International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009

IJLP Articles in press

Optimum inclusion rates of concentrates into forages as methane emission reducing strategy in Ethiopia.

Article in Press

This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient compositions and effects of seven different forage to concentrate (R: C) ratios (100:0, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 30:70 and 0:100) on gas and methane (CH4) production, in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), metabolizable energy (ME) and concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) using in vitro gas production technique. Different roughage feeds: Alfalfa hay...

Author(s):dietary strategy; methane emission; ruminant; feeds

Mutual effects of black soldier fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal and intermittent lighting on the growth performance of broiler chicken

Article in Press

The study was conducted to evaluate the mutual effects of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal (BSFLM) and intermittent lighting on the growth performance of broiler chicken. A total of 240 day-old chicks were randomly distributed to 4X4 CRD Factorial. Factor A included 100% commercial ration (A1), 95% commercial ration and 5% BSFLM (A2), 90% commercial ration and 10% BSFLM (A3), 85% commercial ration and 15% BSFLM (A4). Factor...


Evaluation of Quality and Maternal Antibody Transfer Efficiency among Three Broiler Chicken Strains at 3 Days of Age

Article in Press

This study aimed to assess the quality of 3-day-old chicks and maternally derived antibodies (MDAs) in different strains of broiler chickens. The research was conducted at the Poultry Unit of the Teaching and Research Farm, Ekiti State University, Nigeria. Three strains of broiler chickens (Arbor Acres, Cobb-500 and Ross 308) were evaluated for qualitative and quantitative properties. The results showed that the frequency...

Author(s):Adepoju AA, Fajemilehin SOK, Ojo JO. Adelabu DB, Fadairo LO. and Jemiseye FD

Perception of Farmers on the Efficiency of Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle in Selected Regions of Tanzania

Article in Press

This study evaluated farmers' perception of the efficiency of Artificial Insemination (AI) in dairy cattle in four Tanzanian regions: Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya, and Mwanza. Using a pre-tested questionnaire, data were gathered from 212 farmers, exploring socio-demographic characteristics, animal management, breeding practices, challenges, and suggestions for AI improvement. AI efficiency was assessed through the...

Author(s):Janeth Donald Mbuma, George Mutani Msalya and Isaac Pastory Kashoma

Assesment of challenge and opportunity of village poultry production in Tercha town, Dawuro Zone Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Dawuro Zone Tarcha town from Oct 2020 to March 2021 to identify the constraints and opportunities of village poultry production. Data were collected through both primaries from questionnaires and secondary data from different relevant offices, published and unpublished source. Target numbers of household’s selected for the study were about 30 households. The result of the study indicated that the...

Author(s):Ataro Abera

Economic advantage of supplementing tsara (Pterocarpus lucens) and Pigeon pea (Cajanes cajan) leaves relative to a concentrate mixture of Begait Sheep fed hay as a Basal diet in Tselemti District Northwestern zone of Tigray Northern Ethiopia.

Article in Press

The goal of the study was to ascertain if supplementing Tsara (Pterocarpus lucens) and Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) leaves would be more cost-effective than a concentrate mixture when fed to Begait sheep in the Tselemti District of the North Western zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, on a basal diet of hay. Twenty-five yearling male Begait sheep are used in the experiment. Five dietary treatments are set up in a randomized...

Author(s):Abraham Teklehaymanot

Demonstration on the Effect of Storage Material and Period on Quality of Table Eggs

Article in Press

The study was conducted with the objectives to evaluate the effect of storage time and material on the internal and external quality of table eggs and compare improved egg storage practice technologies with the local practices. It was done in four districts with three treatments (T1=oil coated eggs stored in plastic only, T2=eggs stored in plastic with straw and T3=eggs stored in Zenbil with straw). About 240 eggs from...

Author(s):Mehari Resom, Tadesse Assefa and Abraha Gebre-mariam

Dairy cattle mortality in the cold highlands of Kenya: A case study of KALRO, Dairy Research Centre – Ol Joro Orok

Article in Press

The dairy industry accounts for 14% of Kenya’s agricultural GDP. The subsector is important as it supports food security, employment, health, and the growth of industries in Kenya. The livestock production potential is however affected by high incidences of mortalities of different classes of cattle. Data including the age of the animal, breed, sex and postmortem findings was collected at KALRO Dairy Research Centre, Ol...

Author(s): Nyaga Z, Mathai N., Juma G, Milcah C, and Kanegeni N.

Evaluation of major livestock feed resources and feeding system in Dalifage district of afar regional state, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted to assess the major livestock feed resources and feeding system of Dalifage district of Afar Regional state, Ethiopia. Three representative kebeles from pastoral and three from agro-pastoral were selected purposively from which 151 households were selected randomly for semistructured individual interview. Major feed resources were fodder trees, shrubs, (Acacia melifera, Grewia ferruginea, Salvadora...

Author(s):Mohammed Assen, Tegene Negesse and Merga Bayssa

Review on Feed Additives in Poultry.

Article in Press

This review paper was designed with the objectives of revising information on feed additives in poultry production. Poultry feed consists of a range of substances known as “feed additives”. It has non-nutritive substances usually added in amounts of less than 0.05 percent to maintain health status, uniformity and production efficiency in intensive production systems. These additives have now become vital components of...

Author(s):Abera Teshome Aleli

Growth performance of indigenous sheep types in highlands of Gurage area, South Ethiopia

Article in Press

The present study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of lambs and to assess the effect of non-genetic factors on growth traits of indigenous sheep population in highlands of Gurage area, South Ethiopia. Two districts were selected purposively based on highland sheep population distribution and flock size. Birth weight and live body weight records at different age of interval were monitored from 197 heads of...

Author(s):Tesfaye Kerga Shignato

Relationship between climate variability and mortality in livestock in the Savanna Agro ecological zone.

Article in Press

The study was carried out to investigate the effect of climate variability on the causes of mortality in livestock in the Savannah Agro-Ecological zone of Ghana. Climate data (rainfall, temperature, and humidity) and post-mortem (PM) reports of livestock (N=1366) spanning a period of eleven years were obtained from the Northern Regional Meteorological Agency and the Pong Tamale Central Laboratory, respectively. The PM...

Author(s):Terry Ansah, Juliana Bawah, and Emmanuel. Allegye-Cudjoe.

Modeling of growth curves for crossbred dairy cows

Article in Press

The study was performed to model growth curves of crossbred dairy cattle using different non-linear models. All available weight-age records of crossbred dairy cattle, collected from birth to 1008 days of ages during the thirty-two years periods (1985-2016) were used for the study. Nonlinear models were subjected to fit the data using the NLIN procedure of SAS ver. 9.40 (2013). The model(s) that best fit and describe the...

Author(s):Tassew Mohammed Ali, Raman Narang, Simarjeet Kaur, P.P. Dubey, C.S. Mukhopadhyay

The growth, carcass components and egg production of indigenous chicken strains in Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to evaluate the growth, carcass, and egg production performance of indigenous chicken strains kept under intensive production systems in Gambella region, Ethiopia. A total of 649 indigenous chickens of four (4) strains were kept for growth, carcass, and egg production performance evaluation. Completely randomized design (CRD) treatments were used. Chicks have been monitored from day one as much as...

Author(s):Getachew Bekele, Wondmeneh Esatu, Gebeyehu Goshu, Aberra Melesse and Tadelle Dessie

Diagnosis and control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia

Article in Press

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is a bacterial disease that infects respiratory track of cattle; it prevails in most part of the world. In Ethiopia it spreads and affects cattle production with lowering economic development of the country by locking export potential. Clinical diagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is unreliable as initial sign may be slight or non-existent and may be indistinguishable from any...

Author(s):Abas Mohammed Abdulla, Ziyad Mohammed Bilal and Iyob Lishan Mangasha

Introduction and evaluation of estrus synchronization for indigenous sheep under smallholder farmers

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Atsbiwonberta district, which is found in the eastern zone of the regional government of Tigray, Ethiopia to investigate the possibility of estrus synchronization in the highland sheep. One Kebele was selected as pilot site based on the assumption that there was one ongoing project of community based sheep breed improvement so that it could facilitate the rate of improvement through selection. A...

Author(s):Weldeyesus Gebreyowhens B, Bahlibi Weldegebrial S. and Yayneshet T.

Assessment of Stingless Bee (Apidae: Meliponini) Production Practices and Indigenous Knowledge in West Arsi and Bale Zones of Southeastern Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was proposed to assess the stingless bee production practices, distribution and indigenous knowledge in the Bale and West Arsi Zones of Southeastern Oromia. Three districts were considered within two zones. From each district three Rural Kebeles were selected and a total of 65 stingless bee honey hunters were interviewed and field observations were also added. Across-sectional study with purposive sampling...

Author(s):Bekele Tesfaye D and Temaro Gelgelu D

Prevalence of poultry coccidiosis in small scale and backyard poultry production system in Bishoftu town

Article in Press

One of infectious disease that affects poultry is coccidiosis, which is caused by parasitic protozoans of the genus Eimeria, also known as coccidians. A cross sectional was conducted to determine the prevalence of coccidiosis and its associated risk factor in Bishoftu town from November 2017 to April 2018. The random sampling method was used to gather a total of 422 faecal samples from poultry in both backyard and...

Author(s):Zerihun Mulatu Tuji, Segni Abdisa, and Dese Kefyalew Woldegiorgis

Study on phenotypic evaluation of exportable goat at Organic and Akseker abattoirs in Modjo town of central Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted in Organic and Akseker Export abattoirs of Modjo district of Eastern Shoa zone of central Ethiopia with the aim of phenotypic evaluations of indigenous goats exportable to Akseker and Organic Export abattoirs of Modjo modern export abattoirs aimed at improving the community-based breeding strategies of indigenous goats and their phenotypic traits exported to export abattoirs for meat consumption. A...

Author(s):Gebeyehu Alkadir, Hussein Mohammed, and Dejen Assefa

Evaluation of genetic diversity and structure of indigenous Tswana goat populations in the five agro-ecological regions of Botswana using microsatellite DNA markers

Article in Press

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the genetic diversity between and within the indigenous Tswana goat populations in five agro-ecological regions of Botswana and to assess the gene flow and population structure among them using microsatellite markers. DNA was analyzed from 500 Tswana goats sampled from communal farms in Botswana. There were 481 alleles detected, ranging from 3 to 14 per locus. The Southern...

Author(s):Maletsanake Ditiro

Market chain analysis of live goats: A survey from Korahe zone, Somali Regional State

Article in Press

Somali regional state is known for livestock production. : A significant number of pastoralists rely on livestock and their by-products as major livelihood. Despite the potential relevance of livestock production in improving the living conditions of pastoralists, little was done to understand the structure, conduct and performance of the livestock market. This study aimed to analyze the structure, conduct and performance...

Author(s):Mulugeta Tadesse, Wubaye Tsega, Debesay Kidanie and Ahmed Mohamed

Evaluation of Grazing Land Condition and Biomass Production in Gozamen District, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional state, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Gozamen district of East Gojjam Zone of the Amhara region Ethiopia to evaluate grazing land condition and biomass production. The survey data was collected by interview ingatotal of 120 households by random selectionof two rural-kebeles from three altitudes (high, midandlow). To evaluate grazing land condition, the district was stratified into three altitudes (high, midandlow altitudes). From...

Author(s):Alemu Gashe and Awoke Kassa

In Situ Conservation of Boran Cattle through Community/Cooperative Bull Scheme Based Breeding Program in Borana, Ethiopia

Article in Press

A community based breeding program was performed in the years 2012 to 2017 in Dubluk district of Borana Zone, with the objective to improve some productive traits and conserve Boran cattle breed through disseminating improved Boran sires to pastoral community of the district. Relevant performance data were collected to check the performance of the program to achieve the required goal. The data collected were: number of...

Author(s):Tamirat Tessema, Dereje Teshome and Sisay Kumsa

Performance evaluation of Cobb500 broilers under On-Station management in Pawe, Ethiopia.

Article in Press

Cobb-500 broiler is one of the world’s most popular commercial meat chicken breeds. This study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of Cobb-500 broiler under on-station conditions at Pawe Agricultural Research Center. A total of 200 one-day-old chicks and commercial broiler feed were purchased from Alema poultry farm in Bishoftu. Appropriate vaccinations were administered to the chicks while standard bio-security...

Author(s):Habtie Arega, Ferede Alemu, Mezgebu Getnet, Yalew Abiyu

Nutritional composition and quality of table eggs as affected by duration of storage.

Article in Press

One hundred and twenty (120) freshly laid eggs by 36 weeks old ISA brown layers kept at the Poultry Unit, Teaching and Research Farm, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa were randomly collected and stored at room temperature for 21 days. At week 0, week1, week 2 and week 3 of storage, 30 eggs were broken for egg quality and nutritional components analyses. Data collected were subjected to...

Author(s):Adeoye Adelani A., Olorunsola Rotimi A, Adeboye Adedayo O, Okeniyi Funmilayo A, Makinde Akinleye P, Ojajuni John B.

Socio-economic characteristics and husbandry practices of dog breeding in western region of Cameroon

Article in Press

The present study was conducted in order to describe the socio-economic characteristics of canine farmers in Cameroon and the management techniques of their canine herds. The study was carried out between February and May 2019 in the region of West Cameroon. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been addressed to canine breeders to determine the socio-economic characteristics and techniques, and to identify the constraints...

Author(s):Diffo Fokou Paulin, Meutchieye Felix and Mube Kuietche Hervé

Physical, Chemical Quality and Microbial Load of Table Eggs Consumed in Dodoma City, Central part of Tanzania

Article in Press

Physical characteristics, microbial and chemical quality, pH and cholesterol level were analysed from 120 table eggs randomly collected from households, retailers and at market in Dodoma city, Central part of Tanzania. The eggs sampled at the market were found to have low content of moisture (80.65%), high cholesterol level (15.90 mg/g) and low pH of 6.50 with vast microbial load of 5.622 CFU/mL and 5.690 CFU/mL for Total...

Author(s):Edward Moto and Samwel Sifuni

Evaluation of productive potential and nutritional value of humidicola (brachiaria humidicola) grass in Manesibu District West Welega Zone Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was carried out to determine the productivity potential and nutritional value of Brachiaria humidicola grass in the enclosed area of Menesibu district. The feed samples from four sites of area enclosure two from highland and two from low land which was established in different years (2007 & 2011) were taken from quadrats placed and demarked and divided with systematically sampling procedures into 3 sub samples...

Author(s):Kassahun DesalegnYalew

Traditional cattle breeding practices and rate of inbreeding in the mid rift valley of Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Adami Tulu Jidokombolcha, Bora, Dodola, Shala and Negele-Arsi districts with objective to assess cattle breeding practices and rate of inbreeding. Two hundred forty respondents were identified using random sampling techniques. The study result indicated that farmers traditionally use name and ear cutting to identify their local cattle. Body size was ranked as primary selection criteria of bulls...

Author(s):Aman Gudeto, Tesfaye Alamu Tucho and Tesfaye Kebede

Effects of dietary energy and protein levels on slaughter performance, carcass yields and qualities of Hararghe Highland and Afar Sheep Breeds

Article in Press

This study aimed to determine dietary effects of energy and protein levels on slaughter performance, carcass yield and qualities of selected sheep breeds. Fifty yearling lambs with a mean IBW of 19.31±1.7 kg (Mean ± SD) were randomly distributed into five dietary treatments i.e., mEmP(minimum Energy and Protein), MEMP (medium energy and protein), MEHP(medium Energy and high Protein), HEMP(high energy and medium protein),...

Author(s):Sileshi Gadissa, Mitiku Eshetu, Mengistu Urge, Adugna Tolera, Fekede Feyissa

Grazing behavior, growth performance, carcass yield and economic analysis of steers supplemented with concentrate in an integrated crop-livestock system

Article in Press

This trial evaluated concentrate supplementation on grazing behavior, growth performance, carcass yield and economic analysis of off-season steer production in an integrated crop-livestock system (ICL). A randomized block design with the pastures (modules) as blocks, with 4 treatments, 4 groups of animals per treatment and 3 animals per group (N=48, 395±16 kg) was used to evaluate increasing levels of concentrate...

Author(s):Perecles Brito Batista, Severino Gonzaga Neto, Danilo Gusmao de Quadros, Gherman Garcia Leal Araújo, Douglas Tolleson, Heraldo Namorato de Souza

Effect of Crossing Koekoek and Sasso Chicken on Egg Quality Traits

Article in Press

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of crossing Koekoek (KK) and Sasso (SS) chicken on egg quality traits. To fulfill this aim, a total of 720 eggs have been collected to test egg quality. Data have been collected for the variables such as:- egg, albumen, yolk and shell weight, shell thickness, shape index, yolk color, albumen and yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, egg strength, specific gravity and Haugh...

Author(s):Bayesa Tolasa, Ahmad Seid, Wasihun Hassen and Mohamed Aliy

Goat farmers production objectives and trait preferences in the North West Province of South Africa: An approach to identify selection criteria for community-based breeding programs

Article in Press

Breeding practices and trait preferences are key to defining sound breeding objectives and designing genetic improvement programs at community level. The current study identifies these factors for village goats within a pilot community-based breeding program in Pella village, North West province, South Africa. Thirty-five farmers were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaire survey to characterize goat farmers...

Author(s):Thobile Fortunate Mtshali, Olivia Ntanganedzeni Mapholi, Keabetswe Tebogo Ncube , Edgar Farai Dzomba, Tlou C Matelele, T.C. Chokoe , T.D. Mphahlele, Farai Catherina Muchadeyi and Khanyisile Hadebe

In vitro antibacterial activity of Allium sativum (garlic) extract against Salmonella typhimurium

Article in Press

The inappropriate and irrational use of antibiotics in poultry industry has led to the emergence of resistant microbial populations such as Salmonella typhimurium, which is responsible for 26% of cases of enterocolitis in humans. In the fight against this bacterium, Allium sativum (garlic) would be an effective alternative. This is because several studies claim the effectiveness of garlic in the prevention and treatment of...

Author(s):Edith Chimene Tchoupou Tchoupou, Michael Oster, Harriet M. Ndofor-Foleng, Jermain Ossei, Christophe Chrysostome, Klaus Wimmers, Anselm Onyimonyi

Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Chicken Ecotypes in Awi Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted in three districts of Awi zone in Amhara region, with the aim to characterize andidentify the phenotypic variation of indigenous chickenecotypes. A total of 720 indigenous chicken ecotypes were females (504) and males (216) from the whole districts) to describe qualitative and quantitative traits. Local chicken were mostly normal feathered and large phenotypic variability among ecotypes was observed...

Author(s):Andualem Yihun, Manzoor Ahmed Kirmani, Meseret Molla

Assessment of Sheep Production Systems and Marketing Practices in Meket and Gidan district, North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to generate comprehensive information on production systems, husbandry and marketing practices of indigenous sheep breed in Meket and Gidan district of North Wollo Zone, Ethiopia. The study was performed based on household survey. For household survey, 240 households (120 from each district) were involved. Qualitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Mixed...

Author(s):Tarekegn Demeke, Tesfaye Getachew and Elias Bayou

Dietary effectof sundried cassava starch extract pulp on the haematology and serum biochemistry weaned pigs

Article in Press

The early-life fast growing rate of modern strains of domestic animals comes with a number of problems which may include incidence of metabolic disorders, blood related diseases, skeletal diseases, mortality and morbidity. To this effect, this study was carried out to investigate the effects of graded levels of sundried cassava starch extract pulp (SCSEP) on blood indices (haematology, serum, white blood cell differential...

Author(s):Ogunbode Adesina Amao, Akinosun Akintunde Akinbola, Azeez Jelilat Olamide, Dauda Rukayat Adedoyin, Ogunniyi Funbi Bamise and John Friday

Influence of Strain and Non-Genetic Factors on Growth and Reproductive Characteristics of Indigenous Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris)

Article in Press

The study was conducted to examine the influence of strain and non-genetic factors on growth and reproduction of indigenous Guinea fowl. Four strains of indigenous Guinea fowls: Pearl, Lavender, White and Black were used. Three non-genetic factors were considered: season of hatch, generation and sex of bird. Data were collected on 600 indigenous Guinea fowls. Data were analysed with the General Linear Procedure (GLM) of...

Author(s):G. Aryee, S.Y. Annor, A. Duodu and E. Arhin

Effect of supplementation of mixture of cowpea haulms and maize grain on weight gains of Abergelle goats

Article in Press

The study was undertaken at Adiha in Kola Tembien district of Ethiopia with the objectives to evaluate the effect of supplementation of mixture of cowpea haulms and maize grain on weight gains of Abergelle goats and its economic feasibility. Eight farmers who provided three similar in weight male yearling Abergelle goats participated in the study. Initial body weight of experimental goats was 17.7 kg + 0.75 kg...

Author(s):Desta Tekle and Teferi Aregawi

On station determination of appropriate level of feed ration supplementation for local intact rams

Article in Press

The study was conducted in Mekelle Agricultural Research Center to evaluate four rations for ram fattening based on station feeding trial and to evaluate the profitability of concentrate feed supplementation of the rams. Twenty-five intact rams of yearly age (1PPI dentition) with an average initial body weight of 19.3 ± 2.1 (mean ± SD) were purchased from the local market of the highland sheep population found in Atsbi...

Author(s):Weldeyesus Gebreyowhens

Reproductive Performances, management practices and constraints of Zebu X Holstein-Friesian Crossbred (F1) Dairy Cows in Hadiya zone southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted to assess reproductive performances of crossbred (Holstein-Friesian dairy cows with Ethiopian Local zebu dairy cattle which is known as Zebu cattle),farmers management practices and factors affecting performances of Crosses of dairy cattle in Shashogo and Anlemo distincts of Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select district and kebeles. A total of 196...

Author(s):Kesim Halango, Abegaze Beyene and Ahmad Said

Assessment of breeding practice of dairy cattle in Dawuro Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was conducted to assess of breeding practices of dairy cattle in Dawuro zone, southern Ethiopia. Based on their milking shed potentiality and dairy production availability, three districts/Woreda from Dawuro zone and two kebeles from each district were purposively selected for questionnaire administration. Then a total of 180 dairy holding households (60 from each district) having dairy stocks were interviewed at...

Author(s):Yaekob Lorato Lomba

Assessment of opportunity and challenges of indigenous beef cattle breeds production practice and marketing system in Dawro zone, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study was conducted to assess constraints and opportunity of indigenous beef cattle production, and marketing system in Dawuro Zone, southern Ethiopia. To achieve these objective secondary and primary data were used. Mareka, Tocha, Isera districts were selected for study. Thirty indigenous beef breed farm owners were randomly selected for study area, ten farm owners selected from each district. As respondent notify...

Author(s):Yaekob Lorato , Merhun Lamaro

Performance of Three Broiler Strains Fed Standard Feed

Article in Press

A six weeks experiment was conducted to determine the growth performance, feed intake and slaughter characteristics of three broiler strains fed standard feed. Fifty (50) day-old-chicks each of Arbor Acres Farm Support, Arbor Acres Grinphield and Marshall Grinphield were used. Each strain was randomly allotted into 5 replicates and each replicate had 10 birds. The design used was a completely randomized design. Feed and...

Author(s):Sudik SD

Begait sheep production systems and breeding practices of smallholder farmers in Tigrai, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Reconnaissance tour, focus group discussion and semi-structured interview were used to generate the dataset from 144 randomly selected small holder Begait sheep owners in two districts of Tigrai region, namely Tahtayadyabo and Kaftahumera, Ethiopia to understand Begait sheep production systems and identify breeding practices, breeding objectives, and constraints as a first step towards developing breeding strategies of...

Author(s):Teklehaimanot Tsigab, Yosef Tadese and Zelealem Tesfay

Productive Performances of Bovans Brown, Sasso and Potchefstroom Koekoek Chicken Breeds Under Selected Management Systems in Legambo District South Wollo Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The experiment was conducted at Legambo district between January and July 2018 to evaluate the productive performances of Bovans Brown (BB), Sasso (SS) and Potchefstroom Koekoek (PK) chicken breeds under backyard and semi-intensive management systems. A total of 900-day-old chicks were reared up to 91 days of age. Body Weight (BW), Final Body Weight (FBW), Average daily gain (ADG), Feed Intake (FI), mortality and reason of...

Author(s):Seid Yimer, Gezahegn Tadesse, Mekonnen Yirga

Effects of vitamin e administration on some milk constituents and serum oxidative status of lactating west african dwarf (WAD) goats

Article in Press

Lactating animals are exposed to oxidative stress (OS) which influences milk composition. Administration of vitamin E could mitigate the effects of the OS and improve milk production. This study was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E administration on some milk constituents and serum oxidative status of lactating West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. Eighteen WAD does with mean live-weight of 17.5kg ±0.04 were...

Author(s):Y.O. Falade, I. J. James, A.O. Adelabu, S.O. Adeoye

The effects of feeding graded levels of Lawsonia inermis leaf on external and internal egg parameters (egg quality) and egg production of Isa brown hens

Article in Press

The Objectives of this study is to investigate the effect of diets containing different levels of Lawsonia inermis leaf on egg production and egg quality (internal and external) of Isa Brown hens. 150 point of laying birds (18 weeks) were used for the experiment. They were divided into five treatment groups (T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 fed 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40g/kg Lawsonia inermis leaf meal respectively). Each treatment...

Author(s):Adedeji Olusegun, Adeniran Paul Olusegun, Olabisi Mary Toba, Balogun Oyinlola Esther, Shobowale Ibironke Igbeyinadun

Reproductive Performance and Associated Health Problems at Alagae Dairy Farm, Central Ethiopia

Article in Press

Study was conducted between November 2015 and March 2016 at Alage dairy farm. the objective of study was to evaluate ten years record and the current status of dairy farm A total of 370 cow’s record and 105 monitored dairy cows’ were used for the study. The overall mean of 27.68±6.48 age at first service (AFS), 37.8±6.88 age at first calving(AFC), 16.36±5.2 calving interval (CI), 6.93±4.79months of days...

Author(s):Solomon Mekuria, Tajebe Jerjero, Abayneh Acha

Phenotypic Characterization of Indigenous Chicken Populations of northwestern North Western Tigrai, northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Indigenous chicken populations are known for their ability to produce with limited feed resources and minimum management. Although phenotypic characterization is important for improvement and genetic conservation those populations are not fully characterized. A study was conducted to identify and describe phenotypic characteristics and document diversity of the indigenous chicken populations of northwestern Tigrai,...

Author(s):Kibrom Gebremedhin, Teklehaimanot Tsigab, Tsegay Gebregergs, Mulalem Zenebe

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