Journal of
Media and Communication Studies

  • Abbreviation: J. Media Commun. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2545
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 234

JMCS Articles

Effects of nutrition visuals to increase awareness among adolescents on healthy foods

August 2024

Undernutrition and hidden hunger pose significant threats to the well-being, growth, and development of children, youth, economies, and nations. Adolescents commonly fall short of recommended daily intakes of vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in calcium, iron, and other essential micronutrients. Limited access to healthy and nutritious foods can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Nutrition education plays a crucial role...

Author(s): Mekam Maheshwar, Chhavi Taliwal, Harika Vasa and Jharna Puppala

Digitisation and artificial intelligence in the world of media

August 2024

This paper explores the dynamic interplay between digital media and artificial intelligence (AI), and their impact on the media industry. Digital media, encompassing platforms and content accessible through electronic devices, has revolutionised communication, content natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, creation, and consumption. The rise of AI has transformed digital media by enabling personalized...

Author(s): I. Arul Aram and E. Anita Juliana

Product placement in Namaste Wahala in the global film industry and brand recall in Nigeria

March 2024

Many firms utilize Nollywood in Nigeria as a marketing platform for product placement. Within this context, this study investigates product placement in the movie "Namaste Wahala" in the global film industry and its effect on brand recall among Nigerian undergraduate students from Caleb University and the Lagos State University of Science and Technology (LASUSTECH). The aim is to determine if they can remember...

Author(s): Mosopefoluwa Taiwo, Boluwatife Joy Jaiyesimi and Eric Msughter Aondover  

Pharmaceutical companies’ Twitter communications: Engagement and message frames

March 2024

This study conducted a content analysis of tweets from the top five pharmaceutical companies to examine the levels of engagement between these companies and their audiences. The research also investigated the relationships between different types of tweets, including topics and message frames, and user interactions. The results revealed that pharmaceutical companies were more inclined to engage with tweets related to...

Author(s): Sun-A Park

Assessment of communication interventions to improve the livelihood of rural community in Ethiopia: The case of Sidama Region

December 2023

This study aims to assess practical communication interventions used by development agents in the agricultural sector in the Sidama Region. Using the descriptive design, the researchers employed a quantitative data-gathering method. A cluster random sampling technique was used to identify two 'districts' from the region. All development agents found in the two woredas were selected and included in the survey. A...

Author(s): Hailemesekel Zewedie Gebeyehu and Yohannes Shiferaw Jira

Social media engagement and democracy: Understanding the impact of social media on youth civic engagement in Tanzania

May 2023

This study examined how the use of social media among youth influences their offline civic participation outside the election period in Tanzania. Unlike previous studies, this study used multidimensional aspects of civic participation.  Civic participation was studied using the concurrent qualitative dominant mixed-methods approach. The study conducted four focus group discussions (FGD) with the aid of an FGD guide...

Author(s): Rajendran J. Britto

Looking for low-key: Noir and Neo-Noir from a cinematographic perspective

March 2023

Film Noir has always been an elusive category, determined by vague definitions. Even scholarly work has its focus on thematic connections, and standards of tone and mood and periodization of both ‘classical noir’ and ‘neo-noir’ has always been problematic. Kathrina Glitre and Patrick Keating have championed an approach that categorizes ‘noir’ as a visual category, determined by...

Author(s): David Vanden Bossche

Interventions and messaging in behaviour change communication response to COVID-19: A qualitative analysis of covid campaign in Kenya coastal counties

December 2022

Effectiveness and compliance to intervention measures that mitigate the spread of COVID-19 has heavily relied on awareness and willingness of the public to adhere to directives. In this study, Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) interventions in response to COVID-19 are analyzed with the aim of identifying opportunities and gaps that can inform ongoing and future efforts. The study focuses on a BCC campaign rolled out...

Author(s): Waithaka Ann and Siringi Samuel

Analysis of newspaper coverage of world cancer day: A study of select newspapers in Nigeria

November 2022

The rate at which cancer claims the lives of people around the world has been a matter of global concerns. In keeping with the desire to fight cancer and save the world, the United Nations and Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) established world cancer day aimed to unite the global community on the fight against cancer. As a global fight and awareness creation for preventive measures, this study aims to...

Author(s): Uzochukwu, Chinwe Elizabeth and Ikegbunam, Peter Chierike

Personality traits, personal motivations, and online news and social media commenting

September 2022

Among the most popular online platforms for commenting following a news story are Facebook, Twitter and on the news website itself. Using personality characteristics, including from the Big-Five schema (extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness) and the Dark Tetrad frame (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism and sadism), as well as personal motivations, the extent to...

Author(s): Temple Northup, Arthur D. Santana, HoJoon Choi and Ratna Puspita

Voicing participation in large-scale infrastructural projects: A contextualization of participatory communication in Lamu Port, Kenya

June 2022

This study argues that, although public participation is a mechanism of connection and collective struggle, its practice lacks strong operational foundation. A re-conceptualization of participation as a planning and social reform tool is expounded through examination of how project affected people in the Kenya Lamu Port project, voiced their participation concerns. Lamu Port is a key infrastructural project in the Lamu...

Author(s): Kamau Michael Mwangi and Khsiebi Alex Kubasu

Social support and positivity: Analyzing user-generated comments on the Instagram pages of two Brazilian cancer hospitals

May 2022

Online social media platforms are an important tool for individuals who wish to exchange ideas, stories, feelings, information. Hospitals and public health organizations can use social media platforms, including Instagram, to engage, interact or communicate with patients, family members and anyone interested in health information or new discoveries. The purpose of this study is to understand the main characteristics of...

Author(s): Priscila Biancovilli, Eloy Macchiute de Oliveira, Lilian Thomer and Claudia Jurberg

Whose stream is this anyway? Exploring layers of viewer-integration in online participatory videos

February 2022

Within this paper, we explore variants of user-integrating (live) videos as examples of collaborative practices in social media. We propose an empirically informed typology of layers of user-integration in terms of: (A) directness / ‘bodiliness’ of interaction, (B) Unfinishedness in the content at hand and (C) Productive tensions through streamer-audience-interactions. As an example of spontaneously emerging...

Author(s): Kevin Weller and Michael Holaschke

The transformation of media economy paradigm based on time value and decentralization

January 2022

As an important underlying structure of the Internet and economy, the media economics is undergoing structural changes. It is in urgent need of a more original and forward-looking academic vision and theoretical framework to refine its basic problems to study and solve more challenging practical problems in a larger picture. First, this study critically analyzes the current serious problems of media economics basic...

Author(s): Xiao Zhou, Liu Tang and Yin Yue

A comparison of American and Chinese college students' media use: The amount and origins of international news and entertainment

January 2022

This study used a survey to explore American and Chinese college students’ self-reported consumptions of international media. Specifically, a comparison was made between American and Chinese participants in terms of the time spent per week on news and entertainment, respectively, the estimates of international versus domestic media, and the countries of origin of the international media. The results suggested that...

Author(s): Teri Terigele

Patronage of farm radio as an agricultural knowledge source for farmers: Experiences from Ghana

January 2022

Numerous studies have been conducted on farm radio programmes but there is limited information on farmers’ level of patronage, utilisation and satisfaction with the information obtained. This study aimed to fill this gap. The research was carried out in the Bosome Freho District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana with 400 farmers selected using the multi-stage sampling technique. Data were analysed using means,...

Author(s): Evans Antwi, Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum, Danley Colecraft Aidoo, David Boansi and Ernest Laryea Okorley

The semiotic guerrilla: Internet subcultures as political resistance in China

December 2021

This paper adopts a critical discourse analysis in combination with in-depth interviews of 55 people to examine three representative cases of Internet subcultures created and practiced by Chinese netizens from 2009, in order to define the formats, strategies and tactics of these subcultures in relation to the broader mainstream political culture. The paper finds that the Chinese subculturists employ tactics of homophony...

Author(s): Jiang Chang, Renyi He and Hailong Ren

Journalism versus national security: An analysis of reportage by journalists in Kenya defense forces activities during “operation Linda Nchi” (2011-2012)

December 2021

This study sought to investigate the complex relationship between journalistic activities and national security. The study answered the following questions: At what point should reporters put aside their professional and career interests for the sake of national security? Should press limits be self-imposed? What obligations do journalists have when it obtains information with national security implication?  The...

Author(s): Anne Maureen Syallow

Politeness in media talk shows: The case of media panel discussions in Ghana

July 2021

In human communication, the communicators involved in the interaction have an obligation to show politeness to each other for a successful conversation. Non-observance of politeness in a communicative act such as panel discussions has the potential to infringe upon the public self-image of the addressees. Situated in Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Theory (PT), the paper sought to explore the kinds of politeness...

Author(s): Kwasi Sarfo-Adu and Cynthia Elizabeth Osei

Oil, gas and goodwill: Assessing press coverage of Nigeria’s oil industry CSR activities

July 2021

Oil, being the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy has continuously generated controversies at various levels, particularly between government, exploration companies and host communities. One useful method of dousing such tension is to display a sense of empathy, creating some level of ownership mindset in natives and residents of host communities and the nation at large. This study probes into the volume of coverage of...

Author(s): Aiyesimoju Ayodeji Boluwatife and Olasanmi Kehinde Ayodele

‘Sanitized, made to lie supine and left fanged!’ The final version of the 2010 Protection of State Information Bill / Secrecy Bill, and its threats to the civil liberty of freedom of expression in South Africa

June 2021

Whilst the African National Congress (ANC, 2011) at the helm of the current South African government may have succeeded towards the end of 2013 in using its majority voting clout inside the country’s national parliament to forcibly push through the passing of the controversial and now infamous 2010 Protection of State Information Bill / Secrecy Bill, and thereafter declared it tame enough and ready to be gazetted...

Author(s): Luthuli Siboniso Prosper Welcome

‘Clickbait-style’ headlines and journalism credibility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring audience perceptions

May 2021

In the proliferated age of technologies, the field of journalism has been faced with several challenges that have inevitably pushed journalism practice to unpreceded heights. Overtly, journalists have resorted to various strategies to compete with various media platforms such as social media and other citizen journalistic strategies. Journalists have also resorted to the use of advertising/strategic communication...

Author(s): Judith Flora Wanda Baraka Samson Chipanjilo, Gregory Gondwe and Joseph Kerunga

Teaching the holocaust through digital heritage, experiential and project-based learning: Finding Matilda- A documentary by students, about a student, for students

May 2021

Recent research has reported that two-thirds of American Generation Z has vague knowledge of the genocide of World War II.  Twenty-two percent of millennials said that they have never heard of the Holocaust or were just not sure. Armed with this knowledge we set out to create a project, a documentary, to help students better understand this horrifying part of our history on terms that they can identify with. This...

Author(s): Susan Cardillo

Media usage profile of adolescents in varied economic background

May 2021

Media plays an important role in social development and teenagers are the future of the society. This study made an attempt to elicit responses from teenagers on media content by projecting questions such as; what kind of content are teenagers viewing/reading mostly? What are their favourite programmes; Do they search for any information about nutrition and health related matters? What is the primary source of...

Author(s): Maheshwar Mekam, Sylvia Fernandez Rao, Jagdish Buwade, Narender Karnam and Balakrishna Nagalla  

Women, start your engines: US and UK media portrayal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia women driving ban

January 2021

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) was the only country to ban women from driving until a royal decree changed this in June 2018. The controversy before and after the ban gained media attention and is the foundation for this study, examining how US and UK media covered the women driving ban. Framing theory and thematic analysis were used to examine 80 articles randomly chosen from 10 prominent and most trusted US and UK...

Author(s): Saud A. Alsulaiman, and Terry L. Rentner

Cultivating Biafran agenda in Nigeria: Evaluation of the influence of radio Biafra’s rhetoric of ethnic marginalization on rural dwellers in the South-east

January 2021

The systematic exclusion of the Igbos from key national leadership positions in Nigeria made the rise of secession-seeking groups and demand for self-government inevitable in the region. IPOB is one of these secession seeking groups which uses its radio station to communicate its agenda. Following its stirring rhetoric and extremist views, much has been heard of the place of radio Biafra in the ongoing IPOB agitation in...

Author(s): IKEGBUNAM Peter C. and AGUDOSY Fabian I.

News worthiness and Public trust in sub-Sahara African: Examining the impact of tabloid journalism in Zambia

January 2021

This study set out to understand the role of tabloid news content in establishing public news trust in Zambia. The study compared tabloid news stories (usually frowned upon as unprofessional by most African journalists and scholars) to professional news writing styles, which are rooted in Western journalism education. Drawing from studies that critique tabloid journalism as consumed by people lacking critical abilities...

Author(s): Gregory Gondwe

Well-received Chinese rhetorical strategies as identified in the public speeches and reports by Chinese leaders

October 2020

Cross-cultural communication is inseparable from both oral and written communication. But effective language communication requires effective rhetorical strategies in terms of selecting the most effective means of persuasion to ensure its success. Aristotle defined rhetoric as “the art of identifying (and applying), in any given situation, the most likely means of persuasion.”  Naturally, to conduct...

Author(s): Pinfan Zhu

Rural women's radio listening behavior and program preferences in SNNPRS, the case of Sidama and Gedeo Zones

October 2020

The objective of the study was to identify rural women's radio program preferences and listening behaviours. Survey was used to gather information from 200 rural women selected through multistage sampling from Sidama and Gedeo Zones. Descriptive statistic such as frequency and percentage were used to present results. Moreover, association among the different variables was tested using correlation and multiple...

Author(s): Yohannes Shiferaw Jira  

Effectiveness of communication on epidemic personal protection with community residents via new media during COVID-19 outbreak: Data from China

August 2020

Personal protection measures are the key to COVID-19 epidemic control and prevention in the community. Newer forms of media present useful options for such information transmission. By presenting primary data from 420 residents in mainland China, this exploratory study aims to explore the communication mechanism which utilizes new media for disseminating epidemic-related information in the community during the COVID-19...

Author(s): Qingze Yu, and Weihui Mao  

Role of social media in Ethiopia's recent political transition

July 2020

This research aims to explore to what extent the popular social media positively and negatively affected Ethiopia's recent political transition. Further, the research focuses on how the social media played a role in leading to the overthrow of the state capture by the authoritarian and how they are playing role in the process since then. Qualitative research and analysis have been applied to depict the impact of...

Author(s): Adamu, Meseret Assefa  

Desensitization of the Lebanese audience to the portrayal of violence on Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad: A case study

March 2020

This research investigated the desensitization signs shown by the Lebanese audience to the violence portrayed on Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. The research’s study was a qualitative case study of the theory of desensitization applied on two Lebanese participants, each watching respectively the series Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. The participants were chosen based on the fact that one had never watched...

Author(s): Tamara Noelle Alicia Abi-Khalil

Literature review of sexual reproductive health campaign messages: What are the milestones and potential research topics within the Kenyan context?

October 2019

This paper presents a literature review of the sexual reproductive health campaign messages and highlights the milestones in the existing literature. The review begins with definition of health campaign messages and other key concepts. The subject is then situated within the discipline of communication studies particularly within the branch of health communication. A review of relevant theories follows after which...

Author(s): Bernice Ndegi Gatere and Charles Ongondo  

Facebook use among Nigerians in Houston Texas USA

September 2019

Social Media came into our world in the 21st century and changed the way things are done, knitting itself into the fabric of everyday living. It has opened the world in ways that was unimagined in previous decades, connecting people through time and space. Being one of the largest immigrant groups in Houston Texas, this study investigates how Nigerians have embraced the new medium as Diasporas. Two Hundred Nigerians...

Author(s): Agnes Agbo Monjok, Christian Chinwe Ulasi and Eui Bun Lee

A study on the effect of 13 Reasons Why on young adults with low self-esteem

September 2019

The study was designed to examine the effect of 13 Reasons Why on 216 young adults with low self-esteem. Survey method was used to obtain the responses from the samples, before and after watching 13 Reasons Why. The findings of the study revealed that, 13 Reasons Why improved self-esteem in the female samples alone. No improvement in self-esteem was observed in the male samples.   Key words: Thirteen...

Author(s): P. Samuel Duraivel and R. Lavanya

An exploration into the revival path of Peking Opera in the perspective of "Cooperative Communication": Discussion on the dispute between Leehom Wang and Peiyu Wang in a Chinese Talk Show

June 2019

November 4th, 2018, in the first episode of the third season of the Tucao Conference, a most popular talk show in China, pop singer Leehom Wang and Peking Opera actor Peiyu Wang debated whether pop songs should be incorporated with elements of Peking Opera. Peiyu Wang believes that young people should give themselves the opportunity to listen to Peking Opera. Pop songs should not encroach on Peking Opera. She thinks it...

Author(s): Yan Zhang, Tianyu Li and Yanwen Xu

The voices of culture, conservation and the media event around bullfight ‘Jallikattu’ in Tamil Nadu, India

March 2019

In the Southern Indian ‘State of Tamil Nadu’, the traditional Jallikattu sport involving young men competing against bulls is described as one of the ancient living sports in the modern era. Based on petitions by animal rights groups, the Supreme Court of India banned the ancient sport of Jallikattu in 2014 on the grounds of animal cruelty. The ban of this traditional sport ignited protests culminating in a...

Author(s): Jayashree B, Arul Aram and Yasmin Ibrahim  

Comparison of the effects of cognitive age and advertising credibility of the elderly on reading advertising with different information loads

February 2019

This study aims to find the different effects on the elderly caused by reading advertising with different information loads due to differences of cognitive age and advertising credibility. Young adults and middle-aged adults are compared with the elderly. The results reveal that different ages show differences in cognitive age but not in advertising credibility. Most of the respondents in the three age groups have a low...

Author(s): Yu Shu-Yin  

Delving into the political role of the media: An analysis of South Africa’s mail and guardian and the online reception of its electioneering message

January 2019

Research trends illustrate that media institutions have a role in influencing the citizenry through their political communication objectives.  This research paper grapples with the idea of the press as a political actor in South Africa. This has been done through the analysis of online comments responding to the Mail & Guardian’s editorial message/communiqué on its political position during the...

Author(s): Siyasanga M. Tyali  

The changing nature of “News Reporting, Story Development and Editing”

December 2018

With advancements in technology in this age of globalization and digital media, the nature of News Reporting, Story Development and Editing across the United States have been constantly evolving. Through a systematic secondary research, the current research would examine various factors which led to the evolutionary journey of News Reporting, when there was simply a man behind a desk delivering news to the age of...

Author(s): Ghadeer Al Najar  

Does mobile technology increase the diversity of news? A content analysis of news notifications on mobile phones

December 2018

Through conducting a content analysis of news notifications on the mobile media platform, the current study mainly finds that 1) no agenda correlation exists among legacy media outlets; 2) an agenda correlation is found between non-legacy media outlets and legacy media outlets; 3) in terms of news pushing frequencies, non-legacy media outlets, and legacy media outlets share different news pushing patterns on the mobile...

Author(s): Fei Qiao  

Forecasting, forewarning weather and disasters in the social web: A network study

November 2018

Web 2.0 environments like the social web have redefined communication altogether through the proliferation of user generated content. With escalating global instances of disasters, people more particularly the millennial community tend to consume increased amounts of multitudinous information pertaining to weather and its woes in the social web apart from actively participating in the disaster discourse. The current...

Author(s): Mahalakshmi Selvaraj and Sunitha Kuppuswamy

Perception of medical awareness of media analyzed by multilayer perceptron

November 2018

The study considers the perception of medical errors and media awareness. This study identifies the effectiveness of the television media intervention in creating awareness on medical malpractices and it has find out the impact of maintaining medical records of a family online by the family doctor in reducing medical malpractices. This creates the importance of service quality in medical industry through the multilayer...

Author(s): K. Ravichandran, S. Arulchelvan and K. PeriyaKannan

Media and disaster management: Analysing communication trends in flood ravaged communities in Benue State, North Central Nigeria

October 2018

The need to communicate early and frequently with multiple stakeholders is to ensure effective communication towards enhanced preparedness and response efforts in order to reduce disaster fatality rate. The media are critical stakeholders in disaster management as their contents create awareness and educate people in building resilience, reducing disaster risk and vulnerability in pre, during and after disaster. This...

Author(s): Muritala O. Oke, Afolabi T. Adeyinka and Oshinfowokan Grace Oluseyi  

Public relations in corporate reputation management: A case of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

October 2018

This study aims to explore the practice of public relations management in maintaining relations with the public who interact with a corporate organization. To investigate the role of public relations in maintaining good reputation, a mixed method approach was employed taking Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporate as a case study. Data were collected from different instruments such as questionnaire, document review and...

Author(s): Samson Mekonnen Hailu  

And the Oscar goes to . . . Global Cinema!!! Taking a Close-Up Look at the Business and Legal Challenges and Opportunities of International and U.S. Film Industries

September 2018

For over 120 years, the global cinema industry has been an important segment of the world economy which has had a significant impact on the economy and culture of countries. This article analyzes the world film industry, with a close up focused on the U.S. movie market, utilizing SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) as a strategic tool to consider the internal and external challenges and opportunities...

Author(s): Joyce Boland-DeVito  

Management for sustaining the fishery resources in Pulicat estuary, India

September 2018

The study aims to establish strategies on how to manage coastal fisheries conflicts and livelihood in Pulicat estuary. This estuary, lying in the east of the Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh States in India, is the second largest brackish water body in India, the first being the Chilika estuary in the State of Odisha. The total area of the estuary is 759 km2 with many island as part of it. But only 360 km in the southern...

Author(s): S. Jerard Majella Francis and I. Arul Aram  

Impact of mobile advisory and face-to-face communication in capability building among Indian farmers

August 2018

This paper analyzed the impact of mobile advisory and face-to-face communication in capability building of farmers in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. These farmers accessed agricultural training and information services through Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). KVKs had been established in different parts of the country to enhance agricultural productivity and to promote rural wellbeing. Gigler’s Alternative...

Author(s): E. Christy Leema, Rose Mary and I. Arul Aram  

Twitter and sports journalism in Germany: Application and networks during the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

July 2018

Professions in the communication realm are affected by Twitter’s rapidity, agenda setting, and myriad utilization possibilities. This study addresses potentials of Twitter for journalists in the sport context and assessed journalists’ Twitter activity, as well as journalists’ Twitter networks and their change in the course of the 2014 Winter Olympics. The sample was composed of the accounts of 30...

Author(s): Christoph G. Grimmer and Thomas Horky  

Social media as a means to overcome stress and depression among women

July 2018

Depression constitutes a serious challenge in personal and public health. Tens of millions of people each year suffer from depression and only a fraction receives treatment (de Choudhury, 2013). Stress and depression drains one of the feel-good factors essential to sustain the energy that gives the impetuous to hope and move forward. Depression in women is made more complex because of factors such as reproductive...

Author(s): V. R. Revathy, I. A. Aram and V. S. Sharmila  

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