International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009

IJLP Articles in press

Characterization of indigenous chicken production and breeding practices in BakoTibe and Dano districts of Western Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Bako Tibe and Dano districts of Oromia region, Ethiopia with the objectives to identify indigenous chicken production, husbandry and breeding practices and farmer’s traits preference of chickens. Data were collected using semi-structured formal questionnaires and focus group discussions. A total of 119 households (60 from Bako Tibe and 59 from Dano district), were randomly selected using a...

Author(s):Gutu Fekede, Yosef Tadesse and Wondemeneh Esatu

Production objectives and farmers selection criteria of indigenous sheep types in some selected East Gojam Zone Districts, North western Ethiopia: Implication for designing community based breeding strategies

Article in Press

This study was aimed to generate basic information on production objectives and selection criteria of indigenous sheep types under farmer’s management condition in some selected East Gojam zone districts. Multistage purposive sampling was employed based on the potential of sheep production. For that purpose About 270 households (90 from each district) were used for household survey. The main objectives of keeping sheep...

Author(s):Michael Abera, Kefelegn kebede and Yoseph Mekasha

Review on bovine hydatidosis and its public health and economic importance in Ethiopia

Article in Press

Hydatidosis is a globally distributed zoonotic parasitic disease, caused by larval stages of Echinococcus granulosus for which large numbers of mammalian species are significant hosts for the occurrence of hydatid cyst in man. Livestock are infected through the ingestion of contaminated pasture with the feces of infected dogs. Dogs usually become infected by ingestion of contaminated meat of cattle and other livestock with...

Author(s):Zinabu Nigus Belay

Major Causes of Organs and Carcass Condemnation of Cattle Slaughtered at Hirna Municipal Abattior, Western Hararghe Zone

Article in Press

Cross sectional study was conducted from November, 2018 to March, 2019 to investigate the major causes of organs/carcass condemnation and to estimate the financial loss encountered in cattle slaughtered at Hirna municipal abattoir. Both Ante mortem and Post mortem examination were employed to detect any abnormalities on the animals during the study period. Accordingly, a total of 384 randomly selected slaughtered cattle...

Author(s):Mishamo Sulayeman, Yared Tesfaye, Gizachew Hailegebrea, Mandefrot Meaza

On Farm Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Goats Types in Bale zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The aim of this study was to characterize goat types of Bale zone using quantitative and qualitative trait and estimate body weight through measuring different body measurements of goats. Purposive and multistage sampling were used for selection of district and kebeles. about 567 female and 63 male goats were sampled for body measurement and morphometric character. Out of the total sampled goat population in the study area...

Author(s):Belete Asefa, Kefelegn Kebede, Kefena Effa

Evaluation and Demonstration of Dual Purpose Chicken “Potchefstroom Koekoek” Technology Packages under small holder farmers in Central and North western Tigray Ethiopia

Article in Press

Introduction of Koekoek chicken was carried out at Adwa and MedabayZana districts in Tigray to evaluate its performance and promote the breed with full-fledged poultry packages. The areas were selected purposely to centre the two potential zones of the region. Each participant was given about 50 day old chicks along with starter feed, drinkers and feeders. Data on survival, productivity, costs and farmers’ perception...

Author(s):Bruh Weldemariam, Mearg Fitsum, Alemayohu Amare, Bahlbi Weldegebreal, Brhanu Haile

Traditional Breeding Objectives of Indigenous Sheep Populations Reared in East Shoa and West Arsi Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha and Bora districts from east Shoa zone as well as Kofele and Asasa from west Arsi zone of Oromia regional state. The objective of this study was to describe the breeding objectives of the farmers who keep indigenous sheep found in the study areas. The study was conducted using semi–structured questionnaire, followed by focus group discussions. A questionnaire was used...

Author(s):Ashebir Worku, Aberra Melesse, Sandip Banerjee

Phenotypic response to mass selection for weaning weight and 18-month weight in Tswana cattle

Article in Press

The objectives of this study were to identify the significant environmental factors that influenced growth traits and to evaluate phenotypic response of growth traits to selection at weaning (S1) and 18-months of age (S2) and the unselected control line (S3) in Tswana cattle. Phenotypic analysis for average daily gains (ADGs) and growth traits were conducted using 7223 records of animals which were born between 1996 and...

Author(s):M. I. Keoletile, S. D. Mulugeta and J. C. Moreki

Nutrient Utilization and Fattening Performances of Menz Ram Lambs Fed Grass Hay Basal Diet and Supplemented Wheat Bran and Lentil broken screening

Article in Press

An experiment was conducted to evaluate fattening performance of Menz ram lambs fed grass hay basal diet and supplemented different combination of wheat bran and lentil broken screening. The treatments were T1 (30g wheat bran 133g lentil broken screening), T2 (235g lentil broken screening only), T3 (285g wheat bran only), and T4 (227g wheat bran and 120 lentil broken screening). Twenty four Menz ram lambs of 8 to 10 months...

Author(s):Wude Tsega, Berhan Tamir and Girma Abebe

Productive Performances of Crossbred Dairy Cattle at Holetta Agricultural Research Center

Article in Press

This study was conducted to evaluate the productive performances of crossbred dairy cattle at Holetta research center dairy farm. A total of 8123 performance records were used and analyzed to determine the effect of period of calving, season of calving, parity and genetic group. The parameters used us indicator of productive performances were Lactation milk yield (LMY), daily milk yield (DMY) and lactation length (LL). The...

Author(s):Kefale Getahun, Million Tadesse, Direba Hundie, Yosef Tadesse

Enset (Ensete ventricosum) as a livestock feed in Ethiopia – review

Article in Press

Feed shortage in terms of quantity and quality is a major problem affecting livestock production and productivity in Ethiopia. Although there is livestock feed shortage in the country however, the available conventional and non-conventional feed resources are not properly utilized by farmers. Enset is a monocarpic short-lived perennial plant which is widely cultivated in the central, southern and south-western parts of...

Author(s):Nigussu Fekade

Phenotypic characterization of local chicken ecotypes of Benishangul-gumuz region, western Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted in four districts (Bambassi, Kamashi, Mao-komo and Homosha) of Benishangul-Gumuz regional state to describe physical and morphological characteristics of local chicken population in the study area. A total of 847 matured local chickens (619 females and 228 males) were randomly sampled from the study area. Mean live body weight and other linear body measurements of males was significantly (p

Author(s):Habtamu Alebachew, Alemayehu Abebe, Dessie Abera Fekadu Begna, Kedja Ahmed, Alayu Tarekegn and Diribi Mijana

Environmental and genetic components influencing mature cow weight in Tswana cattle selected for early growth traits

Article in Press

The objective of this study was to determine the environmental and genetic factors influencing mature cow weight (MCW) trait in Tswana cattle breed. Analyses of environmental and genetic effects for mature cow weight trait were performed using 19301 records of Tswana cows born between 1996 and 2010 from 610 dams and 137 sires in 54 contemporaries. Mature cow weight trait was analysed using repeatability model. The...

Author(s):M. I. Keoletile and S. D. Mulugeta

Comparing Management and Biosecurity of Feedlots before Live Animal Export: Livestock Export from Adama Quarantine Stations, DireDawa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

To improve the competitiveness of live animals and meat export from Ethiopia tremendous interventions in the coordination of livestock marketing activities and biosecurity for provision of market support services are needed. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare and identify the management and biosecurity and major constraints of feedlot industries in Adama quarantine area. Three feedlot farms were used to collect...

Author(s):Jirata Shiferaw and Wesenu Berhanu

Chemical Composition and Comprehensive Strength of Urea Molasses Blocks Supplements Using Different Drying Method and Binding Agents for Ruminants

Article in Press

The study was designed to evaluate the chemical composition and comprehensive strength of urea molasses blocks using different binding agents, fibre source and drying methods. Different blocks were produced and dried for seven days under shade and sun. Dry matter content was higher 92.7% in sun dried rice bran with cement (SRWC) and 92.6% in sun dried wheat offal with cement (SWWC) with the least 88.0% in shade dried wheat...

Author(s):Jibrin Yerima

Effect of feeding fish meal on growth performance and carcass characteristic of koekoek chicken in Bora district, East Shoa zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to evaluate growth performance, carcass characteristics and economic benefit of koekoek chickens fed different levels of fish meal as replacement to soybean in Bora district of East shoa zone, Ethiopia. Fish offal was collected from Koka reservoir and Ellen Lake and then cooked and sun dried. The treatments contained control (T1), 5% fish meal and 15% soybean meal; T2,10% soybean meal and 10% fish...

Author(s):Kedir Abdurahman, Ajebu Nurfeta and Abule Ebro

Review on Opportunities and Challenges of Dairy cattle production in Ethiopia

Article in Press

This review is conducted to assess the Opportunities and Challenges of Dairy cattle production in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia the dairy industry plays an enormous role in ensuring food security and creating rural employment in the highland and lowland areas. In Ethiopia, dairying is experienced throughout the country by a large number of rural and urban producers. Indigenous breeds of cows are generally considered as low milk...

Author(s):Neamn Gebreselassie

Indigenous Chicken Production System and its Constraints in the Eastern and South Eastern Zones of Tigray, northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Survey was aiming to characterize indigenous chicken production in eastern and south eastern zone of Tigray region. Two peasant associations were selected from each district and 178 households were interviewed. The flock sizes was 6.22 chicks, 3.37 pullets, 2.58 cockerels, 3.88 hens and 1.61 cocks per household and 98.9% and 99.4% of farmers supplement feed and water to chickens respectively. About 79% of farmers had...

Author(s):Mehari Resom, Shumuye Belay

Selected vegetable and fruit wastes for poultry feed: Review

Article in Press

This review was done to assess some selected vegetable and fruit wastes used as poultry feed and indicate the inclusion rate of them in poultry ration. Among vegetable wastes, culled carrots at 4% and carrot tops up to 15% inclusion level improved yolk colour. Dried tomato pomace and tomato seed could be incorporated in poultry rations at the level of 20% and 15% respectively, without any adverse effect. Cooked potatoes...

Author(s):Melkamu Bezabih

Evaluation of production and reproduction performance of village chicken, egg quality traits and marketing system in Dedo district, Jimma zone, South West Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to evaluate production and reproduction performance of village chicken and egg quality traits and marketing system in Dedo district, Jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Three different agro- ecologies (high, mid and lowlands) of the district were purposively selected based on poultry population and accessibility. Stratified probability random sampling method was followed to select two peasant...

Author(s):Amanuel Bekuma

Characterization of Village Chicken Production and Marketing System in Eastern and South Eastern Zone of Tigray

Article in Press

The study was done with objective of assessing production, reproduction performance and marketing system of village chickens in eastern and south eastern zone of Tigray region. Three districts covering two peasant associations (PA) were selected purposely based on chicken potential. About 178 households having experience on chicken production were interviewed. Therefore, the breed compositions were 8.60 locals, 5.46 exotic...

Author(s):Hagos Mehari Kebede

Live pigs sale in the south-eastern zone of the maritime region of Togo : Who and how ?

Article in Press

In Togo, the growth of pork consumption has led to the increase of pig farming. However, there is a lake of information according to it trading. In order to identify who are involved in the live pig trade and their means, a survey was carried out in the Prefectures of the Lacs, Vo, Bas-Mono, and Yoto. About 60 traders are interviewed on how they operate and the contribution of this activity to their daily lives. Analysis...

Author(s):Koffi G. Somenutse, Sodjinin K. Ekoue, Komi Sanou, Komi F. Djeguema, Dosseh Aziaba

Characterization of village chicken production and marketing system in Dedo Woreda, Jimma zone, South West Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study is conducted in Dedo Woreda of Jimma Zone with the objective of characterizing village chicken production and marketing systems.Three different agro-ecologies (high, mid and lowlands) of the Woreda were purposively selected based on poultry population and accessibility of infrastructure. Stratified probability random sampling method was followed to select two peasant associations (PA) from each of the three...

Author(s):Meskerem Asefa

Challenges of Nomadic Pastoralists in Availing Primary Education to their Children, focusing on Hawd Region of Somaliland

Article in Press

Pastoralists in Hawd have been cited by many people in Somaliland as the most desperate people. Denied the right to primary education, these pastoralists feel very frustrated. Their children are destined of dropping out before completing the education cycle. They have always been blamed for their backwardness which is one of the reasons policy directed interventions are blind about extension of educational services as well...

Author(s):Ahmed Ismail Ali

Biomass Yield and Nutritional Quality of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) Cultivars Grown under Irrigation Condition in Lowland Altitude of Humbo District, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The objective of this study was to determine the agronomic performances, yield and nutritional quality of lablab cultivars grown under irrigation condition in lowland altitude of Humbo district, Wolaita Zone. The experiment was conducted from December 2016 to April 2017. The field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The cultivars tested were Rongai, Highworth and Red...

Author(s):Keven Fasika

Prevalence of S. aureus and Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Dairy Farms in Meki Town

Article in Press

The current study was conducted with the objectives of identifying Staphylococcus aureus from mastitis positive quarters and further screening of MRSA from positive cases for the bacteria. Identification of MRSA in dairy herd helps in determining its prevalence and provide information for further study. This study revealed insignificant (p≥0.05) prevalence of S. aureus in clinical (47.4%) and in subclinical (57.8%)...

Author(s):Abdela Edao

Determination of bee spacing and comb cell dimension for A. mellifera scutellata honeybee race across different agro-ecology in western Ethiopia

Article in Press

A study was conducted at Wombera and Pawe districts of Benishangul-gumuz regional state, western Ethiopia, aiming to determine the bee spacing and cell dimensions of honeybee race and recommended an appropriate bee spacing and cell dimension for Apis mellifera scutellata. Wombera and Pawe districts were purposively selected to represent highland and lowland agro-ecologies respectively. The measurement of bee space, cell...

Author(s):Habtie Arega

Status of livestock resources of Kedarnath Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India

Article in Press

The Kedarnath Valley of Garhwal Himalaya is very rich in livestock resources. Livestock in the Kedarnath Valley has been reared basically for the production of milk and their related products that can supplement the family income and sustain agriculture. A total of 17 villages were surveyed during the study period to assess the potential use of livestock resources in the Kedarnath Valley. The information was collected...

Author(s):Chandi Prasad and Ramesh C. Sharma

Evaluation of Ackee Apple Arils Meal Based Diet on the Performance Characteristics of West Afrcan Dwarf Goat

Article in Press

Feeding livestock in the tropical environment is faced with serious shortage of proteinous feedstuffs hence; there is the urgent need to search for cheap, readily available, and non-competitive with human need for food. This study therefore was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Ackee Apple Arils meal (AAAM) in the diet of West African dwarf goats. Twelve (n=12) West African dwarf goats were randomised against four...

Author(s):Belewu M.A

Feeds with anti-nutritional factors and productivity of non-ruminant animals

Article in Press

Recently animal-products are mainly coming from the non-ruminant animals, but commercial protein source feeds are becoming costly and inaccessible that affects from further productivity enhancements. Commercial soybean meal (SBM) can partially be replaced by raw full-fat soybean (RFSB), but concentration of anti-nutritional factors (ANF) might be more than the threshold levels for these animals, particularly for poultry....

Author(s):Erdaw Mammo Mengesha

Effect of Supplementing Different concentrate with wheat bran mixture on feed intake and digestibility of lactating crossbred

Article in Press

The objective of this study was to evaluate effect of noug seed cake, linseed cake and cottonseed cakemixed with wheat bran as a concentrate supplement to oat-vetch mixture hay on feed intake and nutrient utilization in lactating crossbred dairy cows. Four crossbred dairy cows with similar lactation stage (mid lactation) were used. Four feed types were considered for the study; namely, oat-vetch hay, noug cake, cotton seed...

Author(s):Marishet Teshome

Assessment of Veterinary Services in Selected Areas of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted from November, 2015 to April, 2016 for the aim of to identify the major veterinary service constraints, to assess livestock disease outbreak reporting system and livestock disease control and prevention strategies in the study area. The study was carried out in selected area of Wolaita zone namely: Sodo zuria, Boloso Sore and Damot Gale districts. For this purpose a semi-questionnaire survey was...

Author(s):Eyob Eshetu

Review of Common Causes of abortion in sheep and goat in Ethiopia

Article in Press

The economic and public health impact of cause of abortion remains of concern in developing countries. Abortion can generally cause significant loss of productivity through death and expulsion of foetus by the ewe/doe before the end of a normal term of pregnancy, affect the future fertility, lactation and flock is culled annually. Common infectious causes of abortion in small ruminant include Brucellosis, Leptospirosis,...

Author(s):Dereje Tulu Robi

Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Four Breeds of Rams in Nigeria under Fattening Condition

Article in Press

The constraints to large scale production in the developing countries are non-identification of fast growing breeds and unavailability of adequate feed. It is therefore necessary to explore all possible avenues to adequately increase small ruminants’ meat production for human consumption through assessing the performance of the local breeds of rams. Four breeds of rams: Balami (BM), Uda (UD), Yankasa (YKS) and West...

Author(s):Akinleye Sule Bamidele

Effects of dietary replacement of soya bean meal with marula (Sclerocarya birrea caffra) seed cake with or without DL-methionine or phytase on productive performance and carcass characteristics in broiler chickens

Article in Press

High feed costs arising from the use of expensive imported protein sources limits intensive broiler production by smallholder farmers in developing countries. This necessitates the search for cheaper locally available alternative protein-rich feedstuffs. However, these are invariably laden with anti-nutritional factors (ANFs), investigation of strategies to counter the deleterious effects of which is of necessity. The aim...

Author(s):Mthiyane Doctor Mziwenkosi Nhlanhla

Skills Required by Agricultural Education Graduates in Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) Farming for Self-Employment in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Article in Press

The acquisition of skills in grasscutter farming will give rise to graduates who are self-reliant as unemployment will be reduced and there will be increase in the production of bush meat to meet the consumption demand in Kaduna state, hence this identified skills required by agricultural education graduates in grasscutter farming for self employment in Kaduna State. The study was guided by three objectives. Three research...

Author(s):Amonjenu Anthony

Phenotypic Characterization of Dorper, Local sheep and their Crossbred Sheep Population in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted at Sirinka Agriculture Research Center to phenotypically characterize local, pure Dorper and their F1 crossbred sheep populations. The animals were grouped into three age groups based on 0 pair of permanent incisor (0PPI), 1 pair of permanent incisors (1PPI) and 2 and above pairs of permanent incisors (≥2PPI). A total of 17 linear measurements, body weight and scrotal circumference for males...

Author(s):Jemal Mohammed

Effects of dietary supplementation with high levels of marula (Sclerocarya birrea) seed cake with or without graded levels of DL-methionine and phytase enzyme on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens at finisher phase

Article in Press

This study investigated effects of dietary supplementation with graded levels of DL-methionine and phytase enzyme on performance and carcass characteristics of broilers fed diets containing high levels of marula (Sclerocarya birrea A. Rich.) seed cake (MSC), an alternative locally available feedstuff. Two hundred and seventy 28-day-old broilers were ad libitum fed treatment diets in a 3 x 3 factorial design involving 2...

Author(s):Mziwenkosi Nhlanhla MTHIYANE

Assessment Study on Livestock Feed Resources, Feed Availability and Production Constraints in Maale Woreda in South Omo, South Western, Ethiopia.

Article in Press

The study was carried out in Maale Woreda aimed to assess feed resource, feed resource availability and feed production constraints. Six kebeles from Woreda were selected and focus group discussions and key informants had employed to enrich the primary data on feed resources, feed resource availability, feed conservation practices and feed resources utilization and major livestock feed production constraints. The study...

Author(s):Denbela Hidosa

Analysis of Factors influencing Profitability of Rabbit Farming in Kenya

Article in Press

The study aimed at assessing factors influencing the profitability of rabbit farming in Nakuru, Kiambu and Nyeri Counties of Kenya. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from 459 farmers from the three counties. Two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression model and descriptives were used to analyze data. Comparison of means showed that the mean difference between rabbit and non-rabbit keepers for age,...

Author(s):Chrispinus Mutsami, John Irungu Mburu and Margaret M. Wanyoike

Marketing of major milk products in and around Debre Berhan Town, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to study marketing system in urban and peri urban area of Debre Berhan town. Formal survey was used to collect data from six kebeles, which were selected from urban and peri urban area of Debre Berhan. A total of 180 households (60 from urban and 120 from peri urban) were selected based on ownership of dairy cow and willingness to participate in the study. The major milk customers reportedly...

Author(s):Abebe Bereda

Linear Body Measurements and Growth Performance Characteristics of Female Rabbits fed Cocoa Bean Shell Meal - based Diets

Article in Press

The Linear Body Measurements (LBMs) and Growth Performance Characteristics of Fourty (40) cross bred (New Zealand White X Chinchilla X Californian breeds) female rabbits weighing between 800.00 and 847.00g were determined in this study, which lasted Sixty (60) days. After weight equalization, eight (8) rabbits per treatment were randomly divided into five dietary treatments designated as T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 containing...


Characterization of pork marketing and challenges in Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted to characterize pork and pork products marketing and challenges in Ethiopia. Multi-stage random sampling procedure was applied to select a total of 40 pork retailers from six towns. Structured questionnaire was used for face to face interview to collect information. Pork retailers were clustered into three categories as small, medium and large scale based on quantities of pork they sell per day....

Author(s):ZEMELAK SAHLE GORAGA, Ermias Tsadik, Tewodros Fikadu, Gustavo Lima

Establishing for the first time high-density protein banks for livestock feeding in Burkina Baso (West Africa): overall agronomic performance under contrasting edaphoclimatic conditions

Article in Press

This study aimed to evaluate, for the first time, the establishment of high-density protein banks (PBs) for livestock feeding in West Africa (Burkina Faso). During seven consecutive months of the first year of establishment (from June to January), we monitored the agronomic performance of two widely recognised woody fodder species (i.e. one leguminous: leucaena, Leucaena leucocephala; and one non-leguminous: mulberry,...

Author(s):González-García Eliel


Article in Press

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2013 to March 2014 with the purpose of determining the prevalence, identification species of lung worm circulating in the area and assessing the economic importance of lungworm infection in sheep originated from Dessie and Kombolcha districts. Coproscopic examination was conducted on 477 sheep kept under extensive and semi- intensive management systems. Of these examined...

Author(s):Dubie Teshager

High prevalence of ectoparasite of poultry in Nsukka Municipality, Enugu State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Diseases in poultry remain a major source of concern to farmers and the general public. Ectoparasites infestations in birds compromise their health, growth and productivity. In addition to serving as vectors of viral and bacterial infection, high intensity of infestation may cause mortality in birds. This study which was carried out from July to September 2014 and examined a total of 93 domestic birds (52 fowls, Gallus...

Author(s):Ekeh F. N., Odo G. E., Ekechukwu N. E., Agwu E. J., Ezea O. C.

Digestibility and growth performance of Dorper×Afar F1 sheep fed Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay supplemented with alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Lablab (Lablab purpures), Leucaena leucocephala and concentrate mixture

Article in Press

A study was conducted to determine effect of supplementation with isonitrogenous level of concentrate mixture (CM; 33% noug seed cake (NSC) and 67% wheat bran (WB)), alfalfa, lablab, and Leucaena leucocephala (LL) on feed intake, digestibility, daily body weight gain (ADG) and net return of sheep kept on Rhodes grass hay (RGH) basal diet. Twenty four yearling male Dorper×Afar F1 crossbred sheep were used in completely...

Author(s):Worknesh Seid, Getachew Animut

Review on milk and milk product safety, quality assurance and control

Article in Press

Food safety and quality are critical issues that should be given more attention all over the world mainly from nutritional quality and human health point of view. Food safety is a scientific field of study which deals with handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness. Food safety system is often categorized into two, namely traditional and science-based systems. Food can be used as a...

Author(s):Merwan Ahmedsham, Nezif Amza, Metekia Tamiru

Challenges of supplying turkey meat to consumer market in Osun State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Rearing of turkeys in Nigeria is of immense economic importance in many respects. Turkey production in Nigeria has largely remained at the smallholder level and the supply of the meat has tended to be seasonal due to high cost of production and inadequate skill of the producers. However, in recent times, there has been a steady increase in the demand for turkey meat throughout the year as a result of increasing population,...

Author(s):Adeyemo A. A., Yusuf A., Iyanda A. A.

Geographic information system based land suitability modeling for camel production in Dubti and Mile District, Afar National Regional State, Northeast Ethiopia

Article in Press

Technical evaluation of land suitability by using geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies play an indispensable role to reduce the difficulties of livestock production. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of land for camel production with the help of GIS and remote sensing techniques in Dubti and Mile District of Afar National Regional State; and producing land...

Author(s):Bewketu Mamaru Mengstie, Gebrie Tsegaye Mersha

Page 2 of 3, showing 50 records out of 103 total, starting on record 51, ending on 100