In today's complex communication environment, emotional intelligence, communication effectiveness, and strategic alignment remain a key topic of concern among managers and employees worldwide. Communication effectiveness is a key for organization’s performance and progress. The interrelationship between emotional intelligence, communication effectiveness, and strategic alignment plays a vital role in the growth and success of organizations of Iran. Emotional intelligence (EI) and communication effectiveness are proposed as an important predictor of key organizational outcomes including strategic alignment. The paper is undertaken to understand the relationship between demographic variables (age and gender) and emotional intelligence, and communications effectiveness to improve strategic alignment in the organizations of Iran. The dimension of emotional intelligence in this study includes: happiness and optimism. Data (N = 82) for this study were collected through questionnaires and the participants were managers in Agriculture Bank and Educational Administrations of Iran. The aim of this paper is to assess the emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness and relationship with strategic alignment. The results showed emotional intelligence can impact on communications effectiveness through demographic variable and also communication effectiveness has a positive impact on strategic alignment.
Key words: Emotional intelligence, communications effectiveness, strategic alignment, demographic factors.
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