African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 22 September, 2016; 11(38)

September 2016

Responses of biofortified common bean varieties to di-ammonium phosphate fertilizer under climate variability conditions in South-Kivu, DR Congo

Two trials with the combined effects of seeding density and application of DAP fertilizer on the yield of four biofortified bean varieties were carried out in Kashusha on the experimental site of the Université Evangélique en Afrique during the 2013-2014 agricultural long rains season (September-January) and short rains season (March-May). The overall objective was to investigate the response of...

Author(s): Nachigera Gustave MUSHAGALUSA, Arsène KASHEMWA, Christelle Bonane SINZA, Laurent Chimanuka BIGIRIMWAMI, katcho kARUME and Antoine Kanyenga LUBOBO       

September 2016

Performance of Peltophorum dubium under intraspecific tree competition and cardinal directions as possibility for integrated livestock-forestry systems

Peltophorum dubium can be an alternative of forestry species to be included in integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems in tropical region. The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of P. dubium under intraspecific tree competition and cardinal directions to measure the possibility of introduction in integrated livestock-forestry systems. The experiment was performed in a Nelder Wheel competition, which...

Author(s): Débora Menani Heid, Ademar Pereira Serra, Omar Daniel, Flávia Araújo Matos, Júlio Cesar Salton, Igor Murilo Bumbieris Nogueira, Thais Cremon, Rafael Pelloso de Carvalho, Simone Priscila Bottega, Simone Cândido Ensinas, Valdemir Antônio Laura, Roberto Giolo de Almeida, André Dominghetti Ferreira and Beatriz Lempp

September 2016

Fertilizer use optimization approach: An innovation to increase agricultural profitability for African farmers

Farmers in Africa have not been fully convinced to invest in fertilizer due to uncertainty on returns to investment. This is despite the fact that, more than two-thirds of people in Sub-Saharan Africa rely on agriculture for employment with many living on small farms  earning less than $1 per day. Usage of fertilizer has remained low and stagnant hence the yields in have been persistently lower than other parts of...

Author(s): H. Rware, C. Kayuki, M. Macharia and G. Oduor

September 2016

Root-knot nematodes on tomatoes in Kyenjojo and Masaka districts in Uganda

In Uganda and elsewhere in the world, tomato is an economically important vegetable and a good source of vitamins A and C. Being an important horticultural crop, its production is threatened by root-knot nematode infections that make plants susceptible to wilting, growth reduction and infection by other pathogens like bacteria and fungi. Identifying the root-knot nematode species on the crop is paramount in designing...

Author(s): Rose Mwesige, , Awol Seid, and Wim Wesemael,

September 2016

Relationship between the sensory attributes and the quality of coffee in different environments

In order to understand the relationship between the sensory attributes of coffee (including factors such as acidity, flavor, and aftertaste), and given the possible influences of genetic factors on coffee quality, we evaluated the sensory quality of 10 commercial cultivars of Coffea arabica in three important coffee regions of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and examined, via path analysis, the interactions of the attributes that...

Author(s): Alex Mendonça de Carvalho, Juliana Costa de Rezende, Tiago Teruel Rezende, André Dominghetti Ferreira, Ramiro Machado Rezende, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães Mendes and Gladyston Rodrigues Carvalho

September 2016

Distribution, incidence and farmers knowledge of banana Xanthomonas wilt in Burundi

Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is a devastating bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. The disease was simultaneously reported in Cankuzo and Bubanza provinces, Burundi, in November 2010. However, the extent to which the disease has spread to other banana growing regions in the country is unknown. Therefore, to ascertain the distribution and incidence of the disease and farmers’...

Author(s): P. Ndayihanzamaso, N. Niko, C. Niyongere, S. Bizimana, A. Nibasumba, P. Lepoint, W. Tinzaara, S. Kaboneka, E. Sakayoya, W. Jogo, T. Mugiraneza and E. Karamura

September 2016

Morphological diversity and identification of accessions of melon

Family agriculture is a rich germplasm source wherever it takes place; however, information on genetic variability of this type of culture in Brazil is scarce. Samples of melon (Cucumis melo L.) accessions grown by family agriculture were rescued and this study aimed at characterizing the genetic variability in one sample of these accessions so as to identify the melon subspecies and the corresponding varieties. Fifteen...

Author(s): Clisneide Coelho de Amorim, Manoel Abílio de Queiróz, Iana Priscila Freitas de Aquino, Ronaldo Simão de Oliveira, Simone de Souza Santos and Graziela da Silva Barbosa

September 2016

Genotypes of conilon coffee can be simultaneously clustered for efficiencies of absorption and utilization of N, P and K

The objective of this research was to group C. canephora cv. Conilon coffee genotypes of different ripening cycles for both efficient absorption and utilization of N, P and K in contrasting environments. The experiment was arranged in a factorial scheme 13x4, with fours replicates, the factors being: 13 genotypes of Conilon coffee and four types of fertilization (NPK: 0%-100%-100%, 100%-0%-100%, 100%-100%-0% and...

Author(s): Lima Deleon Martins, Wagner Nunes Rodrigues, Lindomar Souza Machado, Sebastião Vinícius Batista Brinate, Tafarel Victor Colodetti, Daniel Soares Ferreira, Adan Dezan Côgo, Márcio Antônio Apostólico, Paulo Eduardo Teodoro, Marcelo Antônio Tomaz, José Francisco Teixeira do Amaral, Fabio Luiz Partelli and José Cochicho Ramalho,

September 2016

Billet metering mechanism of a sugarcane planter

Mechanical sugarcane planters simultaneously perform ploughing, fertiliser application, seedling metering and furrow covering operations. This study aimed to evaluate the billet metering quality and uniformity of a sugarcane planter and the total damage to buds. The experimental design used was completely randomised in a 2 x2 factorial arrangement totalling four treatments, which consisted of two planting speeds (5.0...

Author(s): Ariel Muncio Compagnon, Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani, Rouverson Pereira da Silva, Marcelo Tufaile Cassia and Fernando Henrique Arriel

September 2016

Thermal of the Campina Grande - PB, Brazil and its environmental impacts

With the incorporation of new behavioral habits for the most demanding customers, respect for the environment, the industrialized countries and in industrialization have adopted quality standards for air and water, and emissions standards for industrial liquid effluents and gaseous and licensing systems of polluting activities, in line with current environmental legislation. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the...

Author(s): Joaci dos Santos Cerqueira, Helder Neves de Albuquerque, Ronaldo do Nascimento, Hallyson Oliveira, José Alberto Ferreira Cardoso and Armindo Bezerra Leão

September 2016

Proximate composition, amino acid profile and some anti-nutrients of Tithonia diversifolia cut at two different times

The experiment assessed the proximate and amino acid compositions, metabolizable energy and anti-nutrient constituents of Tithonia diversifolia leaf meal (TDLM) harvested separately in the months of May and September, respectively using standard laboratory methods. The crude protein (20.5±0.1%), crude fibre (18.8±0.01%) and ash (14±0.1%) significantly (pË‚0.05) increased in TDLM for September...

Author(s): T. A. Oluwasola and F. A. S. Dairo

September 2016

Residues from urban vegetable pruning in the production of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum

Every month, about 40 tons of waste prunings of trees and grasses are wasted in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, occupying unimaginable volumes in the municipal landfill. This rich material has been tested for cultivation of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, rather unknown in Brazil, compared to commonly use eucalyptus sawdust. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of wasted urban vegetable...

Author(s): Guilherme Polidoro Alquati, Otavio Augusto Pessotto Alves Siqueira, André Luiz Merthan Saad, Sthefany Rodrigues Fernandes Viana and Meire Cristina Nogueira De Andrade

September 2016

Increased phenylpropanoid accumulation in essential oils of Petroselinum crispum at different Sulphur dilutions

This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different doses of Sulphur on yield and chemical composition of parsley essential oil. Sulphur was applied at different dilutions in the centesimal scale ranging from 0c (control), 6, 12, 18, 24 to 30c. The experiment was carried out in the field, and for each treatment there were five replications, that is, five vases with one plant each. The evaluated parameters were:...

Author(s): Giuliana Zardeto, Denise Akemi Fujisawa, Keila Fernanda Raimundo, Carla Maria Mariano Fernandez-Andrade, Fabiana Borges Padilha Ferreira, José Eduardo Gonçalves, Ranulfo Piau Junior, Orlando Seiko Takemeura, Simone de Melo Santana Gomes and Zilda Cristiani Gazim,

September 2016

Two approach comparison to define crop management zones (MZs)

The use of yield-level management zones (MZs) has demonstrated high potential for site-specific management of crop inputs in traditional row crops. Two approaches were use: all variables approach (all_Var) and stable variables approach (sta_Var). In each approach, variables selected had significant correlation with yield, while all redundant and non-autocorrelated variables were discarded. Two fields were use in this...

Author(s): Kelyn Schenatto, Eduardo Godoy de Souza, Claudio Leones Bazzi, Nelson Miguel Betzek and Alan Gavioli

September 2016

Assessment of a crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) crop under no-tillage in different sowing dates

Crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hoschst) is a winter oilseed crop with yield potential of 1500 kg ha-1. It is indicated for crop rotation systems and tolerates moderate frost. However, crambe presents thermal and water limitations that influence sowing dates since it needs water at blooming and at least 200 mm rainfall until it reaches the flowering stage. This study aimed to assess the performance of a crambe crop in...

Author(s): Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Octavio Henrique Viana, Luciene Kazue Tokura, Deonir Secco, Cristiano Fernando Lewandoski, Paulo de Lima Bueno, Oswaldo Hideo Ando Junior, Maritane Prior and Helton José Alves

September 2016

Impact of the pressure plates of picker cotton platforms on the efficiency and quality of cotton fibers

An experiment was performed in a cotton-producing property located in Primavera do Leste - MT - (Brazil). the quantitative losses and the presence of bark and stems in the cotton fiber quality measuring instrument as analyzed by High Volume Instrument (HVI) was noted . The study was conducted to investigate a combined speed of work with a mechanical adjustment of the distance of the pressure plates and the screws on the...

Author(s): Hiago Renrique R. Zanetoni, Renildo Luiz Mion, Nayra Fernandes Aguero, Renato Bassini, Cíntia Michele Baraviera, Carlos Alberto Viliotti, Jean Louis Belot, Sérgio Gonçalves Dutra,  Myllena Teixeira Martins, Luiza R. Cabral Da Silva, William Lima Crisostomo and Carlos Alberto Viliotti

September 2016

Biomass and nutrition stock of grassland and accumulated litter in a silvopastoral system with Cerrado species

The crop-livestock-forest integration systems are a form of sustainable production, creating a consortium between the cultivation of crops and forest production and the creation of pastures for livestock breeding, seeking a synergy between the system components. Therefore, integrating agricultural crops with tree species provides countless benefits to the components, such as the maintenance and increase in nutrient...

Author(s): Francine Neves Calil, Nauara Lamaro Lima, Raissa Tavares Silva, Mariana Dianese Alves de Moraes, Pedro Vilela Gondim Barbosa, Pedro Augusto Fonseca Lima, Daniel Cardoso Brandão, Carlos de Melo e Silva-Neto, Hellen Cristina de Sousa Carvalho and Abadia dos Reis Nascimento

September 2016

Genetic diversity in sweet cassava from the Brazilian Middle North Region and selection of genotypes based on morpho-agronomical descriptors

This work had as objective the morpho-agronomic characterization of germplasm of cassava (Manhiot esculenta Crantz) from the Brazilian Region Middle North and the selection of genotypes. The germplasm collection was carried out in autochthonous fields. 10 genotypes of which, 8 were ethno-varieties and 2 modern varieties (BRS Dourada and BRS Gema de Ovo), were collected. A completely randomized blocks design was used and...

Author(s): Ronaldo Silva Gomes, Cleverson Freitas de Almeida, José Roneilson da Silva Costa, Ronaldo Machado Junior, Fabio Teixeira Delazari, Francisco Charles da Silva Santos and Derly José Henriques da Silva