Impacts of climate change on water resources in the N'zi watershed in Côte d'Ivoire
February 2025
For several decades, the N'zi region has been experiencing increasing climatic disturbances, characterized by decreasing rainfall, increasing droughts, and growing anthropogenic pressures such as urbanization and land-use changes. This study aims to analyze the impacts of climate change on water resources in the N'zi watershed in Côte d'Ivoire. The data used for this research includes rainfall,...
Methane Production from the Digestion of Different Livestock Manure and Co-digestion with Waste Water from Palm Oil Production
January 2025
The generation of renewable energy from the digestion of biodegradable waste is one of the favoured waste management options as it also mitigates climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The energy produced can be enhanced through co-digestion of different types of wastes. The study was aimed at quantifying methane production from the digestion of different livestock manure and their co-digestion with waste...
Urban territorial regionalisation and the emergence of un-ecological rural urbanism in city localities: Case of Dodoma national capital city, Tanzania
January 2025
This study explored how the evolutionary transformation of administrative hierarchical positions in agrarian urban authorities (urban territorial regionalization) has contributed to the growth of unsustainable rural urbanism in urban areas of Tanzania. This shift has further reinforced rural characteristics in urban settings rather than fostering the modernization of towns by urban standards. Empirical evidence for the...
Climate change awareness among Kenyatta University undergraduates, Kenya
January 2025
Climate change necessitates collective efforts to mitigate its effects. Public understanding of climate change is crucial for meaningful action. Youths play a vital role in climate action, but their knowledge of climate change remains limited. University students are a critical population that should be enlightened and empowered to drive the desired action. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of climate...
Utilising the hierarchical hazard control model to reveal respiratory challenges faced by quarry and allied workers in Erongo, Otjozondjupa and Kunene regions, Namibia: A cross-sectional, quantitative study
November 2024
The study examines respiratory protection practices among quarry and allied workers in Namibia, amidst rising concerns over occupational respiratory disorders due to prolonged exposure to respirable dust. Utilising a quantitative cross-sectional design, data were collected from 304 workers across Erongo, Otjozondjupa, and Kunene regions. Findings showed a statistically significant association between employee...
The effect of aircraft engine model and fuel type on the morphological characteristics of soot particles
October 2024
In this study, the morphological characteristics of the soot samples collected from a Lycoming O-320 piston engine, PT6A-42 turboprop engine, and Rolls Royce Allison 250C20B turboshaft engine were examined using Raman spectroscopy. The results obtained in this study indicate that engine and fuel type have to a certain extent some influence on the morphological characteristics of the soot particles. The examination of...
Assessment of healthcare waste Pyrotec model 8 incinerator efficiency as a performance indicator at Muhimbili National Referral Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
September 2024
The performance of a healthcare waste Pyrotec Model 8 incinerator at Muhimbili national referral hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was investigated using two different types of healthcare wastes namely sharps waste and other waste (mass/weight) and as fractions. The other independent factor used in the investigation was diesel oil consumption. The incinerator performance was evaluated by determining how these factors...
Assessing the implication of prolong agrochemical applications on soils in some vegetable farms around the Southwest region of Cameroon
September 2024
Vegetable cultivation at urban peripherals is gaining ground due to the quest to feed an ever-increasing urban populace. However, the extensive use of agrochemicals in such gardens often leads to heavy metal contamination, with consequences for soil quality and human health. In order to safeguard human health and protect the environment, this study evaluated the contamination levels of per-urban vegetable garden soils...
Analytical assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of waste management practices to optimize energy and food nexus: A case study of Oleh, Isoko South LGA, Delta State, Nigeria
August 2024
The circular life cycle of waste management, designed for waste-to-energy, can substantially contribute to efficient waste management, a precursor for sustainable energy and food production. This study evaluates knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to waste management and identify its potential for improving energy and food production. Surveys, interviews, and data analysis were employed to investigate...
Environmental impacts assessment of shipping activities on water quality of Apapa Bay, Lagos, Nigeria
August 2024
Activities at seaports can contribute to ecological hazards, particularly water pollution. This study investigated the environmental impacts of shipping activities at Apapa Bay, Lagos, Nigeria, focusing on the physicochemical characteristics and potentially toxic metals (PTMs) in the water. Water and sediment samples were collected from four different terminals in Apapa Bay and from Takwa Bay, which served as a control...
Speciation of phosphorus and nitrogen in sediments of Ogun River in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria
July 2024
Sediments in rivers can contribute to the concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in overlying water which affect aquatic life adversely at excessive concentrations. This study examined the various forms of phosphorus and nitrogen in sediments of Ogun River, the major river in the city of Abeokuta.Total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations ranged from 820-2740 and 840-1960 μg N g-1 respectively. Inorganic...
Philosophical analysis of climate change and sustainable agriculture
July 2024
The article explores the philosophical foundations of climate change and sustainable agriculture, highlighting the importance of ethical and philosophical reflection in seeking sustainable solutions. It analyzes philosophical conceptions of the human-nature relationship, discusses the Anthropocene as a conceptual framework, and examines ethical principles of responsibility and environmental justice. The article also...
Relationship between trace element concentration and condition index in bivalves from lagoons in Ghana
June 2024
The study investigated the seasonal relationship between the Condition Index (CI) and concentrations of six trace metals in the tissues of three bivalves: Crassostrea tulipa (n = 275), Anadara (Senilia) senilis (n = 310) from two 'open' lagoons (Benya and Ningo), a 'closed' lagoon (Sakumo), and Perna perna (n = 155) from rocky shores adjacent to Benya and Sakumo. These bivalves were analyzed for their...
Valorization of mining waste through fertilizer formulation: substitution of phosphoric acid by slimes and characterization of the obtained fertilizers
June 2024
This study aims to valorize the slimes (<40 µm and rich in P2O5) generated during the processing of phosphate ore from Taiba by formulating complex compound fertilizers using these wastes as a source of P2O5 through the progressive substitution of phosphoric acid. Following a complete characterization of the raw material using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and X-ray fluorescence, NPK complex fertilizers...
Micro and nanobubbles aided membrane processes
May 2024
The efficacy of micro and nanobubbles (MNBs) in membrane processes, particularly in the realms of cleaning and foul control, has been previously established. However, a comprehensive review of the distinctive attributes and mechanisms that render MNBs effective in these tasks remains unclear, hindering their optimization for enhanced performance and widespread application across membrane types. This critical review...
Sources of organ mineral and mineral fertilization on production components of soybean crop
May 2024
Climbing large productions/productivity is the result of assertive management, primarily associated with plant nutrition through soil fertilization. Another bottleneck in agricultural production, not yet fully elucidated in the literature, is the most appropriate method of fertilizer application, aiming to reduce environmental degradation, lower production costs, enhance nutrient absorption in the soil, and achieve high...
Characterization of the anaerobic digestion of cashew apple pulp from of the casamance
April 2024
Anaerobic digestion is considered a good method for processing organic waste. The end result is an almost complete conversion of biodegradable organic matter into finished products like methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, etc. The relative proportions of these gases depend on the nature of the fermented substrates and the fermentation conditions. Moreover, these substrates exist in Senegal with potential not yet...
A review of strategies for resilience of health impacts of climate variability in Guinea
April 2024
Climate change presents major health threats in Guinea, a low-income nation in West Africa. Rising temperatures, variable rainfall, floods, droughts and coastal erosion increase climate-sensitive health outcomes, including respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, malaria, undernutrition and heat-related illness. From 1990 to 2004, there was a notable increase in deaths, starting from approximately 17,815 in 1990 and...
Climate change and community conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the evidence
March 2024
This paper delves into the link between climate and conflict in Africa, drawing insights from climate science, political ecology, and peace studies, and it emphasizes the need for integrated climate adaptation and peacebuilding policies, rooted in inclusive governance, social justice, and community-based approaches aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Quantitative data analysis supports associations between...
Behavioural communication change for empowering small-scale farmers in addressing climate change: Perceptions, mitigation and adaptation strategies
March 2024
Climate change poses a serious threat to Kenya's food security, necessitating immediate and steadfast attention to the development and implementation of comprehensive climate risk management and adaptation strategies at both the national and sub-national levels. This study is a crucial undertaking that utilizes the direct knowledge and experiences of farmers in Kisumu, Kenya, to tackle important problems necessary...
Heavy metal resistant Aspergillus species from soil and water environments impacted by solid wastes dumping exhibit mycoremediative traits
March 2024
This study assessed the growth and metal tolerance of fungal species from water and soil samples impacted by solid wastes in Ibadan, Nigeria. Isolated fungi species were exposed to two metals each (pb 100 to 600 and Co 50 to 300 mgl-1; Fe100 to 600 and Sn 25 to 300 mgl-1; and Mn 100 to 600 and Ag 25 to 100 mgl-1). These were filter-sterilized and incorporated into malt extract agar and mycelial radial growths were...
Establishing environmental specimen banking to monitor environmental challenges in Zimbabwe
February 2024
The need for Environmental Specimen Banking (ESB) in African countries, particularly in Zimbabwe, to store samples of various environmental matrices for future research, tracking and evaluating the environment's quality and health over time has become more urgent than ever. ESB is a long-term repository facility that stores samples of various environmental matrices, mainly including soil, sediment, and biota, for...
Reusing polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PETBs) for sealing panels manufacturing: The influence of bottle types on their thermal performance
February 2024
This study aims to investigate the influence of PET bottle type used during PET panel manufacturing on their thermal performance. Used PETBs are an increasing threat to the environment. Plastic wastes cause air pollution, and water and soil contamination. Nowadays, vast amounts of such waste are unsafely disposed of in Brazil. The reuse of PETBs for PET panel manufacturing may contribute to minimizing or eliminating...
Revitalizing maize production through managing biological N fixation, soil acidification and nitrous oxide emission from legumes in tropics
January 2024
Legume associations address challenges related to soil fertility and land degradation commonly encountered in maize monocultures. However, it's important to note that legumes contribute to the production of both nitrous oxide (N2O) and hydrogen ions (H+). In our examination of 693 manuscripts published between 1941 and 2023 to document the benefits of legumes in maize-based cropping systems, we identified and...
An assessment of health care waste generation rates in public, faith-based and private health facilities in Douala, Littoral Region of Cameron
January 2024
Healthcare wastes are potentially dangerous to both humans and the environment due to their unique characteristics. The quantity generated continues to increase in varying proportions across different healthcare facilities, partly based on ownership and management styles, which represent significant constraints on healthcare delivery. This study assessed healthcare waste generation rates and management systems in eleven...
Impact of waste vehicle tyres incineration and heavy metals contamination of soil in some locations in Lafia, Nasarawa State
January 2024
This study was carried out in Lafia, to determine metallic pollution in soils due to incineration of tyre on the soils at different layers and the effect of pH on the heavy metals leaching. Soil composite samples were collected from 5 identified locations (Shabu, Wakwa Alhaji, Ombi1, Tudun Amba and Akurba) manually at various depths, 0-10, 11-20 and 21-30 cm using a stainless-steel hand auger. Atomic Absorption...
Groundwater quality assessment and human health risks in Ovitoto, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia
December 2023
Namibia, a dry country relies heavily on groundwater resources which is susceptible to anthropogenic contamination. The study assessed the quality and health risks of borehole water supplied to residents of the Ovitoto community in Otjozondjupa region of Namibia. Water samples were collected from nine boreholes across nine communities over a period of six months and subjected to physicochemical and microbial analyses....
Possible human health risk of selected heavy metals’ mobility from municipal waste compost amended agricultural soil
December 2023
Use of organic compost in soil amendment in agricultural practice may tend to transfer heavy metals and can be a health concern. This study aims to investigate the possible mobilization of selected heavy metals from municipal compost amended soil. Experimental plots (250 m2) were divided into four equal portions and alternate portions were amended with municipal compost and left for 5 weeks. Soil physicochemical...
Geospatial assessment of land surface temperature in Owo Forest Reserve Area, Ondo State Nigeria
December 2023
Nigeria forest reserves acts as the last succour for the entire citizenry and also have significant contributions to her economy. This study was intended at assessing the Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Owo Forest Reserve Area (FRA) with a view for sustainable forest management. The objectives set for the research includes: (i.) assessing the vegetation changes in Owo FRA, (ii.) evaluate the LST and (iii.) relate...
The application of composting materials to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on oil field drill cuttings
November 2023
The potential effects of using poultry droppings and mushroom substrate, either alone or in combination, as amendments or nutrient supplements for hydrocarbon biodegradation were investigated in this study. The rates of biodegradation of drill cuttings were studied over remediation periods of 4 and 8 weeks under laboratory conditions. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in untreated drill...
Assessment of the LMDZ model to the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of cyclogenesis in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and on the West African coast
November 2023
The study's primary objective is to evaluate the LMDZ model's capacity to simulate the cyclogenesis process, interannual variability of cyclone activity, and associated processes in the tropical Atlantic, focusing on the West African coasts to the central tropical Atlantic region. Two main approaches are used. Firstly, the model's ability to capture the interannual variability in Atlantic cyclogenesis...
Association of Bacillus subtilis 34 and soil conditioner for promoting growth in okra plants
October 2023
Spatial and temporal distribution of water resources is uneven in arid and semiarid regions, consequently affecting the growth and production of vegetables, mainly when combined with high temperatures. Therefore, improving water use efficiency is an urgent issue for growing crops in regions with such characteristics. The use of cellulose-based water retainer polymers combined with growth-promoting rhizobacteria can...
An evaluation of the performance of imputation methods for missing meteorological data in Burkina Faso and Senegal
October 2023
Addressing data incompleteness issues is crucial for reliable climate studies, especially in regions like Africa that commonly experience data gaps. This study aims to evaluate the performance of five imputation methods (knn, ppca, mice, imputeTS, and missForest) on meteorological data from stations in Burkina Faso and Senegal. The imputed data is compared with ERA5 reanalysis data to validate its accuracy. Temperature,...
Degradation of chlorantraniliprole by photocatalysis of supported titanium dioxide: Effect of operating parameters
September 2023
The rinsing of sprayers after the phytosanitary treatment of agricultural plots generates waste water, which is discharged without prior treatment into aquatic environments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of a supported photocatalytic process for the degradation of chlorantraniliprole in an aqueous medium. Clay balls were made in the laboratory from 40 mL of ultrapure water added to 100 g of clay...
Water exploitation-induced climate change
September 2023
Downstream countries can experience a range of direct, indirect, and feedback effects from upstream water piracy. These consequences can range from economic decline due to decreased availability of water for agriculture and fisheries, to the disruption of ecosystems from alterations to water flows and ecosystems, to the potential for political tensions that arise due to unequal access to water resources. The upstream...
An exploratory study of the impact of commingled biochar on removal of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) from crude oil polluted soil
August 2023
An experimental scrutinization of bioremediation of crude oil polluted soil using furnace pyrolyzed comingled-biochar containing poultry litter, pine wood and rice straw char made at different proportions was carried out in the present study. The experiment was performed in five stages which include soil investigation, biochar production, characterization, and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) remediation via green...
Effect of acid pre-treatment and two-stage oxygen-assisted fermentation on the production of vinegar from lignocellulose biomass peel of pineapple
August 2023
The valorization of lignocellulosic waste stands as a promising avenue to bolster sustainable food production and consumption within a circular economy framework. This study centered on the production of vinegar from pineapple peels through a two-stage fermentation process aided by oxygen. The pineapple peels underwent sorting, washing, drying, and subsequent grinding into a powder. This powder was subjected to...
Tree diversity and carbon stock in urban area of Senegal and their implications to human health and well-being
August 2023
Urban green spaces (UGSs) have become essential to meet environmental requirements and improve the quality of life of inhabitants thanks to their role on air pollution, heat islands and climate change. The aim of this study was to characterize the biological diversity of UGSs in the commune of Fann Point E Amitié and their importance for human health. A floristic inventory was carried out to assess tree diversity...
Development of a filter system using silver nanoparticles modified silica sand for drinking water disinfection
July 2023
This study presents a filter system for the removal of pathogenic microorganisms from potable water using silver nanoparticle-modified silica sand. While silica sand has potential applications in wastewater treatment, its effectiveness in microbial filtration falls short. Thus, there is a need for an environmentally friendly enhancement method. The silver nanoparticles were synthesized using Commelina maculata leaf...
Impact of climate variability modes on trend and interannual variability of sea level near the West African coast
July 2023
The main objectives of this study are to assess the regional distribution of sea level in terms of trend and interannual varibility and to analyze the impacts of climate variability modes such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, Tropical Atlantic Climate Modes of Variability (TACMV), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on interannual variability and trend of sea level near the West Africans coasts....
Water quality evaluation using water quality index and pollution model in selected communities in Gbaramatu Kingdom, Niger Delta, Nigeria
June 2023
Drinking water quality is a critical factor affecting human health particularly in natural resource-dependent countries including Nigeria. Hydrocarbon related pollution, mining waste, microbial load, industrial discharge and other anthropogenic stressors degrade drinking water quality in coastal communities and pose serious public health and ecological risks. This study evaluated the physicochemical properties of...
Quality of water resources of Mount Lubwe and its access in a context of landscape anthropization in the Butembo region, East of DR Congo
June 2023
This study highlights the competitive effects of the exploitation of the resources of Mount Lubwe on the quality of the water resources. The objective is twofold and consisted in: (i) evaluating the physico-chemical and microbiological water quality in the current context of anthropization of Mount Lubwe vis-à-vis the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) and (ii) determine the conditions of access to...
Community perception of heavy metal pollution and related risks in Lake Victoria Wetlands, Uganda
May 2023
Wetlands contributing a wide range of livelihoods to the riparian communities are progressively challenged with compounding heavy metals pollution. Controlling the negative impacts of the associated toxicants and adherence to policy implementation requires increased awareness among the local communities. This study investigated the socio-economic variables determining community risk perception of heavy metal pollution...
Contamination level of spent engine oil in the rhizosphere of Arachis Hypogea L.
May 2023
One of the prevalent soil contaminants in Nigeria is spent engine oil (SEO). This experiment aimed to evaluate how spent engine oil affected various heavy metals and mineral composition in the rhizosphere of Arachis hypogaea L. Concentrations of 0 (control), 100, 200 and 300 ml of SEO were used to pollute soil bags containing A. hypogaea plants, respectively. In the Botanic Garden of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka,...
Investigation of parameters influencing gas production and gasification kinetics of Ziguinchor biomass
April 2023
This study presents the gasification of three types of biomass residues (wood, stem and shells) under CO2 and water steam, using the different analyses X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Generally, the experiments are carried out using XRF installations and a fixed bed reactor system. The tests are carried out on wood, stems, and shells, because of their energy contents (Lower heating value LHV), and their high availability in...
Giant African land snails (Achatina achatina and Archachatina marginata) as bioindicator of heavy metal pollution
April 2023
It is important to always monitor the bioaccumulation potential for heavy metals by organisms especially the edible ones, to assess their potential risk to human health. This study evaluated the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the shell and soft tissues of snails. Forty snails each were purchased from Ikire and Ore towns. The snails’ shells, feet, digestive tracts and glands were analysed for bioaccumulation of...
Microbiological quality of stream and borehole water in Lushoto District, Tanzania
March 2023
A study was conducted to assess the microbiological quality of water in two streams and three boreholes from Sunga and Mbaru wards in Lushoto district, Tanzania. Water samples were collected in duplicate from the streams and boreholes. Three locations were selected along the stream including unpopulated forest areas, highly populated and less populated areas both with agricultural activities. Analysis of data was done...
Ecosystem modification and land use change in South East Nigeria: Realities and prospects for conservation
March 2023
Ecosystem modification is increasing in scale and presents the need to provide suitable conservation strategies to address dearth in policy guidelines. This work elucidated the dynamics of land use change, prevalent forest use and policy, and conservation strategy. Geometrically rectified satellite imagery data were processed for 40 years; covering three epochs. Questionnaires were distributed across four locations: 50...
Benthic macroinvertebrates in the biomonitoring of a Nigerian coastal water
February 2023
Most coastal waters are exposed to high influx of pollutants due to the obvious elevated human activities. In order to adequately evaluate the extent of toxicity of contaminants in the ecosystem, and their synergistic effects, marine ecologists prefer biomonitoring to chemical approach. The benthic macroinvertebrates, due to their sedentary mode of life and residence at the sediment-water microcosm, are regarded as the...
Pollution assessment of light rare earth metals in sediments of the Ogun River
February 2023
This research was aimed at determining the concentrations of light earth metals in sediments of the Ogun River as well as their pollution and contamination status. Sediment samples collected using a graduated hand held sediment grab were stored in polythene bags and transported to the laboratory in an ice chested cooler. At the laboratory, the sediment samples were air dried, pulverized and sieved. Induced Couple Plasma...
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