Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2007

Full Length Research Paper

Retracted: Analysis of the educational bulletin presented to the teachers of the basic stage in the Jordanian Ministry of Education and the future model extracted from it

Mohammad Salman Al-Khaza’leh
  • Mohammad Salman Al-Khaza’leh
  • Department of Professional Diploma in Teaching, Faculty of Education, Al-Ain University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • Google Scholar
Mohammad Issa Al-Hourani
  • Mohammad Issa Al-Hourani
  • Department of Professional Diploma in Teaching, College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Al-Ain University, Abu Dhabi,
  • Google Scholar
Bilal Ayed Al-Khaza’leh
  • Bilal Ayed Al-Khaza’leh
  • Department of English, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Dawadmi, Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 06 July 2019
  •  Accepted: 04 October 2019
  •  Published: 31 October 2019


The study aimed at analyzing the educational bulletin presented to the teachers of the basic stage and the Jordanian Ministry of Education and the future model extracted from it. The study addressed bulletins issued before 2018. A classification of nine key areas was used in the analysis of the content. Results showed that the educational content distributed to multiple areas, that is, educational, knowledge, healthy, ethical, religious, national, social, aesthetic and economical. Results also showed that the educational and knowledge content are the main contents prevailing among the nine areas. The results pointed out that there is lack of balance in the broadcast of the contents through time phases.


Key words: Basic stages teachers, bulletins, content analysis, Jordan ministry of education, future model.


See: Notice of Retraction



The present era is witnessing a massive development leap in science and technology. This led to a massively growing concerns about learning process and education since it is the decisive power driving the development of nations and their life in various fields; economic, social and political. As far as the modern education is looking forward to the development of student in all fields through the improvement of the pedagogical situation and development of working staff, it has been found that it is obligatory to help teachers in developing their profession by activating the role of the pedagogical supervision. In service training is also necessary to uplift professionalism in education. This is for the fact that teacher  is  expected to be up to date socially, psychologically culturally and economically. 
The development of knowledge, which has become a feature of the era and the ease of information flow and the development of the concept of education and children and change the role of the teacher in the educational process are all factors that made educational rehabilitation during service is important, and this necessarily requires that the rehabilitation of teachers during service is continuous process. Basic stage teachers occupies the second place of importance after the family directly in terms of their role in raising the child, as the child is  more  receptive  to  the  guidance of  basic stage teachers due to their emotional attachment to them (Nasrallah, 2016).
Therefore, it is a pressing need to increase the level of the basic stage teachers by acquiring knowledge and new skills in the field of science and creative thinking so that they can adapt to work on the one hand and to face the difficulties that correspond to the other hand. Further, scientific and technological progress at all stages of knowledge, which requires the continuation of the follow-up of the new science and everything related to their specialization helps in reaching a high degree of mastery and precision in the upbringing and care of the child (Attawi, 2001).
In order to achieve this need she must be qualified during the service through many channels such as intensive training courses, seminars, conferences, and reading directed by the supervisor and educational publications issued by the Department of Education affiliated to the Ministry of Education of Jordan.
Problem statement
The educational bulletin issued by the Ministry of Education is a scientific or professional writing aimed at disseminating ideas, experiences, guidance and updates for teachers of the basic stage of the Jordanian Ministry of Education for the future benefit extracted from them, and therefore the study questions are as follows:
What is the nature of the educational content issued by the educational bulletin for teachers of the basic stage?
Is there a discrepancy in the issues of this content?
Significance of the study
The study deals with an important topic; the educational content of the educational bulletin published before 2018 and to draw future lessons so that teachers of the basic stage can benefit them. This study could serve as a model for subsequent studies on any publication issued by the Jordanian Ministry of Education in the future. Results of this study could benefit the individuals in charge of preparing this bulletin by enriching it with useful topics for the teachers.
The study intends to identify the following:
The pedagogical contents concluded from the pedagogical bulletin the pedagogical dominant contents in the bulletin.
Pedagogical contents differences based on different time spans.
Limitations of the study
The study is limited to bulletins issued before 2018.
Definitions of terms
Pedagogical content: is defined as concepts, principals, standards and academic methods which represent basic pillars of the operation that aim to build the human personality (Marzoqi, 1995). Makki (1994) sees pedagogical content as matter included in the pedagogical messages and it is the part which individual handles where it forms the conduct by providing the individual with thoughts, values, views and believes and it is formed according to collective wish, i.e. according to the envision adopted by the society. Both researchers identified it as the pedagogical content included in the bulletin incorporates a group of information, instructions.
These are some of the definitions related to the concept of pedagogical content.
Pedagogical content: the contents related to the learning process (student, teacher, curriculum, ministry activities, management, supervision and the KG environment).
Cognitive content: the contents involved with science, scientists, scientific information, development of mental capabilities and the use of technology in education.
Social contents: Contents involving the standards and norms which control the relation of individuals with society. It includes the social values, nature of family connections, connections of individual with others and social participation.
Political and patriotism contents: Contents involving governing institutions and the form of governance regime with all aspects related to loyalty, patriotism and international relations.
Economical contents: involving the economical concepts, work, production, consumption rationalization and saving.
Environmental and health contents: Associated with traditional health conduct related to food and body health, personal hygiene, environmental cleanliness, taking care of public conveniences, road accident prevention and looking after domestic animals and plants.  
Religious and ethical contents: Related to worshiping, religion creeds and values and moral values.
Personal contents: Related to positive controls which command the human conduct and related to personal values.
Recreation and aesthetic contents: Involved with fun, joy and happiness, parish and enjoying the beauty of nature and being interested in arts.
Objectives of the quarterly pedagogical bulletin
The bulletin can achieve the following objectives:
(i) Providing teachers with directives and instructions about pedagogical preparation, methods and activities.
(ii) Helping in augmenting the connections with education management department.
(iii) Development of teachers’ knowledge and enhancement of their job techniques in addition to helping them in solving their problems.
(iv) Notifying teachers about some thought, practices and modern academic orientations at the national and global levels.
(v) Providing an opportunity for teachers to publish their written articles, experiences and their own invented methods.
(vi) Developing teachers’ attributes during the period of service by inspiring their orientation to external readings (Pedagogical Bulletin).
Previous studies
After reviewing literature and studies related to the subject of this research, the researchers did not find any work done with equal variables to this study. A review of some Arabic and foreign studies related to the subject of this study has been made; one of these studies is Gonym (2007) study which aimed to detect the pedagogical contents included in the novel "eighty years looking for the way out". Results of the study revealed that the literature convoys the child with the cultural values about his society and the inherited realities about previous generations and many other pedagogical values been revealed such as sincerity and compassion to animals and a group of techniques such as preaching, good advice and presenting good role model worthy of being emulated.
Further, Shafei (2007) study aimed at revealing the reality of activating directed readings and the pedagogical bulletins by pedagogical supervisors and figuring out the importance of using the internet in both techniques, bulletins and directed readings. The study’s sample included all of pedagogical supervisors working for Jeddah pedagogical directorate and affiliate supervision centers with a number of 160 pedagogical supervisors. Findings revealed that the intensity of using internet in activating directed readings and pedagogical bulletins by the pedagogical supervisors was vastly weak, in addition to lack of ability to send the directed readings and  pedagogical    bulletins   to   the   supervisors   using   the Internet.
Furthermore, Jaber (2006) study aimed at identifying the reality of using pedagogical bulletins by pedagogical supervisors from their own point of view and from the teachers’ point of view within Jeddah governorate, as well as identifying the level of coherency between pedagogical bulletins and supervision objectives. Descriptive analytical methodology on a sample of (335) supervisors and teachers was adopted. Results showed that nine goals could be achieved by the pedagogical bulletins, these include: comprehending the pedagogical goals and select the most suitable amongst them; participating in improvement of teaching and learning process; conveying new ideas and techniques to teachers; informing teachers about new update in the field of their specialty and encouraging the teachers to conduct new experiments through which the pedagogical supervision attempts to achieve the intended goals.
Mozayni (2005) conducted a study aimed at defining the educational curriculum used in orphans educating houses and the most important pedagogical principles implemented in these houses. The researcher used descriptive analytical methodology which was based on the logical succession of thoughts of studying the pedagogical literature in the Islamic pedagogical intellect. The study was unique in depicting an elegant description of orphan children literature in the house of Endowment (WAQF) in the era of Al-Haytham and anchored important principles in directing the process of teaching and learning.  
In a similar manner, Gazaz (1995) carried out an important research to reveal the pedagogical intellect in AL-Jahiz literary and philosophy writings. The researcher adopted the analytical methodology by analyzing Al-Jahiz literary and philosophy heritage. Findings of this analysis showed that education and appropriate raising behaviors with children helped to develop the physical, mental and ethical functions and humor. Moreover, he sees laughter as a teaching pedagogy through which tutor can pass in pleasure and comfort to the heart of the learner. Moreover, Monouf (1987) study aimed at unrevealing the connection between literature and pedagogy through the pedagogical content of Abd Allah ibn al-Muqaffa literature. Results showed the presence of strong bonds between literature and pedagogy and that al-Muqaffa literature includes a collecton of pedagogical contents.
Also, Zant (1987) study aimed to identify the ethical principles and virtues through which literature play a vital role to anchor and represent some of the most outstanding values such as patience, tolerance, joy, modesty, forbearing, honesty, brotherhood, showing the importance and high value of science and scientists, satisfaction and the importance of asking for permission.
Last but not least, Zant (1987) study aimed at identifying the foundations and moral virtues contained in the literature (poetry collection). The study relied on the analytical method  in  order to determine the moral bases and virtues that literature has a prominent role in establishing and representing them. The most significant virtues discussed in this literature are: patience and tolerance, joy, humility, dream, honesty, brotherhood, statement of the status of science and scientists, conviction and acquiescence.
By analyzing the contents of the above cited studies, the researcher found that most of these studies confirmed that the written literature (weather it is been a book or sayings (proverbs) or poem or a bulletin), is a message intends to support pedagogy and education and convey a message to all those who are working in the pedagogical process. In addition, there is a strong bond between literature and pedagogy and thus there is a necessity to make good selection of the topics directed to both learners and teacher.
The researcher benefited from these studies to enrich his knowledge with what is written in these studies about the pedagogical contents in addition to identifying the methodology of this study, content analysis and finding out how to analyze data and how to extract, display and interpret the results. What makes this study unique compared to other previous studies is that it studies pedagogical contents in the bulletin published by education management department/childhood directorate. Furthermore, this analysis is interested in an important group of the society which is the female KGs' teachers and directors.   
Study procedures
This part includes a description of research methodology, community, sample, used tool, two analysis units, count and verification of analysis steadiness. 


The technique used in this study is the content analysis which is one of the descriptive research techniques. This method is considered   to  be  suitable  for  analyzing  communication  method contents with its different types. The early interested users of content analysis technique such as Holisti (1969) and Kerlinger (1986) confirm that this technique should be objective, systematic and quantitative. For this purpose, the research should have a tool for classification and units for analysis and stability measurement.
Study community and sample
The sample of the study includes all the bulletins issued before 2018.
Research tool
After studying the ethical principles associated to pedagogical contents and previous studies that discussed pedagogical contents and prepared a classification of analysis for written literature such as studies conducted by Makki (1994), Marzoqi (1995), Caliph (2004), Albigha (2007) and Abu-Shousha (2008). After analyzing an exploratory sample from the pedagogical bulletins (2, 5 and 8), the initial form of classification was prepared including twelve main areas. Each area includes a group of sub contents which are: cognitive, health, pedagogical, economic, social, environmental, ethical, religious, recreational, patriotism, aesthetic and political.
Validity of the Instrument
For the purpose of making sure that classification is compatible to its use in analyzing the pedagogical bulletins, has been presented to a group of arbitrators. The rating settled on 68 sub contents distributed to nine main areas as shown in Table 1.
Steadiness of the tool
Steadiness of an instrument is the consistency and stability of such instrument to repeat the results it produced earlier as Alojayli and Alfolfoli (1999). Burleson and Stephens (1967) indicated that it is possible to get two types of consistency, they are:  
(1) Consistency among the analyzers: where two or more analyzers who are working independently attain the same results when they use the same classification and following the same analysis procedure.
(2) The timely  consistency  of  the researcher leading to attainment of the same results when he repeats the analysis after a short period of time using the same classification.   
To calculate the steadiness of the analysis, two versions of the pedagogical bulletin were selected randomly amongst all other versions. The selected versions were autonomously analyzed to determine the consistency. The first analysis was repeated after thirty days from the first analysis to find the timely consistency, then the harmony coefficient (steadiness coefficient) on determining the sub contents  and its classification within domains using Holisti equation and Taima (2004) steadiness coefficient were calculated, it was found that the harmony coefficient (steadiness coefficient) on naming and classifying the contents among the two consistency research conducted is 0.84, for the timely consistency, index of 0.93 was obtained. These steadiness coefficients are considered to be suitable to insure the accuracy of analyzing the ongoing study compared to other studies used this technique such as Alojayli and Alfolfoli (1999).
Unit of count
The repetition is used as a unit of count to calculate the sub content from every domain of the domains associated with the contents where the strength of each sub content is determined by its repetition compared to other contents within the domain.
Steps of analysis
All of the nine versions of the pedagogical bulletin were analyzed according to the following steps:
(i) Reading each version carefully to find out the basic included topics within the printed content without handling pictures and drawings.
(ii) Extraction of the included explicit contents that can be extracted from the content.
(iii) Monitor the repetition of the ideas which are denoting each sub content in the table.



After analyzing the nine versions of the pedagogical bulletins, the results will be displayed according to the study objectives. In association with the first objective which includes identifying the pedagogical contents broadcasted by the bulletin (My KG my future), results of the content analysis indicate that total count of included contents of the nine versions of the pedagogical bulletin were (68) and their indicative contents were (1919), Table 2 represents the contents appeared in the analysis ranked and arranged hierarchically starting with content related to the ministry activities and ending with the content related to taking responsibility based on the recorded repetition of each content.     
For the second objective concerning the dominant contents in the pedagogical bulletin in its nine versions, the dominant contents were determined according to the repetition of the content, and it has been considered as a dominant content if the repletion of the included content is more than theoretical average scored by each content from the total count of them which is (1919÷ 68 = 28). Based on the Table 2, it is noted that there are 16 pedagogical dominant contents from all contents if the repetition varied between 29 and 247 idea with a pedagogical content. There were five contents from the dominant contents within the domain associated to the pedagogical contents, three continents within the domain associated with the cognitive contents, tow contents within the domain associated with contents related to health and environment, two contents within the domain associated with the social contents as well as a single dominant content within the domains associated to the social content, personal content and aesthetic as well as recreational contents. The total count of dominant contents amounted (1525) with a percentage of 79.5% from the total thoughts that including pedagogical contents. The group of pedagogical content was at the forefront among the dominant pedagogical contents where the percentage of within thoughts included is 55.9% from the total dominant contents. The content associated with the ministry activities occupied the first rank, the content associated to the learner took the second rank, the content associated with curriculum took the third rank, content associated with KG environment in the fourth rank and content associated with teachers in the eight rank. As for the cognitive, health and environmental contents, they came in the second rank within the dominant contents with percentage of 19% from the total of dominant contents. Within the cognitive contents, three contents emerged. The content associated with developing the mental capabilities occupied the fifth rank, content associated with passion for reading and language in the seventh rank and the content associated to scientific information in the ninth rank.
Moreover, the health and environmental contents took the third rank within the dominant contents with a percentage of 11.9%, where the content related to the body health and safety were in the sixth rank and the content related to good food the fifteenth rank, as well as the content related to maintaining the environmental cleanliness the same rank of importance. Social content was ranked fourth with percentage of (4.9%) among the dominant content group where the content associated to relations with others came in the eleventh rank and content associated to family relations took the fourteenth rank. The contents of patriotism and politics was scored at percentage of 3.5% and personal contents scored 2.4% while the aesthetic and recreational contents scored the percentage of 2.3%, where the content associated with the roll of leadership falls under patriotism and politics contents. The content related to joy and happiness which fall under personal contents ranked twelfth. The content related to playing which relies within aesthetic and recreational contents fall the thirteenth rank.
If we apply the criterion of dominant domains to the contents   domains,   the   domain   related   to   dominant contents becomes the domain which number of contents included within above the theoretical average that has been scored by each domain that is, (1919 ÷ 68 = 28). According to that, the educational and cognitive contents are the primary dominant contents among the nine domains because the repletion of the sub contents in each one of them exceeded the theoretical average as clarified in Table 3.  For the third objective which aimed to identify the discrepancies in publishing the pedagogical contents and the size of contents expressing them between the three time periods. For achieving the goal of the repetitions of contents, their percentage and rank for each period of time and within each domain of the nine pedagogical contents domains is shown in the Table 4. It is noticed that there are differences involving a statistical indication among the pedagogical contents regarding the repetitions  of   their   included   sub  contents  where  the calculated chi square value is (18.19) which insures the lack of balance in preparing the sub contents included in the pedagogical bulletin content. The following is a presentation of the divergences of the main domains content through the three time periods.
In accordance with educational contents, it is clear from Table 4 that the ranking varied through the three time periods. While the content associated to the ministry activities kept the same first rank in the first and second time periods. The content associated with the students came in the first rank in the first and third periods and the second rank in the second period. The content related to curriculum was augmented from the second rank in the first period to the fourth rank in the second period and the fifth rank in the third period. The content related to teachers maintained the same rank in the three periods, the content related to management and supervision retained the sixth rank and the content associated to KG environment was in the fourth rank in first period and third rank in both second and third periods (Table 5).
In relation to the cognitive contents, the sequence has varied across the three periods where the content related to the development of mental capabilities was ranked second in the first and third periods, and the second rank in the second period and the first rank in the third period, while the content related to science and scientists has been taking care of the preparation of the first period. The content related to the scientific information was concerned with the preparation of the first and third periods only. Finally, the content on the use of technology in education has been taking care of in preparation of the second period, as it is shown in Table 6.
Table 7 related to health environmental contents clarifies its variation of ranking across time intervals. In the same time when the content related to health and body safety maintained the first rank in the three intervals, the raking of the content related to good food varied in the intervals where it achieved the third rank in first and second intervals and second rank in the third interval. The content related to environment maintenance was ranked second in the first period and third in the third period. It did not receive the interest in preparation of the second period and the content related to the care to public property. It received the same rank in the first and third periods, while the content on care for animals and plants was ranked fourth in the first and third periods and did not receive the interest in preparing the second period. With regard to the content of road accident prevention, it received the same rank in the first and third periods, while it has been ranked second in the preparation of the second period.
Table 8 provides information related to social contents. The ranking varied over the three periods of time. The content was obtained from the relationship of family first rank in the first and second intervals and the fourth rank in the third interval, while the content related to relations with others ranked third in the first and second intervals and also ranked first in the third period. For the rest of the contents, some issues like non-fanaticism and dignity were reaffirmed in both first and second intervals. While some contents such as honoring and community participation were included in the first and second interval and excluded in the third interval, some contents (pride) were included in the first interval and reflected in both the second and the third intervals. From Table 10, we find that some contents were included within both first and third intervals such as (Respect, neighbors and honoring them), (Justice and equal opportunities) and (Sacrifice). The table also clarifies that some contents such as (bearing responsibly) were only captured in the second version of the bulletin.
As for the patriotic and political contents, it was found that the two contents associated to the roll of royal leadership, and Love and pride of home land maintained the first and second ranks while the content related to National and heritage information achieved the same rank in both first and third intervals, but was not incorporated in the third version. For the tow contents related to information about Arab world and duties of the state towards the citizen where they were a subject of interest in the preparation of the first and third intervals and out of interest for preparing the second period versions (Table 9).
The table on personal contents, shows  ranking  across the three intervals where the content related to Joy and happiness took the first rank in the second and third intervals and fourth rank in first period, as for the tow contents related to determination and insistency, and bravery and audacity, both have been of interest for preparing the first and second intervals with no interest for them in preparing of the third interval. The table clarifies that preparation of the second and third intervals took care of the content related to self-expression without being considered in the first interval. The safety content was only given attention in the third period. Finally, the contents of success and achievement, self-confidence as well as strength and enthusiasm, were given varying attention over the three intervals.
Table 11 related to the recreational and aesthetic contents, it was found that the content related to playing came in the first rank in both second and third intervals and fifth rank in preparing of the first interval. The contents related to fun and entertainment, and interest to arts had attained variable different ranks across the three intervals while the two contents related to practice of hobbies and beauty of nature were a matter of attention for preparing the first and third intervals, the content associated with journeys was a matter of interest for preparing the third interval.
It is clear from Table 13 that the ranking of the religion and ethics related contents had varied within the three intervals. The content concerning believe in God (Allah) and his Messengers and angels ranked the same in both the first and third intervals, while the content of the contemplation of God's (Allah) miracles ranked first in the preparation of the second period and was not given attention in preparing the first and third intervals.
Moreover, the table points out the preferential treatment given to the preparation of the first and second intervals on content related to excerption from Quran verses in the content of pedagogical bulletins. While the preparation of the last interval did not include this content, and the inclusion of the Prophet's Hadith (Quotes by the Prophet) in the preparation of the first interval, the content related to tolerance, Religious information and Modesty received interest in all periods of time but with variable ranks, where  they  obtained  the same rank in the first and third intervals and the same rank in the second interval. The content related to Honesty and integrity has been an issue of concern in the preparation of second and third intervals with equal ranks (Table 12).
As   for   the  economic  contents,   the   content  related to love and respect for work, and savings gained the first rank in all three intervals, while the rationalization of consumption was a concern only for the preparation of the first interval. The content related to the increase in production was a matter of attention only for the second interval (Table 13). 


The results of analysis revealed that 68 contents reflecting 1919 thoughts, and these thoughts assembled in nine domains ranked according to their importance based on the number of contents that indicate them such as: educational, cognitive, health and environmental, social, patriotism and political, personal, aesthetic and recreational, religious and ethical, and economical. It is clear that there are variations among contents in the number of thought indicating them, as well as among the domains of the main content which point out clearly a lack of balance in the publishing of those contents, which means that supervisors of what is written in the  pedagogical  bulletin  give priority to some contents more than others. This has been confirmed by many studies as one of the important role performed by the pedagogical supervisor in improving the teachers’ performance and developing their abilities. Jaber (2006), study indicated that the pedagogical supervisor has an effective role in handling problems that beginner teacher faces. It has been observed from the results that dominant domain contents that been forefront in terms  of  redundancy of  the  thoughts indicating them are the educational and cognitive contents. This apparently seems to be consistence with the objectives of the Pedagogical Bulletin, which intends to provide teachers and administrators with all components associated with the pedagogical process. In addition to what is related to the cognitive aspect that include providing teachers with information, knowledge and facts that aim to improve their adequacies, there  was  a  weakness in emphasizing on social, personal, religious and ethical contents, as well as economical, recreational and aesthetic which ensures that workers in any field need to be directed and guided in order to develop their performance and also be productive in dealing with all domains.


In line with the results of this study, the researcher concluded that:
1) The pedagogical bulletin included a wide  range of pedagogical contents were distributed among educational, cognitive, health, environmental, religious, ethical, patriotism, social, recreational, aesthetic and economic domain.
2) The Bulletin achieved its targeted objectives as it is an essential for the development teachers.
3) There is an improvement in the content used for preparing the pedagogical bulletin compared to its early versions.
4) There is an improvement in the pedagogical bulletin editing in terms of number of pages, colors and the method of sequencing the topics.
5) More   research  should  be  carried  to  provide
other means through which teacher competencies can be improved.


The authors have not declared any conflict of interests.


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