Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 December, 2017; 12(23)

December 2017

Evaluation of use of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) animations in mathematics education

This study investigates opinions of Grade 12 students about the use of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) animations in mathematics lessons. It explores the ways of making mathematics easier and more understandable for students by demonstrating whether or not GIF animations that emerged from the integration of technology into mathematics education appeal to students both visually and educationally, and how mathematics...

Author(s): Esra Altintas, Åžukru Iigun and Soner Kucuk

December 2017

Disciplinary lenses model: A new approach to collegiate-level general education

This work aims to study and promote a motivational model, Collegiate-level General Education that enhances students’ motivation to have self-fulfillment and inherent desire to acquire diverse knowledge. In this way, students would not see Collegiate-level General Education as an obstacle to their undergraduate education, but as a great and priceless opportunity for them to be generalist lifelong learners. The...

Author(s): Mohammad Makhmaltchi, Seyed Mahdi Sajjadi, Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast and Hashem Fardanesh

December 2017

Spanning professional and academic: The changing identity of professional administrators and managers in Hong Kong’s higher education context

This paper builds on Whitchurch’s notion of the ‘blended professional’ which aims to examine how mixed professional activity affects professional administrators and managers’ identity disposition in universities in Hong Kong. In response to complex missions and demands of contemporary higher education globally, diverse projected-oriented professional managers have emerged in universities and are...

Author(s): Cheng Tak-lai

December 2017

A study on the reduction of the depression level and improvement of the psychological adjustment level of university students through a counseling programme, using Beck's theories of depression

This study aims to investigate the reduction of university students' depression level as well as improvement of their psychological adjustment level through a counseling programme, using Beck's Theories of depression. The sample of this study was randomly selected, and categorized into two groups: experimental and control groups. The former consists of 15 students, who were counseled in a session per week, while...

Author(s): Ibraheem Malii and Basma Alshareef

December 2017

The aims and learning attainments of secondary and high school students attending science festivals: A case study

This study was conducted to determine the aims and learning attainments of secondary school and high school students participating in science festivals. A case study approach which is one of the qualitative research methods was used in the research. This study was carried out in the science festival held in Elazığ, Turkey. The sampling consists of 39 students; 19 secondary school students and 20 high school students...

Author(s): Gonca KEÇECÄ°

December 2017

Self-determined motivation, achievement goals and anxiety of economic and business students in Indonesia

Anxiety is a natural thing and can happen to everyone; it is a reaction to the inability to overcome problems or lack of security. However, excessive anxiety can impede one's function in life. Anxiety experienced by students can also hinder them in performing better. Setting goals that are difficult to achieve can cause students to experience anxiety or fear of not being able to achieve them. This study aims to...

Author(s): Dorothea Wahyu Ariani

December 2017

Teachers’ attitudes towards liquid crystal display (LCD) panel interactive board applications

This study determined the viewpoints of teachers from different branches on using the interactive boards placed in classrooms in high schools, which are expected to replace the classical boards in the context of FATIH Project by the Ministry of National Education. Single Review Model was used in the present study where 21 teachers participated from different branches of high schools and the installation of interactive...

Author(s): Eyup Ä°ZCÄ° and Volkan DARMAZ