Full Length Research Paper
Retailing in India has attracted many global players and has reached nearly 350 Billion USD according to KPMG in 2010. While the retail environment is experiencing a significant growth, Indian consumer tastes and preferences are also changing rapidly forcing retailers to grow in numbers and formats. Technological advances and expansion of internet have also paved the way for electronic retail channels. India, as an emerging economy, offers substantial opportunities for e-retailers. In addition, Internet shopping offering more flexibility, interactivity, customization and low risk during the pandemic reached remarkable popularity in the country. Particularly since the outbreak of Covid-19, major on-line sellers have been attracting more and more customers. In the light of growing on line shopping, retailers have embraced a variety of technologies to engage their customers during their on-line shopping experience. Artificial intelligence is an area which clearly facilitates this for the retailers. In this study, the aim is to better understand how use of artificial intelligence tools during on-line shopping leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty. The intent is to provide recommendations on the most effective Artificial Intelligence tools to use for decision makers at companies and retailers. The scope of the study is artificial intelligence tools used in-on line retail in India.
Key words: Artificial Intelligence, on-line shopping, Indian on-line retail market.
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