December 2011
Hydrogen therapy may be a novel, safe and effective treatment for infertility patients with varicocele
Hydrogen gas recently was discovered as a novel therapeutic medical agent in many biomedical ï¬elds. It has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic protective effects on cells and organs. Increasing evidence showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in spermatogenesis dysfunction in patients with varicocele. Varicocelectomy and antioxidant treatment can improve the quality of...
December 2012
Detection of crack eggs based on near infrared reflectance spectrum and discriminant analysis
This paper analyzes the detection of crack eggs based on near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectrum and discriminant analysis (DA). In order to choose the proper detecting conditions, this paper designs several experiments according to different factors, such as different wave band, all kind of spectrum processing methods and the number of principal components. The experiments results reveal that, when we choose DA method...
December 2011
Direct attacks on mobile phones by bluetooth for forensic analysis
Nowadays users demand sophisticated applications and services on their mobile phones since they have become a basic necessity for everyday life. The Symbian operating system has the features outlined earlier and provides a security and data protection module, besides it is one of the world market leader in mobile phones. The attacks described here were made through ‘Bluetooth technology’, and its...
December 2011
Isolation and characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor peptides derived from porcine hemoglobin
In China, porcine blood has a long history as a food with medicinal effects and for treating strokes, an obvious clinical consequence of hypertension. However, the active ingredients are still unknown and need to be clarified. This study described the isolation, characterization and animal experiments of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor peptides derived from porcine blood. The highly active...
December 2011
Thirty-four new records and the diversity of the Rotifera in the Turkish part of the Tigris River watershed, with remarks on biogeographically interesting taxa
A total of 175 morphospecies belonging to 47 genera of the monogonont Rotiferaare reported here, representing the highest rotifer biodiversity recorded from any body of water in Turkey; 34 of these species are new records for the Turkish fauna. The genera Donneria De Smet,...
December 2011
A study on thermal and electrical properties of high density polyethylene/high density polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride/montmorillonite/polypyrrole blend
Conducting polypyrrole (PPy) was synthesized by chemical polymerization method. The synthesized PPy was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and its conductivity was measured by a resistometer. Then, PPy was incorporated into high density polyethylene/montmorillonite nanocomposites. PPy concentration varied in the range of 5 to 20% by weight in nanocomposites using melt mixing follow by...
December 2011
A comparison and normality test of some measures of association via simulation for rectangular doubly ordered cross tables
Spearman and Pearson correlation coefficient, Gamma coefficient, Kendall's tau-b, Kendall's tau-c, and Somers’d are the most commonly used measures of association for doubly either square or rectangular ordered contingency tables. So far, there has been no existing study expressing a formal priority on those measures of association. The aim of this study is not only to compare these measures of association...
December 2011
Symptomatic intracranial capillary telangiectasia in a patient with contralateral common carotid artery dissection
Intracranial capillary telangiectasia (ICT) is a rare benign disease with few clinical reports, as most capillary telangiectasias locate in the brainstem, small, asymptomatic and angiographically invisibale. We present a case of intracranial capillary telangiectasia with seizure and hemiplegiahemiparesia. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies revealed right frontal ischemic lesion. Digital subtraction...
December 2011
Compton scattering of 662 keV gamma rays proposed by klein-nishina formula
The free electron Compton scattering cross-section are given by klein-Nishima, calculated using photon with an energy of 662 keV scattered incoherently through angles from 0-120°. The Compton scattering effect was calculated producing a linear relationship between the reciprocal of the scattered photon energy and 1/E0as a function of (1-cos θ), where θ is the scattering angle. It was found that the...
December 2011
A three years study of the diversity and density of waterfowl and waders in Sorkhrud International Wetland (October 2007 – March 2010)
A three year study of the seasonal changes in the biodiversity and the density of the waterfowl and wader were carried out in Sorkhrud International Wetland which is a part of Feridonkenar's intentional wetlands (registered in Ramsar Convention). Birds were counted through the total count method. The study included 119592, 140901 and 139160 waterfowl and waders were counted in the winter of 2007, 2008 and 2009...
December 2011
Portal vein arterialization used in partial hepatectomy maintains liver regeneration
Portal vein arterialization (PVA) has been used in some hepatobiliary surgeries and the liver transplants. There is considerable debate regarding the effect of PVA on the liver regeneration. This study was to investigate the effect of PVA on the liver regeneration. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into PVA group (rats received 68% hepatectomy, right nephrectomy and PVA) and control group (rats received 68%...
December 2011
Exploring role of different floor, wall and roof details in energy efficiency of a bungalow house in Malaysia
Energy has undeniable role in sustainable architecture. Building sections consume 15 to 60% of whole energy in different countries. Residential sector includes 19% of energy consumption in Malaysia. In this study, a bungalow house as a common low density house in Malaysia was simulated by Design Builder software based on Energy plus program. Then its different components including floor, wall, roof...
December 2011
A metamaterial inspired miniaturized phi-shaped high gain antenna for skin cancer detection
This paper introduces a new low cost, robust miniaturized micro strip high gain antenna inspired with metamaterial split ring resonator structure (SRR). Because of metamaterials property, there has been considerable reduction in size. The overall antenna structure is phi shaped which is equivalently two SRRs placed back to back. This miniaturized phi shaped antenna (MPSA) thus obtained, has been simulated on EM solver...
December 2011
Application of access graphs and home culture: Examining factors relative to climate and privacy in Iranian houses
In the recent past, access graphs have been applied as a space syntax technique to analyze the spatial configuration of buildings in correlation with the social concepts. The aim of this study is to show the deficiencies in the use of the space syntax method in the examining of spatial relation in traditional houses in Iran. Traditional Iranian houses consider climate and privacy as very important factors for generating...
December 2011
Effect of neutral mutation on HIV-1 drug resistance in highly active antiretroviral therapy
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance is a grave problem in highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and neutral mutation is an important factor in the evolution of HIV-1. We consider the process of HIV-1 quasispecies transition in HAART to be transformation among three viral phenotypes: wild-type HIV-1, neutral-type HIV-1 and resistant-type HIV-1. A new model is proposed to study the transition...
December 2011
Photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene in nonionic-anionic surfactant using titania catalysts
Photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene by titania in nonionic-anionic surfactant micelles was investigated as a promising strategy for soil/sediment/groundwater remediation after using nonionic-anionic surfactant as solubilizing agents for removal of contaminants from soils/sediment/groundwater. All photocatalytic experiments were conducted using a 365 nm mercury monochromatic ultraviolet lamp in a photocatalytic...
December 2011
A hybrid method for increasing the accuracy of software development effort estimation
Since software development environments, methods and tools are changing rapidly, the importance of accurate estimations in software projects is increasing significantly. Inaccurate estimations can lead to unpleasant results in the software projects so that many projects are failed at the early stages of the project. During the recent years, numerous estimation methods have been proposed that most of which are based on...
December 2011
Regression control chart for determination of Young’s modulus: A case study
The fundamental problem while obtaining initial modulus (Young’s modulus) of concrete in experimental studies is to determine the region on stress-strain curve that will be used in calculations of initial tangent. In the present paper, an approach that depends on regression control chart - that is one of the statistical process control (SPC) tools - for determining the initial tangent and Young’s modulus is...
December 2011
3D stereo reconstruction using sum square of difference matching algorithm
In this study, the Sum Square of Difference (SSD) matching algorithm is introduced to solve the matching ambiguousness between pixels using Quickbird images. This method is tested with three different types of template sizes of 3 × 3, 5 × 5 and 7 × 7 to acquire the best correlation of patches to be correlated. The matching is implemented with two different locations in the Quickbird images. The result...