Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2009

Full Length Research Paper

A study on the effects of self-regulation skills education program on self-regulation skills of six-year-old children

Belgin Liman* and Kezban Tepeli
1Department of Child Development, Faculty of Zübeyde Hanım School of Health, NiÄŸde Ömer Halisdemir University, NiÄŸde, Turkey. 2Department of Child Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey.  
Email: [email protected]

  •  Received: 14 October 2019
  •  Accepted: 15 November 2019
  •  Published: 31 December 2019


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