African Journal of
Political Science and International Relations

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pol. Sci. Int. Relat.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0832
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPSIR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 403

AJPSIR Articles

Uganda and the refugee problem: challenges and opportunities

December 2019

Uganda is one of the top refugee hosting countries in Africa and the world. It has been praised as a generous country with progressive refugee policies and laws that reflect the country’s national, regional and international obligations. However, a number of challenges ranging from increasing refugee numbers, protracted refugee situations, the burden of hosting of refugees, to limited resources and little...

Author(s): Ahimbisibwe Frank  

The way-forward to make inter-governmental authority on development (IGAD) successful in actualizing a viable economic integration

May 2019

Inter-governmental authority on development (IGAD) as a regional bloc is operating with a lot of impediments that delayed the organization from attaining greater economic integration. The objective of this study was to show the ways in which IGAD can actualize credible economic integration in the region, though the best is yet to come. Qualitative data collection approaches (interview and literature as primary and...

Author(s): Tewodros Woldearegay and Gosa Abera Mamo  

Conflicts and insurgency: Barriers to global quality health service for internally displaced persons in the North Eastern Part of Nigeria

May 2019

Conflicts and insurgencies constitute some of the greatest challenge to societal peace and development. While daily effort are made by government and humanitarian organisations to address the problem of conflicts and insurgency, the absence of quality health service for those affected by conflicts have further amplified the potential for conflicts and human insecurity. The paper examines conflict and insurgency as...

Author(s): Surajudeen Oladosu Mudasiru, Olushola Basirat Oladipupo and Abiodun Surajudeen Fatai

The Nigerian senate and the politics of the non-passage of the gender equality bill

April 2019

The gender equality discourse assumed a global dimension since the fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995. The hallmark of the Conference was the Beijing Platform for Action which was agreed upon by all 189 countries in attendance. Furthermore, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) subscribed to by United Nations member states in the year 2000, ascribed a worthy place to gender equality,...

Author(s): Damilola Taiye AGBALAJOBI and Leke Abraham OLUWALOGBON

Citizens’ trust in public and political institutions in Ethiopia

April 2019

This article examines the pattern of popular trust in public and political institutions in Ethiopia. The analysis employs individual-level survey data and uses ordinary least square regression to analyze the relative explanatory power of independent variables for variations in citizens’ institutional trust. The results demonstrate that citizens’ trust in public institutions varies extensively from one public...

Author(s): Gudeta Kebede Asfaw  

A theoretical analysis of corruption in Sudan: Causes, diagnostics, consequences, and remedies

March 2019

This study is a descriptive and a theoretical analysis of corruption in Sudan. Given the causes and current level of corruption in the country, the current paper aims to determine some of the possible remedies of corruption. The study investigates the political, economic, social and legislative factors that contribute to the spread of corruption in the county. It analyzes—based on the literature—whether...

Author(s): Niematallah Elamin

Pan-Africanism or Pragmatism? Lessons of Tanganyika-Zanzibar Union

January 2019

In his book on, “Pan-Africanism or Pragmatism? Lessons of Tanganyika-Zanzibar Union”, Shivji presents an account of issues, dramas, and politics surrounding the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. He also includes an account of the January 1984 Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)’s Conference held in Dodoma that toppled President of Zanzibar, then Aboud Jumbe Mwinyi. This book brings back the debate on...

Author(s): M. A. Katundu  

Corruption and fiscal federalism in Nigeria: Analysis of the federal budgetary process, 1999 – 2016

December 2018

Corruption is perhaps the biggest challenge to Nigeria’s development and the integrity of the country’s fiscal monetary system. Since independence in 1960, corruption has been a destabilizing factor in the country’s progress. It however gained pronounced ascendancy during the Second Republic, forcing a greater percentage of the country’s population into serious economic hardship leading to the...

Author(s): Anthony Egobueze and Callistus U. Ojirika  

The ‘Significance of Elections’ in Africa: 2015 elections and democratic consolidation in Nigeria

December 2018

 While it can be argued that elections are not enough for the consolidation of democracy, elections are fast emerging as a significant component of democratization. Not least, because their regularity has enhanced freedom and liberalization, but also because they have been the cause and/or effect of democratic consolidation. As a key component of democracy, elections have become the barometer and template upon...

Author(s): Abiodun Fatai  

Imaginary nature of political power in Africa: The sovereignty of orality

November 2018

The reflections we present in this article are a fundamental philosophical contribution to African politics and governance. We propose a political thought, based on the imaginary power of the African peoples, coupled with the principles of modern power from Western Europe; and analyzed sovereignty, both national and popular, based on speech or oral expression. We thus suggest an ethics of the...

Author(s): Claver BOUNDJA  

Dictatorship, bad governance and their impact on public need and social development: A comparative public administration (CPA) study on the evidence of Togo

November 2018

This study aimed to investigate the major challenges facing Togolese State government in public administration, and to provide some policy recommendation that can be applied to overcome these threats. In order to look into Togolese government managerial capacity in the implementation of national development initiatives and deliver the necessary public services efficiently and effectively, comparative public...

Author(s): Bienmali Kombate and Huang Dong  

A critical review of Agenda 2063: Business as usual?

October 2018

This paper sets out to review and critically examine the Agenda 2063, a strategic long term planning instrument for the development of Africa in the next fifty years, prepared by the African Union Commission on the occasion of celebrating the OAU/AU golden jubilee in 2013. The objectives of this paper were to examine the viability of the agenda, to elucidate critical issues underpinning its successful implementation, to...

Author(s): Vedaste NDIZERA and Hannah MUZEE  

Why Equatoria Region in South Sudan may opt to secede

October 2018

Since the founding of Southern Sudan, first as a region and later as a country, the Dinka tribe has continued to exercise absolute control and domination. Following secession of South Sudan, tribalism got elevated to a level that threatens the very unity of the new country. This study was therefore based on the hypothesis that Dinka lead governments in South Sudan cannot accept any system of governance which will not...

Author(s): Benjamin Goro Gimba  

Changing aid and diplomatic relations: New development actors and Norway in Africa

September 2018

Increased engagements of New Development Actors in Africa since the turn of the millennium have attracted a lot of scholars’ and policy-makers’ attention. While the direct effects of new development actors’ relation with Africa have been examined by many researchers, not much researched work on the indirect effects via the response of third countries have been done. This article explores whether and...

Author(s): Michael Oduro Asante  

Civil society under assault in Ethiopia

September 2018

Since the enactment of the Charities and Societies Proclamation 621/2009 in Ethiopia, civil societies were not performing their proper role for the advancement of the country’s democracy. The proclamation places excessive restrictions on the work of civil society organizations in the country. This, in turn, makes the public passive to engage in the politics of the country, rather the law gives ultimate power for...

Author(s): Tewodros Woldearegay  

Demystifying the concept of state or regulatory capture from a theoretical public economics perspective

September 2018

State capture is one form of corruption that has received very little research interest over the years. This could be attributed to the fact that many societies particularly in the developing world seem to have institutionalized it. State capture is a manifestation of government failure which involves the manipulation of bureaucratic rule and formal procedures by business and political elites through family ties,...

Author(s): Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga and James Nilesh Mulenga  

Analysis of the pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial bureaucracy of Buganda: The major milestones in its development

August 2018

Bureaucracy in Buganda polity transcended the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial era. During each era, the principles which underpin the Weberian bureaucracy manifested variously. Pre-colonial bureaucracy manifested as a strong chain of command through the hierarchical kingdom structure; and centralized control by the King through the chiefs. During the colonial times, bureaucracy had duality in the chain of...

Author(s): Hizaamu Ramadhan  

Political trust in Botswana’s executive presidency: The Khama era

August 2018

This article examines political trust in the institution of the presidency. It focuses on the Khama era and aims to find out the underlying motivations to trust the president. Using the Afrobarometer surveys, the paper finds that Batswana are more likely to distrust the president if they perceive high levels of corruption, poor government performance and are dissatisfied with democracy. Partisanship is important in...

Author(s): Batlang Seabo, Wilford Molefe and Mpho Molomo  

Why is Tanzanian opposition weak twenty five years since its re-introduction?

July 2018

This paper examines the performance of opposition parties and the prospects of multiparty politics in Tanzania. At independence in 1961 and during Colonial Rule, Tanganyika now Tanzania Mainland was enjoying a multiparty democracy but moved to one party state during 1970s. The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has won all elections since re-introduction of multiparty politics in 1992. The debate now is on the performance of...

Author(s): Mangasini Atanasi Katundu  

Old habits die hard: Resistensia Nacional Mozambicana (RENAMO) propensity for military confrontation against its professed embracement of peaceful conflict resolution, 1976 to 2017

July 2018

This article reviews Tavuyanago’s publication entitled Resistensia Nacional Mozambicana (RENAMO): from military confrontation to peaceful engagement, 1976 to 2009’. In this article, Tavuyanago gave much credit to Renamo for the creation of democratic space in Mozambique’s post-civil war political landscape. RENAMO had waged a brutal guerrilla war against Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO)...

Author(s): James Hlongwana  

Strategic dynamic thinking to manage public order: A systemic approach

June 2018

Security in post-conflict zones is a priority. However, strategists find it difficult to understand how to keep low Public Order Incidents. System Dynamics and a Strategic Point of View were used to develop a frame to learn about Public Order Incidents applied to the Colombian Case. A Working Dynamic Hypothesis and Simulation Model were developed to advance understanding of the problem. It was discovered that Public...

Author(s): J. A. Parra-Valencia, A. R. Lizcano and E. Pineda

Identity conflicts as challenge to political stability in West Africa

June 2018

This paper concerns itself with establishing the nexus between identity conflict and its impacts on socio-economic and political relations in the West African context. The effort is motivated by the observable incidences of incessant violent conflicts and wars, all fought on the basis of ethnic and religious fault lines that threaten the stability and cohesion of the sub region in its evolution towards becoming...

Author(s): Ayuba Caleb and Ismaila A. Danjuma

The role of group solidarity in conflict between farmers and Fulani pastoralists: A case study of Northern Nigeria

May 2018

In recent years, conflict between farmers and pastoralists has been one among the frontline threats to sustainable peace and development in Nigeria. More worrisome is the incessant upsurge of these violent conflicts with group solidarity. The existence of these conflicts is not in dispute, but continues climax of group solidarity, has added an impetus to the complexities and veracity of these conflict involving larger...

Author(s): Hamman Jumba Ahmadu and Haruna Ayuba  

Decentralisation and good governance in Africa: A critical review

February 2018

This review essay outlines and discusses the conceptual and empirical dimensions of decentralisation in Africa. It examines the link between decentralisation, development and good governance. The essay contends that even if decentralisation has been embraced by several countries as an institutional reform capable of transforming intergovernmental relations, fiscal arrangements in local governments, increasing...

Author(s): Sabiti Makara  

When party policies do not matter: Examination, the ambivalence of voting behaviors in the Zambian presidential elections

January 2018

Debates on whether people in Zambia cast their votes for a presidential candidate based on the good policies of the party or the qualifications of their candidate are peppered with tales of ethnicity, tribalism, corruption, and the education levels of the voters. These problems have undermined the credibility of the winning candidates as being put into office based not on their qualifications, but on the desire for...

Author(s): Greg Gondwe

The Beijing consensus versus the Washington consensus: The dilemma of Chinese engagement in Africa

January 2018

This study discusses the reason behind the Chinese hastened engagement in Africa. The study particularly emphasizes debates surrounding such massive involvements from the African, European and Chinese point of view focusing on the main tenets of Washington and Beijing consensuses. The study shows that Beijing consensus has been perceived cynically by traditional western power contending that Chinese involvement in...

Author(s): Jarso Galchu

Dynastic rule in Equatorial Guinea

December 2017

The emergence of hereditary republican dynasties is part of a regional trend, raising concerns about the decline in democracy, government accountability, nepotism, and grand corruption. Second generation dynasts now rule in Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Gabon, and Togo. Often treated as exceptional aberrations, or theorized under other conceptual tools, this article examines Equatorial Guinea as a case study...

Author(s): Douglas A. Yates

The U.S informal empire: US African Command (AFRICOM) expanding the US economic-frontier by discursively securitizing Africa using exceptional speech acts

November 2017

The mission statement of US African Command (AFRICOM), articulated by President George Bush in 2007, declared African underdevelopment and human insecurities as a threat to US national security. Since 10 years have elapsed from the time of AFRICOM’s inauguration, this paper seeks to highlight that the organization has fallen short in realizing its mission statement. This unnerving reality has given credence to...

Author(s): Khaled Al-Kassimi

Barotseland and the advocacy for statehood: A case entailing the complexities of statehood and state recognition in public international law

November 2017

This paper discussed the Barotseland claim for statehood from the republic of Zambia with respect to the Barotseland Agreement (1964) signed between the Northern Rhodesian government and the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) in April 1964.  In discussing the Barotseland question, using a qualitative approach, this paper considered the sentiments that fuel the reasons for seeking separate statehood by Barotseland...

Author(s): Ancietos Mwansa

The internal and external roles of Iraqi popular mobilization forces

October 2017

This paper empirically examines the internal and external roles of the popular mobilization forces (PMF) or al-Hashd al-Shaabi. First, the paper examines the PMF’s role in the fight against the Islamic State/Daesh and governance in Iraq. Second, it highlights the PMF’s external links with Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. The question of whether the PMF is a tool of...

Author(s): Ayman El-Dessouki

The status of political parties’ in using social media for campaigns during the 2015 general election of Ethiopia

October 2017

Electoral campaigns are essential aspects of election. However, opposition political parties in Ethiopia have been challenged due to limited media alternative. In the 2015 general election, some political parties were using social media to conduct campaigns. Hence, this case study aimed to describe the status of these parties in the use of social media. The research utilized a qualitative approach as dominant method....

Author(s): Ketemaw, T. Muluye

Ethnic federal system and conflict in the post-1995 Ethiopia: The case of southern regional state

September 2017

The study investigated the practice of ethnic federal system along with ethnic rights to self-determination and associated conflicts in the context of Southern Regional state of Ethiopia.  This study is a qualitative research that employed both primary and secondary sources. The federal system is based on the constitutional conviction that ethnic groups in Ethiopia have the right to self-determination up to...

Author(s): Temesgen Thomas Halabo

The protection of minority rights under regional constitutions in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: The case of Tigray

September 2017

The issues of minority rights have been given a significant concentration in the political discourses of today.  In traditional literatures and policy packages, the issues have been given a special emphasis pertaining to the protection of minority rights. Since the end of the World War II, many international instruments are adopted, declarations are domesticated; Ethiopia is a case in point. After the downfall of...

Author(s): Yohannes Mamo

China's non-intervention policy in Africa: Principle versus pragmatism

September 2017

China’s adherence to its policy of non-intervention in its engagement in Africa has sparked a lot of debate. A closer examination will however reveal some inconsistencies with Beijing’s official pronouncements versus its actions on the ground. This study seeks to explore this contradiction in China's nonintervention policy in Africa. Through a focused case study on China’s actions in Sudan and...

Author(s): Sigli M. Mumuni

Liberia'S TRC: The road to rule of law or a dead end?

August 2017

After two civil wars Liberia’s warring sides signed a peace agreement in 2003 providing for, among other things, the creation of a truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) to help it on the path to reconciliation. After public hearings in all fifteen counties in Liberia and extensive input from Liberians out of the country, Liberia’s TRC concluded its proceedings in 2009 with recommendations for improvement...

Author(s): Julie A. Keil

Economic relations of Ethiopia and India: Trade and agricultural investments after 1991

August 2017

The main objective of this article is to critically examine the Post-1991 bilateral trade relations between the two countries and Indian agricultural investments in Ethiopia. To achieve the objective of this article, the study used qualitative research methodology. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Available literature was also reviewed. For the collection of primary data, in-depth interviews...

Author(s): Belayneh Leta and Belayneh Girma

The value of indigenous social knowledge* in managing intra and inter-group conflicts: Experience from South East Tigray, Ethiopia

August 2017

This article portrays the importance of home-grown cultural values and institutions in addressing intra and inter-group conflicts in South East Tigray, Ethiopia with particular reference to Wejerat community. The paper draws that indigenous social institutions in the community provide an opportunity to maintain peace, justice, order and security within and outside the community with minimum cost by the application of...

Author(s): Abrha Tesfay Asmerom

Opposition political parties’ coalition in Zimbabwe: Challenges and possibilities

July 2017

This paper discusses the prevalent view among ordinary Zimbabweans that only a grand coalition among select opposition political parties could potentially unseat the ruling party, Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU PF) from power in the upcoming 2018 general elections. The paper argues that the prospects for such a grand coalition are only possible if select parties coalesce around the major...

Author(s): Mungwari Teddy and Ephraim Vhutuza

Berbera basing politics: Understanding actors, interests, and animosities

July 2017

The presence of forward forces in foreign soil is not a modern notion, but is thought-provoking when a small state projects its military might in multiple locations of a similar strategic importance. The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) base lease in Berbera is a case in point which attracted a reproach from the public, and politicians. The joint parliament sitting to approve the draft agreement further complicated the...

Author(s): Najah M. Adam

The political economy of recession in Nigeria’s fourth republic

July 2017

In recent times, an exceptionally large and virulent recession engulfed the Nigerian State that had for the previous two and half decades experienced sustained growth at unprecedented levels. The causes as well as sense of threat and uncertainty induced by the crisis have been differently interpreted, particularly from the macro-economic, leadership and strategic standpoints. This paper offers a political economy...

Author(s): Monday E. Dickson and Gerald E. Ezirim

Ethiopia’s growth and transformation plan and its implications for synergic sum effect contextualized into regional cooperation in the horn of Africa

June 2017

The East African region, in which Ethiopia is located, is commonly known as the Horn of Africa. It is branded for its economic underdevelopment and political instability. The region is economically poor, politically unstable and very volatile security wise. In lieu of this, it is prudent to describe the region as one that represents one of the most complex sub-regions in Africa. To resolve these and associated problems,...

Author(s): Assefa Leake Gebru and Yemane Zeray

Minority rights protection under the second house: The Ethiopian federal experience

June 2017

Right after the overthrow of dictatorial military regime since 1991, Ethiopia underwent a remarkable change of political system. It has restructured the society based on federal state arrangement which creates nine self-administered regional government taking linguistic, settlement pattern, and consent of the governed into consideration. Addis Ababa and although not mentioned in the constitution, Dire Dawa become...

Author(s): Alene Agegnehu and Worku Dibu

Route for sustainable development in Ethiopia: Opportunities and braves of good governance

June 2017

The landmark of good governance in order to bring sustainable development in Ethiopia was the ratification of 1995 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) constitution. Within this constitution, the individual and group rights of people were protected, indicators of good governance was identified and mentioned and recognitions for different institutions were given. Even though the constitution was drafted with...

Author(s): Idris Mohammed and Mohammed Ahmed

An examination of the Sierra Leone war

May 2017

This study is a historical analysis of Sierra Leone’s state structure in the 20th and 21st centuries. This period was marked by defective leadership and insatiable greed that created political failure at both the national and regional level. The absence of a long-term democratic leader, coupled with the lack of institutions aimed at guiding effective resource distribution enabled the gradual collapse of the state...

Author(s): Clotilde Asangna 

Eritrea’s national security predicaments: Post-colonial African syndrome

May 2017

The post-2001 Eritrea is repeatedly viewed as North Korea of Africa: small state with isolationist foreign policy that could not burden totalitarianism, that the critical young generation is leaving the state and the remaining population is in a military uniform waiting for an imaginary enemy, that all the critical state institutions are decayed, that the port-based (Massawa and Assab) national economy lost its economic...

Author(s): Meressa Tsehaye Gebrewahd

Brazil’s African policy and the experience of the first Lula government (2003 to 2006)

May 2017

This article aims to analyze Brazil-Africa relations in the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva government (2003 to 2006). The hypothesis supported is that Brazil-Africa relations 2 can be characterized as a varying intensity process, declining sharply in the 1980 to 1990 period and gaining momentum from 2003 to 2006. Structurally, the text is organized as follows: In the first section, a brief characterization of...

Author(s): Claudio Oliveira Ribeiro

The impact of federal-states intergovernmental relations on regional states autonomy in Ethiopian Federal System

May 2017

From its nature, federal system not only stands for the distribution of powers between federal and state governments, but also requests relations between the two in order to ensure coordination and effective achievements of powers and responsibility divided. Ethiopian Federal-States intergovernmental relations are dominated by the federal government and its executive institution because of ruling political party,...

Author(s): Kena Deme Jebessa

Ethiopia’s armed entry into Somalia in 2006: Projection of its foreign policy or aspiration for hegemony?

April 2017

Ethiopia’s armed entry into Somalia in 2006 has been subjected to heated academic and policy debate. Some take it as part of the effort of Ethiopia’s aspiration to hegemony in the Horn of Africa region, while others link it to the old-fashioned thinking of Christian Ethiopia’s animosity to Islamic Somalia. The Ethiopian government defended it in terms of protecting its national interest. Ethiopia also...

Author(s): Yohannes Gebeyehu Alebachew

Assessing the causes and effects of social exclusion: The case of ‘pot makers’ in Yem Special Woreda in Sothern Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State in Ethiopia

April 2017

This study was conducted to assess the causes and effects of social exclusion of ‘Pot Makers’ in Yem Special Woreda in Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional State in Ethiopia. Cross sectional survey research design was used to conduct the research because it would help the researcher to investigate the causes and effects of social exclusion in the case of ‘pot makers’ in Yem Special...

Author(s): Tamiru Berafe

The Struggle for Hegemony in Africa: Nigeria and South Africa Relations in Perspectives, 1999-2014

March 2017

This article examines Nigeria-South Africa relations with emphasis on political, trade and economic engagements. It investigates the consistencies and changing patterns in Nigeria and South Africa relations that are partly linked to the failure of Nigeria to diversify its economy and South Africa’s unwillingness to provide enabling environment for Nigerians in its economic domain. It argues that Nigeria and South...

Author(s): Bamidele Seteolu and James Okuneye

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