Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 April, 2017; 12(8)

April 2017

Challenges facing Chinese International students studying in the United States

Chinese international students often find it challenging to adjust to attending college in the United States (US). There is limited research addressing Chinese international college students’ adjustment in the US. Drawing on what literature exists combined with research addressing Chinese immigrants’ transition and international students’ transition, this article examines strategies to help Chinese...

Author(s): Yuerong Ching, Susan L. Renes, Samantha McMurrow, Joni Simpson and Anthony T. Strange

April 2017

Evaluation of sport mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate student athletes

This study aims to evaluate the relationships between sport mental toughness (SMT) and psychological wellbeing (PWB) of undergraduate student athletes. Mental toughness represents the ability of a person to cope with the demands of training and competition, increased determination, focus, confidence, and maintain control under pressure. Mental toughness has been explained as the ability of an athlete to cope with the...

Author(s): Bulent Okan Micoogullari, Ugur Odek and Ozkan Beyaz

April 2017

Investigating the practices of assessment methods in Amharic language writing skill context: The case of selected higher education in Ethiopia

This study aims to investigate Ethiopian higher education Amharic language writing skills instructors’ practices of Assessment Methods in writing skill context. It was also intended to look for their viewpoints about the practicality of implementing Assessment Methods in Amharic writing courses. In order to achieve the goals of this study, document analysis such as course outlines and assessment papers, 10...

Author(s): Hailay Tesfay

April 2017

Clusters and factors associated with complementary basic education in Tanzania mainland

Complimentary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) is a community-based programme initiated in 1999 to provide formal education system opportunity to over aged children or children above school age. The COBET program was analyzed using secondary data collected from 21 regions from 2008 to 2012. Cluster analysis was applied to classify the 21 regions in terms of enrolments by cohort, dropouts, gender, and regional per...

Author(s): Paul Edwin, Msengwa S. Amina and Naimani M. Godwin

April 2017

Expectation returns and households’ decision in the schooling of their children in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

This study aims to study households’ expectations for their children’s academic performance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Education has a significant role in increasing the productivity and income level of an individual in a society. Household education, income, distance from school, gender discrimination within household and cost of education can affect parents’ expectations of their children. The...

Author(s): Shahzad KHAN, Puangkaew LURHATHAIOPATH and Shusuke MATSUSHITA

April 2017

Self-efficacy as predictor of collective self-efficacy among preschool teachers in Turkey

This study investigates the effect of preschool teachers’ collective self-efficacy. A study group consists of 172 preschool teachers who are working in public preschools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in different cities of Turkey. In this study, teacher self- efficiency scale is employed to assess professional efficiency perception of teachers. Schwarzer et al have developed the scale,...

Author(s): Emel Arslan

April 2017

Developing a scale for strategies used during the practice and learning of instrumental music

The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable scale to identify the strategies students who study instrumental music use during the practice and learning of instrumental music based on their own responses. The study group comprised of 358 students studying music education in five universities in the academic year of 2015 to 2016. The scale developed within the scope of this study includes five dimensions:...

Author(s): Mehtap Aydıner Uygun and Özlem Kılınçer

April 2017

Identifying the concept “fraction” of primary school students: The investigation in Vietnam

In Vietnam, primary school students explicitly learn the concept of fraction in Grade 4 and 5. Because this concept is introduced to them intuitionally, it is difficult for them to understand and apply it. Base on this point, we believe that the students will commit many errors when solving exercises related to this concept. The survey of 478 students showed that some remarkable errors were made by most students; when...

Author(s): Nguyen Phu Loc, Duong Huu Tong and Phan Thai Chau

April 2017

Theme: The 21st century adult learner

Problem-based learning is an innovative educational approach that is gaining prominence in higher education using “real world” problems or situations as a context for learning. The present study explored the use of problem-based learning with teacher trainees of the University of Belize. Using a concurrent mixed method design with 74 teachers in training from the Belmopan and the EU Sugar Belt Project in the...

Author(s): Lopez Brown, P.