Full Length Research Paper
The main purpose of this study was to ascertain the extent principals’ auditing practices predict teachers’ job involvement in secondary schools. One research question and one hull hypothesis guided the study. It was carried out in Anambra State using co-relational research design. All the six education zones in the State were covered. The population of the study was made up of 6,342 public secondary school teachers while the sample for the study was 634 public secondary school teachers. Two instruments developed by the researchers were used in data collection. The two instruments were validated by three experts. The reliability of the instrument was established through a trial- test in public secondary schools in Enugu State. The reliability indices of the instruments using Cronbach alpha method were 0.72 and 0.80 for QPSFM and TJQ respectively.
The researchers administered the instruments directly on the respondents. Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient was used in answering while simple regression was used in testing the null hypothesis at 0.05 level significance. Findings indicated that that there is a high and positive predictive power on teachers’ job involvement in public secondary schools in Anambra State. It was among others recommended that government should provide opportunities for principals acquire new auditing skills. Since principals’ auditing practices predict teachers’ job involvement, it is most likely that the teachers’ job involvement will improve.
Keywords: Auditing Practice; Predictor; Teachers; Job Involvement; Secondary School.
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