October 2006
Creating electronic access to newspaper information in Nigeria: The information aid network (IFAnet) experience
This paper highlights the value of newspaper information and the methods adopted in organizing, preserving and disseminating it. The paper dwells on the traditional ways of managing newspaper resources and the need to device a new medium of accessing the information contents of the resource. It enumerates the steps taken in conserving newspaper information and building access descriptors for retrieval from...
October 2006
A review of parliamentary privilege with an approach to Iranian legal system
The necessity of immunity of parliament and its Members has led to determine and assure particular privilege in the Constitutions or ordinary laws in the great majority of countries. This legal institution is to provide freedom of speech and to maintain the independence of representatives in the exercise of their duties without undue interference or fear. To define and justify the necessity of it, different...
October 2006
Against didacticism: A psychologist’s view
Quality thinking and quality teaching are desirable but difficult to achieve. Although lectures are necessary to teach information, one cannot rely on them to promote critical and constructive thinking skills. Nevertheless, didacticism remains the dominant teaching strategy in secondary education and in university, perhaps because it is viewed as the most efficient way of imparting large...
October 2006
Reviewing the link between Creativity and Madness: A Postmodern Perspective
Researchers on creativity and psychology have long been fascinated with the high incidence of psychotic behavior amongst geniuses and individuals of exceptional creativity. The aims of this paper are first, to review the existing findings for a better insight into the socio-contextual factors underpinning the mad genius conundrum, and secondly, to discuss how the development of postmodern thoughts and...
October 2006
Relation between science teachers’ assessment tools and students’ cognitive development
In order to determine students’ achievement, science teachers have to develop their own assessment tools. This study attempts to find out the relationship between the teachers’ assessment tools and students’ cognitive development according to the teachers’ teaching experiences. Six open-ended survey questions were developed and delivered to 59 middle school science teachers. It was...
October 2006
Personality and self-assessed intelligence: Can gender and personality distort self-assessed intelligence?
This paper examines the extent to which self-assessed intelligence (SAI) may be a function of personality traits, gender, and “actual” intellectual ability (as measured through psychometric g) in a sample of 188 (119 female) UK university students. Participants completed three cognitive ability tests and the “Big Five” personality inventory after estimating their own...
October 2006
An Assessment of the Policies And Programmes of Zimbabwe in addressing the HIV/Aids Epidemic in the Education Sector
his study assessed the policies, strategic plans and structures that have been put in place in Zimbabwe to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the education sector. It also examined the comprehensiveness of projects and programmes currently being implemented by the government in collaboration with partner organisations and NGOs. The findings show that the epidemic has had a very adverse impact on the education...