African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 15 September 2009; 8(18)

September 2009

Molecular approaches towards assessment of cyanobacterial biodiversity

Cyanobacteria, a diverse group of photosynthetic prokaryotes, often play central roles in carbon and nitrogen assimilation which makes their environment productive. Despite their significant agronomic values, biodiversity assessment and conservation of these important microbes have not been given much attention by researchers. This review tries to bring together the important aspects of molecular approaches being used...

Author(s): Nidhi Kumari,  Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Poonam Bhargava and Lal Chand Rai

September 2009

New compounds of natural resources in 2008

Natural products have been the most productive source of new compounds. Hundreds of new compounds are in development. Some of them have pharmaceutical activities, particularly as anti-cancer and anti-infective agents. Until October, there are 1913 new compounds separated from natural sources in 2008. The compounds have covered a wide range of species, including alkaloids, flavones, terpenoids and so on. It is hoped that...

Author(s): Jinhui Wang, , Qing Peng and Guoyu Li

September 2009

Analysis of genetic structure of white croaker using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers

The genetic structure of 4 populations of white croaker Pennahia argentata was analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technology. A total of 304 putative loci were detected by the 5 primer combinations, of which 200 were polymorphic. The proportion of polymorphic loci among four populations varied from 47.13 to 57.63%. The population with the highest Nei’s genetic diversity and...

Author(s): Zhi Qiang Han, Bo Nian Shui, Zhi Yong Wang, Zhen Qing Miao and Tian Xiang Gao,

September 2009

Characterization of 6 Bacillus subtilis β-mannanases and their genes

Six Bacillus subtilis strains (CD-3, CD-6, CD-9, CD-10, CD-23 and CD-25) that produce β-mannanase were separated from the Konjacflour plant, Tin, in the Yunnan province of China. The optimal temperatures of the 6 β-mannanases ranged from 45 to 65°C and their optimal pH ranged from 5.0 to 6.5; showing significant differences. The genes of the β-mannanase from 6 B....

Author(s): Xu Bo,#, Duan Lei,#, Tang Xiang-hua,, Li Jun-jun,, Mu Yue-lin,, Yang Yun-juan, and Huang Zunxi,

September 2009

Assessment of genetic variation of selected spiderplant (Cleome gynandra L.) morphotypes from western Kenya

In the genetic variation study of the 4 spiderplant morphotypes, 10 out of the 12 primers screened generated 31 polymorphic bands. Nei’s coefficient of gene differentiation showed that the morphotypes were differentiated. Nei’s genetic identity value calculated from the RAPD data ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 indicating the degree of genetic identity between the morphotypes. Dendrograms constructed from a matrix...

Author(s): Francis B. O. K’Opondo, Henk A. van Rheenen and Reuben M. Muasya

September 2009

RAPD analysis reveals genetic variation in different populations of Trichodesma indicum - A perennial medicinal herb

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic variation in different populations of Trichodesma indicum (family - Boraginaceae), a useful medicinal herb. 50 plants were collected from 4 different locations of Chhattisgarh, one location of Madhya Pradesh and in vitro regenerated plants. Genetic variation was detected among the populations and within each population...

Author(s): Neelambra Verma, V. Koche, K. L. Tiwari and S. K. Mishra

September 2009

The 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-butenyl 4-diphosphate reductase gene from Taxus media: Cloning, characterization and functional identification

1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-butenyl 4-diphosphate reductase (HDR:EC: is the last and key enzyme involved in the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, which provides the general precursors for taxol biosynthesis and is the important candidate gene for metabolic engineering of the taxol biosynthetic pathway. The gene encoding HDR from Taxus media (designated as TmHDR; GenBank accession number:...

Author(s): Yiming Sun, Min Chen, Jun Tang, Wanhong Liu, , Chunxian Yang, Yijian Yang, Xiaozhong Lan, Minghsiun Hsieh and Zhihua Liao

September 2009

Use of AFLPs to differentiate between Fusarium species causing root rot disease on durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)

Durum wheat is the main crop in the Mediterranean dryland, where root rot (Fusarium spp. and Helmintosporium sativum) diseases are common. The aim of this study was to use the AFLP technique to determine variation and genetic relationships between Syrian Fusarium isolates; and compare them with some standard Fusarium species. To identify the different pathogens causing root...

Author(s): Mohammad El-Khalifeh, Ahmed El-Ahmed, Ahmad Al-Saleh and Miloudi Nachit

September 2009

Characteristics of molecular changes in lespedeza plants after seeds been flown on satellite

To investigate the effect of space flight factors on lespedeza seeds, dry seeds ofLespedeza bicolor were loaded into recoverable satellite for space flight in 2003. After the retrieval, key agronomic traits were tested. Among the 65 plants we tested in the first generation (SP1), ten plants showed changed phenotype characters as prematurity, late-maturity, tall, dwarf, multi-ramify and etiolation. The mutation rate...

Author(s): Ren Weibo, Deng Bo, Han JianGuo, Zhang YunWei, Xu Zhu and Wang Zhaolan

September 2009

Chromosome numbers of two Colchicum L. species, C. burttii and C. balansae, from Turkey

Chromosome numbers and morphologies for Colchicum burttii Meikle andColchicum balansae Planchon showing distribution in western Anatolia were studied. Squashing preparation method was used. The chromosome counting and morphologies of the species were determined by examining the mitosis prepared from root tips of plants. Chromosome number of C. burttii is 2n = 60 + 2B, showing that this...

Author(s): Levent Şık, Teoman KesercioÄŸlu and Feyza Candan

September 2009

Functional characteristics of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus from ikii, a Kenyan traditional fermented maize porridge

Fermented foods have been associated with probiotics: microorganisms that are useful to the host. The potential probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus plantarumand Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains isolated from ikii, a traditional fermented maize porridge, were studied and with regard to acid/bile tolerance, antimicrobial activity, utilisation of fructooligosaccharide, production of...

Author(s): Christine M. Kalui, Julius M. Mathara, Philip M. Kutima, C. Kiiyukia and Lawrence E. Wongo

September 2009

Cytotaxonomical studies on some Crocus L. taxa in Turkey

The present study investigated the chromosome number and morphology ofCrocus fleischeri Gay, C. pallasii Goldb subsp. pallasii, C. cancellatus Herbert subsp. lycius Mathew, C. pulchellus Herbert which are all belong to the Crocus L. taxa showing distribution in Western Anatolia in Turkey. Powder preparation was used as study method. Chromosome numbers and...

Author(s): F. Candan, L. Åžik and T. KesercioÄŸlu

September 2013

Genetic diversity in some Turkish pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes revealed by AFLP analyses

The genetic relationships among 14 Turkish pepper (Capsicum annuum L) genotypes, 6 of them inbred lines, were determined by comparing their molecular traits. The taxonomic relationships and genetic variation among these genotypes were investigated with those of 5 foreign pepper genotypes. Fifty-six (26%) polymorphic AFLP markers out of total 215 DNA fragments from 4 primer pairs were used to define the...

Author(s): Aktas, H., Abak, K. and Sensoy, S.

September 2009

Genetic variation in Pinus brutia Ten. seed stands and seed orchards for growth, stem form and crown characteristics

In this study, some adaptive traits (growth, stem, branching and crown characteristics) in a seven-year old plantation of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) were studied in 2008. The experiment was established by using 1+0 bare-root seedlings from 5 seed stands and 5 seed orchards from the same origins in 2001. Randomized block design with three replications was used in the field. There were a total of 100...

Author(s): Süleyman Gülcü and Sultan Çelik

September 2009

Farmers’ adoption of improved vegetable production practices under the National Fadama Phase One Development Project in Anambra State of Nigeria

The study was undertaken to evaluate the Fadama phase one vegetable production project in Anambra State. Data for the study were colleted from 160 vegetable growers (80 project farmers and 80 non-project farmers), through the use of a set of structured interview schedule. Percentages, mean scores and gross margin analysis technique were used in the data analysis. The result of the study indicates that majority (70.0%)...

Author(s): A. H. Nwalieji and A. R. Ajayi

September 2009

Root growth and NPK status of cassava as influenced by oil palm bunch ash

Experiments were carried out at Omoku and Umudike in southeast Nigeria to study effect of oil palm bunch ash (OBA) on number, length, diameter of roots, dry root yield and leaf N, P and K content of bitter and sweet cassava (Manihot  esculentaGrantz). The 0.00, 1.25, 2.50, 3.75, 5.00 t/ha OBA and 600 kg/ha NPKF [15:15:15) fertilizer were applied on soil to cassava and root growth parameters were determined at 3, 6,...

Author(s): Ojeniyi, S. O., Ezekiel, P .O., Asawalam, D. O., Awo, A. O., Odedina, S. A.and Odedina, J. N.

September 2009

Genetic enhancement of pigeonpea for high latitude areas in southern Africa

Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is becoming increasingly important in small-holder farming systems in southern Africa. Abiotic factors such as sensitivity to photoperiod and terminal drought frequently reduce yields in the region. Sensitivity to photoperiod results in delayed flowering and maturity which in turn leads to increased susceptibility to terminal drought stress, low winter temperatures,...

Author(s): Gwata, E. T. and Siambi, M.

September 2009

The effect of Bacillus sp. OSU-142 inoculation at various levels of nitrogen fertilization on growth, tuber distribution and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield response of potato to inoculation with Bacillus sp. OSU-142 at three levels of N fertilization (0, 120, and 240 kg ha-1) under field conditions in Ahlat District of Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in 2006 and 2007. Tuber inoculation with Bacillus sp. OSU-142 significantly affected yield and yield components in both years. Tuber yields and yield...

Author(s): Zehra Ekin, Faruk OÄŸuz, Murat Erman and Erdal ÖÄŸün

September 2009

Natural durability of heartwoods from European and tropical Africa trees exposed to marine conditions

Marine durability of heartwoods obtained from tropical African and European species against marine borer attacks in underwater exposure in Turkish coasts was investigated. Test hangers including wood species of 18 European and 15 African wood species were fastened to test area and exposed at a depth of 6 m along the coasts of seas (East and West Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Aegean, East and West coasts of mediterranean in...

Author(s): Selim Åžen, Hüseyin Sivrikaya and Mesut Yalçin

September 2009

Enhancement of organic supplements and local fertilisers in culture medium on growth and development of Phalaenopsis ‘Silky Moon’ protocorm

One-leaf shoots from protocorms of Phalaenopsis ‘Silky Moon’ were used as explants for protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) and plantlets induction. Culture media contained Hyponex (6.5N-6P-19K) in the presence or absence of Saturn fert (20N-20P-20K) supplemented with 22.2 μM N6-Benzyladenine (BA), 100 g l-1 potato juice, 2.0 g l-1 peptone,...

Author(s): C. Thepsithar, A. Thongpukdee and K. Kukieatdetsakul

September 2009

Transcript accumulation of putative drought responsive genes in drought-stressed chickpea seedlings

Differential display reverse transcriptase PCR was used to identify cDNA sequences induced by drought in chickpea seedlings. The sequences of differentially expressed cDNAs: 192, 214, 219 and H1 showed high similarities at the protein level to known drought-inducible genes encoding for alanine aminotransferase, βAKIN1, a proteine kinase from the SnRK1 complex, lipid binding protein and COR protein, respectively. No...

Author(s): Maher Medini, Michael Baum and Sonia Hamza

September 2009

Fungi in the atmospheric air of Çanakkale province in Turkey

In this study, the variability of airborne fungal flora and their monthly distribution in the atmosphere in 5 different locations of Çanakkale Province (Turkey) were investigated by means of the petri plate gravitational method from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. Samples were taken from air by exposing petri dishes with malt extract agar (MEA) and rose bengal chloramphenicol (RBCA) media for 15 min. Then...

Author(s): Tülay Bican Suerdem and Ismet Yildirim

September 2009

The effects of gamma and ethylmethanesulphonate treatments on agronomical traits of niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.)

Seeds of niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) cultivar N-71 were exposed to different doses of gamma rays ranging from 0 -152 Gy and varying concentration of ethyl methanesulphonate ranging from 0 - 104 mM. Variations in the percentage of germination and survival, plant height, number of leaves/plant, leaf length, leaf width, number of primary branches, capitulum size, head size, number of ray florets/capitulum,...

Author(s): Poornananda Madhava Naik and Hosakatte Niranjana Murthy

September 2009

The environmental toxicity of Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis and Galenia africana

Over the years the use of pesticides has greatly increased. This in turn has lead to concern about the adverse effects that the pesticides may have on non-target organisms in the environment. Due to increasing awareness there is great pressure to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides. An alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides is the exploitation of natural botanical products with pesticidal...

Author(s): E. J. Pool, J. A. Klaasen and Y. P. Shoko

September 2009

Performances of some warm-season turfgrasses under Mediterranean conditions

This study was conducted in order to determine the performances of some world wide used C4 warm-season turfgrasses (Buchloe dactyloides, Cynodon dactylon,C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis, Stenotaphrum secundatum, S. variegatum,Paspalum notatum, P. vaginatum, Pennisetum clandestinum, Zoysia japonica) under mediterranean ecological conditions of Izmir/Turkey in 2006 - 2007. The...

Author(s): Hakan Geren, Riza Avcioglu and Melis Curaoglu

September 2009

Determination of critical period for weed control in the second crop corn under Mediterranean conditions

Weeds are a major constraint in corn production. Understanding the critical period for weed control (CPWC) can be a tool for effective weed control and reducing the impacts of weeds. Three experiments were conducted to determine CPWC in the second corn crop from 1996 to 1998. The critical period for weed control in the second crop corn in the mediterranean region was determined to be from 131 to 927 growing degree days...

Author(s): Ilhan Uremis, Ahmet Uludag, Ahmet Can Ulger and Bulent Cakir

September 2009

Effects of elemental sulfur and sulfur-containing waste on nutrient concentrations and growth of bean and corn plants grown on a calcareous soil

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of elemental sulfur (S) and S-containing waste from an S factory on nutrient concentrations and growth of bean and corn plants. Therefore, elemental S and S containing waste corresponding to 40, 80 and 120 kg S da-1 were applied to pots. Each plant was grown twice on the same soils to determine initial and residual effects of applied S. Results showed that...

Author(s): Muharrem Kaya, Zeliha Küçükyumuk and Ibrahim Erdal

September 2009

Genetic diversity in three morphological types of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao as revealed by inter simple sequence repeat markers

Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to detect the genetic diversity in three morphological types of cultivated Astragalus membranaceus Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao discovered in Gansu province of China. Eight primers used for analysis generated 165 scorable bands of which 162 (98.18%) were polymorphic. The percentage polymorphic bands (PPB), Shannon’s information index...

Author(s): Xiaolong Xie,, Yanping Hu, Li Wang, Jian Yang, Yi Li and Min Peng

September 2009

The spatiotemporal forest cover changes in Köprülü Canyon National Park (1965 - 2008) in Turkey

Analyzing the historical legacy of forest structure and its temporal changes is paramount to design future forest management interventions in preparing an effective forest management plan in national parks. In this study, forest cover type maps prepared in 1965, 1984 and 2008 were digitized using geographic information systems and spatial database was built for nearly 36000 ha Köprülü Canyon National...

Author(s): Uzay Karahalil, Ali Ä°hsan KadioÄŸullari, Emin Zeki BaÅŸkent and Selahattin Köse

September 2009

Phytase activity, phytic acid, zinc, phosphorus and protein contents in different chickpea genotypes in relation to nitrogen and zinc fertilization

Seeds of three chickpea varieties were grown under zinc (Zn) and nitrogen (N) fertilized conditions and levels of zinc, phosphorus, phytic acid and protein concentrations as well as phytase activity were determined. In the field experiment, seed Zn concentrations increased with Zn fertilization in all varieties. Zinc fertilization had a negative effect on seed phosphorus (P) and phytic acid (PA) concentration. Phytic...

Author(s): Muharrem Kaya, Zeliha Küçükyumuk and Ibrahim Erdal

September 2009

Research on weed species for phytoremediation of boron polluted soil

This research was aimed to investigate the application of weed species forphytoremediation of soil polluted with boron. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effect of increasing boron (B) application on the growth and B uptake of common weed species, Sorghum halepense L. Pers., Cyperus rotundus L., Cynodon dactylon L. Pers., Amaranthus...

Author(s): Mehmet Aydın and Fulya Çakır

September 2009

Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia tchihatcheffii endemic to Turkey

In this study, the morphological and anatomical properties of Salvia tchihatcheffii(Fisch. & Mey.) Boiss. (Lamiaceae) which is endemic to Turkey was investigated.S. tchihatcheffii has a perennial taproot. In contrast to the other Salvia species that was investigated before the plant has two different stem as fertile and sterile stem with round in shape. Sterile stem is prostrate, leafy,...

Author(s): Kâmuran AktaÅŸ, Cânan Özdemir, Mustafa Özkan Yurdanur Akyol and Pelin Baran

September 2009

The influence of seed processing and drying techniques at varying maturity stages of Solanum melongena fruits on their germination and dormancy

Studies were carried out to determine seed germination and dormancy of Solanum melongena cv. Ngwa local large and methods to overcome seed dormancy during seed maturation (midful seed=MS; full seed=FS; sign of ripening=SR; greenish red=GR and full red=FR). Seed germination was tested for fresh, dried and stored seeds processed by cut fruits and squeeze out seeds (Csq), dry; cut fruits, ferment, wash...

Author(s): Agbo, C. U. and Nwosu, P. U.

September 2009

Tomato spotted wilt virus in vegetable growing areas in the west mediterranean region of Turkey

This study was carried out to determine the presence of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) in vegetable growing areas, during growing seasons of 2006 and 2007 in the West Mediterranean Region of  Turkey. Survey studies were conducted in vegetable areas and tomato, pepper, potato, lettuce, squash and cucumber leaves, showing typical TSWV symptoms, were collected. Totally 337 samples from 12 locations were collected...

Author(s): Nejla Yardımcı and Handan Çulal Kılıç

September 2009

Environmental damages of forest road construction by bulldozer on steep terrain

In this study, forest road construction technique by using bulldozer was investigated in forested lands in Bolu region in Turkey. The objective of the study was to evaluate cross sections constructed by bulldozer along the forest road alignment and to determine the differences between the fill-slope and cut-slope formations in the cross sections in terms of environmental damages. Maximum length and minimum length of...

Author(s): Tolga Ozturk, Muhittin Inan and Mustafa Akgul

September 2009

Assessment of forest roads and firebreaks in Turkey

This paper describes the situaiton and assessment of forest roads and firebreaks in context of forest transportation and forest fire prevention in Turkey. In recent years, Turkey has lost many forest areas to forest fires, and this not only results in loss of life, property, and infrastructure, but also causes deterioration in the natural environment and degrades ecosystems. According to current status of Turkey, the...

Author(s): Murat Demir, Ali Kucukosmanoglu, Mesut Hasdemir, Tolga Ozturk and H. Hulusi Acar

September 2009

Development of a rapid and sensitive battery of bioassays for risk assessment of cyanobacterial microcystin-LR in drinking water of rural water treatment plants, South Africa

Due to the lack of toxin standards and resource limitations for wide scale use of analytical methods for e.g. high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in cyanobacterial toxin monitoring, it has become necessary to assess and develop additional methods that are rapid, yet realistic and cheap for the detection of cyanobacterial toxins in drinking water of rural...

Author(s): P. J. Oberholster, B. L. S. Mthethwa and A. M. Botha

September 2009

The Effect of C:N:P ratio, volatile fatty acids and Na+ levels on the performance of an anaerobic treatment of fresh leachate from municipal solid waste transfer station

Anaerobic digestion was carried out in this study to treat fresh leachate from municipal solid waste transfer station in a 10 L stirred tank reactor (STR). The treatment process was performed in batch and semi-continuous process. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) sludge was used as an inoculum. A high BOD reduction was achieved in 3 different treatment conditions in this study. A BOD removal of 85, 77 and 90% for the batch...

Author(s): S. M. D. Ghasimi, A. Idris, T. G. Chuah,  and B. T. Tey,

September 2009

Extracellular acid protease from Aspergillus niger I1: purification and characterization

A new strain of Aspergillus niger producing acid protease was isolated and identified by universal primers NL1 and NL4. The acid protease from A. niger I1 was purified to homogeneity by ultrafiltration using a 10-KDa cut-off membrane, gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 and ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, with a 3.55-fold increase in specific activity and 56% recovery. The molecular...

Author(s): Rayda Siala#, Alya Sellami-Kamoun#, Mohamed Hajji, Ines Abid, Neji Gharsallah and Moncef Nasri 

September 2009

Isolation and characterization of a new keratinolytic bacterium that exhibits significant feather-degrading capability

A novel bacterium, Bacillus licheniformis K-19, which produces a large amount of akeratinase that is extremely thermostable and has a broad resistance to pH, was isolated and characterized. The maximum amount of keratinase activity (about 224 Uml-1) was produced at 37°C when the bacterium was cultured for 72 h in broth containing feather meal with initial pH of 7.5. The...

Author(s): Bo Xu,#, Qiaofang Zhong,#, Xianghua Tang,, Yunjuan Yang, and Zunxi Huang,

September 2009

Engineering of E. coli for increased production of L-lactic acid

An over-expressed L-ldh gene derivative of Escherichia coli BAD-ldh was developed. L-ldh gene from Enterococcus facelis KK1 consisted of an open reading frame of 954 bp encoding 316 amino acids. L-ldh gene was cloned into pBAD vector and transformed into E. coli SZ85 by electroporation. SDS-page and western blotting method confirmed the presence of recombinant L-LDH enzyme with the...

Author(s): Tengku Elida Tengku Zainal Mulok, Mei-Ling Chong, Yoshihito Shirai, Raha Abdul Rahim and Mohd Ali Hassan

September 2009

Effect of Rauwolfia vomitoria Afzel (Apocynaceae) extract on serum amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase activities and selected indices of liver and kidney functions

In a risk assessment and safety evaluation, the effect of Rauwolfia Vomitoria Afzel (Apocynaceae) extract on serum amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase activities and selected indices of liver and kidney functions were investigated. Ethanolic root and leaf extracts of R. vomitoria Afzel (Apocynaceae) were administered externally by gastric intubation to two groups of rats at dose 524...

Author(s): M. U. Eteng, H. A. Ibekwe, A. O. Abolaji, A. I. Okoi, Onwuka, F. C and N. C. Osuchukwu

September 2009

Fusion expression and high-level preparation of a glycine-rich antibacterial peptide (SK66) derived from Drosophila in Escherichia coli

SK66, a derivative of the gene cg13551 of Drosophila containing 66 amino acid peptide with N-terminal serine and C-terminal lysine, shows high antimicrobial activities. To obtain it in large amounts, the mature DNA fragment of SK66 was acquired from the pMD18-T-SK66 simple vector using PCR and then inserted into the Nco I and Xho I enzyme-cutting sites of pET-32a plasmid, the...

Author(s): Hui-juan Liu#, Zhi-guo Feng,#, Jun Lang, Yan-jiao Li, Guang-yuan He andZheng-wang Chen

September 2009

Sub-cellular distribution of two salt-induced peptides in roots of Oryza sativa L. var Nonabokra

Living systems respond to changing environment by changing gene expression. In addition to changes in the level of expression of existing proteins, some new proteins may be synthesized. Such proteins not only can serve as markers, but may also play important role in adjusting to that specific environment. Targeting of these proteins to specific location within or outside the cell may also yield important clues to their...

Author(s): S. M. Saqlan Naqvi, S. Qasim Raza, M. Zeeshan Hyder, Cengiz Vali Ozalp, Hussyin Avni Oktem and Meral Yucel

September 2009

Biochemical studies on the effect of curcumin and embelin during N-nitrosodiethylamine/phenobarbital induced-hepatocarcinogenesis in wistar rats

The biochemical effects of administration of embelin a benzoquinone derivative from Embelia ribes and curcumin (diferuloyl methane) isolated from Curcuma longaagainst a 2 step hepatocarcinogenic regimen comprising of N-nitrosodiethylamine(DENA)/phenobarbital (PB) was studied in wistar strain male albino rats with respect to lipid profile, renal function tests and levels of blood glucose. Rats...

Author(s): M. C. Jagadeesh, M. Sreepriya, Geetha Bali and D. Manjulakumari

September 2009

Cloning and expression of a Vi mimotope of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi through nucleotide-nucleotide hybridization approach

A recombinant His-Vi protein of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi was successfully constructed and cloned into an expression vector through a nucleotide-nucleotide hybridization approach. After transformation of the construct into Escherichia coli, the recombinant His-Vi protein with a size of approximately 4 kDa was successfully produced and proven by Western blot analysis. This recombinant protein can...

Author(s): Kek Heng Chua, Boon Pin Kee and Kwai Lin Thong

September 2009

Biological activities of aerial parts of Tylophora hirsuta Wall

The methanolic extract from the aerial parts of Tylophora hirsuta was screened for various in vitro biological activities including antileishmanial, insecticidal, phytotoxicity, antibacterial and antifungal. General toxicity (brine shrimp lethality assay) of the methanolic extract was also performed. The extract was found to have significant antileishmanial activity against Leishmania major;...

Author(s): Ahmad Bashir, Niaz Ali, Shumaila Bashir and Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary

September 2009

Cytotoxic effect of 2’, 3’-epoxy isocapnolactone and 8-hydroxyisocapnolactone-2’3’-diol isolated from Micromelum minutum (G.Forst.) Wight and Arn. in human T-lymphocyte leukemia CEM-SS cells

2’,3’-Epoxyisocapnolactone and 8-hydroxyisocapnolactone-2’,3’-diol are two bioactive compounds isolated from the leaves of Micromelum minutum. In this study, the induction of apoptosis by 2’,3’-epoxyisocapnolactone and 8-hydroxyisocapnolactone-2’,3’-diol on CEM-SS cells were investigated. The cytotoxicity of 2’,3’-epoxyisocapnolactone and...

Author(s): B. K. Tan, N. B. Alitheen, S. K. Yeap, A. M. Ali and R. Mawardi

September 2009

Evaluation of aqueous methanolic extract of Sorghum bicolor leaf base for antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities

Sorghum bicolor (Family: Gramineae; Poaceae) is used traditionally for some ailments related to pain and inflammation. This study was therefore aimed at investigating possible antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of this plant. The aqueous methanolic (70% methanol ) extract of the leaf base, its aqueous and ethylacetate fractions were evaluated for antinociceptive activity using acetic acid-induced...

Author(s): F. C. Nwinyi and H. O. Kwanashie

September 2009

DNA cleavage agents from Schisandra propinqua var. sinensis

Constituents of Schisandra propinqua (Wall.) Bail var. sinensis Oliv were investigated and 8 compounds were isolated from the stems and their structures were elucidated as (+)-catechin (1), (-)-gallocatechin (2), p-(2′-hydroxyethyl)-phenol-β-D-glucopyranoside (3), daucosterol (4), manwuweizic acid (5), cerotic acid 1-monoglyceride (6), octocosoic acid (7) and...

Author(s): Ye-gao Chen, Li-na Hai, Ying Liu, and Xin-rong Liao

September 2009

Maneuvering humidity to augment response of phosphine against adult and egg stages of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelidae)

Phosphine and other fumigants have proved hazardous for treatment of stored product commodities because of their residual toxicity. In the present investigation, a comprehensive study was conducted to explore the role of different levels of humidity on efficacy of phosphine against egg and adult stages of the psocid,Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. The results suggested that humidity play a significant role in...

Author(s): M. S. Ahmedani, M. Aslam, S. Naz and M. Y. Ahmedani

September 2009

Suitability of an artificial diet for rape aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, using life table parameters

Experiments based on life tables are suitable for the understanding of the population dynamics of insects. In this work, suitability of an artificial diet was studied through age-specific life tables. Development, survival, reproduction rate and population growth parameters of the rape aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (Hom: Aphididae) were evaluated on leaf discs of Brassica oleracea, and...

Author(s): A. Balvasi, G. R. Rassoulian, A. R. Bandani and J. Khalghani

September 2009

In vitro direct regeneration in mint from different explants on half strength MS medium

In vitro shoot regeneration of Mentha piperita L. was investigated using shoot meristems, node, internode and petiole explants. Shoot regeneration was achieved on ½ strength MS salts and vitamins supplemented with various concentrations of BAP, Kin alone or with NAA. Shoot meristems and nodal segments showed variation in the frequency of shoot regeneration with single to multiple shoots. However,...

Author(s): Sadia Sarwar, Muhammad Zia, Riaz-ur-Rehman, Zarrin Fatima, Riaz Ahmad Sial and Muhammad Fayyaz Chaudhary

September 2009

Numerical investigation of flow characteristics and irradiance history in a novel photobioreactor

Mixing performance of photobioreactors where the microalgae grow up greatly affect the accessibility of nutrient substance as well as the availability of light for the cells, so it is of vital importance to properly design the geometry of photobioreactor. In this work, a kind of spiral photobioreactor was introduced. The flow characteristics of the fluid were obtained through computational fluids dynamics modeling. Cell...

Author(s): L. B. Wu, Z. Li and Y. Z. Song

September 2009

Assessment of crab trap selectivity and efficiency in a tropical riparian swamp

The efficiency of the can trap for the collection of Cardiosoma armatum was examined for 2 year (2003 - 2005). The trap was designed with popular Nigeria beverages. The circumferences of the traps determined the size of individual crabs to be caught. The cans circumference ranged between 30.45 and 40.23 cm. The trap operated on trigger mechanism. It was baited with orange peels, onion bulb and fish trash. The...

Author(s): Babatunde Eniola Emmanuel

September 2009

Comparative chemical composition of leaves of some antidiabetic medicinal plants: Azadirachta indica, Vernonia amygdalina and Gongronema latifolium

As part of an investigation into the antidiabetic mechanism of some indigenous medicinal plants, the proximate, vitamins and mineral elements and phytochemical compositions of Azadirachta indica, Vernonia amygdalina and Gongronema latifolium were quantitatively determined using standard methods and compared. Of the 3 plants G. latifolium had highest (p<0.05) crude protein and fat...

Author(s): I. J. Atangwho, P. E. Ebong, E. U. Eyong, I. O. Williams, M. U. Eteng and G. E. Egbung

September 2009

In vitro anthelmintic effect of two medicinal plants (Anogeissus leiocarpus and Daniellia oliveri) on Haemonchus contortus, an abosomal nematode of sheep in Burkina Faso

A study was conducted to evaluate Anogeissus leiocarpus leaf and Daniellia oliveristem barks as effective remedy for gastrointestinal parasites. The anthelmintic activity of these extracts on eggs, first stage larvae and adults of Haemonchus contortus was examined by in vitro tests. The extracts were prepared to obtain six increasing concentrations. This was done with Phosphate...

Author(s): Kabore Adama, Belem A. M. Gaston, Tamboura Hamidou H., Traore Amadou and Sawadogo Laya

September 2009

Cytogenetic characterization of Nigerian indigenous pig

This work studied the chromosomal structure of the Nigerian indigenous pig (NIP). The karyotype was obtained and a detailed karyogram constructed. Using sixty-two metaphases of the NIP obtained from both mature male and female leucocytes culture, the chromosomal structure was studied. The karyotype obtained was based on the chromosome’s relative length, centromere position and arm (p/q) ratio. The cells had the...

Author(s): Oluwole, O. O. and Omitogun, O. G.

September 2009

Zoobenthic fauna and seasonal changes of mamasin dam lake (Central part of Turkey)

This study was conducted at Mamasın dam lake of Aksaray between April 2002 and March 2003. Seasonal changes in the zoobenthic fauna as well as some physical and chemical parameters of lake were examined based on water samples collected from 4 stations selected in the lake. It was determined that zoobenthic organisms are composed of 86.23% chironomidae, 7.3% oligochaeta and 6.47% mollusca. Four species of chironomidae,...

Author(s): Ebru Ersan, Ahmet AltindaÄŸ, Seyhan Ahiska and Ali AlaÅŸ