January 2023
Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021
An analysis of critical thinking research during 2010 to 2021 was conducted using effect size criteria; subsequently, a model was proposed for teaching and learning management that promoted critical thinking by students at the basic education level using the Thai digital collection data base. Based on a search of past research quality examination criteria were identified using a research quality check form. Out of 200...
January 2023
Training program on knowledge and attitude of students regarding premenstrual syndromes and the effects on absenteeism
The study aimed to assess the consequences of an academic educational program on the scholars' knowledge and attitude regarding premenstrual syndromes and, its effect on the absenteeism of scholars in Sabya University College. A quasi-experimental study of 0.97 students recruited study group; data were collected then recollected after the tutorial program session was provided. Data were interred into spss...