Significant foliar nutrient response due to genetic variability was seen for N, P, K, Mg, Ca, B, Fe and Zn for some Iranian quince genotypes, which were selected from different parts of Iran (during 2006-2009). Vector analysis has been used to interpret plant nutrient status and nutrient shifts (dilution, deficiency, excess, etc) of studied quince genotypes. In our study, reference point for calculating and comparing the relative change of the three parameters (nutrient concentration, nutrient content and leaf dry weight) for studied quince genotypes was the average value of tissue concentrations, content of nutrient and leaf dry weight which were normalized to 100% to allow comparison on a common base. Vector analysis diagnoses of foliar response revealed excess “E-shifts’ behavior of all studied nutrient, as compared to the control, in the genotype ASM3. Steady-status “B-shifts” and Luxury consumption “D-shifts” behaviors were not shown by any of studied nutrient among studied quince genotypes. Excess ‘E-shifts’ and Antagonism “F-shifts” behaviors were presented by most of studied nutrient among studied quince genotypes.
Key words: Foliar nutrient, Iranian quince genotypes, variability.