Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 23 October 2015; 10(20)

October 2015

Strengthening preceptors’ competency in Thai clinical nursing

The problem of lack of nurses can be solved by employing student nurses. Obviously, nurse instructors and preceptors have to work extremely hard to train student nurses to meet the standard of nursing.  The preceptorship model is yet to be explored as to what it means to have an effective program or the requisite skills to be an effective preceptor. The purpose of this study is to explore how competencies and...

Author(s): Renu Mingpun, Boonchom Srisa-ard, and Apinya Jumpamool

October 2015

The effect of playing different musical instruments on arm asymmetry

Between the two hemispheres of the brain, structural and functional differences are called cerebral lateralization that can affect the skill performance of both arms in a different way, which is called handedness. Approximately 90% of people is right-handed and they use the right hand for most skillful activities. Interestingly, recent studies especially on musicians show that this difference is less in musicians than...

Author(s): E. Erdem KAYA

October 2015

Organizational ımage perceptions of higher education students

Colleges and universities rely on their image to attract new members. Organizational image is the total of thoughts, emotions and perceptions resulting from clear conclusions of information formed in the minds of stakeholders as a result of communication with the institution about that institution and its elements. The purpose of this study is to determine if the organizational image of university changes according to...


October 2015

The curriculum development for science teachers’ training: The action lesson focusing on science process skills

The objectives of this research were to develop innovation curriculum and study the effect of curriculum usage in science teachers’ training in establishing the supplementary subject curriculum for action lesson. It focuses on science process skills with 10 teachers for 4 days, and 236 Grade 9 students from 10 schools during the first semester of 2014 academic year. It was done in the Office of Kalasin Primary...

Author(s): Jesda Khayotha, Somsong Sitti and Kanyarat Sonsupap

October 2015

The proposed model of writing with accompaniment of music education for students and its prospect in application

The aim of this research is to prepare undergraduate music education students for a course model to write songs accompanied with one voice and show the functionality of its application. A first was lesson given to selected working groups and were asked to write children's songs accompanied. It was accompanied by the model described in writing during the course of twelve weeks, and tests have been made on the issues...

Author(s): Izzet Yucetoker

October 2015

The validity and reliability study of the sports facility utilization scale of university students: The case of Karabük University

This study aims to develop a valid and reliable measurement instrument with the intent of determining the interest levels of university students towards utilizing sports facilities. In the context, target population of the study consists of the Karabük University while its sampling consists of 700 (290 females and 410 males) students who study in different departments. During the preparation of the scale, phases of...

Author(s): Serdar CEYHUN

October 2015

Analyzing state and private school students’ achievement goal orientation levels in terms of some variables

The purpose of this study is to investigate the state and private school students’ achievement goal orientation levels in terms of some variables. Quantitative survey method was used in this study. Study group in this research consists of 201 students who are studying at state and private school in KahramanmaraÅŸ during the 2014-2015 academic year. The data were collected using “Personal Information...

Author(s): Ünal TÜRKÇAPAR

October 2015

Benefits of teaching interdisciplinary subjects collaboratively in Jordanian pre-vocational education

The study aimed to investigate the benefits of teaching pre-vocational education (PVE) through the collaboration of the other teacher with the PVE teacher. The study  adopted experimental and descriptive methodologies. An experiment was conducted through collaboration of teachers of different subjects in Pre-Vocational Education (PVE) to teach a class for a full school year (the experimental group), and another...

Author(s): Mon’im A. Al-Saaideh and Mohammad Sayel Nasr-allah Al-Zyoud

October 2015

An implementation of tolerance training in a Geography lesson: Students’ opinions

People around the world differ in race, language, religion, gender, and social and economic traits. Peace and calmness in the world can be created by teaching the value of "tolerance" to all people. In this age, war, violence and terror occur frequently. Thus, it was particularly important that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared 1995 as The Year for...

Author(s): Nazlı Gökçe

October 2015

Problems encountered during the implementations of resource-based teaching in pre-service history teacher training

This study aims to identify the problems encountered during the resource-based teaching implementations carried out with pre-service history teachers along with their reasons and suggest solutions.  The study was a qualitative study using a case study design.  The population of the study consisted of 5th grade pre-service history teachers continuing their studies in History Teaching Department of Kazım...

Author(s): Ramazan Kaya

October 2015

Extracurricular activities and their effect on the student’s grade point average: Statistical study

Extracurricular activities (ECA) are part of students’ everyday life; they play important roles in student’s lives. Few studies have addressed the question of how student engagements to ECA affect student's grade point average (GPA). This research was conducted to know whether the students’ grade point average in King Abdulaziz University, Faisaliah campus is affected by their participation in the...

Author(s): R. A. Bakoban and S. A. Aljarallah

October 2015

Chemistry teacher candidates’ acceptance and opinions about virtual reality technology for molecular geometry

The meaningful knowledge creation about molecular geometry has always been the challenge of chemistry learning. In particular, microscopic world of chemistry science (example, atoms, molecules, structures) used in traditional two dimensional way of chemistry teaching can lead to such problem as students create misconceptions. In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technology has been widely proposed as an innovative...

Author(s): M. T. Sarıtaş

October 2015

Investigation of transformational and transactional leadership styles of school principals, and evaluation of them in terms of educational administration

The aim of this study is to investigate the transformational and transactional leadership styles of school principals, and to evaluate them in terms of educational administration. Descriptive survey model was used in the research. The data of the research were obtained from a total of 1,117 teachers working in public and private schools subjected to ministry of national education in Avcılar district of Istanbul...

Author(s): Ahmet Avci

October 2015

Perspectıves of women decısıon-makers over the partıcıpatıon and recreatıonal events ın sports: a turkısh perspectıve

The purpose of this research is to put forth the role of the leisure and recreation events awareness including  women decision-makers effects on  their fellow women. Three main themes were recognized: Past; "Process of leisure and recreation events of women in Turkey", Present; "Model of Turkey for women on leisure and recreation", Future; "Process of women’ leisure and...

Author(s): Pınar Guzel