Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2007

Full Length Research Paper

Analysis of self-esteem and self-efficacy levels of music students

Serkan OtacioÄŸlu
  • Serkan OtacioÄŸlu
  • Fine Arts Department, Music Education Section, Atatürk Education Faculty, Marmara University, Göztepe, Ä°stanbul, Turkey.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 16 August 2020
  •  Accepted: 09 October 2020
  •  Published: 31 October 2020


The main aim of this study is to determine whether professional music education has any effect on “self-esteem” and “self-efficacy” of undergraduate students who study at different universities. The study was carried out with 55 students who study at Marmara University Atatürk Faculty of Education Department of Music Education and Istanbul University State Conservatory. Self-esteem level of students was measured with Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) which was developed by Rosenberg in 1965; self-efficacy levels were measured with Self-Efficacy Scale (SES) which was developed by Sherer et al. in 1982. The results showed that there were some statistically significant differences between RSE levels of students and some variables.


Key words: Music education, self- esteem, self-efficacy.


Self-concept is a structure which is developed and controlled by cognitive development sources. Self-concept, which is defined as knowing one’s own self, perceiving and comprehending one’s being has an important place in the history of psychology as much as other theories. Basically, self-concept is expressed as the respect one shows to one’s own behaviours, skills, appreciation, and body; one’s attitude and evaluation towards these features (Erman et al., 2008).
According to Rosenberg (1965), self-esteem is the positive or negative attitude one develops towards one’s own self. Kaplan (1975), who assesses self-esteem as an international motivation, expresses that people tend to increase their experience about positive self-esteem and decrease experiences about negative self-esteem. Coopersmith (1967) defines self-esteem  as  the  level  of perceiving oneself as skilful, successful, and valuable. Self-esteem depends on satisfaction or restriction that an individual experiences. Those who have high self-esteem are self-satisfied and contented (Burns, 1982), regard themselves as valuable and are aware of their limitations, therefore they strive for improvement and development. Low self-esteem is a result of experiences which decrease the value of self and reflect as not being satisfied with oneself, denying or devaluing oneself  (grammar) and featuring negative or weak sides (Kaner, 1995).
It is stated that self-efficacy beliefs have four sources. These are precise and correct experiences, indirect experiences provided by social models, verbal persuasion and physical and emotional condition of an individual.  Self-efficacy  beliefs  effect aims that a person sets for himself, how much effort he will put to reach these aims, how long they will confront the obstacles while reaching these aims and their reactions against failure (Bıkmaz, 2004). Fulfilling requirements of teaching profession is directly related with teachers’ belief for covering duties and responsibilities of teaching, apart from their education (Yılmaz et al., 2004). One of the key factors in teaching environment is the belief of sufficiency. Self-efficacy beliefs of the teacher affects  the quality of teaching, methods and techniques he/she uses, participation of students and comprehension of students, which determines the success of them. Therefore it is expected from well-prepared pre-service teachers that they will have high self-efficacy belief above all (Üredi and Üredi, 2005).
In this review of literature, it was observed that topics related to healthcare workers were addressed more and also those related to improving teachers and art education. It was analysed whether there is a relation between these two factors and self-efficacy and self-esteem level of students who receive teaching education and professional instrument education; the differences between them were analysed. To this end, answers were sought from Department of Music Education and Conservatory students for these two questions:
(i) Does self-efficacy level differ according to gender, age and individual instrument?
(ii) Is there a difference between “self-esteem” and “self-efficacy” levels of students?


The study which was carried out in order to compare self-esteem level and demographic features of students who study at Marmara University Atatürk Faculty and Istanbul University State Conservatory is a kind of comparative survey model among “correlation survey” models.
Study group
Study group is composed of 55 students who study at 4th grade (seniors in their 4th year) in Marmara University Fine Arts Education Department (N=35) and in Istanbul University State Conservatory (N=20). Students were chosen with random sampling method.
Data collection tools
Personal information form
It was prepared by the researcher in order to collect information about demographic features. The 15 questions in this form were prepared in order to gather information about personal features of pre-service music teachers who attend the study.
Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSES)
There   are   12   sub-scales   in   this   test   which  was created  by Rosenberg (1965) and is composed of 63 items. Rosenberg states that on demand sub-scales can be used separately in the studies. According to the aim of this study, the first “10” items of the scale were used in order to measure self-esteem. Subject score 0-6 points depending on the evaluation system of the scale. Higher score obtained from the scale means lower level of self-esteem. It was evaluated as such - 0-1 points: High level of self-esteem, 2-4 points: medium level of self-esteem, 5-6 points: Low level of self-esteem (Erman et al., 2008). The scale was adapted into Turkish by ÇuhadaroÄŸlu (1986) and test-retest reliability of the scale is 0.89, validity is 0.71. Validity and reliability of the scale was carried out by TuÄŸrul (1994) and the correlation of the scale with psychiatric interviews was 0.71 (DemirtaÅŸ and Dönmez, 2006).
Self efficacy scale (SES)
Validity and reliability of the Turkish  version of the scale which was developed by Sherer et al. (1982) was carried out by Gözüm and Aksayan (1999) and Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient was 0.81; test-retest reliability was found to be 0.92 (Gözüm and Aksayan, 1999). The scale does not belong to any specific field but measures SES in general sense. From the 5 point Likert-type scale which is composed of 23 items, the lowest score is 23 and the highest score is 115. In the scale subjects are asked to mark one of the options, namely 1-does not define me at all, 2-defines me a little, 3- neutral, 4-defines me well, 5-defines me quite well; each item scores accordingly. However; items no. 2., 4., 5., 6., 7., 10., 11., 12., 14., 16., 17., 18., 20., 22. Getting high score from the scale means having high level of general SES perception (Keskin and Orgun, 2006).
Analysis of data
Data of the analysis were gathered in few stages. First of all, correlational analyses were done according to the aims of the research. Statistical analyses of data were done with SPSS package program version 13.0 in computer (significance was analysed to be .05 and .01). Non parametric techniques are used.


Findings about first sub-problem
Do the SES scores of Music Education students differ according to (a) Gender, (b) Age, (c) Individual instruments?  Findings and results about the 1st sub-problem of the study is explained in Table 1. Since these data obtained in the study do not fulfil parametric conditions, Mann W. U test which is preferred in binary comparisons was applied in order to determine the source of this significant difference. When Table 1 is observed, there is statistically significant difference when general scale scores of students are observed according to their genders (p<0.05). When the arithmetic averages are observed, general scale scores of female students are significantly higher than male students. As a result it was observed that gender variable has an effect on SES score averages.
When Table 2 is observed, there is statistically significant difference when general scale scores of students are observed according to their age. When arithmetic averages are analysed, scores of students who are 23 and above are significantly higher than those in 18-22 age group (x=2.75 and x=2.54 respectively). As a result it was observed that age variable has a significant effect on SES score averages.
In Table 3, as a result of the analysis which was carried out in order to determine whether self-efficacy general sores differ significantly according to various variables for students, there was no statistically significant differences in the sense of “class and individual instrument” conditions (p>0.05).
Findings about second sub-problem
As  seen  in  Table  4,  there  is  a  statistically  significant  difference at .05 level between “Self-Esteem” and “Self-Efficacy” scores of students (r= 342; p<0.05). As a result, it is seen that as the self-efficacy scores of students increase (x=47.13) so do their level of self-esteem level. In other words, self-efficacy levels of students have a positive correlation with their self-esteem levels too. This work has to be further studied using larger sampling groups of students who study at music teaching departments; and the support of instructors at education faculties should be sought to increase the perception levels of students by appreciating positive aspects of students and using different strategies such as moving from simple to complex ones.


The author has not declared any conflict of interests.



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