Journal of
Geology and Mining Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Geol. Min. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9766
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGMR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 177

JGMR Articles

Geological characterization of mud and debris flow deposits, Aburrá Valley, Colombia

January 2025

The Aburra Valley is a structurally controlled intramontane basin in the central mountain range of Colombia, where surficial slope deposits cover their hillsides. Samples obtained from geotechnical drilling into these sludge or debris-flow reservoirs, which are in the middle and lower parts of the slope on the west side of the Aburra Valley, exhibit a high degree of mechanical competence, which is atypical of soils....

Author(s): Juliana Carolina García Urbina, Sara María Patino Mesa, Diego Armando Rendón Giraldo, Oscar Echeverri Ramírez and Norbey Arcila Quintero  

Direction of material creep during the deformation phase in shear zones, role in mining prospecting: A case of the Nassara-Torkera gold deposits in the Gaoua region, Burkina Faso, West Africa

November 2023

Mineralization at the Nassara and Torkera gold deposits is situated at the contact between volcanic rocks (basalt-andesite) and volcanosedimentary rocks (pyroclastite, black shale) within the echelon faults of the large West Batié shear zone (WBZ). Along the mineralized body, shear deformation is intense, accompanied by significant hydrothermal fluid circulation. The objective of this study is to determine the...

Author(s): Pascal Ouiya, Gounwendmanaghre Hubert Zongo, Adama Ouedraogo Yameogo, and Seta Naba  

Identification of iron ores in Sierra Leone, Africa by using remote sensing techniques

August 2023

Remote sensing is used in this work as a geological reconnaissance technique, demonstrating that it is profitable and effective in providing valuable information for distant regions of mining interest. Due to the Civil War that affected Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002, Sierra Leone's mining resurgence has focused only on restoring closed mines and the exploitation of previously proven reserves. Thus, the main...

Author(s): G. Diaz and R.M. Prol-Ledesma  

Groundwater potential and aquifer protective capacity at Nkwelle-Ezunaka Farm Estate, Southeastern Nigeria

April 2023

Vertical electrical resistivity soundings (VES) were carried out at Nkwelle-Ezunaka, Southeastern Nigeria to investigate the groundwater potential and aquifer protective capacity of the area. A total of ten soundings were carried out using ABEM Terameter SAS 1000. The VES data collected were interpreted using INTERPEX software and the results presented in terms of resistivity, thickness, depth and lithology. The...

Author(s): Nzemeka Olisah C., Ugwu Gabriel Z. and Onyishi George E.  

Assessment of depth to Lead-Zinc deposit in parts of Southern Benue Trough using integrated geophysical methods

April 2023

This study employed the techniques of electrical resistivity, induced polarization and aeromagnetic methods to investigate and quantify lead-zinc ore deposits. The electrical methods of geophysical exploration were employed to measure thickness of overburden as well as width of the ore across the study area. IP method was used to investigate dissemination of lead-zinc sulphides. Aeromagnetic data over the area was...

Author(s): B. U. Ukwuteyinor and C. C. Ezeh  

Application of Legrand pollution correlation in the evaluation of contaminants migration within the groundwater of Ebhoakhuala in Ekpoma and Agbede, Edo State, Nigeria

May 2022

The increase in population has led to indiscriminate disposal and mismanagement of waste in the society, resulting to waterborne diseases. As a result, this study was done to determine the efficacy and the efficiency of LeGrand correlation chart in the evaluation of the potential of groundwater of an area to pollution. Ebohkhuala and Agbede were used as a case study. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and...

Author(s): Samuel Obomheile Salufu, Samuel Ososelase Okoduwa, Philomina Nkeonye Okanigbuan and Chukwuka Oko  

Use of computer softwares and geomatic techniques for reclamation study of environmentally degraded mined lands in Benin City, Nigeria

December 2021

Land degradation in the form of creation of massive pits, and deforestation of land are some adverse impacts associated with open pit mining activities. Benin City and its environs have witnessed a high proliferation of open pit sand and/ laterite mining activities popularly called borrow pits in recent times, with its associated environmental risk. This research is carried on five selected sand mines in Benin City to...

Author(s): Kalu Iroakazi Kalu, Opeyemi Emmanuel Abiodun and Clement Olanrewaju Alaba  

A Review of Agrogeological resources of Nigeria

October 2021

The distribution and utilization of agrogeological resources in Nigeria are discussed. These are rocks and minerals applied in agriculture. They occur in a wide variety of environments that range in age from Pre-Cambrian to Recent. The resources may be utilized to solve problems of pH, texture and structure of rocks. Limestone, dolomite and any base-rich materials like carbonatites, as well as basic and ultra basic...

Author(s): Chukwudi, C. Ezeh

Estimation of gold mineralization using remote sensing techniques based on index calculation: Case of Betsiriry region, western Madagascar

July 2021

It is undoubtedly true that the development of a country depends on the exploitation of these resources. In the case of Madagascar’s Island, it is home to countless natural biological and mineral resources. Yet the island is underexplored, with most of the country's geological data dating from the 1950s. The use of modern technologies in mineral exploration and research facilitates and gives us many...

Author(s): Rakotondramano H., Razafindrakoto B., and Randriamiarantsoa T.

Determining the optimum compressive strength of cemented paste backfill for artificial ground support in underground mines

May 2021

This study was carried out to determine the optimum strength of cemented paste backfill for production of an economic backfill in an underground mine. Tailings samples from a copper mine, Namibia were collected and classified into three particle size range of +75, +150 and +300 µm for preparation of cemented-tailings paste. Tailings compaction was also carried out for a penetrometer (CBR) test to determine the...

Author(s): Ebenezer O. Ajaka, Kasongo O. Ilunga and Adeyinka O. Omotehinse  

Preliminary investigation on the quality of amasiri sandstone (Southeastern Nigeria) as construction material

May 2021

The need to source for local construction materials that are appropriate for the massive developmental projects in Ebonyi State, southeastern Nigeria, has necessitated sampling and testing of the Maastrichtian Amasiri Sandstone in the Akpoha area of the state. Petrographic analysis and aggregate tests were conducted on six samples randomly selected from the rock deposit underlying the area. The petrographic analysis...

Author(s): Chioma Elizabeth Nwimo, Modestus Chijioke Ohaegbulem, Okechukwu Pius Aghamelu, Nonyelum Stella Iloanya and Chijioke Martin Nwachukwu

Geochemistry of termite mounds in the sediment-hosted Lead-Zinc Mining District of Yolo, Gongola Sub-basin: A guide for lead-zinc exploration in the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria

February 2021

Yolo lead-zinc mining district is an important area in Gongola Sub-basin of the Upper Benue Trough with paucity of rocks outcrops but abundant termite mounds. The termite mounds and their adjoining surface soils were analyzed for Pb, Zn, Ti, Cu, Sb, As, U, Cr, Zr and Li in an attempt to test their effectiveness in defining favorable areas for lead-Zinc mineralization in the Upper Benue Trough. The result shows a general...

Author(s): Haruna I. V., Ahmed H. A. and Suleiman B. M.  

Lithological features and chemical characterization of metamorphosed carbonate rocks in Igue, Southwestern Nigeria

February 2021

This paper investigates and reports the lithological and compositional features of Igue marble deposit in southwestern Nigeria. The deposit occurs as low-lying heterogeneous units under a humus-laden dark brown tropical soil within Igarra Schist Belt on south eastern flank of basement complex of southwestern Nigeria. The marble deposit occurs as lenses sandwiched between quartz-biotite schist, calc-silicate gneiss and...

Author(s): Oluwatoyin O. Akinola and Olusola A. OlaOlorun  

Numerical and laboratory investigation of effect of soil reinforcement on settlement of strip foundations

October 2020

Reinforcement of loose soils with geosynthetics in order to achieve a strengthened soil-reinforcement system, with enhanced tensile strength and reduced settlement is an important subject in the field of geotechnical engineering. In this study, a soil reinforcement system was used to increase the bearing capacity of sandy soil beneath a strip foundation. A small-scale laboratory model was built to investigate the...

Author(s): Forough Ashkan and Hossein Sadighi  

LA-ICP-MS and EMP relationships in pyrite grains from Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: An attempt for quantification

September 2020

Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) count per seconds (cps) results were tested for quantification, using the same spot analyses of Electron Microprobe Analyses (EMP) in weight percentage (wt. %); they were obtained from selected pyrite grains from Sheba, New Consort, and Fairview gold mines of the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB). Theoretically, data obtained from the same pyrite...

Author(s): Mohammed Alnagashi Hassan Altigani  

Coarse-grained rutile from regolith in Ebensuk west of Tinto, Cameroon

August 2020

Coarse rutile with some grains exceeding 32 mm was recovered from regolith excavated from three pits (ABC) at Ebensuk. The rutile concentration ranges from 2.53 kg/m3 of regolith material in Pit C to 2.83 kg/m3 in Pit B with an average of 2.66 kg/m3. The rutile is black, longitudinally striated, with a metallic to adamantine luster and hard. Results of grain size (Z) analysis show that the rutile crystals range in size...

Author(s): Christopher M. Agyingi, Veronica E. Manga, Arnold F. Epanty, Anatole D-Lordon, N. Ngalla, Amstrong Taboko and Victor L. Wotanie  

Sequence stratigraphic study of ‘X’ field in eastern offshore of Niger Delta, Nigeria

June 2020

An integrated approach to Seismic interpretation that combines techniques of sequence stratigraphic analysis, seismic facies analysis and attribute analysis is one of the most effective approaches for hydrocarbon exploration in growth-faulted deltaic strata of offshore eastern Niger Delta. These strata are generally thick paralic/marine units deposited along an unstable progradational continental margin. Here, shale...

Author(s): Abraham Christopher Udoh, Clement Edem Bassey, Anietie Ekong Ekot and Monday Udofia Udoh  

Migmatization process and the nature of transition from amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism in Ikare area south western Nigeria

May 2020

The Ikare area is underlain by rocks of the migmatite-gneiss-quartzite complex and older granite lithologic groups and charnockites. Categorization of these rocks in the literature and published map is generalized and the rocks are undifferentiated. Though reported in few literature as an area with rocks composed of granulite facie grade, the nature of transition is not well documented. Field and petrographic studies...

Author(s): A. A. Oyawale and O. O. Ocan  

Petrological characteristics of some cretaceous igneous rocks, in Southwest of Gboko, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria

April 2020

Detailed field geological mapping, outcrop petrography and thin-section microscopy are employed to delineate and describe igneous rocks, and to infer the tectono-magmatic and geochemical constraints affecting their emplacement in the Tse-Agberagba area, Southwest of Gboko, Southern Benue Trough.  Magmatic activity, coupled with folding and deformation were the effects of the Santonian tectonic episode in the area....

Author(s): Emmanuel Chigozie Ani and Ifeanyi Andrew Oha  

The geotechnical properties of the oolitic ironstone formation, Wadi Halfa, North Sudan

February 2020

Wadi Halfa Oolitic Ironstone Formation (WHOIF) covers large areas around Wadi Halfa border town in Northern Sudan. The detrital framework grains of sandstone of WHOIF are composed of sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz grains followed by feldspars, lithic fragments, micas and heavy minerals. The dominant cementing materials are iron oxides, carbonate cement, and some clay minerals. Twelve block samples were carefully...

Author(s): Abazar M. A. Daoud, Rashed M. A., Elsharief A. M., Kadry N. Sediek and Elamein, A. M.  

Applications of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) in regional lineament mapping and structural analysis in Ikare Area, Southwestern Nigeria

January 2020

An attempt was made to use remote sensing technique to analyze some structural components of the metamorphic basement complex of the Ikare area in the SW Nigeria. Multiple data sets coupled with application of directional filtering techniques were used to extract linear features from Landsat ETM+ image with a view to improving on already produced regional structural map of the area and also determine a fast and cost...

Author(s): A. A. Oyawale, F. O. Adeoti, T. R. Ajayi and A. A. Omitogun  

Anisotropic properties of the near-surface in South-Western Niger Delta: Implications on geotechnical constructions

January 2020

The near-surface anisotropic properties within the South-Western Niger Delta were investigated to determine their impacts on geotechnical constructions. Uphole data analyses reveal a weathered layer that is thickest in the NW, E and SE with an average of 4.2 m and thinnest in the North-Central with a value of 3.8 m; a sub-weathered layer that is thickest in the NW and SW with an average of 32.1 m and thinnest in the SE...

Author(s): G. I. Alaminiokuma and J. I. Omigie  

Structure and tectonics of Hong Hills in Hawal Precambrian Basement Complex, North East Nigeria

December 2019

The tectonics and impact of the Pan-African orogeny on the Hong Hills area of North Eastern Nigeria has been unraveled. This work basically used structural identification and tectonic inference to decipher the deformation episodes in this region. The results show that this area was subjected to multiple episodes of deformation and there were evidence of reworking of older structures by younger ones. Foliation, folds and...

Author(s): Nsikak E. Bassey and Efosa Udinmwen  

Geology and petrography of Sabon Garin Kara and environs part of Malumfashi sheet 79 NE Nigeria

October 2019

The study area is about 40 km2 that is (8 km × 5 km) which is located in Gwarzo Local Government area of Kano State part of  Malumfashi sheet 79NE which lies within Longitude E07°57’19.5” and E08°00’00” and Latitude N11° 51’30”andN11°47‘00. Major rock types identified include medium grained biotite-muscovite granite, coarse grained muscovite-biotite...

Author(s): Ahmed Abubakar Sarki, Mohammed Yerima  Kwaya, Nasir Abdullahi  Maiauduga, Timothy A. Adedokun, Yusuf Usman Muhammad, Abubakar Nasir  Karofi, Abubakar Sadiq Maigari  

Crustal structure of southern Benue Trough, Nigeria from 3D inversion of gravity data

October 2019

3D Moho interface has been computed from the airborne Bouguer anomaly beneath the southern part of the Benue Trough (BT), using the MATLAB program 3DINVER.M. From the study, the maximum Moho depth of 27.5 km and the minimum Moho depth of 18.1 km were computed. Interpretation of the gravity data of the southern part of the BT suggests that igneous input contributed greatly to the understanding of its concomitant deep...

Author(s): Mukaila Abdullahi, Upendra K. Singh and Umar M. Modibbo  

Geological analysis of ground radiometric survey data of Hong hills, Hawal basement complex, N. E. Nigeria

April 2019

A ground radioactivity survey report and it geological analyses are presented in this work. The survey was aimed at delineating possible zones of concentration of pegmatite intrusions, a rock whose components are useful in the in the electrical and ceramic industries among others. The survey covers longitude 12°54’-13°00’E and latitude 10°7’-10°15’N, with a total surface area of...

Author(s): Nsikak E. Bassey and Helen N. Unachukwu  

A reconnaisance study to delineate the potential mineral zones around the schist belt areas Of Kano State, Nigeria using airborne magnetic data

March 2019

This work presents a reconnaissance study to delineate potential mineral zones in the schist belt areas of Kano State. These parts of the state have received little or no attention for a long time and activities of artisanal miners suggest that the area is of economic mineral value. Airborne magnetic data acquired from Nigerian Geological Survey Agency (NGSA) were first reduced to the equator before subjecting them to...

Author(s): Shehu Sani Jamaluddeen, Musa O. Aku, Muhammad Saleh, Abdulrahim Ali Bunawa and Salihu Bolaji Sharafa

Remote sensing signature of geological structures inferred on landsat imagery of Afikpo area Southeastern Nigeria

January 2019

Satellite remote sensing has contributed immensely to the interpretation of linear features and other geological structures. In the study area, lineaments mapped were linear and planar features on satellite imageries that are expression of fractures, or faults within the subsurface.  Image lines of different contrast may extend from a few centimetres to several of metres in length. The Landsat imagery used has a...

Author(s): Okeke, C. J., Ukaegbu, V. U. and Egesi, N.  

Integrated geosciences prospecting for gold mineralization in Kwakuti, North-Central Nigeria

September 2018

Geoscience prospecting for gold mineralisation was conducted in Kwakuti town located within Latitudes 9.362500°N to 9.387500°N and Longitudes 6.920833°E to 6.945833°E in Northern Nigeria. The deployed geosciences techniques comprise surface geological mapping, processing and analysis of aeromagnetic total magnetic field intensity data using Oasis Montaj software and X-ray fluorescence analysis of soil...

Author(s): Ejepu J. S., Unuevho C. I., Ako T. A. and Abdullahi S.  

Investigation of magnetic anomalies of Abakaliki area, Southeastern Nigeria, using high resolution aeromagnetic data

August 2018

Aeromagnetic data over Abakaliki area of lower Benue trough, Nigeria was interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively using Oasis montaj software. The qualitative interpretation unveiled basic intrusive bodies like dykes, laccolites and batholitic bodies in the area. It also revealed fault zone which trends southeastern part of the study area. Quantitative interpretation was carried out by forward and inverse modeling,...

Author(s): Daniel N. Obiora, Julius I. Idike, Andrew I. Oha, Chijioke G. Soronnadi-Ononiwu, Ngozi A. Okwesili and Mirianrita N. Ossai  

Interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic data to determine sedimentary thickness over part of Bida Basin, North Central Nigeria

August 2018

This study focuses on the quantitative interpretation of aeromagnetic data to estimate the thickness of sediments over part of Bida Basin so as to identify possible areas of hydrocarbon potential. The study area covers an area of 24,200 km2 located between latitude 8° 30ꞌN and 9° 30ꞌN and longitudes 5° 00ꞌE and 7° 00ꞌE. Aeromagnetic data in grid format containing eight sheets were analysed and...

Author(s): Oke I. Okwokwo, Adebayo A. Adetona, Taiwo Adewumiand Sunday O. Adediran    

Sedimentary facies and depositional environments of the neoproterozoic sediments of the Gambaga-Nakpanduri massifs, Voltaian Basin

July 2018

The classification of the sediments into facies and the various environments in which the sediments of the northeastern Voltaian basin were deposited has not been clearly described.  Using detailed field mapping together with petrographic studies, six sedimentary facies has been identified; F1 is defined by asymmetric wave formed ripple marks, F2 indicates flute casts on micaceous sandy shales, F3 has bifurcated...

Author(s): Mahamuda Abu  

Assessment of the distribution of potentially harmful trace elements in bedrocks and stream sediments of Okemesi-Ijero area, Southwestern, Nigeria

May 2018

Assessment and distribution of the concentration of potentially harmful trace elements (PHTEs) is important for environmental health management. The concentrations of thirteen PHTEs were determined in the stream sediments and rocks samples from the underlying bedrock with the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Multivariate statistics and principal component analyses were used to identify and...

Author(s): Ayodele Olusiji Samuel, Asowata, Iyobosa Timothy and Adeoti Blessing

Spectral analysis and source parameter imaging of aeromagnetic anomaly over Ogoja and Bansara areas of lower Benue trough, Nigeria

March 2018

Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of aeromagnetic anomalies over Ogoja and Bansara areas of Anambra Basin, Lower Benue Trough of Nigeria were carried out using spectral analysis and source parameter imaging methods. The study area which covers an area of approximately 6050 km2 lies within latitude 60° 0' to 7° 0' North and longitude 8° 30' to 9° 0' East. The regional anomaly...

Author(s): Ugwu, C. M., Ugwu G. Z. and Alasi T. K.

Study of the roof behavior in longwall gob in long-term condition

February 2018

Assessment of the roof behavior in longwall gob and estimation of the occurrence of caving and fracturing zones above mined panels are the main factors used in evaluating abutment stresses, ground subsidence, face support and adjacent structures design. The combined height of caving and fracturing zones is taken as equivalent to the height of destressed zone (HDZ) in this study. The long-term estimation of this height...

Author(s): Mohammad Rezaei, Abbas Majdi, Mohammad Farouq Hossaini and Iraj Najmoddini

New approaches to monitoring, analyzing and predicting slope instabilities

January 2018

In a mining operation, any noticeable instability can pose a catastrophic threat to the lives of workers. Slope instability can also disrupt the chain of production in a mine, resulting in a loss to the business. Due to the potential threat associated with rock mass movement, it is necessary to be able to predict the time of slope failure. In the past couple of decades, innovations in slope monitoring equipment have...

Author(s): Upasna Chandarana Kothari and Moe Momayez

Application of two-level full factorial design and response surface methodology in the optimization of inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES) instrumental parameters for the determination of platinum

November 2017

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) determination of platinum was optimized using 2-level, 4-factor full factorial design and response surface methodologies. Four factors, namely carrier gas flow rate, sample solution flow rate as represented by the pump speed, plasma observation height and RF power, were employed in the factorial design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a p-value...

Author(s): Raison Mapfumo and Mark Fungayi Zaranyika

Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater within the lateritic profiles over migmatite and pegmatised schist of Ibadan, Nigeria

October 2017

Groundwater compositions could be altered significantly due to geogenic and anthropogenic inputs from rock and human respectively. Such impacted water may be injurious to health if consumed. Studies of groundwater within the lateritic overburden on migmatite gneiss and pegmatised schist in Ibadan area were undertaken with the aim of determining their physico-chemical composition and portability. Groundwater within...

Author(s): Anthony Temidayo Bolarinwa

Determination of depth to basement rocks over parts of Middle Benue Trough, North Central Nigeria, using high resolution aeromagnetic data

September 2017

The high resolution aeromagnetic data over part of middle Benue trough was interpreted quantitatively using Spectral depth analysis and Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) of the magnetic source rocks to determine the sedimentary thickness for hydrocarbon maturation and accumulation. The study area is bounded with longitudes 09°00′ - 10°00E and Latitudes 08°30′ - 09°30′N with an estimated...

Author(s): Nwogwugwu E. O., Salako K. A., Adewumi T. and Okwokwo I. O.

Investigation of subsurface for construction purposes in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, using electrical resistivity method

August 2017

Fifteen vertical electrical sounding (VES) stations were sounded using Schlumberger electrode configuration. The result revealed a total of 3 to 4 geoelectric layers. The first layer with resistivity values range from 2.8 to 149.2 Ωm and has thickness and depth of 0.1 to 6.5 m. The second layer has resistivity which ranges from 245.9 to 7761.2 Ωm, thickness of 1.1 to 10.7 m and depth of 1.2 to 17.2 m. This layer was...

Author(s): Idoko Agada, Johnson C. Ibuot, Moses Ekpa and Daniel N. Obiora

Artisanal gold mining in Batouri area, East Cameroon: Impacts on the mining population and their environment

February 2017

Batouri is located in the East region of Cameroon; geologically the area is made up of Pan African granitoids, which are the host rocks of gold mineralization. Batouri gold deposits have long been subjected to artisanal mining activities carried out by the indigenes for livelihood. Majority of the mining population (45%) is made up by youths (15-30 years), followed by the adults (35%) within the age range 46-60 years...

Author(s): Kouankap Nono Gus Djibril, Tah Bong Cliford, Wotchoko Pierre, Magha Alice, Chianebeng Japhet Kuma and Tene Djoukam Joëlle Flore

Geotechnical investigations for infrastructural development: A case study of Daki Biyu District, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Central Nigeria

August 2016

The geotechnical properties of Daki Biyu district in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria was investigated to ascertain the suitability of the sub-surface soil to support massive infrastructure such as high rise building and industries that might be carried out in the future. The particle size distribution shows that the soil is predominantly sandy-clay to sandy-gravels. The plasticity indices suggest low to...

Author(s): Lekmang, I. C., Daku, S. S., Yenne, E. Y., Wazoh, H. N. and Goyit, M. P.

Highlighting the root of a paleoproterozoic oceanic arc in Liptako, Niger, West Africa

July 2016

In the southwest branch of the Diagorou-Darbani greenstone belt, mafic to ultramafic plutonic rocks outcrop in Pogwa area. Field relations show that these rocks are clearly intrusive in flattened pillowed-metabasaltes. They are made up of gabbros and pyroxenites with ultramafic rocks cropping out as panels or scattered lenses. Petrographic characters are suggestive of metamorphic grade varying from greenschist to...

Author(s): Soumaila Amadou, Garba Zibo, Moussa Issaka Abdoulkader, Nouhou Halitt and Sebag David,

Numerical and experimental studies on the effect of loading angle on the validity of flattened Brazilian disc test

May 2016

In this study, effect of loading angle on location of crack initiation in flattened Brazilian disc (FBD) specimens was studied by both numerical and experimental methods. FBD tests were conducted on disc samples with various loading angles and tests were simulated by finite element method (FEM). The results showed that probability of crack initiation at flattened ends of samples where jaws and sample are connected...

Author(s): Pourya Khavari and Mehrnoosh Heidari

Pore pressure prediction using seismic data: Insight from Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

September 2015

Pore pressure and fracture pressure predictions were made using seismically derived velocities from Onshore Niger Delta. Mild to moderate overpressure regime in the study area was predicted using Bowers’ unloading model. The onset of mild overpressure (<0.6 psi/ft) in the area lies within the depth range of 6000-10000 ftss. The formation becomes moderately over pressured (<0.8 psi/ft) as the pressure...

Author(s): G. Z. Ugwu

Geochemical stream reconnaissance survey of the schist belt around Igbo-Ora, Southwestern Nigeria

July 2015

Samples of stream sediments were collected in some parts of Iseyin-Oyan river schist belt, with a view to determining their elemental concentration and identifying geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization in the area. The geologic units consist of predominantly amphibolite schist with minor occurrences of coarse porphyritic biotite granite, quartzite and quartz schist. Chemical analysis was carried out on...

Author(s): Mustapha Taiwo Jimoh, Anthony Temidayo Bolarinwa and Tesleem Kolawole

On the representative elementary volumes of clay rocks at the mesoscale

June 2015

Regarding clay rock at the mesoscale (that is, millimeter to centimeter), the structure of the porous clay matrix treated as continuum controls transport properties. Upscaling these mesoscale properties to the macroscale requires that representative elementary volumes (REVs) exists. The objective of this paper is to quantify the mesoscale REVs of the continuous clay matrix. Here, the REV is defined as the minimum volume...

Author(s): Lukas M. Keller

Geology and petrography of the rocks around Gulani Area, Northeastern Nigeria

May 2015

Geological mapping of the Gulani area revealed that the area consists of Precambrian Basement Complex rocks, Cretaceous sediments and the Tertiary/Quaternary basalts of the Biu plateau. The Basement Complex rocks are represented by diorite and granites while the sediments include the Bima, Yolde, and Pindiga Formations. Epigenetic baryte-copper mineralizations occur with the baryte veins restricted to the Bima and Yolde...

Author(s): Jalo Muhammad El-Nafaty

An overview of pore pressure prediction using seismically–derived velocities

April 2015

Knowledge of formation pore pressure ahead of the drill bit is not only critical for safe and cost-effective drilling of wells but also essential in studying the hydrocarbon trap seal and analyzing the trap configurations. A predrill estimate of the formation pore pressure can be obtained from seismic velocities and employing a velocity-to-effective stress transform. However, limitations abound in the use of seismic...

Author(s): G. Z. Ugwu

Assessment of effective factors in performance of an open stope using cavity monitoring system data: A case study

March 2015

Stope wall failures result in ground stability problems, ore dilution, revenue loss, etc. This work assesses mined primary transverse open stope (32S 204) in AngloGold Ashanti-Obuasi Mine to address stability problems mine-wide. The stope (17 m strike length, 30 m wide, 27 m high and dipping 68°NW) has the Obuasi Fissure as its hanging wall boundary. Back analysis of the performance showed that major geological...

Author(s): Chiri G. Amedjoe and Joseph Agyeman

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