Evaluation of growth and quality of tissue culture Qatari date palm cultivars by using organic nutrients in greenhouse
December 2024
Date palms are a crucial crop in Qatar and the Arabian Gulf, providing essential resources such as food and economic benefits. This study explores how organic fertilizers impact soil health and the growth of two date palm varieties, ‘Shishi’ and ‘Nabit Saif,’ specifically focusing on nutrient levels like nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). While organic fertilizers are known to...
Integrated processing: An approach towards small diameter logs utilization and product diversification for commercial forestry in Tanzania
September 2024
To meet the ever-increasing demand for timber, it is necessary to maximize the utilization of trees. Forestry practices have traditionally harvested only large-diameter trees (DBH > 25 cm), overlooking the vast potential residing in small-diameter stems (DBH < 15 cm) and the top parts of large-diameter trees. This issue is also evident in Tanzania, causing the industry to face underutilization of small-diameter...
Comparative Study of Organic Manures on Post-Harvest Quality of Cauliflower
August 2024
Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) an important crop species of the Brassicaceae family is among the highly grown vegetable crop in Nepal. In Nepal cauliflower is grown mostly by using a combination of organic and inorganic manures where the ratio of inorganic manures dominates the organic one. Inorganic manures are also important as these provide nutrients to the soil which in turn provide them to crops...
Effect of harvesting frequency on leaf biomass production of three Moringa stenopetala (Bak.f) provenances grown in Dello-menna district of Bale zone, Southeast Ethiopia
March 2024
Many parts of Moringa stenopetala are edible, providing a highly nutritious food for both humans and animals. Above all, the leaves of Moringa have exceptional nutritional value containing a variety of vitamins and minerals. Harvesting frequency had effect on leave biomass production of M. stenopetala provenances. This study was conducted to examine the effect of harvest frequency on M. stenopetala provenances grown at...
Availability of forest tree species in nurseries for domestic use and for reforestation in different climatic zones in Burkina Faso (West Africa)
March 2024
Nurseries are used to supply plants for domestic purpose and for reforestation. However, few studies have focused on forest tree species cultivated by horticulturists for domestic use and for reforestation in African countries such as Burkina Faso. With the aim of contributing to better knowledge and participating in better use of forest tree species in nurseries, 37 nurseries were identified and studied in two cities,...
Vegetative propagation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) by grafting: Aptitude of grafting on four clones
September 2023
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of hormones and fertilizers on the aptitude of grafting of four types of clones used in the seed fields for the creation, the regeneration, and the production of pods. The experimental design is a factorial trial (4 × 3 × 2 × 2) with hormone as the main block and other factors completely randomized within the blocks with three replicates. The...
Natural regeneration pattern of the wild custard-apple, Annona senegalensis Pers. in the semi-arid area of Burkina Faso, West Africa
July 2023
Annona senegalensis Pers. (Annonaceae) is a multipurpose shrub species, but threatened in Burkina Faso. Therefore, understanding its natural regeneration is a challenge for the sustainable management of the species resources. Our study examines the regeneration potentials of A. senegalensis across two phytogeographic zones. The structure of Weibull showed that the distribution of the regeneration individuals based on...
Assessment of forest cover changes in and around Jorgo Wato Forest, West Wollega, Oromia, Western Ethiopia
July 2023
Detecting and identifying the changes in land cover provides the updated information about forest cover changes. Identifying forest cover change is also necessary information for planning and management of sustainable use of natural resources. This study was conducted to detect the dynamics of forest cover change in and around Jorgo Wato forest, West Wollega zone of Oromia National Regional State. In order to assess...
Stem cutting size influence on sprouting and survival of stem cuttings of African teak (Milicia excelsa (Welw.) in Kenya
June 2023
African Teak (Milicia excelsa (Welw.) belongs to the Moraceae family. Vegetative propagation has been proposed to overcome some of the reproductive biology challenges in the species. The study was to determine the influence of stem size on sprouting and survival of stem cuttings of African teak. The experiment was conducted at Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. The propagation materials were collected from healthy mother...
Allelopathic and shading effects of Mangifera indica L. on germination and early growth performance of associated crops
March 2023
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is widely grown as an agroforestry tree in different parts of the world especially in Ethiopia. However, its dense canopy and expected allelopathic effect make it very difficult to survive for many of the associated crops grown under it. Therefore, current study was undertaken with the main objective to investigate the allelopathic and shading effects of mango on the germination and early...
Rooting African Sandalwood stem cuttings using low-cost technology employed in the commercial propagation of Camellia sinensis in Kenya
March 2023
Osyris lanceolata (African Sandalwood) is endangered in the wild due to poor natural regeneration and over-exploitation for the highly valued sandalwood oil. The domestication of O. lanceolata is hampered by erratic and unreliable supply of seeds. A study on the rooting of O. lanceolata stem cuttings was conducted using a low-cost technology employed in commercial rooting stem cuttings of tea bushes (Camellia sinensis)...
Sustainable biomass energy production and utilization in sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of Kenya
December 2022
This paper reviews biomass energy production and utilization trends, opportunities, challenges and strategies for sustainability in biomass energy sector in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is because despite various benefits provided by the resource, it receives little attention in terms of policy formulation and planning to enhance adequate investments and allocation of funds. Therefore, with increasing demand...
Substrate temperature and seed scarification on germination parameters of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.)
November 2022
Recent interest in the cultivation and use of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) has increased demand for its commercial production. Successful germination of seed is a critical first step to its production; however, few studies have documented factors influential to germination success. To help support commercial production efforts, the influence of substrate temperature and seed scarification technique on...
Effects of tillage methods and poultry manure rates on the production of Carrot (Daucus carota L) in Nsukka, Southeast Nigeria
November 2022
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) has historically been classified as a northern crop because it predominantly grows in the northern regions of Nigeria. Transportation of harvested roots to the south has consequently resulted to decay, shrinkage, loss of roots due to high temperature and long distant travels, high cost of produce etc. The objective was to find out the variety and tillage method that will enhance the production...
The impacts of post plantation management practices on growth and survival rate of selected tree species in Mirab Abaya District, Southern Ethiopia: An experimental approach
September 2022
The impacts of post-plantation management practices (urea, farm yard manure, and combinations of urea and farmyard manure) on the growth and survival rates of selected indigenous and exotic tree species Cordia africana, Olea europaea, Grevillea robusta, and Cupressus lusitanica at Sutte micro-watershed, Morode kebele in Mirab Abaya district, South Ethiopia were investigated. Soil samples were collected from the...
Germination and conservation of the germinative power of Griffonia simplicifolia (DC.) Baill: African plant of therapeutic and fodder value
April 2022
Griffonia simplicifolia is a Caesalpiniaceae legume that grows from Liberia to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The leaves are widely used in Togo for their nutritional value. On the other hand it is most known for the richness in 5-Hydroxy-L-tryptophan (L-5-HTP) of its seeds. Farmers collect significant amounts of fodder directly from Togo's forest formations, resulting in a scarcity of this species, which is...
Suitability of sand amended with carbonized rice husks and goat manure as a growing medium
March 2022
A laboratory experiment was conducted at Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB). The study determined a suitable and alternative growing medium to peat moss as an unaffordable medium to Rwandan farmers and soil-based growing media which produce low quality transplants. Growing media were formulated from sand (S) amended with carbonized rice husks (CRH) and goat manure (GM) and peat moss (PM)....
Seed germination, storability and moisture sorption isotherms of the endangered African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus)
March 2022
African rosewood (Pterocarpus erinaceus) is an endemic, highly exploited and endangered tree species in arid and semi-arid zones of West Africa. Identifying optimum conditions for seed propagation and storage is critical for its conservation. This study assessed the effects of four pretreatments on seed germination and seedling vigour. Varying temperature, duration and packaging on storage deterioration were also...
Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) under citrus species production: A review
October 2021
Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) is considered among the best water-saving techniques for supplementing Regulated water to fully achieve the water needs of the plant while maximizing water productivity with little or no substantial decrease in final produce compared to the conventional forms of irrigating crops. The aim of this paper is to review existing RDI approaches used in citrus production as well as plant-water...
Pre-sowing treatments for enhancing germination of Guibortia coleosperma and Amblygonocarpus andongensis seeds from Kazuma Forest Reserve, Botswana
September 2021
The effect of seed presowing treatment on Guibortia coleosperma and Amblygonocarpus andongensis was investigated. Seeds of both species were subjected to four experiments, containing 10 levels of presowing treatments: mechanical scarification, soaking in concentrated sulphuric acid (for 15, 30, 45 and 60 min), immersion in boiling water (for 1, 3 and 5 min), and soaking in boiling water (and cooling down for 24 h) and...
Influence of different light intensity on early growth of Jatropha curcas L. seedlings
July 2021
This study investigated the influence of different light intensities on the early growth of Jatropha curcas seedlings. Forty (40) seedlings were randomly selected from the germinated seedlings in the nursery and arrayed under four different treatments (0, 20, 40 and 60% light intensity). The amount of light being received by each of the seedlings was regulated, using constructed wooden box covered with wire gauze...
Evaluation of selected multipurpose tree species and moisture conservation structures for degraded dryland rehabilitation in Dugda Dawa District, Southern Ethiopia
June 2021
Land degradation affecting the livelihoods of people living in dryland areas, particularly the Sub-Saharan Africa countries like Ethiopia. Degraded land rehabilitation in dryland is a challenging task due to moisture limitation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil and water conservation structures on growth of planted tree and rehabilitation of indigenous plant species in West Guji Zone, Dugda Dawa...
Physiological quality of African eggplant seeds as influenced by natural fermentation and drying methods
June 2021
Seed extraction and drying methods are important procedures employed after harvesting fruits of African eggplant as these methods affect the seed quality. This study sought to evaluate the seed physiological quality of two cultivars of African eggplant subjected to various durations of natural fermentation and different drying methods. In the first study, fruits were fermented for 0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h before seed...
The lupeol content in Machaerium species by HPLC-APCI-MS/MS and the allelopathic action
May 2021
The use of extracts from plants and/or allelopathic compounds from natural products can minimize the use of pesticides in agriculture. This is a chemical study of Machaerium eriocarpum branch extract and the evaluation of the allelopathic potential of Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfed and M. eriocarpum Benth (Fabaceae) leaves and branches extracts. The triterpene lupeol was isolated from the hydroethanolic extract of...
A photographic method for measurement of tree height: More accurate and simpler than other methods?
March 2021
In the photographic method, a photo is taken of the tree with an object of known reference height beside it. An inexpensive cell phone camera can be used. The tree height is calculated by using a ruler to measure the tree height and reference height on the photo. Previously, this method was thought to be accurate only if the distance to the camera was many times the tree height. However, if the cell phone is held...
Effect of NPK fertilizer rates on secondary metabolites of pepino melon (Solanum muricatum Aiton)
February 2021
Secondary metabolites are bioactive compounds which are synthesized naturally in all plant parts. The quality and quantity of secondary metabolites produced by plants differ depending on the plant and environmental conditions under which they are produced. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (NPK) fertilizer (17:17:17) rates (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 kg ha-1) on...
Diversity and local use of ornamental horticultural flora in the Bangui and Begoua communes/districts, Central African Republic
January 2021
Ornamental plants are still one of the components of plant biodiversity, due to their beautiful flowers or folia, fruits and, shape that are of aesthetic, economic and cultural interest for people. The purpose of this study is to make an inventory of ornamental plants and their local uses in the municipalities of Bangui and Bégoua areas that can be used to establish a database of horticultural flora of Central...
Ex-situ propagation by cutting of Flemingea faginea (Guill.& Perr.) (Burkina Faso, West Africa)
January 2021
Medicinal plants are especially used by vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso to solve their health problems. Flemingia faginea is a medicinal plant overexploited and its wetland habitat is threatened by climate change. Thus, this study aims to promote the ex-situ reproduction of F. faginea, and make it accessible as a remedy for people suffering from blood pressure disease. The capacity of reproduction by cutting has...
Value chain analysis of farm grown Melia volkensii (Gurke) timber in the South Eastern Dry lands of Kenya
December 2020
This paper analyzes the value chain of Melia volkensii timber grown on farms in the South Eastern dry lands of Kenya. The “filiere” approach was used to analyze the institutional and the economic dimensions of the chain, while technical dimensions were analyzed using on-farm timber sawing systems. Six main actors; tree farmers, timber merchants, sawyers, timber yard operators, furniture makers, and end...
Comparative growth and dry matter accumulation in selected tree species in response to quarry dust media amendments
December 2020
Field and laboratory trials were conducted to assess the effect of quarry dust amendments media on plant growth (biomass) of various selected tree species for re-vegetation purposes of post quarry sites in Ndurugu, Kiambu-Kenya. A randomized complete block design experiment was piloted with two-month-old nursery established seedlings of four tree species (Acacia abyssinica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus grandis...
Effects of furrow dimensions on water productivity and yield of onion at small scale Irrigation Ilu Gelan district West Shoa Ethiopia
October 2020
This study was conducted at the Ilu Gelan district Western Shewa zone of Oromia Regional State to evaluate the impacts of furrow dimensions on yield and water productivity of onion. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three treatments replicated four times. The experimental treatments including farmer practice or T1 (farmer practice with top width of 23 cm, bottom width of 13 cm and...
Quality of tree seedlings across different nursery ownerships in Central Gondar Zone, Ethiopia
July 2020
Qualities of planting stocks are critical factors for the success of forest plantations. Despite the huge number of annual seedling production in tree nurseries, awareness on quality of seedlings is very limited. This study evaluates the seedling quality across nursery ownership types in terms of morphological attributes and examines the effect of seedling quality on early growth and survival. Three nursery ownerships...
Morphometrics of Pinus patula crown and its effect on cone characteristics and seed yield in Kenya
July 2020
Pinus species and other conifers have cones as an essential unit for seed production. Cone production in pines is not uniform and often varies among compartments and sectors within the crown. Many countries experience challenges in seed production from orchards due to poor practices. The present study aimed to evaluate within-crown cone production patterns, cone characteristics, and seed yield in a Pinus patula clonal...
Plant species and their importance to housing in the Turkana community, Kenya
July 2020
There are many native species that are important to local communities globally. There have been studies on the importance of these plant species for many uses by local communities. Though, there is scanty information on these species’ recognition by researchers. Despite the harsh climatic conditions in Turkana (semi-arid to arid), the community has over the years developed strategies for conservation of some...
Patula pine (Pinus patula) cones opening under different treatments for rapid seed extraction in Londiani, Kenya
June 2020
Seed extraction from pines is challenging to the forestry sector globally. This is usually contributed by the pine cone anatomy that opens through a function of temperature and humidity which varies widely in the pine growing regions of the world and the Pinus species as observed in previous works done on Pinus roxburghii, Pinus halepensis, Pinus wallichiana, Pinus pinaster, Pinus radiata, and Pinus sylvestris. This...
An analytical assessment of forest cover changes over the last 30 Years in the semi-deciduous forest zone of Togo
June 2020
Understanding dynamics of forest cover is important to monitor change in forest area. The objective of the present study is to develop an approach for assessing forest cover changes in landscapes with high spatial complexity and temporal variation that can allow the generation of robust monitoring information. The forest-cover change maps were produced using time-series of Landsat images, high resolution images from...
Evaluation of forest litter mineralization capacity on the growth of Irvingia gabonensis in Ogwashi-Uku Forest Reserve, Delta State, Nigeria
May 2020
The study evaluated litter production capacity of three forest plantation foliage litters as potential mineralization sources for the growth of Irvingiaga bonensis. Litter production capacity of Bamboo, Teak and Gmelina forest plantations was monitored for 70 days before Irvingia seeds were sown in open germination beds containing litters soil samples for vegetative development assessment. Data collected were analyzed...
Studies of the wood of some Nigerian alkaloid-rich Strychnos species
May 2020
The wood of three Nigerian species of Strychnos Linn. growing in different ecological zones was studied. The transverse, transverse longitudinal and radial longitudinal sections of the wood were made with sliding sledge microtome. The wood was macerated to measure its fiber and vessel dimensions. The wood was diffusing porous and intraxylary phloem occurred in the three species. Interxylary phloem in discontinuous ring...
Woody species diversity conservation and carbon sequestration potential of coffee agroforestry systems in the Western Region of Cameroon
April 2020
This study sought to assess the contribution of coffee agroforestry systems (CAFS) in conserving tree diversity and carbon stocks in the western region of Cameroon. Inventory was carried out in 52 plots laid out in CAFS and in adjacent secondary forest. Above-ground biomass was estimated using allometric method. A total of 30 species belonging to 19 families were identified in CAFS and 30 species belonging to 15...
Screening of tree seedling survival rate under field condition in Tanqua Abergelle and Weri-Leke Wereda’s, Tigray, Ethiopia
March 2020
Rehabilitation of degraded lands through plantations is at the frontline of natural resource management in Ethiopia. However, plantations have been faced with various challenges mainly attributed to poor survival rate of tree seedlings. Hence, this research was conducted in Tanqua ‘Abergelle and Weri Leke Wereda’s with the objective of screening tree seedlings for their survival rates under field conditions....
Evaluation of multi-functional fodder tree and shrub species in mid-altitudes of South Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia
March 2020
A study was conducted to evaluate the early growth performance and nutrient composition of some selected tree/shrub species in the fodder bank agroforestry system. Moringa stenopetala, Terminalia brownii, Morus alba, Melia azedarach, and Sesbania sesban were used for this study. Square quadrants of 16 m2 plot sizes were established with the RCBD of three replications. Seedlings were planted with 1 m × 1 m spacing...
Vegetable soybean, edamame: Research, production, utilization and analysis of its adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa
January 2020
Food and nutritional insecurity constitute a main challenge in most Sub-Sahara African countries. Efforts to provide diets with sufficient nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and essential minerals should include the introduction of new vegetable and legume crops. Vegetable soybean “edamame”, is a nutritious vegetable legume well known and consumed in Asia and America, but underutilized in...
Management and the influence of socioeconomic factors on tree species diversity in traditional agroforestry practices in Demba Goffa District, South Ethiopia
January 2020
The study was designed to provide a baseline data on status of woody species diversity, local knowledge in use and the influence of socioeconomic factors. Interview and discussion with key informants and formal survey with structured questionnaires were employed to collect primary data. The assessment of tree species richness was done by inventorying trees at the sampled plots of the different agroforestry practices...
Morphological characterization and Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) based DNA fingerprinting of selected mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes in Bangladesh
October 2019
Nineteen genotypes of mango including nine released varieties viz. BARI Aam-1, BARI Aam-2 (Laxmanbhog), BARI Aam-3, BARI Aam- 4 (Hybrid), BARI Aam-5, BARI Aam-6, BARI Aam-7, BARI Aam-8, BARI Aam-9; one parental line viz. M- 3896 and nine Geographical Indication Crops (GIs) viz. Haribhanga, Surjapuri, Fazli, Gourmoti, Ashwina, Khirsapat, Gopalbhog, Langra and Ranipasand were characterized with a view to identifying the...
Integrated effect of nitrogen and vermicompost levels on yield and yield components of carrot (Daucus carota L.) at Woreta, Northwestern Ethiopia
August 2019
The N fertilizer or organic resources alone may not provide sufficient amounts or may be unsuitable for improving specific constraints to crop production. In view of this, a field trial was conducted at Woreta ATVET College horticultural farm, Ethiopia to determine integrated effect of nitrogen and vermicompost levels on yield and yield components of carrot, nantes type, during 2017 main rainy season. Nine treatments...
Effect of tea processing methods on biochemical composition and sensory quality of black tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze): A review
July 2019
Final quality of black tea depends mainly on the chemical composition of the raw tea leaves. Various plucking methods have direct effect both on yield and quality in different cultivated variety and environments. Different literature reports indicated that polyphenols, caffeine, essential oils and amino acids are responsible for aroma and flavor of black tea. The oxidation process begins at rolling step and ends at...
Notice of Retraction: Impact of mobile phones on the density of honeybees
July 2019
The editors of the Journal of Horticulture and Forestry (JHF) are retracting the article, “Impact of mobile phones on the density of honeybees” published in 2011 (Vol. 3(4), pp. 131-133, April 2011). This is informed by the multiple publication of the article under different titles in other journals (http://ipublishing.co.in/jesvol1no12010/EIJES2044.pdf;...
Effects of light quality and photoperiod of light emitting LED on growth and biomass accumulation of shallot
May 2019
In the present investigation, effects of light quality emitted by light emitting light emitting diodes (LED), and selected photoperiods on the growth and biomass accumulation of shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) have been studied. Two ratios of red and blue light namely, 2:1 and 1:1 and two photoperiods 16 h dark and 8 h light cycle and 12 h each alternating light and dark cycle were tested. The results showed...
Effect of drip lateral spacing and mulching on yield, irrigation water use efficiency and net return of onion (Allium cepa L.) at Ambo, Western Shoa, Ethiopia
April 2019
Field experiment was conducted at Ambo during the 2017/2018 to investigate effects of drip lateral spacing and mulching on yield, water use efficiency and net return of onion. Eight treatments with three replications were randomized in complete block design to conduct the experiment. Two levels of drip lateral spacing and four levels of mulch were used to evaluate their effects. The result showed that both onion yield...
Impacts of human resettlement on forests of Ethiopia: The case of Chamen-Didhessa Forest in Chewaka district, Ethiopia
April 2019
Ethiopia has been practicing population resettlement programmes since 1960s mainly as a response to extreme land degradation in the highlands. The programmes were carried out mainly in the lowlands of western, southwestern and southern Ethiopia. Accordingly, 12,305 households (56,715 people) from Eastern and Western Hararghe zones were formally resettled in Chamen-Didhessa forest in Chewaka district. The major aim of...
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