Sorghum and Lentil-Enriched Wheat Bread for Enhancing Nutrition and Agricultural Resilience in Kenya
Article in Press
This study examines the nutritional quality and structural properties of bread made by partially substituting wheat flour with sorghum and lentil flour. While bread is a popular staple, wheat has high gluten, low nutrients, and low amylose to amylopectin ratio which can contribute to the prevalence of lifestyle diseases. Sorghum and lentil flour are promising due to their high antioxidants, micronutrients, and high amylose...
Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm potential of natural sanitizer based on honey and neem
Article in Press
Studies have shown that natural compounds such as bee honey and Indian neem oil (Azadirachta indica) promote important antimicrobial activity in different contexts. However, research investigating the sanitizing power of these compounds in establishments producing and processing animal products (EPPAP) is scarce in the literature. This study aims to evaluate the ability of a natural sanitizer based on honey and neem to...
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It is known that, currently, there is a great demand for foods rich in nutrients and microbiological stability, in addition to being considered easy and quick to consume. With this in mind, this study aims to develop a Greek-type yogurt, added and flavored with avocado pulp (Persea americana). Two formulations were made: YG1 (75% avocado pulp) and YG2 (100% avocado pulp). The physicochemical characterization was performed...
Effects of microwave heating on textural properties of morama (Tylosema esculentum) beans
Article in Press
1* 2 Department of Food Science and Technology, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lot1, A1 Road, Content Farm, Sebele, Private Bag 0027, Gaborone, Botswana Morama beans were heated for 60, 90 and 120 s at 200, 600 and 1000 W using a domestic microwave oven to examine its potential as a pre-decortication treatment and effects on peak force, work and modulus of deformability as...
Article in Press
Milk is a potential carrier of contaminating bacteria, necessitating initial microbiological quality control to ensure hygienic safety and mitigate the risk of foodborne illnesses. This study aimed to evaluate the sanitary and microbiological quality of local dairy products from the cantons of Pya and Yadè, in the Kozah2 municipality, to provide new data on food safety. Samples of raw, curdled, pasteurized milk, and...
Article in Press
Lactic acid bacteria are known probiotics that produce bacteriocin peptide compounds during their primary growth phase as natural antimicrobial agents against closely or distantly related microorganisms in their natural environment. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the inhibitory effect of bacteriocin compounds extracted from lactic acid bacteria in fermented rice water-milk extract using chloroform solvent,...
Article in Press
Campylobacter is one of the major causes of gastroenteritis and is commonly transmitted through the consumption of raw milk or improperly pasteurized milk. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2019 to March 2020 in four study sites in the Oromia region of Ethiopia to isolate, identify, and estimate the prevalence of Campylobacter species in milk samples and to determine their antibiotic susceptibility...
Article in Press
Bread made from maize is considered as gluten free and thus recommended for people living with celiac disease. However, bread made from maize has inferior quality when compared with bread made from wheat. The aim of this investigation was to explore how plant-based gums impact the rheological characteristics of maize flour dough and the resulting bread quality. Various types of plant gums were employed at a ratio of 3% to...
Article in Press
Ethiopia is one of the countries where variety of traditional beverages are prepared and consumed. Traditional fermented beverages are these which are indigenous to a particular area and have been established by the people using locally available raw materials. Some of the traditional cereal beverages in Ethiopia were Tella, Areki, Keribo, Borde, and Shamita. These traditional fermented beverages are popular in Ethiopia...
Compliance with food safety standards by beef vendors at butcheries in Kamuli district, Uganda
Article in Press
Butcheries are the leading retailers of beef in Uganda and their level of compliance with food safety standards is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the compliance by beef vendors in Kamuli district with the US 736:2019 standard for hygienic requirements for butcheries. A survey questionnaire and observation checklist on sanitation, hygiene, and beef handling were used to collect data from 60 butcheries. More...
Article in Press
Food self-sufficiency has received attention from many nations with various economic orientations since it has been essential to achieving food security. Others countered that maintaining food self-sufficiency might be expensive relative to the advantages, even if it should be necessary for food security. Moreover, due to extraordinary climate instability and pervasive rural poverty, food insecurity is a bigger challenge...
Article in Press
The determination of the effect of the tiger nut, coconut, coconut & tiger nut milk and ginger extract on the oxidative stress markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected mice. Adult healthy mice were grouped into five (5). The groups 2 to 5 mice were infected with HBV and the infection was confirmed using Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) rapid kit after which those in groups, 3, 4 and 5 were given the extracts. The...
Article in Press
Ready to eat breakfast flakes were developed by blending flours of sorghum and pigeon peas. The effect of fermentation, dehulling and malting techniques on nutritional, anti-nutritional and sensory quality of the formulated flakes were determined and the processes optimized. The flours were blended at three different ratios of 100:0, 80:20 and 60:40 (w/w, sorghum: pigeon pea). Dehulled and fermented samples showed the...
Article in Press
"uza-akwuagworagwo" and "mberiagworagwo" Nigerian traditional foods were studied for their amino acids, fatty acids, and anti-nutritional profiles. Total amino acid, total non-essential amino acid, total essential amino acid with histidine, total essential amino acid without histidine, total neutral amino acid, total acidic amino acid, and total branched chain amino acid groups were significantly (p
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Our study aims to evaluate the effect of refining on some physico-chemical parameters of crude cotton seed oil produced by SOTAMA. The analysis of Ruffian oil gave 18.106 to 26.423meqO2/Kg of oil for peroxide value, 1.449 to 2.051% for acidity, 2.883 to 4.081 mg KOH/g of oil for acid value, 0.0496 to 0.137% for water and volatile matter content, 0.41 to 0.48nm for absorbance and 32 to 37% for transmittance. Analysis after...
Article in Press
Traditional vegetables are potential rich sources of health promoting phytochemicals and bioactive compounds. Previous studies have shown that cooking methods may have different effects on the phytochemical properties of fresh vegetables. This study evaluated the effects of boiling and sautéing on the total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), total carotenoid content (TCC) and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl...
Technological advancements in the drying of fruits and vegetables: A Review
Article in Press
The aim of the review is to look into technological advances and methods for dehydrating fruits and vegetables, as well as the shortcomings of these methods and potential ways to improve them. All fruits and vegetables can be dried in various forms, including cuts, juice, paste, slurry, and even whole, using various dryers. Recent research on drying has focused on improving energy consumption/efficiency, product recovery,...
Evaluation of rapid beta-lactam antibiotic residues detection kits for raw milk
Article in Press
Platform tests are usually simple and rapid quality control tests which serve as a basis of accepting, setting aside or rejecting raw milk. Some of the rapid antibiotic residues test kits available in the Kenyan market include: Delvo test Fast BL, Delvo Sulphadiazine Penicillin No Tablet (SPNT), Mtusbio Beta-lactam BLQ Rapid Test Kit and Ringbio beta-lactam, tetracycline, sulfa drugs, BTS 3 in 1 TriTest S. Ndungu...
Article in Press
It is obvious that today, the food pattern of Nigerians is no doubt, gradually changing, especially in the big cities. The appetite for this eating culture has been affected by the fast food outlets that are located in our urban cities such as Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna and Kano etc. It is increasingly difficult for working men and women, people in business, students and various classes of people to find time to do the...
Effects of processing on nutrient composition in guava- and jackfruit-based snacks
Article in Press
Guava and jackfruit are popular fruits in East Africa. With consideration of the high post-harvest losses of these two fruits and only seasonal availability, this study aimed at producing nutrient rich fruit-based snacks to decrease this problem and make use of surplus fruits during on-season. Given the nutritional situation in East Africa, these products were also developed to have a high content of desired nutrients....
Sensory characteristics of sweet variety cassava (Mannihot Esculenta) chips
Article in Press
Introduction and Background: Cassava (Manihot esculent) was introduced in Ethiopia around 1960‘s. currently the plant is being distributed throughout the country as a tool to tackle food insecurity. However, the distribution is not supported by proved food preparation techniques for optimal processing to increase nutrient density and eliminate toxin ...
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The insecticidal potential of Millettia ferruginea, Clematis hirsuta, Calpurnia aurea, Acokanthera schimperiand Maesa lanceolata against Callosobruchus chinensis was evaluated in the laboratory. Leaf and seed of the botanical plants were dried under shed, grinded and prepared in powder forms. From each plant powder, three different doses i.e. 5, 7.5 and 10g per 100g chickpea grain were prepared. For rearing tested C....
Article in Press
The traditional malting activity required innovative solutions to improve the quality of the malt produced. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of variation in steeping and germination conditions on the quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) malt. Sorghum seeds were germinated under different times and temperatures after steeping in saline solution, tap, distilled and acidified water (pH 2.3)....
Article in Press
Cowpea is classified as one of the underutilized and poor people’s food. This perception dominates in Africa and has been a major constraint to consumption of the grains. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions and utilization of cowpea among farmers and consumers in two rural communities in South Africa. Systematic random sampling of 221 respondents participated in the study using...
Article in Press
Cassava is a dominant staple food for many developing countries, particularly, in humid and sub-humid tropics. In this study the proximate composition and cyanide content of cassava root grown in Jimma Zone were investigated. Cassava samples were collected from five selected Woredas (Districts) of the Zone, where the plant usually grows. Nutritional compositions such as crude fat, protein and fiber as well as cyanide...
The Research on the Optimization of Esterifying Conditons of a High-acid Esterifying Liquor
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In order to obtain the optimized combination of formula for a high-acid esterifying liquor,the uniform design and Multi-factor interaction regression methodology in DPS data processing system were utilized to optimize the fermentation formula and temperature. The results demonstrated that the trial data from the optimizing test were fit themathematical model significantly,the best optimized formula and temperature for...
Article in Press
There is currently an emerging problem of protein malnutrition in Ethiopia. This food formulation was done to increase the accessibility of nutrient rich food products for the consumers. Lupine (Lupinus spp.) is a legume crop which is an excellent source of protein. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tef, lupine varieties and blending ratio on the chemical composition of injera and sensory acceptability...
Article in Press
Ethiopia is the inventive land of coffee plant; its matured coffee leaf infusion is a vital traditional drink for many consumers in some rural districts of the country. Currently, its popularity has been spreading in different parts among the Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to evaluate sensory quality, proximate and mineral composition of matured coffee leaves from recognized coffee growing areas of Sidama zone...
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The ability of Marula and Orange peels extracts to inhibit oxidation in salad dressing oil was investigated. Marula and Orange peels are often discarded during domestic and industrial processing as by-products and, therefore, a loss of essential antioxidants such as phenolic compounds and vitamins. Marula and Orange peel extracts were analyzed for antioxidant activity, phenolic composition, and their molecular fingerprint...
Article in Press
This study was designed to assess the nutritional profile (proteins, total lipids and total fiber), vitamins viz., A and C, carotenoids, total phenols and antioxidant activity of Physalis peruviana fruit samples collected from three different sites. As observed from the results the fruit contained a considerable amount of proteins, lipids, fiber, vitamins viz., A and C, carotenoids, phenols and antioxidant activity which...
Article in Press
The objective of this research was to determine the nutritional and bioactive components of corn silk (Zea mays hair) which is a wasted agricultural product found in abundance from southern senatorial zone of Kaduna state Nigeria. The results of the nutritional composition and bioactive components of the matured corn silk (Zea-mays hair) revealed the presence of ash, crude lipid, proteins, crude fibre, total carbohydrate,...
Article in Press
This study evaluated the microbiological safety of meat and ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products in Nakuru County, Kenya. Eighty seven (87) meat and RTE meat products samples and fifteen (15) water samples were collected randomly from four sub counties of Nakuru County. Standard methods were used for isolation and identification of common food-borne. All the meat products had pH range of 4.6–6.3 and 82.5% of them had...
Iron concentration in Different Breads Consumed in Sulaymaniyah province, Iraqi Kurdistan
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Iron (Fe) is a vital element for the reserves of satisfactory health for all living organisms. It’s needed by the human and animal body for the activity of several enzymes for daily energy and proteins. Bread is one of several sources for Fe. In Iraqi Kurdistan, bread is a staple food which gives the most calories and protein of daily intake compared with other countries. Kurdistanian bread such as Lawasha, Mashini,...
Article in Press
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of lupine flour on functional properties and sensory acceptability of tef-lupine blended injera. Injera is a staple food for Ethiopian and it is fermented, sour leavened pancake-like bread made from blending of different cereals like tef, barley, sorghum, maize and wheat. Besides, there are limited studies on formulating of injera from composite flour with legumes...
Article in Press
Cassava roots are low in mineral contents and high in anti-nutritional factors of toxic compounds of hydrogen cyanide. The cassava based diet needed to supplement with cereal grains like teff to improve the nutritional values because teff had higher in iron content and had free hydrogen cyanide with respective to cassava varieties. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of blending cassava with teff on...
Article in Press
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), bamara groundnut (Vigna subterranean) and cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale) were processed into flours and used to developenergy bars.The augmented simplex lattice design method was employed. Fourteen flour formulations of high quality cassava, toasted bambara groundnut and roasted cashew kernel was adopted. This study was to evaluate the mineral and sensory qualities of energy bars...
Article in Press
The study that aimed at determining the abattoir and personal hygiene of butchers in selected cities in South East Nigeria was done using survey research design. None participatory structured observation checklist was used to collect data on abattoir and butchers personal hygiene practices. The results showed that none of the abattoir in the area has designed slaughter house and only19.7% has concrete floor. Only 19% of...
Trait Associations in Prostrate and Semi-Leaf Less Type Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Gene Pools
Article in Press
The field experiment was conducted in 2019 main cropping season at two locations using simple lattice design to evaluate 49 field pea genotypes including nine released varieties for generating information on genotypic and phenotypic association among yield contributing traits and with grain yield, and to study their path analysis on grain yield. Positive and significant genotypic correlation observed between grain yield...
Article in Press
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) constitute a major part of food stuffs and are involved in the fermentation of vegetables to improve their nutritive value, palatability, acceptability, and also the microbial quality and shelf-life of the fermented produce. LAB were isolated from different food samples using standard microbiological methods. Screening for bacteriocin potential was carried out using crowded plate technique. The...
Production and quality evaluation of functional yoghurt from milk-soyflour blends
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The potential of producing acceptable functional yoghurt enriched with whole soybean flour was studied. Yoghurt samples A (control), B, C, D and E were produced at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of milk substitutions with whole soybean flour. The physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation were determined using standard methods. All data were statistically analysed and significance difference was determined at 5%...
Pre-Scaling up of Fish Smoking Technology in selected Oromia Water bodies, Ethiopia
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Fish smoking technology is advantageous preservation methods in area where fish production is surplus and needs to be stored for long period. This activity was conducted in selected Oromia Water bodies for four consecutive years from 2014-2017 with the objective of pre-scale up of fish smoking technology, enhance the skill and knowledge of Fishermen and creating better linkage with different stakeholder. For this study...
Article in Press
Because of its significant ingredient in various dishes, medicinal property, nutritional worth and energy value, red onions (Allium cepa L.) impart numerous health benefits to users. The purpose of this research was to determine mineral composition and selected physicochemical properties of different red onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties grown at same field management condition in Ethiopia as well as comparative study among...
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The study was conducted in Gozamen District, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia to determine honey quality produced in the area.The effects of Agro-ecological Zones (location) and hive type on honey quality in the study area were assessed.Questionnaires for the survey, laboratory analysis for honey quality were employed.The result of this study revealed that honey production in the study area is carried out using...
Potential of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Wild.) to Enhance Household Nutrition in Ethiopia
Article in Press
Despite the tremendous achievements, the problem of food and nutrition security remains a key main health and development issue in Ethiopia. On the other hand, Ethiopia is experiencing a diverse climate change whereby several parts are suffering from drought, unreliable rainfall patterns and soil erosions. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willd.), nutritious and drought tolerant crop, suggested as a viable alternative for food...
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Accumulations of heavy metals in crop plants are a great concern due to the probability of food contamination through the soil root interface. In the present study the levels of some selected heavy metals Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) in tomato and irrigation water sampled from selected Woredas of Gurage Zone Southern Region, Ethiopia were analyzed. The...
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The objective of this study was to evaluate eating qualities of beef produced at public abattoirs from Arsi, Bale and Harar cattle breeds with semi-trained sensory panel evaluation and instrumental tenderness. The samples were collected from the longissimus dorsi region between 12th and 13th ribs within 45 min after slaughters. The samples were packed in vacuum-seal and aged for14 days to evaluate instrumental tenderness...
Article in Press
Micro nutrient deficiency is a major problem in Ethiopia. In Tigray regional state of Ethiopia, under-nutrition (disorders of nutrition) is very high. This study aimed to assess minerals, beta-carotene and phytate contents of blended flours. The raw materials were maize (Zea mays) Melkassa-6 variety, soybean (Glycine max) Wagaye variety and moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf powder. The three formulated flours were (R65)...
Determination of heavy metals in feeds, water and milk from some parts of central Ethiopia
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The study was undertaken to determine toxic heavy metals: cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) in livestock feed, livestock water and cow milk in West Shoa zone (Holetta area) and East Shoa zone (Akaki-Mojo) Ethiopia. A total of 90 feeds, water and milk samples were collected from the study areas. Quantification of heavy metals was determined using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer...
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Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) is among the most important stone fruits which is widely grown in temperate regions. Marketing of peach fruits like other fresh produce in Ethiopia is complicated by high postharvest losses. Although peach varieties have been introduced and studied for their productivity, their postharvest quality has not been evaluated at Holeta. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the influence...
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The moisture, ash, crude fiber composition, vitamin (B2, B6 and B12) and mineral (Na, K, Ca Mg, Pb, Cd, Mn)contents as well as Sensory properties (color, taste, odour and texture)of ten brands of bread sold in Gombi Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria were determined using standard methods . Fresh loaves of ten most popular brands of bread namely:Trustee, Destiny, Ziranza, Royal and Zango, were randomly...
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