subjects who have high self-confidence achieved higher success rates than the subjects who have low self-confidence. The success rate in learning Turkish was increased by the subjects’ level of self-confidence. The subjects who thought they were very competent achieved higher success rates in learning Turkish language than those thought they were incompetent or competent. Wylie (Baumeister and et al., 2003 cited from Wylie 1979) also suggested a positive correlation between self-confidence and students’ academic performance. One of the most crowded studies carried out in literature was Hansford and Hattie’s (1982) in which more than 200.000 participants took part. As a result of this study, a strong correlation between academic performance and self-confidence was suggested. In another study carried out by Rosenberg (1989), a strong correlation between self-confidence and learning success was suggested (r=24 in tenth graders, r=25 in twelfth graders). On the contrary, another study done by Davies and Brember (1999) it was claimed that there is a weak correlation between academic performance and self-confidence (sorted between correlation .10 and .13). Zimmerman and et al. (1997) did not find out data that suggests high self-confidence leads to high success.

As a result of this study, none of the subjects thought that they would fail in foreign language learning. The subjects’ answers were ranged from having some hopes to being very hopeful. The subjects, who stated they were very hopeful that they would succeed in foreign language learning, achieved higher success rates in learning Turkish than those who stated they had less hopes. Therefore, the subjects who had high self-confidence in foreign language learning were more successful than the subjects that have low self-confidence. These findings show that there is a positive correlation between self-confidence and achieving success in foreign language learning.

This study shows that the number of foreign languages learned has a positive effect on achieving success in learning Turkish. The subjects who were able to speak three languages achieved higher success rates than the subjects who were able to speak two languages, and the subjects who were able to speak four or more languages achieved higher success rates than those who were able to speak two and three languages. The subjects’ success rate in language learning was increased by the number of foreign languages they were able to speak. 

It is observed that that there is a strong correlation between an individuals’ achievement of success in foreign language learning and his or her level of self-confidence. Turkish language teachers’ behavior and feedbacks to promote self-confidence can contribute to the success rates of the students in their Turkish language classes. In other words, behaviors that can lower students’ self-confidence in classroom should be avoided to contribute to the achievement of higher success rates in learning Turkish. It would be better if teachers can work on their self-confidence, because competent, self-confident teachers can be more successful in teaching Turkish.

Researchers should carry out studies about Turkish language teachers’ behaviors and classroom environments that can promote or lower the self-confidence in Turkish language learners. Carrying out such studies can contribute to the development of Turkish language teachers and courses. Research studies carried out about the factors that increase or decrease self confidence in students can be important. The effects of classroom environments, group studies, or teachers’ behavior on self-confidence in teaching Turkish as a foreign language should be particularly studied.


The author has not declared any conflicts of interest.


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